13:31:27 RRSAgent has joined #silver 13:31:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-irc 13:31:29 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:31:29 Zakim has joined #silver 13:31:31 Meeting: Silver Task Force Teleconference 13:31:31 Date: 26 September 2017 13:31:55 agenda+ Task Force driven research: interviews, analysis, etc. 13:32:00 agenda+ Research project updates 13:32:01 agenda+ Open action items https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/silver/track/actions/open review 13:33:50 Jan has joined #silver 13:33:59 jeanne has joined #silver 13:34:17 Zakim, take up item 1 13:34:17 agendum 1. "Task Force driven research: interviews, analysis, etc." taken up [from Lauriat] 13:34:56 Topic: Interviews 13:34:58 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1N0tvIX1zWiNSKSmC2xYwsnFwCzgTGguj0_rADK7boRY/edit 13:35:34 scribe: jeanne 13:36:34 Shawn: the target research questions are helpful for follow up and making sure that the conversation stays focused. 13:36:48 ... I will contact Loretta for the pilot. 13:37:08 ... I will send her the questions in advance 13:37:23 Jennison: I strongly suggest you record it. 13:39:38 ... you can tell them that you will destroy the recording after you take notes. 13:40:21 Jeanne: I don't think we should automatically destroy it. If the person being interviewed insists, then we could, but I don't want to automatically destroy information. 13:41:22 Jennison: We need to figure out how to handle interview data and attribution. 13:42:52 Jemma: That's correct, in an academic environment we have to get ethics board approval for our policies of privacy, attribution, and publication. 13:44:12 Jennison: We have to take a stance that what we are doing. We have to be consistent. We have to be explicit and transparent of what we are going to do. 13:44:43 Jemma: There are guidelines in academia. The interviewee has to be informed in advance. 13:47:07 jemma has joined #silver 13:50:19 Jeanne: I think that what we do has to be in the public record, for reasons of transparency. I'm ok with with correcting the record, but we shouldn't have secret interviews. 13:51:09 Michael: We don't want there to be claims of opinions that aren't verifiable. Normally, we offer attribution to credit people, but if people don't want the credit, because I think is not a problem. 13:51:55 Jemma: If I want to join the research as a member of UofIllinois without having IRB review for human subject participation. 13:52:47 ... (IRB, Institutional Review Board). If I participate in the Interview or Survey projects, I have to have permission from my IRB. 13:54:17 Shawn: It's ok that you aren't involved, since you have a lot of work on the Literature Review. 13:54:22 https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/forms-templates/templates 13:55:30 Michael: I don't want a 3 month delay for IRB review, but we should be careful to follow protocols for working with human subjects. 13:56:30 ... The Research Questions Task Force could help. It would be best to work with David Sloan. 13:57:46 Jemma: There is an online training that we have to go through. It protects the interviewee. It takes a little time but it is doable. 13:58:09 https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/ 13:58:42 https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/review-processes-checklists 14:01:24 https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/review-processes-checklists/review-types#AExemptReview 14:01:43 https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/review-processes-checklists/review-types#AExpeditedReview 14:06:27 https://oprs.research.illinois.edu/review-processes-checklists/collaborating-research 14:13:53 https://couhes.mit.edu/training-research-involving-human-subjects 14:14:58 action: Jemma to talk with her contact at IRB about what is needed to conduct research. 14:14:59 Created ACTION-123 - Talk with her contact at irb about what is needed to conduct research. [on JaEun Ku - due 2017-10-03]. 14:16:15 action: Jeanne to (with Jennison) to read through the IRB information 14:16:15 Created ACTION-124 - (with jennison) to read through the irb information [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-10-03]. 14:17:15 action: Jan to (with Sheri) to investigate the IRB requirements and give a recommendation. 14:17:16 Created ACTION-125 - (with sheri) to investigate the irb requirements and give a recommendation. [on Jan McSorley - due 2017-10-03]. 14:19:31 zakim, take up next 14:19:31 agendum 2. "Research project updates" taken up [from Lauriat] 14:20:09 Jan: I talked with Tyson last week. He has a list of questions to ask at the staff and students at the Community College Level. 14:20:21 ... Read and respond to the email I sent with the questions. 14:20:34 ... I have a meeting with him in two weeks. 14:20:58 ... are there other questions we want him to ask? 14:21:46 Jan: Klaus has been busy with travel and the college. He hasn't been able to find a time to meet about the CSUN special journal idea, and wants to exchange ideas by email. 14:22:36 ... I want to Shawn and Jeanne to propose to Klaus what we want to do. We need to think through that. 14:22:54 ... he will need to get permission from CSUN to do it. 14:23:31 Jan: I haven't heard back from Nancy. Michael Heron and I meeting this week. 14:23:59 ... Michael wants to do a diary study with students with a course requirement. 14:25:33 Jeanne: I think we need to have a meeting to discuss Klaus' proposal. I don't know enough about his idea to be able to write a proposal of what we want. 14:26:35 [scheduled] 14:26:53 Jemma: How do you want us to respond to Tyson? 14:27:13 Jan: Please respond to the email with your comments inline. 14:27:50 Jennison: Is there an urgency to publish this year? Could we publish next year (2019)? 14:28:06 Jan: I think there is no urgency. Klaus is trying to be helpful in getting the word out. 14:29:48 Topic: CSUN submission 14:29:51 https://docs.google.com/document/d/15f0AklBmGT4UmH7uzWgvoMWalLKv7zQhvAqqWx_kOTw/edit 14:31:41 Shawn: Pete McNally will join us Friday to talk abot Survey Results. 14:32:22 rrsagent, make minutes 14:32:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html jeanne 14:33:35 present+ jeanne, Shawn, Jennison, Jemma, Jan 14:34:06 rrsagent, make minutes 14:34:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html jeanne 14:34:33 chair: Shawn, Jeanne 14:34:44 rrsagent, make minutes 14:34:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/09/26-silver-minutes.html jeanne 16:04:08 jeanne has joined #silver 18:31:06 jeanne has joined #silver 19:54:37 jeanne has joined #silver