This is an archived snapshot of W3C's public bugzilla bug tracker, decommissioned in April 2019. Please see the home page for more details. [[ hit testing ]] is not defined in the spec. There is a note slightly lower in the spec but it would be useful, at least for the WebDriver spec, would rely on this part of CSSOM especially "hit testing"
Pointer Events also seem to require a definition to hit testing for their specification. Put pointer in their meeting to this bug so am updating here too.
CSS UI 3 similarly depends on this but leaves it undefined:
We should add a caveat that the hit testing function should not descend into subdocuments. The naive solution is to use the same hit testing function used for detecting which element should receive a click, but descending into cross-origin frames will leak information about the frame's contents via timing information. At least Firefox[0] and IE11 were affected by this. [0]: