12:58:21 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 12:58:21 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/07/06-sdw-irc 12:58:23 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:58:23 Zakim has joined #sdw 12:58:25 Zakim, this will be SDW 12:58:25 ok, trackbot 12:58:26 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 12:58:26 Date: 06 July 2016 12:58:33 present+ aharth 12:59:01 present+ kerry 12:59:26 present+ jtandy 12:59:30 ByronCinNZ has joined #sdw 12:59:36 chair: Kerry 13:00:15 password: sdw 13:00:24 present+ 13:00:38 s/password: sdw// 13:01:02 frans has joined #sdw 13:01:11 ChrisLittle has joined #Sdw 13:01:21 present+ billroberts 13:01:31 ...though struggling to get webex going at the moment 13:01:32 DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdw 13:01:35 scribe: phila 13:01:37 scribe: phila 13:01:40 scribeNick: phila 13:01:43 present+ phila 13:01:50 present+ Linda 13:01:52 present+ DanhLePhuoc 13:02:53 present+ roba 13:02:58 Present+ ChrisLittle 13:03:01 regrets: rachel, lars, simoncox 13:03:10 regrets+ ed 13:03:10 present+ ahaller2 13:03:17 present+ frans 13:03:41 topic: approve minutes https://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-sdw-minutes.html 13:03:48 +1 13:03:48 +1 13:03:53 +1 13:03:53 +1 13:03:55 +1 13:03:56 +0 (not present 13:03:56 0 (sorry missed the last one) 13:04:00 +1 13:04:18 RESOLUTION: Last weekd' minutes accepted 13:04:36 s/weekd'/week's/ 13:04:38 topic: patent call https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Patent_Call 13:05:44 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 13:05:49 kerry: Yes, the minutes were from 2 weeks agao, i.e. the previous plenary meeting 13:05:52 topic: FPWD for time ontology in owl 13:06:00 s/agao/ago/ 13:06:18 -> w3c.github.io/sdw/time/ OWL TIme Ontology Editors' Draft 13:06:32 kerry: We talked about this 2 weeks ago and the action items have been done 13:06:41 s/TIme/Time 13:06:42 MattPerry has joined #sdw 13:06:50 kerry: Andrea Perego asked for some references to be fixed, which have been done 13:06:56 present+ MattPerry 13:07:02 kerry: I know Simon is ready to go ahead. 13:07:26 ChrisLittle: The underlying ontology hasn't changed much. Some constraints have been removed. 13:07:40 ... I added some explanatory text about the diff between clocks and calendars. 13:08:08 ChrisLittle: I'm happy with it as a FPWD. WE have some Notes and Issues but they seem right to me. 13:08:31 chair: kerry 13:08:47 ahaller2: We did some changes in SSN last week and updated it on Protege 13:08:53 kerry: So nothing to do with Time. 13:09:02 kerry: Any other questions and clarifications needed? 13:09:18 present+ AndreaPerego 13:10:18 PROPOSED: That the Editors' Draft of the OWL Time Ontology at w3c.github.io/sdw/time/ be published as a W3C FPWD and OGC Discussion Paper 13:10:25 +1 to feed 13:10:31 +1 13:10:40 +1 13:10:41 +1 13:10:41 +1 13:10:43 +1 13:10:44 +1 13:10:45 +ยง 13:10:45 +1 13:10:48 +1 13:10:48 +1 13:10:52 s/feed/fpwd/ 13:11:15 +1 13:11:20 +1 (still wondering why DAML-S/OWL-S in Section 6.7 is still relevant in 2016) 13:11:20 RESOLUTION: That the Editors' Draft of the OWL Time Ontology at w3c.github.io/sdw/time/ be published as a W3C FPWD and OGC Discussion Paper 13:11:28 congratulations! Well done Time Team! 13:11:33 PROPOSED: Vote of thanks to Simon and Chris 13:11:37 well done Simon (& Chris) 13:11:40 +1 13:11:45 +1 13:11:51 RESOLUTION: Vote of thanks to Simon and Chris 13:11:51 +1 13:11:56 +1 13:12:02 +1 13:12:05 +1 13:12:22 kerry: Did you notice that comment from aharth? 13:12:46 ChrisLittle: Yes, I'll let Simon take that one. Simon was keen to maintain backwards compatibility. 13:12:54 ... We might end up removing that section 13:13:04 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:13:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/06-sdw-minutes.html phila 13:13:25 Topic: Best Practice Document 13:13:31 topic: Progress on BP 13:13:36 kerry: I think Linda was proposing to do this? 13:14:26 Linda: Not much progress recently as we have all been very busy with otehr stuff but as of this week we have more time available 13:14:48 Linda: We are taking another look at DWBP 13:14:57 s/otehr/other/\ 13:15:06 phila: Notes that my task afer this call is to prepare the DWBP for Candidate Rec 13:15:16 s/afer/after 13:15:19 Linda: We want to work on the narrative and work on the examples 13:15:45 Linda: There has been some discussion on the mailing list. I have trouble following those discussions. Sometimes they are very long. 13:16:02 ... The way that people formulate their mails can be confusing. 