16:56:59 RRSAgent has joined #aria 16:56:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/10/20-aria-irc 16:57:01 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:57:01 Zakim has joined #aria 16:57:03 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Oct/0054.html 16:57:03 Zakim, this will be 16:57:03 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:57:04 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 16:57:04 Date: 20 October 2016 16:57:15 chair: MichaelC 16:57:19 regrets: Rich 16:57:31 present+ MichielBijl 16:57:59 agenda+ ARIA 1.1 CR Exit Criteria https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/CR-pub/aria/aria.html#sotd 16:58:18 agenda+ ARIA 2.0 Triage and ARIA 1.2 requirements 16:58:32 agenda+ Testable Statements (Coordination), test case Authoring, and automation 16:58:40 agenda+ SVG2 Update from last week 16:58:51 present+ MichaelC 17:01:29 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:04:30 Stefan has joined #aria 17:04:48 jongund_ has joined #aria 17:04:52 present+ Stefan_Schnabel, Jon_Gunderson 17:05:00 present+ jongund 17:05:04 present+ ShaneM 17:06:09 scribe: jongund 17:06:16 scribe: jongund_ 17:06:49 zakim, next item 17:06:49 agendum 1. "ARIA 1.1 CR Exit Criteria https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/CR-pub/aria/aria.html#sotd" taken up [from MichaelC] 17:06:53 MC: Any additions to the agenda 17:07:19 MC: Look at the l ink to exit criteria 17:07:31 MC: Much like we have looked at before with ARIA 1.0 17:07:45 MC: I picked some initial dates 17:08:11 MC: 13 January 2017 is the earliest date to exit 17:08:33 MC: Roughly 2 months of working time for testing 17:09:00 MC: We need to formally ask for implementation 17:10:00 clown has joined #aria 17:11:00 MC: How risky 17:11:57 JD: I plan to build a ATTA for OS X 17:12:13 JG: I am pretty committed to MSAA+IAccessibl2 17:12:35 JD: I am close to being done 17:12:43 MC: How about OS X 17:12:56 JD: I have not started, but I am working with Apple on it 17:13:22 JD: I will need the initial getting started stuff 17:13:46 JD: I talked to JC at TPAC and he siad it could be done and he would help 17:14:07 -> https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/project ARIA Project Plan 17:14:12 MC: The proposed timeline seems OK, we can be later if it does not work out 17:14:17 what interface does Chrome use on OSX for a11y? 17:14:27 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 17:14:31 MC: The plan is to go to proposed recommendation in February 17:16:00 MC: The features that are at risk, a normative reference to the KeyBoard Event spec, and it is not at recommendation, then the document will change to be a recommendation, rather a requirement 17:16:07 I think that is fine... 17:16:27 JG: There is not much that can be done right? 17:16:42 MC: That is all I have to say about the exit criteria 17:16:51 MC: I will give it another review 17:17:19 JS: There is one other thing, JC has raised an issue of a must statement for aria-roledescription 17:17:49 MC: I need to make a satement that all issues have been dealt with 17:18:20 JS: I think he +1 the current 17:18:30 MC: When did he submit the commit 17:18:34 issue-1048? 17:18:35 issue-1048 -- roledescription usage should not be limited to elements with defined ARIA roles -- raised 17:18:35 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/1048 17:18:40 JS: Issue 1048 17:18:47 JS: Raised it yesterday 17:19:02 MC: It is after vote to go to CR 17:19:18 JS: But it is against the CORE-AM 17:19:36 MC: He voted +1 on going to CR 17:19:43 Did you read the issue? It makes some sense. 17:20:26 MC: He voted to go to CR prior to raising this issue 17:20:49 MC: May need to speak to the director, I don't think we want to hold it up 17:22:06 MC: If we want to take up this issue a minimum of two weeks and will increase the scrutiny of the group 17:22:52 MC: We can put an at risk statement, we can put it against CORE-AMM and then if is not implemented have it also change the spec 17:23:03 JS: He wants it removed 17:23:17 JS: He might be ok to make it a should 17:23:25 MC: It is a process issue 17:23:42 MC: It will take time and then another directors meeting 17:24:02 JG: Make it at rick 17:24:25 MC: Shane says it is worthwile issue 17:24:34 MC: Rich should be 17:25:11 MC: If I send a transition request today, it can't publish in October 17:25:51 JG: can't JC lobby other developers to keep it out 17:26:12 MC: We can try it, but it might blow up in our faces 17:26:36 MC: I will add this as an at risk statement 17:26:51 MC: Let's keep the issue clean 17:27:09 mck has joined #aria 17:27:16 MC: Is there any object with that plane 17:27:19 MC: Is there any object with that plan 17:27:26 JS: Not from me 17:28:05 MC: I sent a message about an at risk related to ekyboard mapping, the option is OK with you MK 17:28:25 MK: You recommended changing it to a should 17:28:34 MC: It is a rule thing 17:28:50 MK: I understand, we can revisit it in 1.2 17:28:53 MC: Yes 17:29:07 MC: We should raise that issue now, or we might forget about it 17:29:20 issue: revisit normative ref to UI Events KeyboardEvent key Values when it hits rec 17:29:20 Created ISSUE-1050 - Revisit normative ref to ui events keyboardevent key values when it hits rec. Please complete additional details at . 