10:08:05 RRSAgent has joined #respimg 10:08:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/21-respimg-irc 10:08:15 Present+ nigel 10:08:24 kirkwood has joined #respimg 10:08:26 Simon Pieters, Opera 10:08:54 gregwhitworth, Microsoft 10:08:55 Yoav Weiss, Akamai 10:09:00 scribenick: nigel 10:09:03 …is David Singer (Apple) 10:09:03 Cyril Concolato, Telecom ParisTech & GPAC 10:09:04 Jihye Hong, LG elec. 10:09:05 nigel: Nigel Megitt, BBC 10:10:01 Joshue108 has joined #respimg 10:10:49 yoav: Responsive Images is something we worked on and implemented - it's awesome. 10:11:01 ... but we still see people advocating fixed width and height in the HTML because the browser 10:11:11 SteveZ has joined #respimg 10:11:14 ... does not know the image's aspect ratio and height for performing layout unless the authors 10:11:26 ... perform hacks to get the aspect ratio in place. So this is a problem that needs solving that we want 10:11:40 ... to discuss. We have some emails this morning on the responsive images mailing lists proposing 10:11:55 ... various declarative markup ways to do that; there are also proposals for a CSS based solution to replace 10:12:06 ... the existing hacks to specify aspect ratio for images and other elements. Discuss. 10:12:12 dbaron has joined #respimg 10:12:12 example in the spec for how to solve this issue with css today, https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/embedded-content.html#introduction-3:art-direction-3 10:12:26 nikos has joined #respimg 10:12:48 zcorpan: This works - it's annoying to have to use CSS I guess, and you have to specify both width and height 10:12:52 ... for each break point in the CSS> 10:12:56 s/>/. 10:13:02 jkt has joined #respimg 10:13:40 present+ nikos 10:13:55 present+ jkt 10:14:08 Guest85 has joined #respimg 10:14:29 Joshue108_ has joined #respimg 10:15:19 Guest85 has left #respimg 10:15:22 Guest85 has joined #respimg 10:16:13 adambe has joined #respimg 10:16:19 gregwhitworth: I would prefer not to propagate layout based thing inside HTML, primarily because there 10:16:29 ... are other reasons to specify aspect ratio than images. 10:16:36 kasar has joined #respimg 10:16:36 ... I would like to see it in CSS. 10:16:52 ... I loved seeing a spec for this and also that you guys are tackling sizes. 10:16:56 kasar has joined #respimg 10:17:21 ... To me defining another aspect ratio is an additional constraint. I would prefer to set a width+height or 10:17:44 ... a width or a height, and set aspect ratio = true|false and use max/min constraints to allow flex 10:18:04 ... I'm not a huge fan of specifying an aspect ratio specifically. 10:19:26 jkt: The reason for adding sizes to the CSS spec was so that you could clearly define either size being absent 10:19:50 https://jonathankingston.github.io/logical-sizing-properties/#propdef-aspect-ratio 10:19:51 ... e.g. missing height or width and that would be calculated from the aspect ratio 10:19:58 kirkwood_ has joined #respimg 10:20:01 s/.../jkt: 10:20:26 gregwhitworth: So you could technically still have a missing height or width without having the sizes shorthand 10:21:25 yoav: The point is that people are recommending fixed width and height to avoid reflows while the page is loading. 10:21:44 ... They're not using image also so that's a particular case. I want people to be able to define images 10:22:00 ... with aspect ratios so that they won't reflow when the image reloads - bouncing around is awful on mobile. 10:22:16 ... You could say that css aspect ratio is enough, but still people advocate html width and height because 10:22:34 ... it is easy to verify. I'm in favour of a CSS based proposal but we may need an equivalent in markup 10:22:38 ... as an alternative to width and height. 10:22:42 gregwhitworth: That feels redundant. 10:22:47 yoav: It is in a way 10:23:11 dbaron: I wonder if we want something that does what HTML height and width were perhaps originally intended 10:23:30 ... to do, which is indicate the expected image size but not override if the height and width are actually wrong. 10:23:45 ... Also if you set one of the height and width properties then you only scale in one dimension rather than 10:23:53 ... in both according to the aspect ratio. 10:24:12 inside the srcset microsyntax 10:26:06 saying that perhaps we could have something (maybe inside the srcset microsyntax, ugh), that could describe the intrinsice width/height/aspect-ratio of the resource being pointed to, but only be used while the image is loading, and not override the resource nor set any CSS properties 10:26:08 q+ to talk about measurements, and about resolution 10:26:21 yoav: Currently it only sets width... 10:26:30 zcorpan: ... but it has no effect until the image is loaded. 10:26:54 yoav: I guess with CSS it would also be applicable to non-image elements, which would be good enough from a loading perspective. 10:28:04 gregwhitworth: Setting dimensions of a box is usually CSS's job, that's why I want to do it there. 