11:58:42 RRSAgent has joined #wot 11:58:42 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-wot-irc 12:00:18 Meeting: WoT IG 12:00:31 present+ Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_Koster, Michael_McCool 12:01:27 michael has joined #wot 12:01:37 dape has joined #wot 12:01:43 taki has joined #wot 12:02:11 present+ Dave_Raggett, Daniel_Peintner 12:02:12 dsr has joined #wot 12:02:29 present+ Takuki_Kamiya 12:02:40 joerg has joined #wot 12:02:57 yingying has joined #wot 12:03:34 present+ Ari_Keranen 12:04:12 present+ Joerg_Heuer 12:04:40 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_WebConf#Agenda_of_next_WoT_IG_WebConf:_14_September_2016 12:06:28 present+ Matthias_Kovatsch 12:06:34 present+ Yingying_Chen 12:07:54 mkovatsc has joined #wot 12:08:30 ryuichi has joined #wot 12:09:49 jhund has joined #wot 12:10:13 present+ Dave_Raggett 12:10:16 MIchael Koster is scribe 12:10:45 present+ Johannes_Hund 12:11:06 Sebastian has joined #wot 12:11:10 6:10 start 12:11:24 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/IG_WebConf#Agenda_of_next_WoT_IG_WebConf:_14_September_2016 12:11:30 i/Koster/scribenick: michael/ 12:11:31 McCool has joined #wot 12:11:52 -> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-members/2016JulSep/0040.html ac review announcement 12:12:07 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/09/wot-wg-charter.html draft WG Charter 12:12:13 present+ Sebastian_Kaebisch 12:12:54 present+ Ryuichi_Matsukura 12:13:07 q? 12:13:13 kaz: AC Review request was sent out to the AC yesterday 12:13:21 ack dape 12:13:31 Comments or questions on AC Review? 12:14:30 Dave: one rep was missing background material, could make white paper more visible in the introduction? 12:14:47 q+ to mention the WoT outreach table and ask how to share the load 12:17:09 Kaz: Joerg needs to create one slide for AC outreach 12:17:44 DarkoAnicic has joined #wot 12:17:52 present+ DarkoAnicic 12:18:22 Kaz: tuesday agenday is full, but there is an opportunity on Wed AM 12:18:51 one or two slides, summary of the group and description of the demo 12:19:16 s/agenday/agenda/ 12:19:59 action: kaz to talk with the meeting planner team and Jeff about the WoT speech (maybe on Wed) 12:20:00 Created ACTION-76 - Talk with the meeting planner team and jeff about the wot speech (maybe on wed) [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due 2016-09-21]. 12:20:12 q? 12:20:45 Dave: Industry of THings World Conference in Berlin, W3C stand, Dave will be there, also a workshop on Monday, panel discussions, 2 page handout and joint white paper 12:20:53 s/THings/Things/ 12:21:33 Kaz: can we discuss the joint white paper? 12:21:47 Dave: F2F agenda item to discuss 12:22:03 q+ 12:22:11 s/paper?/paper as a separate agenda item. right? that was an agenda item for the previous meeting./ 12:22:22 Joerg: is the white paper part of the IG activity? 12:22:41 s/right?/right? people was wondering about that and / 12:22:48 Dave: it is a joint activity outside the IG and may be brought back into the IG 12:23:16 https://www.researchgate.net/publication/307122744_Semantic_Interoperability_for_the_Web_of_Things?channel=doi&linkId=57c1df6008aeda1ec38cf5f5&showFulltext=true 12:23:24 Michael: where is the link? 12:24:13 masato has joined #wot 12:24:25 Kaz: should clarify that this is not work done by the IG 12:24:59 Matthias: it is produced by a different group of people 12:25:29 q+ taki 12:25:33 ack taki 12:25:45 DAve: the affiliations of the contributors are listed in the document 12:25:47 rrsagent, make log public 12:25:52 s/DAve:/Dave:/ 12:26:04 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:26:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:26:42 Chair: Matthias 12:26:45 Matthias: it should be clear that this is not W3C work 12:26:59 Dave: it is input to the discussion 12:27:19 q? 12:27:24 ack kaz 12:27:24 kaz, you wanted to mention the WoT outreach table and ask how to share the load 12:28:07 Dave: we could publish it through the IG as external material 12:29:06 q? 12:29:41 i/ac review announcement/topic: WoT WG AC Review status/ 12:29:44 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:29:44 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:30:03 ack McCool 12:30:03 ack McCool 12:30:28 McCool: could we have it as a discussion paper? 