19:56:02 RRSAgent has joined #sdwssn 19:56:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/16-sdwssn-irc 19:56:04 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:56:04 Zakim has joined #sdwssn 19:56:06 Zakim, this will be SDW 19:56:06 ok, trackbot 19:56:07 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 19:56:07 Date: 16 May 2017 19:57:03 mlefranc has joined #sdwssn 20:00:30 present+ ahaller2 20:02:58 KJanowic has joined #sdwssn 20:05:55 present+ 20:06:38 present+ 20:07:52 KJanowic: you are having troubles? 20:09:18 BAck 20:09:44 ChrisLittle has joined #sdwssn 20:10:00 present+ 20:10:10 present+ ChrisLittle 20:10:32 topic: Approving last meeting's minutes https://www.w3.org/2017/05/02-sdwssn-minutes 20:10:46 +1 20:10:49 0 20:11:13 +0 not there 20:11:15 +1 20:12:46 scribe: KJanowic 20:12:50 scribenick: KJanowic 20:12:52 SimonCox has joined #sdwssn 20:13:15 https://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-sdwssn-minutes.html#ActionSummary 20:13:39 https://www.w3.org/2017/05/09-sdwssn-minutes 20:13:41 +1 20:13:43 0 20:13:46 ahaller also votes +1 on moving the capabilities to a horizontal module. 20:13:47 +1 20:13:49 +! 20:13:52 SOrry guys - a few things going on here this morning. Will have to duck out twice to take my wife and daughter to trains. 20:13:53 +1 20:14:03 +1 20:14:13 topic: patent call https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 20:14:14 [I also can only make the fist hour today] 20:14:43 topic: Discuss further invitations and new responses to https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Wide_Review 20:15:47 Markus Stocker and others emailed feedback for wide review 20:16:02 also another comment on actuation 20:16:23 q? 20:16:36 ClausStadler_ has joined #sdwssn 20:16:51 Simon: some more feedback directly on the ontology 20:17:03 we should ask Nick (?) to send an email 20:17:11 present+ ClausStadler 20:17:21 mlefranc: also some more feedback from colleagues 20:18:02 I will mute while I procure some breakfast ... 20:18:44 feedback about relation to QUDT 20:19:57 ahaller: the question we need to figure out is how much longer the review period is 20:20:34 got some review here: https://github.com/w3c/sdw/issues/892 20:21:19 topic: Decision on Pull request https://github.com/w3c/sdw/pull/792 for moving ssn:hasProperty and ssn:isPropertyOf to SOSA 20:21:45 q? 20:21:49 no, we decided not to discuss it 20:21:53 q+ 20:21:59 ack mlefranc 20:22:24 Yes,first decide what a property is 20:22:40 ahaller: maybe these are two issues. One is a modelling issue, the other a change to the ontology 20:22:42 q+ 20:22:46 ack KJanowic 20:23:55 q+ 20:24:18 ack mlefranc 20:24:20 ahaller, maybe discuss examples first? 20:24:27 q+ 20:24:42 I had to leave after 90min, yes 20:24:58 mlefranc: maybe we can avoid subclassing nontheless 20:25:07 q+ 20:25:12 ack SimonCox 20:26:57 SimonCox,technically possible to include those properties. The issue however is the conception of what the role of sosa is. Is it a collection of lightweight concepts/properties or is it a complete or consistent ontology core. 20:27:23 SimonCox: adding more and more (and very late) is not required if you see sosa as a lightweight vocab 20:27:32 simoncox: worried about lateness 20:27:46 q? 20:27:49 ack KJanowic 20:29:23 KJanowic: same concern as SimonCox, we are not supposed to make changes to the ontologies at this stage. ObservableProperties should become type of Properties, but I would need to think about this. 20:29:36 q? 20:29:39 q+ 20:29:44 ack ahaller 20:30:15 ahaller: is there strong support from use cases that require SOSA compared to SSN 20:31:11 q+ 20:31:14 Unfortunately content/technical discussions should have taken place 6 months ago. 20:31:29 q? 20:31:31 ack mlefranc 20:31:37 ahaller: the change may be problematic in terms of timing 20:32:03 mlefranc should come from outside the group 