12:59:50 RRSAgent has joined #multimodal 12:59:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/10/24-multimodal-irc 13:02:41 Meeting: Multimodal Interaction WG 13:02:42 Chair: Debbie 13:02:52 Present: Debbie, Dirk, Kaz 13:02:56 regrets:helena 13:03:30 Dirk has joined #multimodal 13:03:39 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-mmi-wg/2016Oct/0008.html 13:03:46 topic: Actions 13:04:02 action-454 13:04:04 action-454 -- Deborah Dahl to Turn bullet list into text -- due 2016-09-05 -- OPEN 13:04:04 https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/Group/track/actions/454 13:04:18 ddahl: not yet done 13:04:30 ... will do it 13:04:40 action-456? 13:04:40 action-456 -- Kazuyuki Ashimura to Generate a picture based on the tpac flip chart idea -- due 2016-10-10 -- OPEN 13:04:40 https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/Group/track/actions/456 13:04:41 action-456? 13:04:41 action-456 -- Kazuyuki Ashimura to Generate a picture based on the tpac flip chart idea -- due 2016-10-10 -- OPEN 13:04:41 https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/Group/track/actions/456 13:04:54 kaz: not yet done... 13:04:56 ... will do 13:05:02 action-457? 13:05:02 action-457 -- Kazuyuki Ashimura to Make a strawman/template diagram for relationships between entities in a use case -- due 2016-10-10 -- OPEN 13:05:02 https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/Group/track/actions/457 13:05:19 kaz: not yet done this either... will do 13:05:27 action-458? 13:05:27 action-458 -- B Helena RODRIGUEZ to Send wot person our vocabulary to get his comments and then we can reconcile our work with their work -- due 2016-10-24 -- OPEN 13:05:27 https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/Group/track/actions/458 13:05:40 ddahl: we can talk with Helena next time 13:06:11 ... btw, Helena had a question to you, Kaz 13:06:20 ... she has some JS library 13:06:30 ... and would like to put that on the GitHub 13:06:41 ... were you aware of that? 13:06:50 kaz: no, didn't know 13:07:06 ddahl: let's ask her about the detail 13:07:34 ... but basically it would be ok 13:07:40 kaz: think so 13:08:55 ... we should clarify whether she is OK with W3C software license or not 13:09:25 action: kaz to coordinate with Helena about her library software for the GitHub 13:09:25 Created ACTION-459 - Coordinate with helena about her library software for the github [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due 2016-10-31]. 13:17:15 topic: Use Cases (on GitHub) 13:17:43 -> https://w3c.github.io/mmi/usecases/Overview.html Use Cases on GitHub 13:18:01 dirk: forked the repo and added changes 13:18:09 ... still need to issue a pull request 13:19:13 -> https://w3c.github.io/mmi/usecases/Overview.html#UC-12:_Smart_Car_Platform UC-12 13:19:30 dirk: there are efforts by GENIVI 13:19:39 ... Qt and Franca 13:21:25 kaz: the combination of Qt and Franca for automotive apps is kind of similar to HTML5 and SCXML for Web apps 13:23:58 ... GENIVI guys have started to consider the combination of HTML5 and JS for IVI apps 13:24:13 ... but JS itself doesn't have enough capability for state transition 13:24:29 dirk: could use JS-based SCXML as well 13:24:32 kaz: indeed 13:24:53 dirk: would like to update the Use Case description based on today's discussion as well 13:24:56 kaz: tx 13:26:17 ddahl: would like to revisit some of the use cases 13:26:29 ... see the minutes from the previous meeting 13:26:38 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/10/17-multimodal-minutes.html prev minutes 13:26:52 ddahl: UC-13 and UC-18 are the same 13:27:50 ... will finalize UC-22 (smart hotel room) and UC-2 (robot) 13:28:01 ... Helena was interested in UC-18 and UC-23 13:29:02 ... UC-12 by Dirk 13:31:05 kaz: UC-7 and UC-18 could be combined 13:31:09 ddahl: right 13:31:23 ... not sure if Helena really wanted to combine 13 and 18 13:32:31 ... besides the individual use case, you have an action for the template 13:32:48 dirk: btw, UC-23 is missing at the ToC 13:32:58 kaz: will add that to ToC 13:33:27 ddahl: can write up the introduction section and clarify the purposes 13:33:57 ... can wait until all the individual use cases are done 13:34:17 ... we have nice use cases 13:34:50 kaz: for the publication version, how to handle all the use cases? 13:35:01 ... some of the use cases as the core ones? 13:35:30 ddhal: we can choose some of the core/important use cases and put a link back to this original GitHub draft 13:36:14 ... are there any use cases you'd like to sign up, Kaz? 13:36:52 kaz: at least UC-7 13:37:01 ... and anything important if needed 13:38:06 ... will talk with some of the JP guys about UC-8 13:39:13 ddahl: we should update this document itself 13:39:32 ... and once all the edit is done, we can generate the publication version 13:39:37 kaz: +1 13:40:15 ddahl: would like to see the updated document next week 13:45:17 topic: Discovery & Registration 13:45:25 ddahl: we need Helena 13:45:32 topic: Web of Things coordination 13:49:02 kaz: the proposed WG Charter has ended recently 13:49:09 ... got strong supports from the Members 13:49:16 ... and some objections 13:49:34 ... they've just started the WebSocket interface as well 13:50:08 ... maybe they might want to start consideration about application layer protocol and state transition handling 13:50:28 ... as you know, WebSocket interface has been discussed Automotive WG as well 13:50:43 ... and the Automotive WG has just published the FPWD for the WebSocket interface 13:52:40 -> https://www.w3.org/TR/vehicle-information-service/ Vehicle Signal Server Specification FPWD 14:04:07 kaz: think this WebSocket interface is kind of similar to the MMI Architecture and the MMI Lifecycle events 14:04:52 rrsagent, format minutes 14:04:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/24-multimodal-minutes.html ddahl 14:05:11 [ adjourned ] 14:05:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:05:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/24-multimodal-minutes.html kaz 14:05:22 rrsagent, make log public 14:05:23 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:05:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/24-multimodal-minutes.html kaz 14:06:05 rrsagent, stop