"Unofficial" Notes from 3/7/03 Glossary Meeting 9-10am - W3C Technical Plenary Tim Boland NIST Approximately 15 people attended this meeting from various W3C groups Requirements -synonyms -multilingual (translations, comments on translations, one concept can have several translations, US english should be basis) -searchable (with subsets) -context -UTF-8 -audience (editors, readers, translators) Data model should include: term/concept, definition, context, contributors, date, translations (terminology, definitions), and comments). concept should be the key It is possible that RDF (or something similar) may be used to express the above. -use cases (comparison, discovery, derivation, policymaking, speech synthesis, crossreferencing) Each of these use cases may be important to one or more audience component as mentioned above -versioning -illustrations -authority for translations? NOTE: definitions may be restricted/extended/replaced Next steps: -creation of public w3c mailing list -Wendy will write up issues -possible telecon -BOF at next WWW conference