15:47:57 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 15:47:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/19-annotation-irc 15:48:02 trackbot, start meeting 15:48:04 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:48:07 Zakim, this will be 2666 15:48:07 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:48:08 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 15:48:08 Date: 19 February 2016 15:48:15 Chair: Rob_Sanderson 15:48:23 Regrets+ Randall_Leeds 15:48:34 Present+ Rob_Sanderson 15:48:53 TOPIC: Scribe selection, agenda review, announcements? 15:59:00 mete_pinar has joined #annotation 15:59:30 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2016Feb/0120.html 15:59:45 Present+ Dan_whaley 15:59:57 Present+ Benjamin_Young 16:00:06 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch 16:01:23 present+ shepazu 16:01:35 uskudarli has joined #annotation 16:02:43 present+ ivan 16:03:10 Present+ Nick_Stenning 16:03:42 Chair: Rob_Sanderson, Frederick_Hirsch 16:04:28 takeshi has joined #annotation 16:04:34 present+ Suzan_Uskudarli 16:04:56 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 16:05:09 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 16:05:19 Present+ Takeshi_Kanai 16:05:32 scribenick: bigbluehat 16:06:38 PaoloCiccarese has joined #annotation 16:07:31 Regrets+ Randall, TimCole 16:07:34 azaroth: are there any other issues for the agend? 16:07:39 s/agend/agenda 16:07:48 fjh: it might be good to review outstanding issues before we start 16:08:03 azaroth: any announcements? face-to-face? etc? 16:08:53 Present+ Paolo_Ciccarese 16:08:59 dwhly: things are in place for the venue for the f2f, and were working on finishing off other remaining details 16:09:17 s/before we start/at the end of the call, to see what is left to resolve and where we are/ 16:09:26 ...we're working on getting hotel accommodation info also 16:09:33 ...we'd love for folks to register for I Annotate soon 16:09:44 TOPIC: Minutes Approval 16:09:47 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 16:09:50 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/02/12-annotation-minutes.html 16:10:04 add me as chair if possible 16:10:14 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 16:10:30 present+ davis_salisbury 16:10:35 RESOLUTION: Minutes of the previous call are approved: https://www.w3.org/2016/02/12-annotation-minutes.html 16:10:53 TOPIC: Outstanding Issue Review 16:10:58 persent+ tb_dinesh 16:11:15 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+-label%3Aeditor_action+-label%3Apostpone 16:11:52 present+ tb_dinesh 16:11:52 +1 to doing the review of issue status first 16:12:07 azaroth: if you follow that link you will see all the non-editor-action or postponed issues 16:12:13 ...there are only 10 of them 16:12:22 ...the range selector is splitting out #93 16:12:23 so, after one more call we should have completed the model issues? 16:12:32 ...from the bottom up 16:13:04 ...#19 - agreement was to publish a new set of drafts and get feedback from the chair of the Security group 16:13:12 ...so it's blocked until we get a new set of drafts out 16:13:22 W3C Security Interest Group - https://www.w3.org/Security/wiki/IG 16:13:25 ...#80 - JSON-LD frame is partly done 16:13:45 ...there's a frame for annotations, but not for the lists of annotations 16:13:58 ...#93 - multiple selectors. we're discussing later today 16:14:09 q+ 16:14:13 ...if you have a group of selectors, is there a simpler way to do it than we currently have 16:14:44 ...#95 - XPath Selector - new selector, can we use that on any media type? or just ones that say they support it? 16:15:29 fjh: what I'm trying to understand is what work is left or which ones are basically completed. 16:15:38 ...it sounds like most or basically completed and just need some remaining discussion 16:15:54 azaroth: #102 - AS comparison - we need to make sure we're still lined up with their spec 16:16:15 fjh: I thought we were deferring #110 16:16:22 ivan: #110's on today's agenda 16:16:39 azaroth: #135 is the same as #93. if we solve #93, we solve #135 16:16:53 ...#147 isn't a CR related issue 16:17:09 ...#150 0-1 or 0-n string bodies is on todays agend 16:17:19 s/agend/agenda 16:17:22 so we might resolve all the open model issues today, unless there are some that aren’t on the list 16:17:31 ...#153 which tilgovi just added splits out Range from #95 16:17:44 fjh: there was an issue that was closed which folks wanted back open 16:17:48 azaroth: it's the language one 16:17:57 ...