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Back to bug 8416

Who When What Removed Added
ian 2010-01-06 03:29:53 UTC Status NEW RESOLVED
Resolution --- FIXED
Summary The "Fragment identifier loop" part of the "update the session history with the new page" algorithm should spin the event loop instead of just hanging the browser... Also, the last step in that algorithm should jump back to the frag id loop step not the The "Fragment identifier loop" part of the "update the session history with the new page" algorithm should spin the event loop instead of just hanging the browser... Also, the last step in that algorithm should jump back to the frag id loop step, not the
ian 2010-05-06 08:55:27 UTC Assignee dave.null ian
mike 2010-10-04 14:31:51 UTC CC public-html-wg-issue-tracking
Component HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson) pre-LC1 HTML5 spec (editor: Ian Hickson)

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