13:53:06 RRSAgent has joined #dxwg 13:53:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/06/19-dxwg-irc 13:53:56 Caroline_ has joined #DXWG 13:54:48 Chair: Caroline burle 13:55:06 DavidBrowning has joined #dxwg 13:56:26 Present+ 13:56:29 roba has joined #dxwg 13:56:36 present+ 13:56:44 present+ Rob Atkinson 13:57:01 mathieu has joined #dxwg 14:00:46 present+ DavidBrowning 14:01:17 Jaroslav_Pullmann has joined #dxwg 14:01:22 present+ 14:01:51 newton has joined #dxwg 14:02:29 who is rhiaro? 14:02:39 roba - will volunteer to scribe 14:02:46 antoine has joined #dxwg 14:02:56 present+ antoine 14:03:06 Scribe: roba 14:03:07 present+ mathieu 14:03:26 who are you rhiaro? 14:03:36 erics has joined #dxwg 14:04:00 are you a member of dxwg rhiaro? 14:04:13 Caroline_: I'm Amy Guy, part time w3c staff, passing interest in what you're doing but not enough time to particpate properly I'm afraid. Yes, joined the WG 14:05:16 great! thank you, Amy 14:05:29 present+ newton 14:05:37 could you please join the Webex https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m75e3372d2eb3418101f3a882a6432687 14:06:15 https://www.w3.org/2017/06/12-dxwg-minutes 14:06:16 scribenick: roba 14:06:35 present__Ixchel_F_ has joined #dxwg 14:06:42 +1 14:06:47 +1 14:06:58 +0 wasn't here 14:07:04 +1 14:07:04 +1 14:07:05 RESOLUTION: accepted minutes 14:07:32 Chair: Caroline_ 14:07:46 q+ 14:07:58 ack kcoyle 14:09:03 kcoyle; Three sub-groups - Use Cases, DCAT, application profile 14:09:30 Ixchecl_F: updated Use Case template 14:09:54 ... question - separating out identification of stakeholders 14:10:12 ... proposes to carry out - no objections heard 14:10:25 q+ 14:10:35 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:10:56 q+ 14:11:01 ack roba 14:11:29 q+ 14:11:59 roba: some of the use cases we haven't had the chance to discuss yet 14:12:10 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z8UVjMEPoqp69ZHXk6asY6tCHHECglk4-3Lznd5dxS0/edit#heading=h.cmfhj7ago0ev 14:12:20 roba: Generalised versions of Use Cases ID4 and ID6 14:12:27 ack kcoyle 14:13:14 kcoyle: can we make a link from wiki - needs to be publicly visible 14:13:20 q+ 14:13:44 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#Data_Quality_Vocabulary_.28DQV.29_Wish_List_left_by_the_DWBP_WG 14:14:22 q+ 14:14:29 ,,, some Use Cases have multiple Use Cases implied - can these be teased out? 14:14:46 ack roba 14:14:47 s/,,,/.../ 14:15:41 roba: link could be to use case document or add new use cases, or edit use cases as provided 14:15:56 q+ 14:16:16 roba: or new document for agreed use cases 14:16:28 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:16:56 present+ nandana 14:17:16 Jaroslav_Pullmann: not planning to rewrite raw inputs 14:17:18 shepazu has joined #dxwg 14:17:24 q? 14:17:29 ack kcoyle 14:17:29 present+ shepazu 14:17:56 kcoyle: consolidated document needs to be on github 14:18:10 ... single place to do that 14:18:59 proposed consolidated use cases for voting on? 14:19:26 q+ 14:19:28 kcoyle: F2F focus on consolidating Use Cases 14:19:40 ack Caroline_ 14:19:40 ... high priority 14:19:44 SumitPurohit has joined #dxwg 14:19:57 present+ 14:20:05 Caroline_: migrate to github with tracking ? 14:20:31 q? 14:20:35 q+ 14:20:42 q+ 14:20:45 +1 to consolidate - but how to promote consolidated versions over "raw inputs?" 14:20:50 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:21:43 q? 14:22:00 Happy to move generalised and voted-on cases to a new wiki page 14:22:09 ack kcoyle 14:22:59 ack present__Ixchel_F_ 14:23:03 q+ 14:23:08 ack roba 14:23:58 roba: propose to create another wiki page with the use cases 14:24:15 ... the ones that are being discussed and voted by the group 14:24:21 q+ 14:24:26 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:24:35 PWinstanley has joined #dxwg 14:24:41 present+ 14:24:48 Jaroslav_Pullmann: use status tags? 14:25:13 q+ 14:25:15 roba: I prefer to consolidate the agreed versions in one place 14:25:56 ack kcoyle 14:28:46 Could it be SumitPurohit? 14:28:56 Hi Sumit :-) 14:29:27 q? 14:29:41 Hi Everyone :-) 14:30:04 q+ 14:30:10 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:30:40 q? 14:30:59 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#Modeling_agent_roles 14:32:03 q? 14:33:16 We don't at this time have a place for comments on use cases, although that would be a good idea 14:33:23 q+ 14:33:28 ack roba 14:34:14 roba: need to cover common cases; using blank nodes are hard to query against 14:34:40 ... but need to weigh flexibility 14:34:41 q+ 14:35:07 ... this is something we can use in other use cases where there is a general need and some people need something special 14:35:19 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:35:21 +1 14:36:21 Jaroslav_Pullmann: supports minimal set of common properties - but problem is the many forms this takes - is it a case for application profiles 14:36:43 q? 14:36:48 q+ 14:36:51 ack kcoyle 14:37:39 kcoyle: need a straw man proposal for the simple common agent roles. 