19:46:06 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 19:46:06 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/01/10-aapi-irc 19:46:08 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:46:08 Zakim has joined #aapi 19:46:10 Zakim, this will be 19:46:10 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 19:46:11 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 19:46:11 Date: 10 January 2017 19:48:11 agenda: this 19:48:44 agenda+ ISSUE-676: (Joseph) Identifying MSAA+IA2 and ATK/AT-SPI actions, interfaces, and relations in the mappings. 19:48:59 agenda+ ISSUE-654/ACTION-2130: (Joanie) Determine if AX API supports description changes. 19:49:24 agenda+ ISSUE-739: (Joseph/Bogdan) UIA mapping for role="heading" without aria-level 19:49:36 agenda+ ACTION-1707: (Joseph) AX API mapping for presentation/none in required owned children. 19:49:45 agenda+ Review of HTML-AAM (All) 19:49:51 agenda+ Triage issues/actions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/products/23 19:49:59 agenda+ Triage core-aam bugzillas: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?component=Core%20AAM&product=ARIA 19:50:09 agenda+ Triage accname-aam bugzillas: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?component=AccName%20AAM&product=ARIA 19:50:19 agenda+ Triage accname actions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/products/26 19:50:24 agenda+ be done. 19:50:30 chair: Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:56:47 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:58:58 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 20:05:00 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aapi 20:05:22 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 20:06:09 Rich has joined #aapi 20:06:22 overlap with another call 20:06:33 scribe: joanie 20:06:50 might be 20 minutes 20:07:11 Zakim, take up item 1 20:07:11 agendum 1. "ISSUE-676: (Joseph) Identifying MSAA+IA2 and ATK/AT-SPI actions, interfaces, and relations in the mappings." taken up [from clown] 20:07:23 JS: This is something we discussed briefly before the break. 20:07:23 issue-676? 20:07:24 issue-676 -- Is it useful to identify MSAA+IA2 and ATK/AT-SPI actions, interfaces, and relations in the mappings? -- open 20:07:24 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/676 20:07:33 JS: It is an issue raised by Jason Kiss a long time ago. 20:07:43 JS: We've done this work over a period of months. 20:07:58 JS: But I thought we should touch base with Jason to be sure he's happy before we close it. 20:08:05 JS: So I sent Jason an email off list. 20:08:29 JS: And explained that the Joanie and Alex and everyone contacted seems happy with what was done. 20:08:43 JS: I sent this email yesterday, so it's not surprising he hasn't replied yet. 20:08:56 JS: I am optimistic Jason will agree we can close it, but we'll see. 20:08:59 JS: Questions? 20:09:03 (None) 20:09:10 Zakim, take up next item. 20:09:10 agendum 2. "ISSUE-654/ACTION-2130: (Joanie) Determine if AX API supports description changes." taken up [from clown] 20:09:23 issue-654 20:09:23 issue-654 -- Add label and description changes to section "State and Property Change Events" -- open 20:09:23 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/654 20:09:35 JS: This also goes back a long time. 20:09:54 JS: Certain APIs fire events to notify ATs that there has been a name or description change. 20:10:03 JS: The mapping table is in the AccName spec. 20:10:08 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/accname-aam/accname-aam.html#events 20:10:09 JS: Link above. 20:10:18 JS: The table is fully filled in except for AXAPI. 20:10:40 JS: Joanie has been tasked with action-2130 to see if the mappings are correct. 20:11:03 JS: Joanie sent an email to Chris and James from Apple, CCing me. 20:11:52 JD: What I did prior to that email is grep through the code because the existing name-related event struck me as bogus. 20:12:08 JD: And I didn't find that event anywhere in the WebKit code. 20:12:32 JD: I then tested via local layout test to see what events were emitted. 20:12:40 JD: And I included my findings in that email. 20:13:43 s/were emitted/were emitted for Acc Name and Acc Description changes on the Mac/ 20:14:21 JD: What I found was that Acc Name resulted in an AXValueChanged notification if the name change was the result of an ARIA property. 20:16:43 JD: I found no notification happening for description changes. 20:17:58 JS: I am going to leave these actions and we will revisit them. 20:18:02 Zakim, next item 20:18:02 agendum 3. "ISSUE-739: (Joseph/Bogdan) UIA mapping for role="heading" without aria-level" taken up [from clown] 20:18:15 ISSUE-739? 20:18:15 ISSUE-739 -- UIA doesn't support heading without level, how should we map role=heading without aria-level? -- closed 20:18:15 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/739 20:18:16 JS: This happened at the last meeting. 20:18:33 JS: During triage we came across how UIA maps heading role. 20:18:42 JS: Right now, it's a style on a text run. 20:18:54 JS: Cynthia wanted to know what to do about aria-level. 20:19:02 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Dec/0039.html 20:19:05 JS: She suggested I write Bogdan to see what was going on. 20:19:16 JS: I did. The above link is for the email I sent. 20:19:36 JS: I've not heard back from Bogdan (perhaps due to the recent holidays. 20:19:37 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Dec/0042.html 20:19:50 JS: But Stefan responded (see above link) 20:20:13 JS: He has concerns about the existing mappings. 