15:53:06 RRSAgent has joined #dnt 15:53:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-dnt-irc 15:53:08 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:53:08 Zakim has joined #dnt 15:53:10 Zakim, this will be TRACK 15:53:10 ok, trackbot 15:53:11 Meeting: Tracking Protection Working Group Teleconference 15:53:11 Date: 17 July 2017 15:54:07 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tracking/2017Jul/0013.html 15:54:33 Previous meeting: https://www.w3.org/2017/07/10-dnt-minutes.html 15:54:39 Chair: Bert 15:55:17 Regrets+ Matthias, David 15:55:33 RRSAgent, make minutes v2 15:55:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-dnt-minutes.html Bert 15:58:06 fielding has joined #dnt 16:01:09 rvaneijk has joined #dnt 16:01:38 mikeoneill has joined #dnt 16:01:55 webex link says its cancelled 16:02:04 vincent_ has joined #dnt 16:02:08 see new link in topic and in agenda 16:02:20 I don't know why the old one doesn't work anymore. 16:02:40 -> https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mc92f16330cf3b8542490cb8443a06fcf Webex link 16:03:02 new one works fin. 16:03:05 ah 16:03:51 present+ 16:04:09 present+ 16:04:20 present+ 16:05:05 present+ 16:05:28 present+ 16:06:31 present+ 16:06:33 Hm, Shane isn't on IRC either 16:09:22 mikeoneill: I reduced the API calls from 6 to 3 and all return the same response type. 16:09:49 ... Now has a new property in the Bag to distinguish webWide from site-specific. 16:09:50 Mike is talking about the pull request at https://github.com/w3c/dnt/pull/45 16:10:23 Right, ednotes are not published by CR 16:10:51 at has joined #dnt 16:10:54 ... Roy put in a note about not understanding a sentence. 16:11:20 wileys has joined #dnt 16:11:22 fielding: Maybe just remove that sentence. It doesn't seem to matter. 16:12:18 shane: Like David, I'd need more time to review the changes. 16:12:33 fielding: It's not in the document yet, it's mike's propoasl. 16:13:14 bert: is an API chnage possible at all at this point? 16:14:37 In the promise structure it appears the UGEs have been collapsed with a boolean for web-wide or not, correct? 16:15:03 bert: roy, your opinion on mike's API? 16:15:32 fielding: my goal is to get implementation commitments. 16:16:37 I haven't had a chance to go through it in detail, but my preference remains to get an indication by browsers first and then go to CR. But I will defer to the WG. 16:18:13 bert: what does the ed. note in 7.3 mean? 16:18:23 fielding: Not really explained in the spec. 16:18:41 mikeoneill: Thereis something in the wiki. Could maybe opy that. 16:18:56 fielding: Anything, from wiki or mail. 16:19:30 ... need more detail than the current one sentence at the start. 16:19:49 earlier, Mike pointed out the comment on https://w3c.github.io/dnt/drafts/tracking-dnt.html#exception-checking 16:20:01 mikeoneill: I can find text. 16:20:17 ... about none of us knowing what the last sentence means in that section. 16:23:04 mikeoneill: Section 7.6, doNotTrack property is not redundant. Just keep it. 16:23:22 fielding: I remember now why the remark is there. 16:23:49 mikeoneill: I have implemented it, it is not hard. 16:24:10 fielding: property is generated dynamically for each navigator window. 16:24:26 mikeoneill: Every context has its own property. 16:24:58 ... E.g., an iframe. Have to be able to find the value without bouncing a request to a server. 16:25:23 fielding: I think the need is reasonable, but the spec doesn't reflect that. 16:25:35 mikeoneill: I coul dmake some text. 16:25:55 fielding: If you can describe it. 16:26:18 ACTION mikeoneill: describe doNotTrack property purpose and implementation 16:26:19 Error finding 'mikeoneill'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:27:24 mikeoneill: "Expires" property: roy says it should be removed, but it is still in HTTP. 16:27:49 fielding: Yes, for legacy reasons. But if we have maxAge, expires is not needed. 