13:16:14 ... For me personally, the list is more of a problem than a help. 13:16:32 kerry: So how can we work differently? 13:16:47 Linda: Am I the only one with this problem? 13:16:50 kerry: I;m sure not. 13:16:55 +1 to suggest that folks try to summarise discussions? 13:16:57 q+ 13:17:10 +1 to Jeremy 13:17:16 (I meant q+ ...) 13:17:17 kerry: If you don't follow them closely, it's easy to lose track of the conversation 13:17:18 I also don't always have time to keep up wiht the mailing list discussions 13:17:23 q? 13:17:25 ack me 13:17:26 q+ to suggest that folks try to summarise discussions? 13:17:27 ack phila 13:17:27 s/I;m/I'm 13:17:57 q? 13:18:34 ack jtandy 13:18:34 jtandy, you wanted to suggest that folks try to summarise discussions? 13:18:49 phila: Suggests browsing the archive rather than using e-mail client. Threaded view can be arranged I think if needs be. 13:19:21 jtandy: Some of the e-mail threads are short and concise. Others are very long and you have to read a lot to find out what's going on. 13:19:50 q+ 13:19:56 ... You often find that there is a small number of protagonists. It would be helpful for them to summarise. That helps everyone, notably the editors who have to follow it. 13:19:58 Perhaps topic starters could be moderators and summarize etc.? 13:20:16 ack kerry 13:20:17 jtandy: It's a bit more work but it makes a big difference. 13:20:39 kerry: I would add, if they're substantive, they should be more persistent, maybe on the wiki 13:21:09 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #sdw 13:21:32 q? 13:22:01 kerry: Thanks Linda 13:22:13 jtandy: I wanted to add to Linda's update. 13:22:40 jtandy: When I go through the DWBP, I observe that many of the BPs that we were trying to write down oursleves are already represneted in some form in that doc. 13:22:55 Nicky has joined #sdw 13:23:12 ... I think we have a chance to restructure the BP doc a little by reaching back to DWBP more. Should make our doc easier to read and avoids duplication. 13:23:24 q+ 13:23:32 jtandy: It might appear dramatic, shortening the doc quite a lot, but we think it's as valuable as before but shorter. 13:23:39 q+ to talk about subsetting 13:24:00 kerry: That sounds sensible 13:24:23 jtandy: Now that Linda and I have got a whole load of other work done, I can get to this. 50% of my time on SDW in July 13:24:41 q? 13:24:45 ack l 13:25:03 Linda: I also have around 50% of my time for this in July. 13:25:32 +1 i like that idea linda! 13:25:37 +1 13:25:38 Linda: More concretely, I think it would make sense to restructure it to put in the same order as DWBP, so that ours extends theirs. I'm starting to see it in my head 13:25:39 +1 13:25:39 present+ nicky 13:25:41 ack me 13:25:41 phila, you wanted to talk about subsetting 13:25:48 ack phila 13:25:55 +1 for Linda 13:27:01 present+ BartvanLeeuwen 13:27:19 q+ 13:27:25 q? 13:27:33 ack jtandy 13:27:38 phila: Gives update on DWBP status. Document now locked for CR. 13:28:14 jtandy: There are some examples where we can say more specific things as we're specially spatial. There's a set of BPs around establishing links between things that rean't in DWBP that we'll have to add. 13:28:41 jtandy: As we write our examples, you'll see us referring to DWBP, specialisations of those, and some new BPs that are particular to spatial 13:28:45 q? 13:28:45 phila: Perfect, thank you 13:29:01 RRSAgent, draft minutes 13:29:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/06-sdw-minutes.html phila 13:29:32 topic: BP narrative: navigating one's way among multiple representations (see https://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/Conneg) 13:29:52 kerry: You might have seen roba's thread on this 13:30:10 roba: I'll try and summarise. 13:30:57 roba: There are a number of cases emerging that seem to boil down to a pattern that hasn't been identified in DWBP specifically, that differnet sets about the same world object aren't related. 13:31:25 ... The coastline of Europe, for example, has multiple properties of the same object. 