12:31:31 Kaz: It's like a research paper someone has submitted to a conference, external work 12:31:43 present+ Johannes_Hund 12:31:59 q? 12:32:10 Johannes: we could take it as input 12:32:11 q+ 12:33:47 Kaz: encourage people to talk with their AC rep to encourage approval of our charter 12:33:53 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/07/WoT-outreach.html AC review outreach table (member-only) 12:34:57 kajimoto has joined #wot 12:35:04 Dave: could be part of the f2f agenda? 12:35:06 kaz: fine 12:35:28 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_September_2016,_Portugal,_Lisbon#Agenda 12:35:49 McCool: question on how to add items to the f2f agenda 12:36:14 McCool: add other orgs outreach to the agenda for F2F 12:37:31 +q 12:37:36 i/https/topic: TPAC agenda/ 12:37:37 Matthias: please review the proposed agenda 12:37:41 ack k 12:38:03 rrsagent, draft minutes 12:38:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 12:38:22 McCool: need to leave Friday afternoon 12:39:14 Joerg: we could split the session on SDO outreach to Thursday and Friday 12:40:44 Matthias: could we reduce the breakout introduction to a written summary? 12:41:03 save 1.5 hours in the agenda 12:41:26 q? 12:42:37 Darko: planning meeting with Spatial Data on the Web group, also could add a 30 minute session to our meeting on Thursday 12:43:05 Joerg: focus on TD in the discussion 12:43:41 and semantics 12:44:39 ack DarkoAnicic 12:45:43 (discussion of possible time slots) 12:45:47 s/and semantics/... and semantics/ 12:46:27 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2016#Breakout_Schedule_.28session_grid.29 TPAC breakout assignment 12:48:01 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2016/SessionIdeas#CANCELLED:_Spatial_Data_on_the_Web_meets_Web_of_Things_.28Outreach.40TPAC.29 Spatial Data on the Web meets Web of Things has been chancelled 12:48:18 Matthias: T2TRG joint meeting on weekend, could discuss protocol bindings and other topics 12:48:55 Kaz: what is the expected attendance of the T2TRG meeting? 12:49:51 s/cancelled/cancelled; will be part of the Spatial Data group meeting on Tuesday/ 12:50:22 present+ Kazuo_Kajimoto 12:52:11 Dave: schedule presentations on IoT security work and danbri on iot.schema.org 12:53:22 Matthias: any other input on the agenda topic? 12:53:30 q+ jhund 12:53:32 ack j 12:54:14 Johannes: can move the web assembly discussion to a future call 12:54:24 Topic: demo setup 12:54:25 https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_September_2016,_Portugal,_Lisbon_Demo#Requirements 12:55:33 Matthias: what is room setup, table setup, projector? 12:56:18 Can someone bring a mobile projector? 12:56:37 masato has joined #wot 12:56:47 [ the demo room is "Auditorium III" on the first floor as recorded at: https://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC/2016#Breakout_Schedule_.28session_grid.29 ] 12:56:51 Can we confirm that the room will be supplied with 2 power strip per table? 12:57:24 4 outlets each power strip, 8 outlets per table 12:57:42 web or power cables 12:58:06 q+ 12:58:11 s/or/of/ 12:58:54 ack dape 13:00:01 Daniel: we could note on the wiki what we are bringing 13:00:26 McCool will bring a 19 inch display 13:00:26 q? 13:01:21 https://github.com/w3c/wot/tree/master/plugfest/2016-lisbon github repo for roll-ups 13:01:28 Matthias: has anyone looked at the roll-up and have comments? 