10:28:08 present+ Joshue108 10:28:19 gregwhitworth: Then we also get the benefits of doing it on other elements. 10:28:29 ... It would be worth seeing a proposal on the html side also. 10:28:37 ... The main use case is to see where these are being used. 10:29:03 ... I know there are more use cases to understand not just in mobile. 10:29:30 q? 10:29:42 q+ 10:29:45 gregwhitworth: I'd like to set some actions. 10:30:16 ack dsinger 10:30:16 dsinger, you wanted to talk about measurements, and about resolution 10:30:37 dsinger: It's rare to want non isotropic scaling of images so it does seem to make sense to be able to specify 10:30:43 ... either height or width but not both. 10:31:00 ... I would dispute that a pixel count is a visual size. All screens are not 72dpi anymore. 10:31:15 ... I'm not comfortable with the idea that pixel counts indicate actual size. 10:31:38 yoav: The srcset sizes syntax in html tackles that and allows the browser to use the density of the entity as 10:31:39 q? 10:31:50 yoav: well as the dimensions and take both into account. 10:32:07 ... The aspect ratio part is not necessarily tightly related to intrinsic dimensions. 10:32:26 gregwhitworth: That said if it does have an intrinsic aspect ratio then it should be used. 10:32:39 ... you need to decide whether to care about that and then meet height or width constraints. 10:32:51 ... We already have this problem with video and players. 10:33:03 ack cyril 10:33:19 cyril: I agree that it would be good to preserve aspect ratio of divs and other things not just images. But 10:33:39 ... I understood the responsive images solutions were in HTML so that CSS is not needed to make requests, 10:33:45 ... so how does it work if you solve it in CSS. 10:33:58 yoav: The responsive images syntax allows the width of the resource to be defined then you don't need the 10:34:03 https://jonathankingston.github.io/logical-sizing-properties/demo/ << is a demo of the above proposal, if anyone has not seen that (it uses an image but I didn't initially) 10:34:11 ... height from the aspect ratio until layout actually happens. So you can start your request just based on 10:34:24 ... the width info and maybe in the future height as well. We reserved this part for v2 of the spec. 10:34:42 ... You should be able to load the resource based on one of those dimensions. 10:34:55 ... I'm assuming all the resources in the srcset have the same aspect ratio. 10:35:11 zcorpan: We're trying to solve the problem of jumpy layout during page load. When the page starts to render 10:35:35 ... at that point the stylesheets are loaded so you could make the request before layout. 10:36:00 ... You can load the image knowing the layout before having the image. I still think it would be nice to have 10:36:10 present+ 10:36:19 zcorpan: an attribute or something in HTML because when a CMS drops an image into a document they may 10:36:25 ... not want to change the markup. 10:36:43 yoav: It's easier to verify and therefore some performance projects are using HTML. 10:36:46 MikeSmit1 has joined #respimg 10:36:50 q? 10:37:14 dsinger: MPEG recently standardised a new image file format that may be related. It's codec neutral. 10:37:28 ... The concern was about expressing how to package an image collection together and specifying which 10:37:51 ... to use for printing, or non destructive edits etc. This is called the High Efficiency Image File Format. 10:38:07 ... This could be related to the same use case. 10:38:33 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Efficiency_Image_File_Format 10:38:54 yoav: That's extremely interesting. Does it say in the headers the different image resolutions? 10:38:56 https://github.com/nokiatech/heif 10:38:56 dsinger: Yes. 10:39:15 gregwhitworth: That's awesome 10:39:41 dsinger: Images are stored mp4 style with a structure at the beginning with byte range offsets etc. and you 10:39:55 you can inspect examle images with http://download.tsi.telecom-paristech.fr/gpac/mp4box.js/filereader.html 10:40:03 dsinger: could put mp4 tracks in the same file if you wanted. You would want to profile it down for some scenarios. 10:40:24 yoav: Can you have low and higher resolutions compounded with scalable coding? And cropping? 10:40:27 dsinger: Yes to both. 10:40:37 cyril: I have examples of scalable in all directions. 10:40:48 s/all/art/ 10:40:59 s/in all directions/and art directions/ 10:40:59 gregwhitworth: Have you spoken with browser vendors and about OS support etc? 10:41:12 dsinger: Not yet but I'm happy to do tutorials and chat more with people. 