18:01:08 RRSAgent has joined #aria 18:01:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/01-aria-irc 18:01:10 RRSAgent, make logs world 18:01:10 Zakim has joined #aria 18:01:12 Zakim, this will be 18:01:12 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 18:01:13 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 18:01:13 Date: 01 December 2016 18:01:28 present+ jongund 18:01:45 present+ Janina 18:01:47 RRSAgent, make log public 18:02:18 chair: Rich 18:03:07 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Nov/0061.html 18:04:53 clown has joined #aria 18:06:15 scribe: jongund 18:06:46 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria-admin/2016Nov/0007.html 18:06:49 jamesn has joined #aria 18:06:52 RS: ARIA DPUB aria module went to CR 18:06:57 Jason_Duan has joined #aria 18:07:01 RS: Wehn will it be published 18:07:24 MC: Aiming for the 13th 18:07:27 Stefan has joined #aria 18:07:28 RS: Excellent 18:07:40 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Nov/0024.html 18:07:40 RA: ARIA in HTML is out for review 18:07:45 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:07:52 https://www.w3.org/TR/2016/WD-html-aria-20161121/ 18:08:23 JG: I will look at 18:08:39 RS: How do we create action items? 18:08:47 MC: There is no distinction 18:09:03 https://github.com/w3c/html-aria/issues 18:09:09 MC: You have to go to the GitHub user interface to do it 18:09:24 MC: We can add people to contributors 18:09:34 RS: Who is in the list? 18:10:24 RS: We can add comments 18:10:28 jnurthen has joined #aria 18:10:44 MC: DO we want individual comments or group comments 18:11:07 JG: I can make a wiki 18:11:22 MC: I think we should use tracker 18:11:40 action: Jon create wiki with feedback on aria-html. others contribute to it. 18:11:40 Created ACTION-2128 - Create wiki with feedback on aria-html. others contribute to it. [on Jon Gunderson - due 2016-12-08]. 18:12:08 RS: What product do we associate that with 18:12:18 action-2128 18:12:18 action-2128 -- Jon Gunderson to Create wiki with feedback on aria-html. others contribute to it. -- due 2016-12-08 -- OPEN 18:12:18 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2128 18:12:27 MC: We should leave it unassociated right now 18:12:50 MC: We should stop using tracker with ARIA in its name 18:13:01 MC: How about Misc. product 18:13:45 trackbot, associate action-2128 with product-56 18:13:45 action-2128 (Create wiki with feedback on aria-html. others contribute to it.) associated with product-56. 18:13:48 TOPIC: Comment from Karl Groves 18:13:51 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/486 18:14:05 RS: We need to have a response, I did respond 18:14:59 RS: We feels host language should have precedence 18:15:42 RS: The host language determines what is allowed and what is not 18:16:07 RS: Looking at his last comment on "...not possible", the host language should determine, not ARIA 18:16:10 JS: Maybe 18:16:30 18:16:37 JS: I thought he had a deeper claim that LABEL should win over all ARIA 18:16:55 JS: SPIN Button example 18:17:16 JS: Are you going to write the spec about all the do or do nots 18:17:33 RS: Right but a spin button can be a container for... 18:18:01 JS: People have done this to make a left, right, up and down to make a spin button out of a text box 18:18:14 RS: The host language needs to limit it, not ARIA 18:18:18 q+ 18:18:43 RS: ARIA says that the host language can restrict what roles can limit 18:18:57 JS: Lests find it and make sure it says that 18:19:18 JN: It's linked in the GitHub issue "Host general conflicts" 18:19:31 JN: The link is wrong though 18:19:45 JN: Section 7.5 18:20:43 JN: I disagree that we should allow host language restrictions, I think ARIA always winning would make things simplier 18:20:56 RS: .... reading the spec... 18:21:58 RS: I think we already address this 18:22:26 RS: If there is a problem it should be discussed with the host language working group 18:22:52 RS: Do you think the ARIA spec text addresses his point? 18:23:05 RS: Here is an instance where he is wrong 18:23:53 RS: A WYSIWYG that can add a radio button and its label 18:24:07 JS: You are editing the label 18:24:28 RS: I think this should be done in the host language and we provide for that 18:24:38 RS: Any other ideas? 