13:01:48 q+ 13:01:55 portable display: http://www.icitouchtech.com/gechic-2501h 13:02:06 please find latest roll-up about the TD 13:02:08 https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/plugfest/2016-lisbon/TPAC-2016-Poster-Thing-Description.svg 13:03:47 Yingying: the Web of Things icon is not appropriate to include in an official W3C message, it has not been approved as a W3C communication material and should not be used in W3C endorsed communication 13:04:52 We are already using it in slides and other material 13:06:21 Joerg: it's a late time to change things, we are using it internally 13:07:21 present+ Kazuaki_Nimura 13:07:40 Yingying: this is the message from W3C Marcomm group, to not include the logo in our communication 13:08:00 Dave: it is an internal graphic and not officially adopted 13:08:05 q+ 13:08:48 Dave: we are safe on materials we are handing out publicly, including the white paper 13:09:30 q? 13:09:33 Matthias: propose we keep the design because we have no alternative at this tme 13:10:00 ack yingying 13:10:06 Joerg: We need to clarify that it is not a logo, but a descriptive graphic 13:11:22 Kaz: we need to have another discussion internally; the safe approach is to mot include it 13:11:39 q+ 13:12:03 YIngying: it is considered to be an icon rather than a logo, we need further discussion if we want it to be a logo 13:12:50 katsu has joined #wot 13:13:13 s/YIngying:/Yingying:/ 13:13:48 Kaz: conclusion is that we will not include the WoT icon in the flyer 13:13:57 ack dape 13:14:09 Joerg: can we include the icon in the roll-up? 13:14:18 q? 13:16:51 Kaz will discuss with the Marcomm team today, resolve the question of the graphic icon on the roll-up 13:17:50 Dave: what are the marcomm policies regarding graphics used in outreach material? 13:18:04 McCool: what is the process to adopt a logo? 13:18:05 q? 13:18:06 q- 13:18:33 topic: status on tables 13:25:09 yingying_ has joined #wot 13:26:08 taki1 has joined #wot 13:26:53 present+ Katsuyoshi_Naka 13:27:06 Nimura-san and Naka-san make their reports. 13:27:23 present+ Masato_Ohura 13:27:42 q+ wondering about roll-up for full demo 13:27:56 naka: will use a Panasonic air conditioner and a Toshiba air conditioner 13:27:56 q+ to wondering about roll-up for full demo 13:28:28 q? 13:28:34 ack dape 13:28:34 dape, you wanted to wondering about roll-up for full demo 13:30:14 Matthias: there should be a schematic representation of the full scenario, is there a lead for the full scenario table? 13:32:04 Matthias: this is important, we need some direct outreach 13:33:21 Yingying: the problem is transportation of the printed flyers to Lisbon, the pdf has been sent last Friday and should be available 13:33:43 The flyers will be printed in Lisbon 13:34:18 No one can find the email with the pdf for the flyer 13:35:51 No actual Kinkos, but some print shops in Lisbon: https://www.yelp.com/search?find_desc=Fedex+Kinkos&find_loc=Lisboa 13:39:27 Matthias: YIngying please resend the pdf directly to Matthias or upload to dropsite 13:41:27 Meeting adjourned 13:41:42 i/adjourned/kaz: or install the PDF on the W3C server and let everybody know about the URL/ 13:41:59 rrsagent, draft mintues 13:41:59 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft mintues', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 13:42:09 s/rrsagent, draft mintues// 13:42:13 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:42:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:43:11 i/wondering about roll-up/topic: Roll-up poster/ 13:43:12 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:43:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:44:01 i/the problem is/topic: WoT Flyers/ 13:44:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:44:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-wot-minutes.html kaz 13:44:39 rrsagent, stop