13:31:55 ... The synatx for the Lined Data API offers named entities. This is similar to conneg. 13:32:03 ... Sounds related to features anda geometries 13:32:26 ... Do the examples that exist help us identify best practice? I think so, but there are implementation challenges. 13:32:37 ... jtandy Talked about profiles 13:32:41 q+ to talk about profiles 13:32:45 what is the e-mail thread on this subject? 13:33:09 fwiw: the GADM data exposes geometries using content negotation, example linked from the home page at http://gadm.geovocab.org/ 13:33:09 roba: I believe we do need ot get to a consensus what the BP is on this. 13:33:23 roba: I don't think we've talked about this. 13:33:41 ... And there was another use case coming from Frans that isn't quite the same is getting at the same idea. 13:33:43 q+ 13:33:52 ack me 13:33:52 phila, you wanted to talk about profiles 13:34:05 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/11/sdsvoc/ SDSVoc 13:34:40 this is the email thread: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-sdw-wg/2016Jul/0025.html 13:35:14 q? 13:35:45 ack jtandy 13:35:48 phila: Talks about SDSVoc and the profiles aspect 13:35:59 jtandy: I'll try and get that in my diary. 13:36:41 q+ 13:36:42 q+ 13:36:44 jtandy: When I listen to the problem Rob's describing, it's a pattern we see a lot. One real world object but lots of ways of describing it. Do others recognise this as a challenge? 13:36:48 +1 13:36:55 ack f 13:36:55 yes - it's a challenge 13:37:05 yes, it is a challenge 13:37:21 ack linda 13:37:29 q+ 13:37:30 Linda: We see it as a challenge too. it came up in the Geonovum test bed. 13:37:39 ... There are many aspects that you want to negotiate on. 13:37:46 +1 also from me. 13:38:04 ack b 13:38:05 ack billroberts 13:38:24 No one could hear me? 13:38:26 billroberts: This is a practical problem that we come across. Differnet geometries/resolutions, as well as serialisations. 13:38:51 billroberts: We can do it in RDF with data models that support it. 13:39:03 ... You can choose the representation that you want. 13:39:31 ... You also want things that chage over time. The representatiion as it is now vs what it was a year ago. 13:39:38 ... And then there's the open world assumption 13:39:49 I wanted to say that there is a difference between different data about a thing within a single data set and between different data sets. In the latter case the real world thing has multiple URIs 13:40:04 billroberts: So we have a bunch of mechanisms. Lots of practices, but which is best? I don't know. 13:40:22 q? 13:40:28 billroberts: I don't think there's going tyo be a single right answer. 13:40:35 kerry: try again frans 13:40:44 [Frans talks to his local mute button] 13:40:46 Sorry 13:40:57 I have just typed the things I wanted to say 13:41:08 at 15:39:48 13:41:15 s/tyo/to 13:41:23 q? 13:41:25 q+ 13:41:45 ack jtandy 13:41:50 Just for our records, see this IETF RFC proposal from Lars (Svensson): "Negotiating Schemas in HTTP", http://files.dnb.de/svensson/I-D-accept-schema.txt 13:41:59 jtandy: Now that we have validated that this is an issue that people see in different places, we can go on to talk about what the BP is. 13:42:23 ... This is distinct from the technical implentation. Rob talked about named views in LinkedData API 13:42:35 s/representatiion/representation/ 13:42:54 ... Dret's Draft talks about different representations in JSON-LD, each one can declare which data model it uses. 13:43:23 jtandy: So we can try and identify a number of options at the November workshop. 13:43:50 jtandy: When I think aboiut the definition of a Feature, a feature type can only be of one type. 13:44:32 s/aboiut/about/ 13:44:49 roba: I think the distinction between a real world object and one or models of it... is a real one. I don't think we're fixed on only one feature type. 13:45:08 ... I only mention LinkedData API as a ref, not necessarily saying it's the best way to go. 13:45:32 roba: I'm not sure that there's a specially spatial aspect. 13:45:48 ... The general case is different info models for differnet purposes. 13:45:52 q= 13:45:57 q+ 13:46:05 ack jtandy 13:46:37 ChrisLittle: +1 to Rob. Different data models are part of the represnetation. That suggests different search mechanisms might be more appropriate. 