Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference

04 Aug 2016

See also: IRC log


Janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, LJWatson, ShaneM, fesch, MichaelC, Cyns, Gottfried, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Mary, Mueller, Rich_Schwerdtfeger


<ShaneM> well crap. that didnt work.

<scribe> scribenick: LJWatson

preview agenda with items from two minutes

JS: Hopefully everyone has read the APIs.

KHS: Will we meet at TPAC with Web Payments?

JS: Thanks. we have that covered in the agenda.

API & Payments Architecture Review

JS: We've been asked for APA's position.
... As the sub-team, that falls to us.
... We will send our comments to APA for a CFC of 48 hours before sending though.
... Do we have concerns with any of the APIs?

SM: I suggest each API should have a general a11y concerns section.

KHS: +1

SM: We want to say "when you implement this, you need to make sure it is accessible".

LW: +1

KHS: When I made this recommendation before, it was shutdown by Ian.
... It may have greater weight coming from APA.

JS: We will need some language for the CFC.

SM: I have an action to write some language in the APA tracker already.

<ShaneM> This is related to ACTION-2053

RESOLUTION: We will write some accessibility text to recommend be included in each of the Web Payments API specifications, and use this as the basis of a CFC for APA WG.

KHS: In APA we need to get serious about writing an a11y considerations document for all specifications.
... The privacy and security people have done this.

JS: Noted - this is in our charter.
... For lack of a better name it's referred to as Web Technology Accessibility Guidelines.
... Michael has been wanting to do this for a long time.

<scribe> Meeting: APA Web Payments meeting

<scribe> Chair: Janina Sajka

preview agenda with items from two minutes

<janina> +1

<ShaneM> +1


<janina> PAUR: http://rawgit.com/w3c/apa/master/payment-accessibility-reqs/index.html

KHS: I think we will have support from Manu as we write the PAUR.

SM: The draft PAUR has a high level structure, but not much more.

JS: How do we divide the work? Sections?

SM: Suggest we send out a call for requirements first.

KHS: Good idea


KHS: We should look at the COGA paper on payments too.

LW: Suggest we ask the WAI IG for help too.

KHS: Good idea.

JS: We could share the MAUR with them and explain what we're doing here.

LW: We could ask people to share personal experiences about making online payments etc.

KHS: Which then become use cases.

LW: Right.

KHS: I will write the email for WAI IG and send a draft over to you all for review.
... Do we have an email for this sub-team?

JS: No, just use public-apa@w3.org

<scribe> ACTION: Katie to draft and send an email to the WAI IG, asking for help with the PAUR (both technically and in sharing experiences of using payments systems). [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/04-apa-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2078 - Draft and send an email to the wai ig, asking for help with the paur (both technically and in sharing experiences of using payments systems). [on Katie Haritos-Shea - due 2016-08-11].

JS: We should wait for responses from that before we start to populate the PAUR.

SM: Comfortable if people respond via WAI IG or Github.


<ShaneM> https://github.com/w3c/apa/issues

<ShaneM> +

LW: On that note, do we all have editor access to the repo?
... We should also create a PAUR label for the Github repo, and make sure all issues are assigned it - so it's easier to find things relevant to this work.

JS: Will ask Michael about these things.

<ShaneM> ACTION: Shane to add a label in the APA repo that can tag things as payment requirements [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/04-apa-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-2079 - Add a label in the apa repo that can tag things as payment requirements [on Shane McCarron - due 2016-08-11].

LW: I think Intuit has joined W3C with an interest in web payments.
... It would be good to ask Ted Drake if he would be interested in getting involved in this sub-team.

JS: Yes.

KHS: +1

LW: Will ping him to suggest it.

JS: We have too many groups to meet with at TPAC.
... what would the agenda be if we meet with Web Payments?

KHS: Since we met with the Web Payments IG last year, things have split.

<ShaneM> The IG has room on their agenda. And the people who are in the room have broader concerns

KHS: The IG is likely to be more aligned with what we're doing here.

SM: The IG meets Thursday and Friday. We can just go to them.
... I'll be there anyway.
... The IG has members from interesting bits of industry - convenience stores, retail etc.
... Think they have a strong interest in a11y.
... So agree we should get their input.
... Don't think it needs a full APA attendance, we can just have Katie or I talk to them.

KHS: This is the line drawn through the IG.
... the browser vendors, and the other organisations from retail and other bits of the industry.

<ShaneM> worldpay, intuit, facebook...

KHS: Those retailers are the ones who can be sued for a11y, so they have a vested interest.

<ShaneM> http://w3c.github.io/webpayments-ig/VCTF/use-cases/#retail

SM: We have a use case doc for verifiable claims.
... we don't have a11y use cases, but do incorporate a11y in the general use cases.
... if there is a use case to verify your age, it's implicit that everyone must be able to do this including PWD.
... We talked about second screen in the MAUR.
... in claims and payments there is a second device - for doing things like biometric identification for example.

Don't think this has been thought through.

KHS: +1

<Ryladog_> Neet to call out multiple forms of biometric authenitcation for second device through secure element

SM: Wonder if we could ask Facebook for input?
... Matt King perhaps?

JS: Yes.

Other Business

next and future meetings

JS: If we agree the CFC ^^ lanuage is correct, and there is no comment from elsewhere in APA, we can get started I think.

SM: Suggest we wait two weeks.

JS: Agreed.

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Katie to draft and send an email to the WAI IG, asking for help with the PAUR (both technically and in sharing experiences of using payments systems). [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/04-apa-minutes.html#action01]
[NEW] ACTION: Shane to add a label in the APA repo that can tag things as payment requirements [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/08/04-apa-minutes.html#action02]

Summary of Resolutions

  1. We will write some accessibility text to recommend be included in each of the Web Payments API specifications, and use this as the basis of a CFC for APA WG.
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/08/04 15:00:08 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

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This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144  of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found ScribeNick: LJWatson
Inferring Scribes: LJWatson
Present: Janina Joanmarie_Diggs LJWatson ShaneM fesch MichaelC Cyns Gottfried Katie_Haritos-Shea Mary Mueller Rich_Schwerdtfeger
Found Date: 04 Aug 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/08/04-apa-minutes.html
People with action items: katie shane

WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: 
        <scribe> LW: I think Intuit has joined W3C with an interest in web payments.

WARNING: Possible internal error: join/leave lines remaining: 
        <scribe> LW: I think Intuit has joined W3C with an interest in web payments.

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]