18:25:02 JS: You are using Javascript to repurpose an element to something else 18:25:14 JS: ARIA in general should win 18:25:33 RS: We have provisions in the ARIA spec to deal with this 18:25:42 RS: Any other comments? 18:25:50 RS: We need to render a decision 18:26:25 MC: I am not sure how to use Github for consensus 18:26:54 MC: Never clear if it is a group decisions or an individual 18:27:18 Janina: You want consensus by the working group on the wording 18:29:38 Proposal: In general the ARIA working group believe that if the author has gone to such great lenghts to repurpose a host language element such that they would require an ARIA role to be applied to make it accessible they should be able to. That said, we do have a provision in the ARIA spec. to address conflicts with host languanges in this section of ARIA: http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#host_general_conflict . The specific text that 18:29:38 addresses your concern is this: “Therefore, to prevent providing conflicting states and properties to assistive technologies, host languages MUST explicitly declare where the use of WAI-ARIA attributes on each host language element conflicts with native attributes for that element. When a host language declares a WAI-ARIA attribute to be in direct semantic conflict with a native attribute for a given element, user agents MUST ignore the WAI-ARIA 18:29:39 attribute and instead use the host language attribute with the same implicit semantic.” 18:30:41 "user agents MUST use the semantic of the WAI-ARIA role for processing, not the native semantic, unless the role requires WAI-ARIA states and properties whose attributes are explicitly forbidden on the native element by the host language." 18:31:56 Proposal: Proposal: In general the ARIA working group believe that if the author has gone to such great lenghts to repurpose a host language element such that they would require an ARIA role to be applied to make it accessible they should be able to. That said, we do have a provision in the ARIA spec. to address conflicts with host languanges in this section of ARIA: http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#host_general_conflict . When a WAI-ARIA 18:31:57 role is provided, user agents MUST use the semantic of the WAI-ARIA role for processing, not the native semantic, unless the role requires WAI-ARIA states and properties whose attributes are explicitly forbidden on the native element by the host language. Values for roles do not conflict in the same way as values for states and properties (for example, the HTML 'checked' attribute and the 'aria-checked' attribute could have conflicting values), and 18:31:57 authors are expected to have valid reason to provide a WAI-ARIA role even on elements that would not normally be repurposed. 18:33:26 RESOLUTION: Reponse to comment from Karl Groves is: In general the ARIA working group believe that if the author has gone to such great lenghts to repurpose a host language element such that they would require an ARIA role to be applied to make it accessible they should be able to. That said, we do have a provision in the ARIA spec. to address conflicts with host languanges in this section of ARIA: 18:33:27 http://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#host_general_conflict . When a WAI-ARIA role is provided, user agents MUST use the semantic of the WAI-ARIA role for processing, not the native semantic, unless the role requires WAI-ARIA states and properties whose attributes are explicitly forbidden on the native element by the host language. Values for roles do not conflict in the same way as values for states and properties (for example, the HTML 18:33:27 'checked' attribute and the 'aria-checked' attribute could have conflicting values), and authors are expected to have valid reason to provide a WAI-ARIA role even on elements that would not normally be repurposed. 