13:53:58 RRSAgent has joined #wcag-act 13:53:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/26-wcag-act-irc 13:54:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:54:00 Zakim has joined #wcag-act 13:54:02 Zakim, this will be 13:54:02 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 13:54:03 Meeting: Accessibility Conformance Testing Teleconference 13:54:03 Date: 26 June 2017 13:54:08 agenda? 13:54:16 agenda+ 2017 ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium (26-27 Oct.) 13:54:41 agenda+ ACT review process https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/ACT_Review_Process 13:54:47 agenda+ Is there enough of an incentive for tool developers and evaluation methodologies to use the review process? 13:54:54 agenda+ What are the requirements we want to achieve with the review process? 13:55:03 ChrisLoiselle has joined #wcag-act 13:55:03 agenda+ What's the overall approach for developing and reviewing test rules? 13:55:10 agenda+ Where will we develop them - wiki, github, other? 13:55:23 agenda+ Staging in github vs. publication on W3C site - what criteria must be met? 13:55:29 agenda+ Auto-WCAG Rules - which ones to use to create a conforming example? https://auto-wcag.github.io/auto-wcag/pages/rules.html 13:55:40 agenda+ Survey on availability for calls https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/93339/availability/ 13:55:49 agenda+ Book and register for TPAC: Thurs-Fri is the ACT meeting 3 July - no meeting due to U.S. holiday, next meeting will be on 10 July 13:58:04 maryjom has joined #wcag-act 14:00:22 Sujasree has joined #wcag-act 14:01:17 anne_thyme has joined #wcag-act 14:03:24 present+ 14:03:27 cpandhi has joined #wcag-act 14:03:38 present + 14:03:42 paresent+ 14:03:50 present + 14:03:52 zakim take up next 14:03:52 present+ 14:03:54 present+ 14:04:05 agenda? 14:04:19 present+ Wilco 14:04:22 rdeltour has joined #wcag-act 14:04:34 present+ 14:04:50 scribe cpandhi 14:04:52 present+Mary_Jo_Mueller 14:05:01 scribe: Charu 14:05:08 scribenick: cpandhi 14:05:45 zakim, take up agendum 1 14:05:46 agendum 1. "2017 ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium (26-27 Oct.)" taken up [from Wilco] 14:05:49 https://ictaccessibilitytesting.org/home.html 14:06:35 Wilco: anyone attending the ICT Accessibility Testing Symposium, then they can be on a panel with me 14:07:18 Manoj has joined #wcag-act 14:07:34 Shadi: the paper will be to present the work done by this group 14:08:03 zakim, take up next 14:08:03 agendum 2. "ACT review process https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/task-forces/conformance-testing/wiki/ACT_Review_Process" taken up [from Wilco] 14:08:51 MoeKraft has joined #wcag-act 14:09:01 Wilco: Shadi put togather a proposal to publish ACT rules 14:09:06 No audio, will join over the phone 14:09:19 agarrison has joined #wcag-act 14:09:47 agenda? 14:10:02 Wilco: we have a bunch of questions in the agenda 14:10:49 Shadi: has anybody not seen the review process? hope everyone has seen it 14:11:33 Shadi: the whole modal is built on the approach that will drive the process which a high threshold 14:12:06 Shadi: provide rules, test cases and you have to implement it 14:12:46 Shadi: the idea being that developer will have the motivation to go through the process to validate the rules. 14:12:49 q+ 14:13:29 Shadi: there may be a bottle neck if there are conflicts 14:14:41 Shadi: So the question is would the developers would have the incentive to go through such a process or do we want to develop a different approach 14:15:07 Wilco: i would like to get a take of everyone on the call 14:16:30 Alistare: i have a copy right kind of question, if someone contributes then does W3C get that copyright 14:17:16 Shadi: yes, when you contribute to W3C, it is petent free and everyone gets to use it patent free and you do not have to pay to use it 14:17:57 Shadi: W3C will list the contributers as editors 14:19:11 q+ 14:19:18 q+ 14:19:22 https://github.com/IBMa/Va11yS/blob/master/NOTICE.md 14:19:30 Alistaire: On the open source licencing 14:19:34 q- 14:19:51 Shadi: there is a legal answer and i will have to get that for you 14:20:07 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2015/copyright-software-and-document 14:20:32 Shadi:thanks Alsitaire fo for the questions, will you still go through the process 14:21:44 ack r 14:21:45 Alistaire: prob no, how much speed it there in the process? we need to fix bugs or implement something new, it would be higher if open source 14:21:50 q+ 14:22:42 https://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/2008/04-testsuite-copyright.html 14:22:55 Shadi: Moe just pasted the link to the W3C Software copy right 14:22:58 q- 14:23:22 Shadi: Moe has pasted the test suite copy right licence 14:23:51 Shadi: so we have answers in these documents 14:24:47 Alison: Do we want to think in terms of the duration review period 14:25:40 Shadi: Good points, so lets say you have a test rule to contribute, your tool will implement and then put in Github for others to implement 14:26:01 Shadi: that is to reduce the bottlenect through Github 14:27:03 Shadi: i am looking at Auto WCAG 14:28:18 Shadi: The idea is the techniques will be developed outside and bring into the group 14:28:38 Shadi: SInce i have you on the line, what are your thoughts? 