20:32:04 q+ 20:32:25 q? 20:32:49 ack KJanowic 20:32:50 mlefranc the two issues are difficult to untangle 20:33:52 q+ 20:35:42 KJanowic: moving both ontologies close together is diminishing the advantage of having a lightweight ontology 20:35:45 q? 20:35:47 ack mlefranc 20:36:39 q+ 20:36:52 mlefranc: agree with kj that we need clearly distinguishable solutions BUT sosa is also part of ssn so they can’t be told apart so easily 20:37:05 q+ 20:37:35 mlefranc: some decisions about instances versus collections need to be distinguished 20:37:52 utilize owl-punning 20:37:54 Ah - the subjunctive! 20:38:06 'it would have been good' 20:38:28 q? 20:38:29 sosa is fully part in ssn, valid sosa data is valid ssn data 20:38:39 are we facing a paradox here? 20:38:54 YES! 20:38:54 q? 20:39:01 ack ahaller 20:39:45 ahaller: a schema.org user will only create instances 20:39:54 ahaller: you would not create collectioms 20:40:49 s/collectioms/collections 20:40:50 q+ 20:41:02 q? 20:41:05 ack KJanowic 20:42:52 q+ 20:43:19 KJanowic: our DULCE alignment makes punning difficult, because a sensor is an entity and not an abstract thing. 20:43:34 KJanowic: it is more important for the properties 20:43:39 q? 20:43:43 ack mlefranc 20:44:13 in short, we take a more o7M view on sensors, not a sensorML view 20:44:24 s/o7M/O&M 20:44:30 q? 20:44:53 we can use typecasting to get around that problems 20:44:53 http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~valli/OWLED2015/OWLED_2015_paper_15.pdf 20:45:18 q+ 20:45:23 mlefranc, we need to please both sides. in our case we dont want to take some important decisions to constraint users 20:45:28 q+ 20:45:48 ack ahaller 20:45:48 ahaller: I agree 20:46:04 we should not constraint modelling 20:46:34 we are fine as long as we are axiomatically ok 20:46:56 we need to make sure that if we have an alignment, it makes sense in both cases (collections versus individuals) 20:47:28 We can't keep it unresolved ... 20:47:28 q? 20:47:34 should we vote on the property issue or discuss examples first 20:47:37 ack KJanowic 20:47:43 mlefranc would vote 0 20:48:07 PROPOSED: move isPropertyOf and hasProperty from SSN to SOSA 20:48:15 -1 20:48:18 0 20:48:32 -0.5 20:48:36 0 20:48:39 -0 20:49:11 RESOLVED: NOT move isPropertyOf and hasProperty from SSN to SOSA 20:49:12 Let us leave enough space for SSN 20:49:20 topic: Discuss Pull request https://github.com/w3c/sdw/pull/891 which relates to Action-355 to add examples to the ED 20:49:35 online version here: http://ci.emse.fr/ssn/ 20:50:05 see appendix A 20:50:40 q? 20:50:54 q+ 20:50:57 ack mlefranc 20:52:09 Move examples to non-normative section 20:52:14 also change the function of the buttons 20:52:29 and it DOES! thanks! 20:53:21 the examples are my way to understand sosa/ssn and we need to align this understanding to the rest of the group 20:54:04 The quest is whether we can discuss the family of DHT22 as such 20:54:51 q+ 20:55:11 maxime alsoimplemented moving the conditions etc to the horizontal module 20:55:20 q? 20:55:26 ack KJanowic 20:58:34 q+ 20:58:45 mlefranc agree with 1:1 AND 1:n property use 20:59:17 q+ 20:59:20 ack mlefranc 20:59:33 mlefranc accept pull request and then add more examples 20:59:55 ahaller: do we need a 5th level toc? 21:00:01 kj: agree with ahaller 21:00:23 ahaller: right now it looks unbalanced 21:00:42 q+ 21:01:01 maxime: yes to only having 4 levels 21:01:05 q? 21:01:22 I have to leave for 10 minutes 21:01:38 ack ahaller 21:02:05 ack KJanowic 21:02:05 lets accept and then augment 21:02:41 KJanowic: we need to change the language, i.e. MUST BE 21:03:17 q+ 21:03:45 KJanowic: we need to make decision on the modelling for the respective ontology 21:04:04 ducking the decision is not good. We can introduce both but we need to explain why they are possible and which one we believe is the best (without restricting modelling) 21:04:09 ack mlefranc 