15:00:32 RRSAgent has joined #tt 15:00:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/22-tt-irc 15:00:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:00:34 Zakim has joined #tt 15:00:36 Zakim, this will be TTML 15:00:36 ok, trackbot 15:00:37 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 15:00:37 Date: 22 December 2016 15:01:54 mike has joined #tt 15:02:03 dae has joined #tt 15:02:24 Present+ dae 15:02:25 Present: Nigel, Glenn, Pierre 15:02:30 Regrets: Thierry 15:02:57 Regrets+ Andreas 15:03:02 Present+ Mike 15:03:07 s/dae/Dae 15:03:50 Chair: Nigel 15:03:54 scribe: nigel 15:04:00 Topic: This Meeting 15:05:38 nigel: Today we have F2F final planning, IMSC, TTML. Any other business? 15:06:54 Pierre: In the F2F planning we should consider TTML1 issues too 15:06:59 nigel: Ok, noted, thanks. 15:07:06 group: No other business 15:07:09 Topic: F2F planning 15:07:31 -> http://www.w3.org/wiki/TimedText/F2F-jan-2017 15:09:30 nigel: Since last week I iterated through all the open TTML2 issues and categorised them, 15:09:44 ... which you can see on the wiki page. Pierre I guess your question is should we go through 15:09:49 ... TTML1 issues as well? 15:11:14 Pierre: Ideally we should try to get TTML1 right since people are using it today. At least we 15:11:24 ... should reach conclusion on the issues on github, which would provide some kind of 15:11:43 ... guidance, even if it takes longer to publish errata. We can't close on TTML2 without 15:11:48 ... solving some of the TTML1 issues. 15:12:06 Glenn: During the F2F we should focus on the problems as Pierre suggested, resolving the 15:12:19 ... issue in our minds and getting a good gameplan in approaching it, and then its a matter 15:12:30 ... of implementing in both TTML1 and TTML2. Clearly the issue on region association 15:12:35 ... needs to be discussed. 15:12:58 ... Are there other high priority items? 15:13:20 Pierre: There are only 34 issues on the tracker right now, and some have an impact on TTML2. 15:15:13 ... For example lineHeight (#220), textDecoration (#219), origin and extent applied to padding rectangle (#221) etc. 15:15:52 nigel: In several cases we have matched TTML2 and TTML1 issues so they should already be there. 15:16:24 Pierre: It would be useful to have the Chair's view of which issues are high priority so that 15:16:32 ... we can prepare better. 15:17:21 nigel: I'm happy to do that and would welcome input, since I can not be sure what is important to each member. 15:17:25 Pierre: I'm happy to send you a list. 15:18:31 nigel: I think that since TTML2 is a superset of TTML1 almost all TTML1 issues also impact 15:18:43 ... TTML2 so I will make sure there are matching issues, and we can consider the whole set together. 15:18:59 Pierre: The only TTML1 issues that are not relevant to TTML2 are where the section they apply 15:19:08 .. to has been rewritten completely in TTML2. 15:21:21 action-491? 15:21:21 action-491 -- Nigel Megitt to Generate detailed (timed) agenda for f2f to allow people to prepare in advance -- due 2016-12-22 -- OPEN 15:21:21 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/491 15:21:36 action-491: Still in progress, some work done categorising issues. 15:21:36 Notes added to action-491 Generate detailed (timed) agenda for f2f to allow people to prepare in advance. 15:23:20 Pierre: We could ask everyone to come prepared on every issue. 15:24:05 Dae: Issue 221 seemed to lose some momentum. Are we going to just propose the last resolution and check that's okay? 15:24:13 nigel: Yes we will do it by consensus. 15:24:21 Pierre: Of course some people may not care about some issues. 15:24:46 nigel: If you are preparing then it would be useful to state your preference/interest on the 15:24:52 ... issue itself so other people can respond. 15:27:19 nigel: Ok here's a quick proposal: if you care about an issue please could you add a Heart reaction so we can gauge interest and priority? 15:27:33 .. Click on the little smiley face on the very first comment and mark it. 15:27:53 .. Just do it on the first comment on the issue please. 15:28:32 Pierre: Also a friendly amendment: if you agree with a comment, give it a thumbs up. 15:28:37 Nigel: Yes, that's useful too. 15:29:24 nigel: So first, please do comment on issues and mark how much you care, and then I will 15:29:36 ... go through them in the week before the meeting and try to sort them into some kind of order. 15:31:12 nigel: Summarising, we will deal with TTML1 and TTML2 issues together, and we will have 15:31:22 .. an updated ED by Jan 5 at the latest for review. 15:31:24 Glenn: Yes. 15:31:46 nigel: And IMSC topics we will finalise early in the week based on liaison input. 