WL: William Loughborough
GL: Glen Low
CMN: Charles
JT: Jutta Treviranus
MM: Matthias Mueller-Prove
JR: Jan Richards
GG: Greg Gay


MK: Marjolein Katsma
GR: Gregory Rosmita

WL: Wants to know what happened for courseware developers to be interested.

GL: 2 years ago we started working with ATRC (2.1), marketplace pressure has picked up.

CMN Joins

JT: Gives introduction to views of techniques documents. (views for each type of tools). We are also moving towards ATAG 2.

GL: WebCT makes a set of course tools. 35 tools. Allows course designer to do lots of editing stuff. Portal is a resource/chat area to help designer. Student interface is just the end result.

WL: How much attention to accessibility is on the designer end.

GL: Most access is on the user end.

WL: What access features.

GL: Has worked with ATRC (Greg Gay). Works well with screen reader.

GG: There has been improvement in the last couple years. Now all courseware includes alt-text. Little in UI to encourage accessible design.

WL: Should be teacher-side access.

GG: Access problems with teacher UI.

JT: Need to be able to add new alt content to imported content.

GL: we would like to work with Aprompt or another checker.

JT: We aren't trying to critique this tool. What do you think of ATAG techniques.

GL: I'll go through and make comments then send to JT.

GG: Java is always a problem.

JR: Java is addressed by GL, doesn't need to be in ATAG.

JT: Could be in the ATAG techniques.

GG: What about wipeboards.

CMN: Can implement a semi-structured drawing environment.=>SVG

JR: Still need to collect info from the wipeboard user.

JT: Other things?

GG: Make sure there are alternative ways of doing things.

JT: How is WebCT going to take into account learning objects repositories.

GL: We are implementing IMS.

GG: What is possibility of integrating outside tools.

GL: We could have pointer to the tools on the web.

GG: Integration is better.

GL: We would like to have some integration of checker tools into the file manager.

JT: Are there any technical trends coming up for WebCT that would be a challenge for ATAG?

GL: We are porting from Perl and C++ to Java.

JT: Will you be redesigning at the same time.

GL: Yes, we'll be upgrading.

JT: We also need to look at the student interface. We also need to have guideance on the tools that come with authoring tools. We a lso need checking of imported content. We also need to look at dynamic conetn creation (JSP?)

WL: Would like a survey of specialized tools (chat, wipeboard)

GL: Lists tools....

GL: WebCt requires that authors have their own page authoring tools.

WL: Leaves

JT: There is another class of tools with greater challenges. Used for knowldedge co-construction. Very graphical. Almost all created by students.

JT: Should we create a new view for knowledge tools.

CMN: Tend to be conservative about number of view.

JT: Other issues?

GG: Alternatives to Java, etc. Making the wipeboard accessible.

JT: Other issues?

GG: still wondering about refreshing page problem.

CMN: Plenary meeting - lets talk on the list.

bye bye