10:41:58 Action: gregwhitworth Get use case data on basic elements that would need to preserve aspect ratio 10:41:58 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 10:42:07 GuidoGrassel has joined #respimg 10:42:19 ACTION: yoav Get the loading use case 10:42:19 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 10:42:52 scribenick: gregwhitworth 10:42:58 topic: h descriptor 10:43:03 scribenick: gregwhitworth 10:43:18 yoav: currently you can't state the height via height restrictions 10:43:25 ... the current syntax doesn't allow this 10:43:34 ... do we want to discuss the various options we had 10:43:52 marcosc has joined #respimg 10:43:54 zcorpan: I think the syntax is not the important part, but we need to figure out what people are trying to do with height based images 10:43:59 zcorpan: we need usecases 10:44:14 zcorpan: once we understand that we can get a syntax 10:44:15 q+ to ask about separating box from resource aspect ratios 10:44:31 action zcorpan with the getting height restricted use cases 10:44:31 Sorry, but no Tracker is associated with this channel. 10:44:58 ???: you mentioned earlier about the video player 10:45:13 ... the player can have one size, and the video that's playing might have a different aspect ratio 10:45:22 ... so you need to know the reference area 10:45:40 ... specifiying a box with an AR and then positioning a box inside of that 10:46:01 ... you all remember 4:3 tv and you are watching a 16:9 video, do you scale or do you center cut 10:46:24 ... one you're preserving the AR but you're cropping it 10:46:38 zcorpan: there is a property in CSS called object-fit where you can control this 10:46:51 zcorpan: the default for video is object-fit: contain 10:47:04 zcorpan: and images are set to preserve AR 10:47:27 zcorpan: however there is no way of knowing how big the rendered image is if you preserve AR 10:47:32 ... nah, you could... 10:47:45 ... there are properties to get the width/height of the resource once it's loaded 10:47:51 ... you do know the size of it 10:48:19 zcorpan: you can render things on top of it, but you would need to use other things than CSS to accomplish it 10:48:30 s/???/nigel/ 10:49:00 nigel: that's interesting. That's the point of it, we need to work out what area you have. Sure, I guess we can do that in JS, but it may be worth looking into whether we want to somehow solve that before loading 10:49:11 zcorpan: anything else 10:49:21 q- 10:49:38 s/action zc/Action: zc 10:49:41 yoav: what level of effort do you want 10:49:45 ... to help out 10:49:58 jkt: I'm willing to look into getting use cases as well 10:50:14 jkt: other than that, I can work with the syntax but that's not something we need to do early on 10:50:18 yoav: cool 10:50:26 👍 10:51:03 cyril: what's the responsiveness in the video element 10:51:14 rrsagent, make logs public 10:51:18 rrsagent, make minutes 10:51:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/21-respimg-minutes.html nigel 10:51:34 zcorpan: it's in there, but implementers aren't jumping for it, and haven't gotten a lot of feedback from devs for it either 10:51:46 zcorpan: you can put a high res in for a poster 10:52:07 yoav: do you see a use case for an art directed poster 10:52:15 cyril: could you put picture inside as the poster? 10:52:45 cyril: any reason why the video element is not able to play images 10:53:09 yoav: I would ask the opposite question, why can't you play the video in the image? 10:53:25 An early prototype I wrote down in 2013 for something like HEIF: https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2013/09/responsive-image-container/ 10:53:32 zcorpan: on a theoretical level, it's possible but on an architectural level it's hard 10:53:35 ^^ dsinger cyril 10:53:42 Meeting: Responsive Images breakout session TPAC 2016 10:54:17 zcorpan: there is an interest I believe 10:54:28 rrsagent, generate minutes 10:54:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/21-respimg-minutes.html nigel 10:54:39 yoav: animated gifs are a good use case, we should get rid of this 10:55:09 ???: one thing that struck me is that this may be a problem for a11y if you put a video inside of image 10:55:20 PicBot has joined #respimg 10:55:29 ???/kirkwood 10:55:36 s|s/in all directions/and art directions/| 10:57:06 present+ dsinger, cyril, yoav, kirkwood, dbaron, jihye, SteveZ 10:57:21 rrsagent, generate minutes 10:57:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/21-respimg-minutes.html nigel 11:00:58 dsinger has joined #respimg 11:47:17 marcosc has joined #respimg 11:57:33 yoav has joined #respimg 12:01:02 dsinger has joined #respimg 12:01:14 dsinger has left #respimg 12:14:03 ausi has joined #respimg 12:24:38 adambe has joined #respimg 12:35:28 ausi has joined #respimg 12:38:30 adambe has joined #respimg 12:49:46 marcosc has joined #respimg 13:10:08 Zakim has left #respimg 13:10:54 yoav has joined #respimg 13:40:20 marcosc has joined #respimg 14:29:49 marcosc has joined #respimg 14:33:22 zcorpan has joined #respimg 14:35:16 yoav has joined #respimg 14:39:15 zcorpan has joined #respimg 15:19:35 marcosc has joined #respimg 15:38:33 yoav has joined #respimg 15:48:53 Looks like I missed a party in here :D 15:56:51 yoav has joined #respimg 16:07:31 marcosc has joined #respimg 16:10:21 yoav has joined #respimg 16:27:45 yoav has joined #respimg 16:50:22 ausi has joined #respimg 16:56:38 marcosc has joined #respimg 19:00:16 marcosc has joined #respimg 21:01:55 marcosc has joined #respimg 22:02:28 marcosc has joined #respimg 23:20:56 innovati has joined #respimg