16:28:11 mikeoneill: It is not much cost to implement. 16:28:23 fielding: Date parsing is actually expensive. 16:28:33 mikeoneill: Yes, but that code is there already. 16:29:40 fielding: No implems yet, we can decide. But we need more than 2 people with an opinion. 16:29:57 mikeoneill: There are implems. 16:31:36 shane: Expires is clearly understood, but maxAge serves the same pupose. 16:32:02 mikeoneill: Easier to remove expires than to chnage to Promises. 16:33:30 RESOLVED: remove "expires" 16:33:36 action on me to remove Expires property on API 16:33:36 Error finding 'on'. You can review and register nicknames at . 16:34:07 action fielding to remove Expires from API in favor of just using maxAge 16:34:07 Created ACTION-474 - Remove expires from api in favor of just using maxage [on Roy Fielding - due 2017-07-24]. 16:37:57 bert: Do we need to mention DNT-extension as at risk (issue 48)? 16:38:14 action fielding to rephrase "at risk" on DNT-extensions 16:38:14 Created ACTION-475 - Rephrase "at risk" on dnt-extensions [on Roy Fielding - due 2017-07-24]. 16:38:25 fielding: We can republish the CR instead. But there seems no reason to mark it at risk at present. 16:38:37 mikeoneill: Back to API: 16:39:15 ... Re the duplets, I made a variable domain. 16:39:37 fielding: Will have a look, haven't had time to read it. 16:40:05 mikeoneill: [Something about resolving a Promise] 16:40:33 fielding: Probably editorial. Web Platforms specs typically specify algo for promises. 16:40:52 mikeoneill: I can make a pull request for next week. 16:41:57 bert: how much time do we need for review & editing? 16:42:08 mikeoneill: Most seems to be editorial. 16:42:19 Q: what is the consequence of a revision to the API for the process? 16:42:40 q+ 16:43:21 shane: browser want to know that servers will implement before they spend resources. Move to Promises is big. 16:43:42 ... I don't have enough feedback. 16:44:27 mikeoneill: Promises are in the spec. 16:44:34 fielding: yes, that was already decided, 16:44:47 shane: OK, so I'll need to talk to my team. 16:45:27 bert: How many weeks do we want for review? 16:45:58 shane: We first need the editorial chnages in the spec. And then about 2 weeks after that. 16:46:15 ... And if no comments in those two weeks, that implies acceptance. 16:46:28 q- 16:46:44 fielding: I can do work this week only. 16:47:39 mikeoneill: I can do my text next Monday. 16:49:41 sorry, soundcard problem 16:50:33 would it require new implementations? 16:51:25 I think further changes would be bound by existing implementations. Right now we are not bound because the Promises changes. 16:51:36 wileys has left #dnt 16:51:39 ok, tnx 16:52:27 RRSAgent, amke minutes v2 16:52:27 I'm logging. I don't understand 'amke minutes v2', Bert. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:52:36 RRSAgent, make minutes v2 16:52:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-dnt-minutes.html Bert 16:52:56 zakim, list attendees 16:52:56 As of this point the attendees have been mikeoneill, Bert, walter, fielding, rvaneijk, vincent_ 16:53:18 present+ shane 17:08:54 RRSAgent, make minutes v2 17:08:54 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-dnt-minutes.html Bert 17:35:07 zakim, bye 17:35:07 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been mikeoneill, Bert, walter, fielding, rvaneijk, vincent_, shane 17:35:07 Zakim has left #dnt 17:35:13 RRSAgent, bye 17:35:13 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-dnt-actions.rdf : 17:35:13 ACTION: mikeoneill to describe doNotTrack property purpose and implementation [1] 17:35:13 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2017/07/17-dnt-irc#T16-26-18