21:04:25 maxime: I agree but it is not doable 21:04:27 q+ 21:04:56 for property and sensor it woould be good to have both examples 21:05:35 ack KJanowic 21:05:35 ahaller: doing it for a subset may be okay 21:06:29 KJanowic: we don't want to force users of SOSA and SSN in one direction, but we can make a decision on how we show it in the document 21:07:00 KJanowic: give a canonical way and then show punning example, or express it differently and introduce subclasses 21:07:09 q+ 21:08:13 SImon back 21:08:58 KJanowic: examples are important for the SOSA people, the SSN users may just use the ttl files directly 21:09:21 q? 21:09:23 http://www.heppnetz.de/ontologies/goodrelations/goodrelations-UML.png 21:09:40 somebody else to scribe? 21:09:44 Sorry - I won't be here the whole hour 21:10:25 scribe: ClausStadler_ 21:10:33 scribenick: ClausStadler_ 21:11:52 q+ 21:11:58 +1 to the example mlefranc just presented, goodrelations is not restricting the users, we should do the same! 21:12:08 good relations does not constrain the user what the instance of product of service should be - could be category of galaxy S4, on other sites its _my_ S4 21:12:09 ack mlefranc 21:12:39 q+ 21:13:30 "let ssn leave the room for more research", and carry that proposal over to sosa 21:13:37 They have no clue what this means 21:13:37 ack KJanowic 21:14:07 s/product of service/product or service 21:14:27 q? 21:15:16 +1 for a default usage for SOSA users 21:15:28 SOSA users need guidance 21:16:20 q? 21:16:20 q+ 21:16:26 ack SimonCox 21:16:39 kjanowic: lets show intended use, then show alternatives. Especially for the sosa audience, show what the core idea is, and explain why. Don't say: "everything go" right away. For SSN: explain you can use punning, subclassing, one final paragraph for alternative modeling approaches. 21:19:33 imho, if we end up with a linked data cloud in which half the users do one and the others do it the other way, we failed 21:19:37 q+ 21:19:58 q+ 21:20:20 they are possible anyway 21:21:00 and they are and shared across all of the geo sciences and other domains 21:21:04 SimonCox: presented 4 options for modeling properties (unfortunately i didn't get all): 1 subclasses of rdf:property, 2 instances of rdf:property, 3 subclasses sosa observable property, 4 ? 21:21:13 ack mlefranc 21:22:32 4 possibilities for defining 'properties': 1. subclass rdf:Property; 2. individual rdf:Property; 3. subclass ssn:Property; 4. individual ssn:Property or sosa:ObservableProperty. 21:22:42 btw we are confusing the classes vs individuals discussion with the underlying modeling problem 21:23:35 Punning can be used to equivalence. Nothing is disallowed in applications. But re-use is likely to be easiest if modelled as individuals from the class ssn:Property or sosa:ObservableProperty 21:23:54 PROPOSED: canonical use of examples for SOSA and then use this canonical example in the SSN extension and then have alternative patterns for punning or for modelling subclasses of Sensors and Properties 21:23:58 q+ 21:24:01 SO that is the one we shoudl show in examples 21:24:15 ack KJanowic 21:24:15 + 0.5 21:25:46 1 to n then is very important ---> remove some of the existing axioms, starting from ssn:isPropertyOf rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty 21:26:45 q? 21:27:27 KJanowic: presents an example: DBpedia: classes for cities, populated - but appartement does not exist. please use punning, we only have the individual. It works for Semantic Web folks, but writing a SPARQL query for "show me all man-made features" requires enumerating all different models. Two user groups: schema.org and the Industry 4.0 - more reasoning is happening on the sensor and needs automatically inferred and guaranteed results. 