20:01:21 RRSAgent has joined #html 20:01:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/05/15-html-irc 20:01:54 adrianba has joined #html 20:02:01 agenda+ HTML 5.1 update 20:02:11 agenda+ HTML 5.2 progress 20:02:22 agenda= Implementation report and testing 20:02:27 Connected to some meeting on the webex phone bridge. Anyone else on the call? 20:02:47 (meeting code: 644-901-568) 20:02:57 agenda+ Implementation report and testing 20:03:21 agenda+ at risk items 20:03:28 present+ chaals, arron, ade 20:03:42 regrets+ Léonie, SteveF AlexD 20:03:53 present+ Travis 20:03:57 s/arron/travis/ 20:03:58 present- arron 20:04:09 zakim, take up item 1 20:04:09 agendum 1. "HTML 5.1 update" taken up [from chaals] 20:04:44 CMN: AFAIK, Léonie has the update pretty much ready to go, which means we need to put it to the WG, and then request publication. 20:05:23 … We did it by directly editing the source code because that was much easier than trying to rebuild the 5.1 branch. That seems like a reasonable approach - if we have massive errata, we have even bigger problems. 20:06:31 ... Chaals? 20:07:26 chaals has joined #html 20:08:42 Need to reboot. Be with you in another minute. 20:09:25 chaals1 has joined #html 20:12:37 … She asks if we should tag errata separately from "stuff in Github". 20:13:37 … my alternative is to make a tag for specific errata if weneed them 20:14:05 Ade: we are unlikely to need to rtrack errata for things other than the current version. so tag in GH seems like the right answer. 20:14:29 CMN: My other proposal is to obsolete old HTML specs... 20:14:39 Travis: SOunds fair. I know some people who can help. 20:15:07 Travis, is 5.1 building cleanly again? 20:15:10 CMN I don't know. 20:15:27 s/Travis,/Travis:/ 20:16:48 CMN: We didn't see a need to try. This *is* a potential issue for translators, and we have an open issue, my approach would be branch the current version and run the current building at any given time. 20:16:52 Ade: Yes 20:16:58 zakim, next item 20:16:58 agendum 2. "HTML 5.2 progress" taken up [from chaals] 20:17:28 CMN: last I looked we had 6 open PRs, a bunch of open issues. 20:17:43 Travis: Been busy, but hoping to get High Pri this week. 20:18:20 CMN: We need to tighten up review process. 20:19:44 … timeline has us closing off 5.2 at the end of the month. To have some ability to make sensible decisions, it is important to get reasonably accurate info about what people are going to actually get done. 20:20:25 TL: I have 28 issues, 15 for CR draft... likely more than I can get done. 20:21:33 CMN: You know better than me what you can do - please go through the issues and set some reasonable expectation. 20:22:29 TL: Can do that. Looking at Arron's too, he has 8. 20:23:40 … srcdoc and quirks mode prolly won't get done. 20:23:57 … high pri is building HTML 5.1 - we can drop that? 20:24:44 CMN: Yeah, that's not cost-free but if we can get translators to build against the current master branch instead we might be OK 20:24:50 TL: Will leave a note in #756 20:25:47 zakim, take up item 4 20:25:47 agendum 4. "at risk items" taken up [from chaals] 20:26:03 CMN: there's an issue open to identify at-risl items. 20:27:32 … the key problem here is old stuff that got in before we started work, and isn't actually implemented. It would be helpful to ask people who can identify things that don't work. 20:29:13 TL: Appcache - should we have it properly in theobsolete section? 20:29:38 CMN: It *should* all be documented in the obsolete section... 20:30:02 zakim, take up item 3 20:30:02 agendum 3. "Implementation report and testing" taken up [from chaals] 20:30:32 CMN: I hope the editors come up with an implemnentation report during CR 20:30:41 TL: Should be feasible based on 5.1-5.2 changes history 20:32:09 CMN: We have some WPT tests, some linked tests in individual changes, but I think it is fairly straightfoward given that we've kept changelogs 20:34:37 … I ahve a real hope that our improved procedures will make it pretty straightforward task. 20:35:03 Topic: schedule 20:35:40 CMN: CR draft - 2 June, CfC to request CR, request CR mid-June, publish June 20-ish 20:36:06 … almost parallel CfC for FPWD of 5.3. 20:36:44 CR ending late August, implementation report and transition request with CfC end Aug / start Sept, 20:37:24 … PR early September, Rec some time end of October. All things working as planned… 20:37:35 TPAC 6-10 November 2017 20:37:36 TL: TPAC November 6-10 20:38:00 CMN: SHould think about Custom Elements for 5.3 20:39:13 … I would rather take out parsing as a clean module and fold in custom elements, think that would be a better approach to modularisation in practice. But anyway, we need to think about it and talk to the WG. 20:41:25 [adjourned] 20:41:32 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:41:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/15-html-minutes.html chaals1 20:41:42 rrsagent, make log public 20:41:51 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 20:43:59 Meeting: HTML 20:44:02 Chair: Chaals 20:44:27 Scribe: chaals 20:44:32 scribenick: chaals1 20:44:37 rrsagent, draft minutes 20:44:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/05/15-html-minutes.html chaals1