13:05:36 RRSAgent has joined #webtv 13:05:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-webtv-irc 13:09:01 welcome! 13:10:31 scribe: nilo 13:11:52 alex: we have been updating the architecture. will review it and also focus on use cases today. 13:12:37 alex: updated some chapters. hope to reach the final state and freeze it. 13:13:40 q? 13:14:17 nilo: asks for some time to review the changes 13:21:47 i/we have been/scribenick: NiloMitra/ 13:21:55 rrsagent, make log public 13:21:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:21:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-webtv-minutes.html kaz 13:22:22 present: Alex, Nilo, Steve, Kaz 13:22:41 Meeting: Web&TV IG - Cloud Browser TF 13:22:41 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:22:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-webtv-minutes.html kaz 13:29:00 alex: explains her changes to the architecture, section by section. 13:29:22 nilo: are the definitions of in band media and out of band media needed? are these used later on? 13:29:42 nilo: it seems that clod player approach and in band media seems similar. 13:29:53 s/clod/cloud/ 13:30:20 alex; will make the definitions clearer 13:38:40 s/alex;/alex:/ 13:41:00 nilo: much easier to follow 13:41:12 steve: no additional comments at this time 13:42:02 q? 13:42:07 -> https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Main_Page/Cloud_Browser_TF/Architecture Cloud Browser Architecture 13:42:07 alex: will send out an email to the group saying that the chapter is being finalized and comments due two weeks from now 13:42:42 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:42:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-webtv-minutes.html kaz 13:42:45 alex: now moving to the use cases 13:42:59 i/we have been updating/topic: Architecture/ 13:43:09 i/now moving/topic: Use Cases/ 13:43:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:43:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-webtv-minutes.html kaz 13:43:17 Chair: Alexandra 13:43:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:43:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-webtv-minutes.html kaz 13:43:36 -> https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/Main_Page/Cloud_Browser_TF/UseCases Use Cases 13:44:27 alex: some use cases have question marks - synchronization and discovery. Not sure is DIAL, a local function, fully covers discovery. 13:45:09 alex: have to verify is in the double stream use cases there are any additional uses related to synchronization 13:45:56 alex: in case browser is not on the local channel, how to handle the DVB information? 13:46:15 s/channel/client 13:46:42 steve: hbbtv already has this kind of functionality. 13:47:36 alex: this use case would be to verify if AIT information can be retrieved/used. how to send the AIT red button information to the cloud browser? 13:48:02 alex: verify that no functionality is lost by using the cloud browser 13:49:00 alex: regarding audio, if UI includes audio signals such as separate sounds for different buttons how would this be handled?. 13:49:36 steve: he has seen cases of audio in the UI to help users with sight problems. thus we would need to considser it. 13:49:50 alex; this is a good example of an accesssibility use case 13:50:00 s/alex;/alex: 13:51:08 alexandra, we lost your audio 13:52:21 s/considser/consider 13:52:24 sorry 13:52:28 trying to connect 13:54:13 alex: next time we'll go through the use cases, including the new ones proposed by her colleague 13:55:00 alex: please pick up and develop the use cases, to show what we'd like to enable with the use cases 13:55:39 alex; would like a deadline of september to complete the use cases and requirements 13:55:47 s/alex;/alex: 13:56:04 alexandre, shall we complee this by IRC 13:56:13 yes 13:56:21 sorry for that 13:56:26 s/alexandre/alexandra 13:56:29 seems to be very probematic with the nw today 13:56:32 ok 13:56:37 s/com[lee/complete 13:56:38 so lets complete the meeting today 13:56:42 ok 13:56:55 I will send out an update version of the Arch 13:56:55 alex: let's finish for today 13:56:57 s/complee/complete/ 13:56:59 today/ tomorrow 13:57:03 stevem has joined #webtv 13:57:09 And feel free to pick up some of the Use Cases 13:57:12 ;-) 13:57:20 nilo: ok 13:57:54 kaz: will tidy up and send out the minutes 13:57:59 bye 13:58:11 [ adjourned ] 13:58:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:58:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/22-webtv-minutes.html kaz