18:01:22 RRSAgent has joined #svg-a11y 18:01:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/11/01-svg-a11y-irc 18:01:24 RRSAgent, make logs ab 18:01:24 Zakim has joined #svg-a11y 18:01:26 Zakim, this will be 18:01:26 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 18:01:27 Meeting: SVG Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 18:01:27 Date: 01 November 2016 18:02:39 Rich has joined #svg-a11y 18:03:04 RRSAgent, make log public 18:04:23 I am on webex 18:04:33 but apparently, the last meeting used Doug’s webex 18:04:47 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-a11y/2016Nov/att-0001/00-part 18:05:19 Rich, ok, I'll join the other one 18:05:46 https://mit.webex.com/mit/e.php?MTID=mfbccb8d6db27f5aa089c12da792afa6d 18:06:53 RRSAgent, draft minutes 18:06:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/01-svg-a11y-minutes.html Rich 18:06:57 chair: Rich 18:14:39 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1008738814311&set=a.1008738534304.2002162.1100161646&type=3&theater 18:17:43 http://www.wesharebonaire.com/2015/02/14/i-shall-return/ 18:25:27 meeting: SVG A11y Task Force 18:25:31 Topic: co-chiars 18:25:40 s/chiars/chairs/ 18:26:54 Rich: looking for a co-chair for the task force due to move to retirement 18:27:08 Doug: If my situation changes I would be willing to co-chair 18:27:57 Amelia: I have a similar situation. At this time I will continue to participate 18:28:06 Topic: Vacation Schedule 18:28:45 Rich: On vacation November 5-20. Also, the last 2 weeks of the year I will be out like most 18:29:17 Rich: Fred will try to chair next week. If not, Doug will chair 18:30:50 Doug: Limit discussions to testing while Rich is on vacation November 5-20 18:31:29 RESOLUTION: Last meeting this year is December 13, Resuming January 3, 2017\ 18:31:48 Topic: SVG2 Status 18:32:15 Rich: Last I heard the SVG working group was going to take some features out of SVG2 18:33:08 Amelia: we met about a month ago with most implementers. Many of the implementers were not interested in doing the advanced graphical features at this time. To move ahead with a spec. some of those features would be moved to separate modules. 18:33:41 Amelia: We asked people to get back to us with features they felt were priorities and not priorities. No feedback has been feed at this time 18:33:57 Amelia: At the meeting it was agreed that A11y was a priority 18:34:49 Amelia: we have agreed but we need to say that some things like Z index was important for a11y. Also, the multi-lingual title is important as an a11y enhancement 18:35:34 Doug: One slight update: I sent an email to the implementers to provide an easier way for them to provide feedback in hopes of greater responsiveness. 18:35:42 Feedback & implementation status summary document: https://nikosandronikos.github.io/svg2-info/svg2-feature-support/ 18:36:04 Doug: It is pretty clear what features they will support - the enhancements but not completely new features 18:36:35 Doug: We have a working extension for the working group that will last until the end of January and they will push forward on the rechartering. 18:37:07 Doug: It really depends on our getting people to help with testing resources. 18:38:04 Doug: Adobe, who has not been engaged with SVG did show up at the meeting and they stated that Adobe was was interested in a11y 18:38:18 Rich: they were also interested in the advanced features 18:38:41 Doug: If we can get 2 authoring tools that should suffice. 18:39:22 Amelia: to get interoperable mesh gradients across graphics editing tools 18:41:05 Doug: There has been a lot of litigation lately and increased focus on accessibility 18:44:46 Doug: The companies that make ZoomText and Window-Eyes have merged with the company that makes JAWS. VFO. 18:45:27 Doug: these are now all under one roof. 18:48:39 Topic: Status of our Documents 18:49:01 Amelia: The SVG accessibility mappings updates were not integrated yet. 18:49:21 Amelia: update the working draft to match the editors draft 18:49:53 Action: Doug Update the draft. 18:49:53 Created ACTION-2031 - Update the draft. [on Doug Schepers - due 2016-11-08]. 18:50:49 Amelia: More broadly we have a number of issues in that document. As we build a test suite and get more implementers we will be able to narrow down the issues. …. View elements and couple of the other areas where SVG is unique 18:51:01 Amelia: I have sort of suggested a way of handling things. 18:51:24 Amelia: hopefully the test suite will be a way to get greater implementer involvement 18:51:37 Topic: Testing ToDs 18:51:51 https://www.w3.org/wiki/SVG_Accessibility/Testing/Test_Assertions_with_Tables_for_ATTA 18:52:24 Rich: Why can’t we just point canvas and iframe to HTML 18:52:37 Amelia: Copy the HTML a11y tests for these 18:53:13 action: Doug: Reach out to Steve Faulkner to get test cases copied over to the SVG a11y test harness 18:53:13 Created ACTION-2032 - Reach out to steve faulkner to get test cases copied over to the svg a11y test harness [on Doug Schepers - due 2016-11-08]. 18:53:31 Rich: Thes aare for canvas and iframe 18:54:16 Amelia: The view element is new in that the view is activated by a target fragment. Where the target fragment is the id of the view element. 18:54:39 Amelia: We need a test harness that that will accommodate this 18:55:42 Amelia: Contact Shane McCharron (ARIA a11y test harness) shane@spec-ops.io and Mike Smith (smith@w3.org) 18:56:23 Rich: track, audio, video come from HTML tests as well 18:56:59 Filter Parts: We need to make sure they are not exposed in the a11y 18:58:36 action: Fred Write test harness mappings to make sure the fe* are not mapped in a11y api 18:58:36 Error finding 'Fred'. You can review and register nicknames at . 18:59:00 action: fesch Write test harness mappings to make sure the fe* are not mapped in a11y api 18:59:00 Error finding 'fesch'. You can review and register nicknames at . 19:00:04 Amelia: set should not be exposed. We need to check that it did not hide other elements. … these are part of the svg aam 19:00:12 trackbot, make minutes 19:00:12 Sorry, Rich, I don't understand 'trackbot, make minutes'. Please refer to for help. 19:00:21 RRSAgent, make minutes 19:00:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/11/01-svg-a11y-minutes.html Rich 19:00:27 RRSAgent, make log public 19:28:54 PS, shepazu: Looks like you need to Add Fred the Invited expert to https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/svg-a11y-tf/track/users, after Fred from IBM was removed. 19:30:40 hmmm, have to see how that is configured 19:37:02 ok, done! I needed to add him back to the SVG-a11y TF 19:42:45 chaals has joined #svg-a11y 20:03:39 Zakim has left #svg-a11y 21:04:39 Rich has joined #svg-a11y 21:39:01 Rich has joined #svg-a11y