20:20:19 JS: And provided some examples. 20:20:34 JS: It seems like the whole heading thing is a mixed bag. 20:20:57 JS: Related aside: Are we going to test IE for ARIA 1.1 20:21:00 RS: No. 20:21:14 JS: Stefan mentioned he tested in IE, but not Edge. 20:21:23 JS: Are we testing Edge for ARIA 1.1? 20:21:25 RS: Yes. 20:21:38 RS: Edge has some sort of nightly builds available, so we can test that. 20:22:00 JS: At some point, I will probably set up a Windows 10 VM with Edge then. 20:22:21 JS: If I haven't heard from Bogdan by Thursday, I will ping him and point him at this email. 20:22:34 Zakim, next item 20:22:34 agendum 4. "ACTION-1707: (Joseph) AX API mapping for presentation/none in required owned children." taken up [from clown] 20:22:43 action-1707? 20:22:43 action-1707 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Edit the AXAPI mapping table for roles presentation and none to specify that when applied to tables and lists, the children are exposed as AXStaticText accessibles. -- due 2016-12-06 -- PENDINGREVIEW 20:22:43 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1707 20:22:46 JS: This is something I did over the holidays. 20:22:57 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-presentation 20:23:12 JS: I've added some notes in the mapping for role presentation for AXAPI. 20:23:36 JS: I think this is right, but probably Apple should look it over. 20:23:58 JS: I got the text from something Joanie submitted. 20:24:02 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=133133 20:24:10 JS: See the bug at the above link. 20:25:11 JD: Oh, yeah, this thing. 20:40:53 JD: I think you can solve this by reversing the contents in each cell. 20:41:25 JD: In particular, first mention the rules for exposing WAI-ARIA semantics because that explains what gets pruned and what stays in the accessibility tree. 20:41:52 JD: Then follow it with the middle paragraph, because that tells you how to map the stuff you don't prune (AXGroup, ROLE_SECTION) 20:42:32 JD: Lastly, put what you currently have at the top (AXStaticText, ROLE_SECTION) because that explains how you expose the actual rendered text. 20:42:53 JD: The actual rendered text isn't the thing with role presentation. 20:43:28 JD: And we're mapping (or not) the thing with role presentation and any required owned elements (group) 20:43:38 JD: The text exposure is almost a "by the way" 20:44:50 JS: I think I can rewrite/rework this so that it works for all platforms. 20:44:57 JS: But I have some doubts. 20:45:37 JD: If you draft something and give me some time (i.e. not right before or during the meeting) to chew on it, I might be able to help you work out anything you are having problems with. 20:45:48 JS: Will do. 20:45:58 Zakim, next item 20:45:58 agendum 5. "Review of HTML-AAM (All)" taken up [from clown] 20:46:18 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2017Jan/0006.html 20:46:19 JS: Rich, you wanted me to bring this up. 20:46:30 RS: We need to make sure this lines up with our mappings. 20:46:41 JS: The link I just inserted is an email from LĂ©onie. 20:46:51 RS: Are we getting close enough to do this? 20:46:59 JS: We're missing some AXAPI stuff. 20:47:14 RS: I would like an ETA from Apple if possible. 20:50:19 https://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/accessibility/roles-exposed.html#L1 20:50:56 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=165842 20:53:59 JD: So in that case, we don't know the mappings because there's been nothing committed. 20:54:49 JD: But when there is a commit to WebKit, there will be an associated Layout Test. And from the Layout Test you should be able to discern the mappings without much difficulty. 20:55:12 JS: But the agenda item is about the HTML AAM review; not the AXAPI mappings. 20:55:32 RS: When do they need this by? 20:56:35 JS: Based on last week's editors meeting, we want the Core AAM done by February. 20:56:56 JS: If you want to work on the HTML AAM, great. But I need to focus on the Core AAM. 20:57:12 RS: At the very least, we can see if they are pointing to our mappings where they need to. 20:57:24 RS: I will try to do that this month. Please assign it to me. 20:58:23 https://www.w3.org/2017/01/05-aria-minutes.html#item02 20:58:25 action: Rich to review HTML-AAM 20:58:26 Created ACTION-2131 - Review html-aam [on Richard Schwerdtfeger - due 2017-01-17]. 20:58:30 RS: The link to the minutes are above. 20:58:38 action-2131 20:58:38 action-2131 -- Richard Schwerdtfeger to Review html-aam -- due 2017-01-17 -- OPEN 20:58:38 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2131 21:04:53 RRSAgent, make minutes 21:04:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/01/10-aapi-minutes.html joanie 21:06:17 present+ Richard_Schwerdtfeger 21:25:14 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/463 21:26:52 https://trac.webkit.org/changeset/208739/trunk/LayoutTests/accessibility/progressbar-expected.txt 21:28:20 https://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/accessibility/progressbar.html?rev=208739 21:29:49 https://trac.webkit.org/browser/trunk/LayoutTests/accessibility/spinbutton-implicit-values.html?rev=208739 21:36:46 https://w3c.github.io/test-results/wai-aria/all.html 21:44:37 https://w3c.github.io/test-results/wai-aria/all.html 21:49:09 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/463#issuecomment-271702519 21:58:47 Zakim, part 21:58:47 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Joseph_Scheuhammer, Joanmarie_Diggs, Bryan_Garaventa, Richard_Schwerdtfeger 21:58:47 Zakim has left #aapi 21:58:56 scribeOptions: -final 21:59:03 RRSAgent, stop