13:46:56 ... For example, you might see a 2D map but the underlying model might be a 3D point cloud but they're of the smae thing. 13:47:06 q? 13:47:06 s/represnetation/representation 13:47:19 s/smae/same/ 13:48:13 +1 I think it is a general issue, not a spatial only 13:49:19 q? 13:50:14 phila: Highlights specially spatial aspect of things like resolution which won't come up in the workshop without SDW people. 13:50:17 +1 to Phil. 13:50:17 Topic: Actions 13:50:55 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/overdue 13:51:00 action-25? 13:51:00 action-25 -- Jeremy Tandy to Help with glossary -- due 2015-05-13 -- OPEN 13:51:00 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/25 13:51:18 kerry: The glossary exists. Anything specific to be done? Can we close it? 13:51:42 jtandy: I think something that came out was related to use of the terms like Coverage that are already in the OGC glossary. 13:51:56 kerry: OK, I'll leave it open for now. 13:52:12 action-85? 13:52:12 action-85 -- Bart van Leeuwen to Write up a bp around properties in wfs to link a feature to its linked data version -- due 2015-11-03 -- OPEN 13:52:12 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/85 13:52:14 action-85? 13:52:14 action-85 -- Bart van Leeuwen to Write up a bp around properties in wfs to link a feature to its linked data version -- due 2015-11-03 -- OPEN 13:52:14 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/85 13:53:17 BartvanLeeuwen: My comment - we have a demo near ready. Nicky's back from holiday today and we're working on it now. We should have something in 2 weeks' time. 13:53:23 kerry: Should we schedule time in 2 weeks? 13:53:42 BartvanLeeuwen: Tha should work. 13:53:53 kerry: That's a demo linking a WFS? 13:53:56 BartvanLeeuwen: Yep. 13:54:05 action-101? 13:54:05 action-101 -- Bill Roberts to Compile a list of geospatial vocabularies in rdf -- due 2015-11-25 -- OPEN 13:54:05 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/101 13:54:08 action-101 ? 13:54:08 action-101 -- Bill Roberts to Compile a list of geospatial vocabularies in rdf -- due 2015-11-25 -- OPEN 13:54:08 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/actions/101 13:54:30 kerry: I'm pretty sure that's done. 13:54:39 billroberts: I made a first pass and people contributed. 13:55:03 ... I could still trace back through the mails and try and do something with it. I can't remember what we wanted it for. 13:55:15 jtandy: We were trying to tell people what the choices were. 13:55:22 kerry: Is there more to be done? 13:55:41 jtandy: I think we can close this. if we need more, we'll create it again. 13:55:49 +1 13:56:01 billroberts: There is more info associated with that. But I think it might be difficult to make a BP from it. 13:56:08 q+ to talk about Frans' work? 13:56:21 q+ 13:56:33 ack phila 13:56:33 phila, you wanted to talk about Frans' work? 13:56:37 jtandy: The trick becomes how you would choose which vocab to use and providing hte infio to make that choice 13:57:01 q? 13:57:05 s/hte infio/the info/ 13:57:14 phila: isn't that what Frans et al are working on? 13:57:15 ack roba 13:58:01 roba: I think we have a situation where at the level of the individual implementation we'll be here forever. Think of measures vocab - there are many to choose from. 13:58:08 q+ to suggest if we close action-101, we can close action-103 as well 13:58:27 roba: It's about choosing a vocab that your community of interest is already using. 13:58:46 [agree with Rob] 13:58:47 q+ to talk about https://www.w3.org/TR/ld-bp/ 13:58:49 close action-101 13:58:49 Closed action-101. 13:58:57 ack Linda 13:58:57 Linda, you wanted to suggest if we close action-101, we can close action-103 as well 13:59:01 ack linda? 13:59:03 +1 13:59:08 close action-103 13:59:08 Closed action-103. 13:59:17 ack me 13:59:17 phila, you wanted to talk about https://www.w3.org/TR/ld-bp/ 13:59:18 https://www.w3.org/TR/ld-bp/ 13:59:49 kerry: I'm going to close the meeting there. 14:00:08 kerry: Thanks everyone. And congrats on another publication. 14:00:09 Bye bye 14:00:09 thx bye 14:00:14 thanks, bye 14:00:17 bye! 14:00:19 bye 14:00:25 bye 14:00:28 \quit 14:00:30 RRSAgent, draft minutes 14:00:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/07/06-sdw-minutes.html phila 14:01:24 Nicky has left #sdw 16:09:50 Zakim has left #sdw