14:29:14 Romain: I can't commit but this is close to something we do, so mostly positive 14:29:40 s/Alison/Alistair 14:30:41 Wilco: I have put lot of thought, i would put rules in Auto WCAG, though it is slow, the review process is good and feedback that come out is good 14:30:56 Shadi: would the feedback be fast 14:31:33 Wilco: It would be a month for the feedback to come through as we have monthly meetings 14:32:18 Wilco: the bottle neck is not we can't process the rules fast enough, we do not have enough contributers 14:32:35 q? 14:32:43 Wilco: if we have enough contribters, it would speed up the process 14:33:04 q+ 14:33:10 ack wil 14:33:24 Wilso: i have a second point, looking at our process, we review, fix bugs and implement the rule 14:34:16 Wilco: we contribute a rule, we have test cases and we let the ACT WG to approve 14:34:24 ack a 14:34:29 Shadi: we have Ann on queue 14:34:51 s/Wilso/Wilco 14:34:58 Ann: Ilike the new suggestion, will have the oppertunity to speak up 14:35:11 q+ 14:35:39 +1 for Wilco on "we contribute a rule, we have test cases and we let the ACT WG to approve" 14:35:42 Ann: So far we have not had developers to contribute, so they can write the rules and contribute 14:35:55 after ACT WG approval, may be probably we can open it for Auto WCAG group to comment ? 14:36:43 Ann: This will solve our problems for our developers to contribute due to timing conflicts with the Auto WCAG 14:37:21 Shadi: The other approach is to write a rule and reach out to others to impliment, morw work 14:38:03 Ann: So if we know who to reach or have a list it would be easy 14:39:09 Romain: The practicality of the process as described with Github tracking for reviews and comments would be familliar for developers and would be easy to reach out to devlopers 14:39:11 q+ 14:39:22 ack rd 14:39:53 Wilco: i see it is a familliar approach but it should not be the only one, it would have the bottle neck risk 14:40:32 Wilco: there could be organization that will contribute but maintained by W3C 14:42:04 Shadi: By have a central process there are advantages on the know hows 14:43:01 Alistair: Reflecting on what peoaple said, It would constrain people heavily with a format 14:44:12 Alistair: how do we deal with rejections? I spend a year to get my techique through and it was a lot of effort 14:44:44 Shadi: There are 2 aspects, the logistics and the contents 14:45:43 Shadi: thats is why my suggestion is to work on test cases, rather then deal with hipotathical questions 14:46:46 Sujasree: I like the approach of have the working gruoup to approve within a cetain time frame 14:47:31 SHadi: My concern is the WG has too much responsibility to approve 14:47:54 Shadi: so i am suggesting is a hybrid approach 14:48:18 Sujasree: If the group approves we can move faster 14:48:54 Shadi: What if it put for review and do not recieve feedback 14:49:03 q+ 14:49:09 ack ag 14:49:11 Shadi: Moe 14:49:23 ack moe 14:50:04 Moe: I agree with Shadi, i like the idea that the WG reviews and fallows a set process, but i do not want it to be too prescriptive 14:50:35 q+ 14:50:53 Moe: It is more a honor system where folks contribute and gets reviewed 14:51:18 ack w 14:51:28 Moe: to require a author to get approval from the central authority will be too slow 14:52:26 Wilco: I like Sujasree's suggestion of haveing a review process, make it more a test case driven process 14:53:00 Wilco: you contribute test cases to demonstrate the change 14:54:03 Wilco: We have a rule that may have bug, while IBM may have the same rules implemented in a different way, how do we resolve 14:54:54 Shadi: good feedback, there is some thought of haveing a central group drive rather then self implementation 14:55:30 Shadi: Auto WCAG wll support the contributers 14:56:03 Shadi: i will take another stab to update and email the group 14:56:15 Wico: any last comments 14:56:38 Wilco: do want someone to work with you on this 14:56:44 agenda? 14:57:07 Shadi: will take another stab, please do not be shy to provide feedback 14:59:03 Wilco: Next Monday is holidy in US so we will skip next week meeting 15:11:45 trackbot, end meeting 15:11:45 Zakim, list attendees 15:11:45 As of this point the attendees have been shadi, Sujasree, ChrisLoiselle, Wilco, rdeltour, Mary_Jo_Mueller 15:11:53 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:11:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/26-wcag-act-minutes.html trackbot 15:11:54 RRSAgent, bye 15:11:54 I see no action items