17:29:59 present+ matt_king 17:30:35 MC: Anything else about CR? 17:30:51 MC: Ok, I will send out a draft CR announcement 17:31:18 issue-521 17:31:18 issue-521 -- Expand values for aria-relevant to cover text additions, text removals, text changes, element additions, element removals - ARIA 2.0 -- raised 17:31:18 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/521 17:31:24 zakim, next item 17:31:24 agendum 2. "ARIA 2.0 Triage and ARIA 1.2 requirements" taken up [from MichaelC] 17:31:26 https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/wiki/ARIA_2.0_Issue_Triage 17:32:16 MK: It doesn't fit current requirements for 1.2 17:32:41 MK: Remove a button, which I have never done, is that a text removal 17:32:47 MC: Leave at 2.0? 17:33:05 MC: Combobox 17:33:37 MK: I think we are addressing right now, it is an AT implementation and authoring issue 17:33:51 MC: We need to think about what is happening in ARIA 17:34:00 MC: Maybe move to APG product 17:34:16 MK: I thought we could close the issue 17:34:51 MC: Can we move to ARIA APG and then you can close ot 17:35:08 MK: We have the option if there is aproblem to assign it to ARIA 2.0 17:35:13 issue-720 17:35:13 issue-720 -- Address deprecationg role="presentation" -- raised 17:35:13 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/720 17:35:28 MC: deprecate ROLE=PRESENTATION, in ARIA 2.0 17:35:39 MC: Objections? none 17:35:49 issue-721 17:35:49 issue-721 -- Expand aria-level to include values for "auto" and "subsection" -- raised 17:35:49 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/721 17:36:12 MC: User agent calculates properties 17:36:20 MK: ARIA 2.0 17:36:23 issue-743 17:36:23 issue-743 -- Provide author defined description of state and property information -- raised 17:36:23 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/issues/743 17:36:48 MC: Author defined state and property 17:36:53 MC: Leave this 17:36:55 issue-1734 17:36:55 Sorry, but issue-1734 does not exist. 17:37:07 MC: Should spinbutton be a composite role 17:37:08 issue—1074 17:37:11 MK: We did that 17:37:16 issue-1074 17:37:16 Sorry, but issue-1074 does not exist. 17:37:18 MC: We discussed that 17:37:29 MC: It is listed so we can close this issue 17:37:30 close issue-1034 17:37:30 Closed issue-1034. 17:38:19 MC: New drag and drop features 17:38:39 MC: We will want to revisit in ARIA 2.0 17:38:53 MC: Use of ARIA in all W3C Specs 17:39:29 MC: I don't think this is an ARIA product 17:39:44 MC: It would be in ReSpec 17:40:03 MC: Should we ask APA to take charge of this 17:40:07 SC: Yes 17:40:10 it would need to be in bikeshed too 17:40:20 MK: It does not fit the charter of this group 17:40:54 issue-668: Move to APA http://www.w3.org/WAI/APA/track/issues/1001 17:40:54 Notes added to issue-668 Consider if the w3c spec format needs to be updated e.g., to use h1 for sections, after some aria roles like title introduced. 17:40:59 close issue-668 17:40:59 Closed issue-668. 17:41:08 MC: Closed with a note 17:41:13 that's awesome! 17:41:39 MK: We have walked through every issue 17:41:42 can we talk about testing for a minute then? 17:41:46 MC: Every issue for 1.1 17:41:53 MC: Testing 17:41:55 zakim, next item 17:41:55 agendum 3. "Testable Statements (Coordination), test case Authoring, and automation" taken up [from MichaelC] 17:42:15 SC: We have many specs under the ARIA collection 17:42:38 SC: Web Platform Test (WPT) maps to the short names of specs 17:42:55 SC: We are working to put the ARIA 1.0 test in 17:43:23 SC: Other specs like SVG have there own aria tests 17:43:39 SC: We want to group test results by CR 17:44:06 MC: The actual short name is wai-aria-1.1 17:44:14 SC: Really 17:44:32 MC: We may have a short name without the version like wai-aria 17:44:41 SC: Thank you, I will fix that 17:45:13 SC: It is just convention 17:45:31 MC: I have not created wai-aria-1.0, I will do that 17:45:40 SC: That should be donw 17:45:53 SC: SVG aria implementation 17:46:07 SC: This is the svg-aam-1.0 17:46:18 MC: svg-aam-1.0 17:46:40 SC: Anyone have an opinion on the version being in the directory names 17:46:46 +1 to what other specs do 17:46:49 MK: We should do what the other specs do 17:47:19 MC: If it is reasonable to have version sub directories 17:47:38 SC: One of the WPT is dealing with is META data for sub testing 17:47:53 SC: Sub directories are one way to deal with this 17:48:05 MK: The recent issues like has-popup 17:48:38 SC: Your right, the people involved have not seen this issue before 17:49:03 SC: Thank you for your comments 17:49:10 MC: Any other issues on testing 17:49:12 q? 17:49:41 SC: I am putting in real results from JD testing 17:49:48 MC: We are done on testable statements 17:49:53 zakim, next item 17:49:53 agendum 4. "SVG2 Update from last week" taken up [from MichaelC] 17:49:57 MC: SVG2 update? 17:50:26 MC: SVG is putting in a charter for review, and will can continue to work on SVG 17:51:01 MC: Any other agenda items for today? 17:51:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:51:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/20-aria-minutes.html jongund_ 18:08:55 trackbot, end meeting 18:08:55 Zakim, list attendees 18:08:55 As of this point the attendees have been MichielBijl, MichaelC, Joanmarie_Diggs, Stefan_Schnabel, Jon_Gunderson, jongund, ShaneM, Joseph_Scheuhammer, matt_king 18:09:03 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:09:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/10/20-aria-minutes.html trackbot 18:09:04 RRSAgent, bye 18:09:04 I see no action items