21:27:43 q? 21:27:44 s/populated/populated place 21:27:45 q+ 21:27:48 ack ahaller 21:28:01 https://www.w3.org/TR/microdata/ 21:28:51 ahaller2: you can't even create types in microdata, you can only create instances 21:29:20 q? 21:29:23 ack mlefranc 21:29:37 so it could / should be similar to the naive sosa user 21:29:57 q+ 21:30:21 Btw,I agree with Maxime 21:32:02 q? 21:32:09 IMHO, the observation part is where this all breaks down 21:33:14 ack KJanowic 21:34:06 mlefranc: as proposed, have a canonical example. Observations right now are made by exactly one sensor. But there may be instances of sosa:Sensor or users that use punning [...] the point of the example: we may end up with an obsersvation: (1) with that specific galaxy s4 sensor or (2) the class of galaxy S4 temperature sensors linked to the observation. the cardinalities would have to be changed to minCardinality. 21:35:34 For example: http://environment.data.gov.au/def/property 21:35:39 q? 21:36:21 these are individual SKOS Concepts and also qudt:QuantityKinds 21:36:42 PROPOSED: canonical use of examples for SOSA and then use this canonical example in the SSN extension and then have two alternative patterns for punning and for modelling subclasses of Sensors and Properties and outline consequences 21:36:46 This is the kind of list the earth science community expects to share 21:36:47 +1 to Simon 21:37:06 +1 21:37:19 Can do 21:37:26 see Simon's link 21:37:39 +1 21:37:41 Simon can confirm that this is how it works in earth science 21:37:55 +1 21:37:58 +1 21:38:01 +1 21:38:01 +1 21:38:12 RESOLVED: canonical use of examples for SOSA and then use this canonical example in the SSN extension and then have two alternative patterns for punning and for modelling subclasses of Sensors and Properties and outline consequences 21:39:01 q? 21:39:19 mlefranc: offered to do the punning and subclassing examples 21:39:28 ok 21:39:30 Can do 21:39:53 +1 21:40:50 I would make a template, not all examples 21:41:04 ACTION: KJanowic to extend canonical examples with coastal water body example using rdfs:Subclassing and punning 21:41:05 Created ACTION-362 - Extend canonical examples with coastal water body example using rdfs:subclassing and punning [on Krzysztof Janowicz - due 2017-05-23]. 21:41:10 q? 21:41:41 ACTION: mlefranc to fix hierarchy in PULL request around measurement capabilities 21:41:41 Created ACTION-363 - Fix hierarchy in pull request around measurement capabilities [on Maxime Lefrançois - due 2017-05-23]. 21:41:47 q? 21:42:22 topic: Progress on Action-356 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/356 to create a list of axioms that do not need implementation evidence 21:42:47 Btw, can somebody turn down the background music 21:43:03 topic: Progress on Action-357 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/357 and decision on Pull request 850 for Features at Risk 21:43:18 q+ 21:43:44 ack KJanowic 21:44:25 [Sorry - that's my daughter practising violin] 21:44:37 q? 21:45:11 "6.1 System capabilities, operating ranges, and survival ranges The terms defined in this section are marked at risk." 21:45:18 [but now I have to take her to school] 21:45:55 mlefranc: not sure if there are other terms that should be marked as risk 21:48:12 ahaller2: use div class="note" on the html to make features at risk more visible 21:48:15 topic: Implementation of proposal for alignment as of https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Events_and_Situations for ssn:Observation 21:48:22 Park it 21:48:22 q? 21:48:36 mlefranc: all terms are used to a separate document and namespace, although cumbersome to developers its consistent 21:48:44 q? 21:48:47 bye 21:48:50 s/terms are used/terms are moved 21:48:54 imho that was pretty productive 21:49:10 park it 21:49:35 q? 21:49:40 yes 21:49:45 bye bye 21:49:47 bye 21:49:48 bye 21:49:55 bye 21:50:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:50:05 bye 21:50:07 type RRSAgent, draft minutes 23:20:17 ahaller2 has joined #sdwssn