Meet this year's exceptional #w3cdevs2019 meetup speakers:
Alice Boxhall
 ✿  Ada Rose Cannon  ✿  Lin Clark  ✿  Yutaka Obuchi  ✿  Melanie Richards

photo of Alice Boxhall

Alice Boxhall, Software engineer at Google

Accessibility and Innovation

Alice works on and has a keen interest in the interactions between web technology and accessibility. She is an editor on the AOM project, as well as authoring specs for the `:focus-visible` CSS pseudo-selector and the `inert` attribute in HTML. She was elected to the W3C TAG at the beginning of 2019, with hopes of integrating an accessibility perspective into a broader swathe of Web standards work. (read more)


photo of Ada Rose Cannon

Ada Rose Cannon, Developer advocate at Samsung for the Web browser Samsung Internet, and co-chair of the W3C Immersive Web Working Group.

Immersive Web - WebXR

Ada-Rose is passionate about virtual reality and other new front-end Web technologies. She writes and talks about graphics on the Web, offline first Web apps and front end animation performance. (read more)


photo of Lin Clark

Lin Clark, Code Cartoonist and Principal Research Engineer, Mozilla

Web Assembly (WASM)

Lin makes code cartoons, and is also a Principal Research Engineer at Mozilla, focusing on enabling WebAssembly's use outside of the browser. She collaborates with Mozilla’s Developer Technologies team on projects such as the WebAssembly system interface (WASI) and the wasmtime WebAssembly runtime. In previous lives, she was a core contributor to open source projects like Firefox’s developer tools, worked at npm, and contributed to HTML data standards. (read more)


photo of Yukata Obuchi

Yutaka Obuchi (小渕 豊), Engineer at Pixiv

Format for 3D Avatars on the Web

Yutaka Obuchi is an engineer working at Pixiv Inc. specializing in computer graphics technology. He is one of the developers of VRoid Hub, a platform of 3D avatars. He is also interested in the 3D avatar format called VRM and he contributes to its specification and community. (read more)


photo of Melanie Richards

Melanie Richards, Program manager on Microsoft Edge

Finessing forced-colors:
tailoring the High Contrast experience

With a background in Web design and front-end development, Melanie helps to shape the Web platform as a Program Manager on the Microsoft Edge team. Melanie is a member of the ARIA, CSS, and WebApps Working Groups at the W3C, with a focus throughout on web accessibility. She loves a good side project and is currently pondering how we can bring more art and individual expression back to the Web. (read more)