14:37:48 q= 14:37:50 q+ 14:37:55 ack roba 14:38:40 q? 14:38:55 roba: defining roles a solution issue no t a UC responsibility 14:39:27 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#Modeling_agent_roles 14:40:07 PROPOSAL: Accept UC ID13 with edits to address the commonality of the pattern of common properties and detailed descriptions in profiles, and the need to agree a list of roles in the specificaton process 14:42:17 PROPOSAL: Accept UC ID13 with requirement to create an agreed list of roles for DCAT with the remainder for profiles 14:45:31 roba: lost issue of using a common mechanism for simple/extended definitions 14:45:44 ... add as requirement? 14:46:02 kcoyle: perhaps a new Use Case as a placeholder 14:47:27 q? 14:47:31 +1 14:47:35 +1 14:47:36 +1 14:47:36 +1 14:47:37 +1 14:47:38 +1 14:47:38 +1 14:47:39 +1 14:47:40 +1 14:47:44 +1 14:47:46 +1 14:47:49 +1 14:47:50 +1 14:48:13 RESOLVED: 14:48:30 RESOLVED: Accept UC ID13 with requirement to create an agreed list of roles for DCAT with the remainder for profiles 14:50:06 q+ 14:50:09 roba: how do we review edits? I will copy to consolidated UC doc - 14:50:11 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#Modeling_funding_sources 14:50:19 ack antoine 14:50:42 Caroline_: we will then vote at next meeting if necessary 14:51:12 antoine: please send a email to the group when new edited version published. 14:52:01 q? 14:52:03 q+ 14:52:07 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:52:11 is this more a job for a specialised vocabulary? 14:52:17 q+ 14:52:44 Jaroslav_Pullmann: sub-use case og agent role 14:52:50 s/og/of/ 14:52:51 ack PWinstanley 14:52:54 good catch! 14:53:18 PWinstanley: agree - need opportunity for hierarchy of agents 14:53:45 q+ 14:53:51 ...needs a controlled list - authority list 14:53:57 ack antoine 14:54:40 +1 to Antoine's comment 14:54:47 q? 14:54:50 antoine: not a hierarchy of types of agents, but one of roles 14:54:51 q+ 14:54:56 ack kcoyle 14:55:34 kcoyle: great deal of information about a funding source 14:55:51 ...therefore about the role, not the funding information 14:55:55 q+ 14:56:03 ack roba 14:56:22 roba: detail of funding role is not limited to DCAT - could be specialized vocabulary 14:56:26 roba: funding role is not limited to DCAT 14:56:38 ... trick here is to have extension point in profiles 14:56:44 q? 14:57:25 newton has joined #dxwg 14:57:33 Me ID31 14:57:39 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#Modeling_funding_sources 14:58:10 the first was ID13 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Use_Case_Working_Space#Modeling_agent_roles 14:58:12 PROPOSAL: edit ID13 update to include case of funding source identification as an example 14:58:26 q+ 14:58:33 ack Jaroslav_Pullmann 14:59:08 +1 14:59:13 +1 14:59:14 +1 14:59:14 +1 14:59:17 +1 14:59:17 +1 14:59:17 +1 14:59:18 +1 14:59:18 +1 14:59:22 +1 14:59:22 Jaroslav_Pullmann: noes this is provenance 14:59:24 +1 14:59:24 +1 14:59:41 RESOLVED: edit ID13 update to include case of funding source identification as an example 15:00:17 https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Oxford_Attendance_and_logistics 15:00:32 Caroline_: reminder to put F2F attendance on wiki 15:00:38 bye 15:00:40 present- 15:00:41 exit 15:00:42 bye! :) 15:00:44 bye 15:00:48 Bye.. 15:00:51 zakim generate minutes 15:01:03 newton has joined #dxwg 15:01:11 RRSAgente generate minutes 15:01:19 RRSAgent generate minutes 15:01:27 RRSAgent: make minutes 15:01:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/19-dxwg-minutes.html Caroline_ 15:33:59 phila has joined #dxwg 15:34:11 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:34:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/19-dxwg-minutes.html phila 15:34:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:34:24 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:34:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/19-dxwg-minutes.html phila 15:36:40 meeting: DXWG Weekly Telco 15:36:55 regrets+ Phil 15:37:39 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2017.06.19 15:37:47 RRSAgent, draft minutes 15:37:47 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/19-dxwg-minutes.html phila 15:38:38 RRSAgent, draft minutes v2 15:38:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/06/19-dxwg-minutes.html phila 17:06:15 Zakim has left #dxwg