13:05:03 RRSAgent has joined #multimodal 13:05:03 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/06/13-multimodal-irc 13:05:05 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:05:05 Zakim has joined #multimodal 13:05:07 Zakim, this will be MMI 13:05:07 ok, trackbot 13:05:08 Meeting: Multimodal Interaction Working Group Teleconference 13:05:08 Date: 13 June 2016 13:05:35 scribe: ddahl 13:05:47 chair: Debbie 13:05:54 regrets: helena 13:06:00 topic: actions 13:06:58 action-441? 13:06:58 action-441 -- Kazuyuki Ashimura to Submit bullet points on mmi to the wot landscape document on github -- due 2016-06-13 -- OPEN 13:06:58 https://www.w3.org/2002/mmi/Group/track/actions/441 13:07:05 kaz: will do that today 13:07:25 topic: use case wiki 13:07:41 -> https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized Use Case wiki 13:08:05 debbie: last week we talked about UC-7 13:08:07 https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized#UC-7:_Multimodal_Appliances 13:08:49 kaz: last week we talked about security and privacy in WoT, we should talk about that for mmi interaction with appliances 13:08:59 dirk: for home appliances? 13:09:44 kaz: during the panel session we talked about user authentication, device authentication, physical danger and safety 13:10:29 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/Talks/0609-wot-panel-ka/ WoT Security panel session during the W3C/Keio 20th event 13:10:50 Dirk has joined #multimodal 13:11:07 dirk: we also talked about privacy issues in the SCXML paper, authentication was fine, but can become complex if you want to hide part of a screen from someone who's watching, for example 13:11:56 kaz: Javascript with HTML5 isn't sufficient, need something like SCXML 13:12:37 -> https://www.w3.org/2016/Talks/0609-wot-panel-ka/#%2811%29 p11 13:14:02 (kaz discusses slides) 13:16:32 fyi, this is the link to the Keio 20th anniversary event: https://www.w3.org/20/Asia/Japan/Overview.html 13:17:50 debbie: safety would be especially important for people with disabilities 13:18:16 ...it might be extremely important for them to access their home devices 13:18:54 kaz: accessibility will go beyond making the web usable 13:20:28 ...we need to think about that kind of relationship if everything is connected 13:21:02 Dirk: what does this mean from an architectural point of view? 13:21:44 ...in our system we targeted older people, some with disabilities, we addressed this with fusion and fission 13:22:22 ...using modalities as appropriate 13:23:14 kaz: making the system easier to access for people with disabilities should not make it easy for evil people to access 13:25:05 debbie: should we add anything to UC-7 13:27:19 debbie: we could add something to the template 13:28:42 kaz: add a section 3 covering security, accessibility and safety and also add something for each use cases 13:29:30 ...and add something to the template 13:36:19 Dirk: in our project the security people suggested XACML, standardized by Oasis 13:36:30 ...it allows for fine-grained permissions 13:37:00 ..Extensible Access Control Markup Language 13:38:46 https://www.w3.org/wiki/MMI/Use_Cases_Categorized#UC-12:_Smart_Car_Platform 13:39:00 debbie: this was Dirk's other comment 13:40:43 kaz: during the Automotive Workshop 4 years ago, Audi was using SCXML, but not MMI Architecture 13:41:41 Dirk: in last year's SCXML workshop there were participants from auto industry, but there isn't a good editor 13:41:46 ...for visualizing 13:42:06 ...so they were reluctant to use 13:43:22 ...there was a good editor from NVIDIA presented at last year's workshop 13:44:05 kaz: a UML editor should be able to generate SCXML code 13:44:26 NVidia SCXML Editor: http://scxmlworkshop.de/eics2014/submissions/Developing%20User%20Interfaces%20using%20SCXML%20Statecharts.pdf 13:44:33 s/last year's workshop/the workshop two years ago 13:44:51 -> https://www.visual-paradigm.com/tutorials/state-code-gen.jsp visual paradigm 13:45:09 Dirk: this is a UML editor 13:45:28 kaz: that you can save as SCXML code 13:46:37 Dirk: an integration into a UML tool would help a lot 13:47:47 -> http://www.zipcon.net/~swhite/docs/computers/linux/UML_Tools.html UML tools for Linux 13:49:05 Dirk: automotive use cases are navigation, entertainment, telephony 13:50:25 Dirk: there is an open source approach for automotive 13:51:38 kaz: GENIVI, Generic In Vehicle Entertainment 13:51:54 s/Entertainment/Infotainment 13:52:30 kaz: for GUI part they use QT 13:52:52 ..probably some are using Linux-based system 13:52:54 s/QT/Qt/ 13:55:24 kaz: a few years ago, the alternatives were embedded C++ or HTML5, but now some people are thinking of MMI Architecture 13:55:59 Dirk: this would be a good alternative to just attaching modalities 13:56:13 ...without a good integration 13:56:38 s/integration/integration of modalities 13:58:45 Dirk: we could explore how MMI can assist in the integration of modalities 13:59:13 kaz: we can add or detach a modality at any point 14:01:35 debbie: we can add the automotive discussion from today to UC-12 14:01:49 rrsagent, format minutes 14:01:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/13-multimodal-minutes.html ddahl 14:02:11 rrsagent, make logs public 14:03:29 Present: Debbie, Kaz, Dirk 14:03:36 regrets: Helena 14:03:42 rrsagent, format minutes 14:03:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/06/13-multimodal-minutes.html ddahl 14:08:49 ddahl has left #multimodal 16:07:12 Zakim has left #multimodal