18:33:54 RS: We got the resolution 18:34:41 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/486 18:35:19 Rich: the issue is now closed 18:35:46 TOPIC: Testable Statements 18:35:58 MC: We have an echo problem with JN 18:36:15 RS: So I have been holding off on this, waiting for JC 18:36:28 RS: We are waiting for him 18:36:48 RS: Microsoft is also working on the core mappings 18:36:54 JS: There is a question for you 18:37:46 RS: The problem they had, they wanted to do an expand/collapse pattern, ..., but was not required, I don't know what his response was... 18:38:08 RS: I want the expand/collapse pattern could have popup set 18:38:14 https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/467#issuecomment-264236294 18:38:38 JS: They will still use the expand/collapse pattern 18:38:46 RS: I am fine with it 18:39:31 RS: I have a branch conflict 18:39:51 RS: It makes sense to me, it has to go in there 18:40:00 RSL He needs to fix the conflicts 18:40:07 JS: In that pull request 18:40:30 RS: We should be seeing progress in filling out the table 18:40:42 RS: The gap we have now 18:41:33 RS: WHen do think you get started 18:43:00 JG: We have been making progress, trying to make 18:43:13 RS: They may be using a version 2 18:43:26 RS: I can send you send me new links 18:44:18 RS: You can talk to James Teh and Alexander Z 18:45:01 RS: Also know that Brett Lewis form FS 18:45:43 RS: I am trying to get both NVDA and FS more involved 18:45:56 RS: Send a note to them and copy me 18:46:15 RS: Joanie gets back next week, that will help to 18:46:33 RS: We left off with the U element in HTML5 18:46:41 MC: I need to look at the minutes 18:47:18 https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/textlevel-semantics.html#textlevel-semantics 18:47:21 MC: We created a big issue 18:47:43 MC: The TOC is better than the section for me 18:47:52 MC: We looked at ...... 18:48:23 RS: I didn't see SUB/SUP?? discussed 18:48:40 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/485 18:48:44 MC: Issue 485 18:49:04 MC: We did not look at Ruby and its related elements.... 18:49:16 RS: Is Ruby even mapped in HTML5? 18:49:25 MC: Tis is part of the triage 18:49:30 JS: Not found 18:49:41 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/ 18:49:54 MC: editors draft and was updated yesterday 18:50:10 MC: I am not sure what they are doing on it 18:50:11 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/ 18:50:16 RS: Let's look at Ruby 18:50:24 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-ruby 18:50:53 MC: The accessibility APIs don't know what t do with Ruby 18:51:06 JS: What does Ruby do? 18:51:45 MC: When some languages that can have ambiguous means to explain its meaning 18:51:53 JS: ALT text for text 18:52:25 MC: We might want to talk to Japanese screen reader users to learn more about this isse 18:52:44 MC: Do as a Github issue? 18:52:47 RS: Yes 18:53:52 jongund has joined #aria 18:54:15 GH-ISSUE 488 https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/488 18:54:39 https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/text-level-semantics.html#the-ruby-element 18:54:54 JN: There are tons of examples in HTML5 spec 18:55:10 https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/textlevel-semantics.html#the-data-element 18:55:27 MC: The data element we did not look at 18:56:27 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/data 18:56:46 RS: You have the data and then you have a value, like a UCP code 18:57:00 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-data 18:57:21 https://www.w3.org/TR/html51/textlevel-semantics.html#the-abbr-element 18:57:28 MC: the next one ABBR 18:57:45 https://w3c.github.io/html-aam/#el-abbr 18:58:18 I must be mutted 18:58:26 Can someone push the minutes? 18:58:31 I have another meeting now 18:58:59 I need to leave now 18:59:24 rrsagent, draft minutes 18:59:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/01-aria-minutes.html jongund 19:01:28 Still to triage from text-level semantics section: time, mark, bdi/bdo, br/wbr 19:02:51 RRSAgent, make minutes 19:02:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/01-aria-minutes.html Rich 19:26:55 Rich has joined #aria 19:40:44 clown has joined #aria 19:59:02 Rich has joined #aria 20:19:33 Rich has joined #aria 20:56:30 Zakim has left #aria 21:09:44 Rich has joined #aria 21:28:44 jongund has joined #aria 22:44:31 Rich has joined #aria 23:08:39 chaals has joined #aria