15:33:32 nigel: In terms of meeting logistics, I plan to order food to come to the room if that's okay. 15:33:48 .. I haven't done anything about any evening meals, but could help facilitate if anyone wants me to. 15:34:54 nigel: Mike, do you need a dial-in? 15:35:53 mike: Yes please, if you can do that it would be great. Thursday not before this time would work. 15:36:03 nigel: Okay that's enough for me to plan with, thanks. 15:36:16 .. If anyone else needs a dial-in for any of the meeting please let me know - by default I 15:36:23 .. will not open one unless asked. 15:37:18 Topic: IMSC 15:37:38 nigel: Thanks Pierre for responding to the Shervin at Unicode. 15:37:51 Pierre: Yes I replied so now I think it's down to him to come back with questions or comments. 15:38:31 nigel: There are 4 new issues, any to discuss now? 15:38:49 Pierre: No, I started trying to make a pass through these and plan to do it before the meeting 15:39:05 ... including prioritising. 15:39:44 .. On the errata we need Thierry because the version in the repo does not match what is in /TR. 15:39:58 .. It's fixed on /TR for sure. 15:41:49 nigel: What is to stop you from copying the /TR version and pushing it to the repo? 15:42:03 Pierre: Mechanically nothing but I just want to check there isn't a separate source somewhere. 15:42:10 Glenn: Generally I don't think he does. 15:42:53 nigel: You've pinged Thierry on the issue, so there's nothing more to do on this. It's a housekeeping issue, right? 15:42:57 Pierre: Yes absolutely. 15:43:06 Topic: TTML 15:44:24 nigel: Can we see if we can close some issues? 15:44:26 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3A%22to+close%3F%22 15:44:54 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/124 Use of content encoding #124 15:45:52 Glenn: I don't recall why I put that in, maybe it is useful as opposed to necessary. As you 15:46:18 ... point out it can be used whether or not we say it can. 15:46:30 nigel: OK to close? 15:46:32 Glenn: Go ahead. 15:46:55 nigel: Done. 15:47:08 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/109 Allow negative times to be used in fragment begin times #109 15:47:21 Glenn: I'm not ready to close this. 15:48:20 .. Actually, no, go ahead, I may put a comment in there. 15:48:42 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/97 Style attribute to prevent overflow by shrinking text to fit on a line #97 15:49:31 nigel: There's consensus to close I think, but should we leave it for ttml.next? 15:49:34 Glenn: Just close it. 15:50:40 nigel: Done, note added. 15:50:56 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/53 Inline space #53 15:52:59 Pierre: This came from digital cinema. I think if we can document why we cannot achieve 15:53:12 .. negative lengths that could be a good reason, but it would be good to explain if/why we 15:53:15 .. are not going to support it. 15:54:48 Glenn: [checks what we actually specified for ipd] It is restricted to be non-negative. 15:55:28 .. Negative space is usually used to adjust layout manually. For example it is used in Latec -> PDF. 15:56:17 .. In CSS you cannot specify width on inline non-replaceable elements, so I'm not exactly 15:56:22 .. sure how you would express it in CSS either. 15:57:55 nigel: Okay I've added a comment for now. 15:58:09 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/47 Individual character rotation #47 15:58:31 nigel: I think textOrientation fulfils this. 15:58:41 Pierre: I'm happy with this if it meets the requirement. 16:01:08 Nigel: Okay I'll close. 16:01:21 .. done! 16:02:47 Dae: I will check this and raise an issue separately - I have a feeling there are certain half width kanji characters that may need special handling. 16:02:54 Glenn: Let's talk offline about that. 16:03:01 -> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/38 The values for alpha in rgba() don't correspond to CSS3 Color definitions #38 16:04:10 Pierre: Happy to close. 16:04:18 nigel: Glenn has already indicated he is happy to close also. 16:04:35 .. Closed! 16:05:05 nigel: We're now down to 1 issue marked as "to close?". 16:06:14 nigel: Okay thanks, that felt productive! We're out of time for today so I'll wish everyone a 16:06:31 .. happy festive season whatever you are doing, and good travels to London for our next 16:06:36 .. meeting. [adjourns meeting] 16:06:40 rrsagent, make minutes 16:06:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/22-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:13:20 s/the Shervin/Shervin 16:13:47 s/he does/he does keep a separate source 16:14:51 i|-> https://github.com/w3c/ttml2/issues/97|nigel: OK I closed it 16:15:33 s/.. done!/nigel: done! 16:15:56 s/.. Closed!/nigel: Closed! 16:16:07 rrsagent, make minutes 16:16:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/22-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:18:29 ScribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 16:18:30 rrsagent, make minutes 16:18:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/22-tt-minutes.html nigel 17:07:00 Zakim has left #tt