14:58:10 RRSAgent has joined #pointerevents 14:58:11 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/07-pointerevents-irc 14:58:22 Chair: patrick_h_lauke 14:58:27 present+ patrick_h_lauke 14:58:37 Meeting: PEWG 15:01:39 present+ Mustaq_Ahmed 15:01:51 present+ Rick_Byers 15:02:21 teddink has joined #pointerevents 15:02:23 present+ teddink 15:02:49 present+ shepazu 15:02:49 present+ shepazu 15:03:15 present+ Navid_Zolghadr 15:03:40 proposed agenda was: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-pointer-events/2016JulSep/0316.html 15:04:12 we don't have anybody from Mozilla on just yet. waiting another minute or so 15:04:32 Scribe: patrick_h_lauke 15:04:52 present+ scott_gonzalez 15:06:32 Rick: we have TPAC in 2 weeks, let's prep for that 15:07:17 Rick: as said in F2F, hopefully by TPAC we can compare outstanding data and resolve v2 blocking list, debates that would keep chrome from shipping 15:07:35 we feel like we're ready to ship, been on dev channel, feel confident 15:07:52 we don't need to wait for REC, but want to make sure rest of group is comfortable with our implementation 15:08:12 decide if we can merge reduced hit-test spec to master, and ship 15:08:23 doesn't mean we can't ship, but would reduce compat concerns 15:08:29 Ted: that sounds fair 15:08:44 s/we can't ship/can't change post ship/ 15:09:26 Patrick: any concerns about merging reduced hit-test branch? 15:09:44 not hearing any objections, but would be good to send to list with a "speak now or hold your peace until after TPAC" 15:09:58 Rick: Ted please take it to your team to just double-check 15:10:13 Ted: i should have a machine running our build that should patch that spec for TPAC 15:10:14 q+ 15:10:36 Shepazu: do we think we'll need both TPAC days? Mon/Tues? 15:11:02 dtapuska has joined #pointerevents 15:11:10 Rick: what was the arrangement with TPAC? 15:11:53 Patrick: we have the room for both days, but fluid how much advantage we take of that 15:12:25 Shepazu: we have observer request, so they need to know 15:13:34 Rick: let's come up with a proposed schedule now and let observers know 15:14:13 Patrick: probably easier to do on email than in call 15:14:18 Rick: agree let's do on list 15:14:26 then we can let observers know 15:14:57 Patrick: we have observer request from Wacom, which is great 15:15:22 [general discussion on "should we do morning on Monday, afternoon on Tuesday" etc] 15:15:44 Rick: should we use w3c wiki, or github wiki 15:16:48 ACTION: rick and patrick to set up wiki page, discussion to happen on list about proposed times/clashes with other groups, etc 15:17:29 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/29 15:17:32 TOPIC: v2-blocking https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Av2-blocking 15:18:18 Rick: we're doing an intent to ship, everybody agrees it's right. if the spec goes out w/out this it would be shame, but we'd then just document it 15:18:25 so let's take it off v2-block. objections? 15:18:39 Patrick: not hearing objections. 15:19:08 Rick: realistically people who would most likely object are Mozilla/Firefox, but we can discuss further at TPAC 15:19:47 https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/6 15:19:48 Ted: what about https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/6 15:20:10 Rick: important to us, as devs solve problems with touch events that they can't with pointer events 15:20:20 only thing missing is just test 15:20:36 i expect by TPAC this should be closed as dtapuska has submitted PR that just needs review 15:21:00 Implicit capture: https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/8 15:21:18 this is big one, as it's related to reduced hit-testing (branch) 15:21:35 from F2F we agreed to collect additional data to resolve this 15:21:43 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b8aJOJcGXakstFJslKl87QwvlFHhHwGbQfJwnUTBBHg/edit?pref=2&pli=1#heading=h.tuf9doa1mr89 15:22:16 this likely to be a topic at TPAC too 15:22:56 we have outstanding issue https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/61 but as far as issue 8, we have branch and want to check compat impact 15:23:19 we discussed pointer capture API, which we now have 15:23:58 we're hoping for an experiment in chrome beta relating to this, to gather data 15:25:45 [discussion about data of websites in wild and how many use pointer events] 15:26:13 based on initial dev-channel data, less than 1% of sites use PE 15:26:46 also agreed at F2F to have flag in chrome to switch implicit capture behavior to match edge 15:27:08 NavidZ (?): hoping to have this flag in for TPAC 15:27:42 Rick: that's it for action items from F2F. other action was on MS to have machine with updated build in time for TPAC 15:28:08 for people not on call, i'll include summary and give status update in our pre-TPAC email 15:29:01 Rick: getting back to list, we hope to resolve 6, and that will leave 8 and 61 as only v2-blockers for TPAC 15:29:13 and we hope to resolve (or have concrete plan to resolve) at end of TPAC 15:30:00 TOPIC: any other interesting issues? 15:31:24 Mustaq: [more mention of https://github.com/w3c/pointerevents/issues/61] 15:31:54 Ted: will discuss with Jacob, but we seem to warm to this 15:32:17 Rick: back to main topic, there are many small issues, but nothing that seems to have compat risk 15:32:39 wider question: are there any issues currently not marked as v2-blocking that have real compat risk 15:32:45 Ted: nothing i'm aware of 15:33:36 Rick: after TPAC we should switch to clean-up mode to make sure smaller issues resolved, but for now let's focus on blockers and compat risks 15:33:42 and get to stage where we can ship 15:34:29 TOPIC: implementation status 15:35:01 Mustaq: Chrome has minor bug fixes, but nothing of major concern, so confident we can go to stable soon 15:35:26 Rick: we're running most tests automated now 15:36:07 NavidZ: some of the tests are new/different from what we had before, as they need different environment/devices, but this is being resolved 15:37:10 dtapuska: still more to do for pinch-zoom, web platform tests to be added to chromium tree, we already have approved intent to ship 15:37:18 and directional touch-action 15:40:59 Patrick: if there's no other topics, I'd say action on me/Rick to sort out TPAC logistics. will set up a wiki page on the w3c wiki (as that's more appropriate for administrivia relating to the group, rather than being spec-specific the way GH is). want to get this out by end of this week, to give observers / potential observers enough time to work out when/where we'll be 15:41:20 Call next week, or skip as it's only another week then until TPAC? 15:41:56 Rick: if any of the email threads coming out of today's call get any major discussion that can't be resolved on list, let's do call, otherwise let's plan NOT to have call next week 15:41:59 Ted: sounds good 15:42:02 Patrick: agreed 15:42:59 rrsagent, stop