#149 16:18:02 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/149 16:18:13 ...it's not about the body of the annotation, but about the meta data 16:18:32 ...if you wanted to associate a label with the body, and want to state what language the label is in, then where do you put that? 16:18:39 fjh: do we need an open issue for that? 16:18:43 azaroth: I think it's out of scope 16:19:20 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aeditor_action 16:19:27 azaroth: now this list 16:19:35 ...these are editor-action 16:19:46 ...they're waiting on the editors to complete these 16:19:53 ...I have most of today blocked out for the rest of them 16:20:11 ...in terms of actual changes to the document--the pending ones are done (committed) the others are next 16:20:13 q? 16:20:16 q- 16:20:39 ...the discussion the last couple weeks was to have this all wrapped up by the middle of march 16:20:50 ...for getting all of our open issues resolved 16:21:10 ...that would put us in good stead for implementations, testing, etc. 16:21:11 q? 16:21:12 ...to get through CR 16:21:19 Walking through the issues was helpful, thank you. 16:21:36 azaroth: one very brief thing I want to raise about extension 16:21:51 ...for example, if adding a new namespace to a serialization is important 16:21:58 ...such as the label of the language of the body 16:22:06 ...then it might be required to add a second context 16:22:13 ...we say it must be a string and it must be the annotation context 16:22:20 ...so extension at the annotation level is not possible 16:22:39 TOPIC: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/150: 0-1 or 0-n string bodies 16:23:17 issue #79 there wasn't any consensus around the # of string which could be used 16:23:24 ...so at the moment it says 0-1 16:23:32 ...so the question is should it be changed to 0-n 16:23:58 azaroth: i believe the body text property is only there to make the annotations as simple as possible 16:24:01 eg: bigbluehat: +1 etc 16:24:19 ...so as soon as you get away from that, then the appropriate way to do it is with body resources 16:24:30 ...you'd use a resource per body 16:24:41 q+ 16:24:47 q+ 16:25:03 ivan: I don't know why an array of string is not allowed when you can have an array of bodies 16:25:23 ...I'd like to keep it brief as it's not a major issue 16:25:31 azaroth: it came from the CSV group 16:25:36 ...they wanted a completely fast structure 16:25:44 ...as soon as you introduce an array, it's not flat 16:26:01 ivan: right. they don't want a complex object, when a string would serve the purpose 16:26:14 q? 16:26:15 ack nickstenn 16:26:26 azaroth: your interpretation is they want strings. my interpretation is they want a single string. 16:26:46 nickstenn: it's a lot simpler to write a implementation that assumes if it sees this field it's a string 16:26:55 ...you'd either have an implementation that is full RDF like 16:27:02 ...or much simpler that assumes it's a string 16:27:08 q+ 16:27:15 ack PaoloCiccarese 16:27:20 ...by allowing it for an array of strings, then the implementation become more complex. 16:27:33 PaoloCiccarese: while I understand ivan's point, why would I use multiple strings? 16:28:04 ...so I'm not really sure. it's weird to have the 1 constraint, it does make the implementations simpler. 16:28:06 ack ivan 16:28:19 ...I'm almost neutral as I'll never probably use this. 16:28:39 ivan: I would like to make a proposal and drive this to a close 16:28:53 ...but I would caution that we're opening up something with nickstenn's comment 16:29:11 ...about the implementation testing and obligations of clients 16:29:30 ...there is already the need to test for a single body vs. multiple bodies 16:29:35 ...this is similar, just for textual bodies 16:29:35 for me the crucial point is that the proposed resolution doesn't make anything impossible 16:29:55 azaroth: I think that ivan's comment is a nice framing 16:29:56 if you want multiple textual bodies, you use multiple bodies 16:30:15 ...the baseline requirement is that you support this minimum requirement--and not the regular body structure 16:30:27 ...if you support the regular body structure, then you don't really need the simple bodyText property 16:30:41 ivan: we implemented bodyText for the users 16:30:46 q+ 16:30:56 ...my understanding was that a conformant implementation has to do both. 16:31:11 ...we need to have a discussion about what is a conformant implementation 16:31:15 ack nickstenn 16:31:18 azaroth: I'll take an issue to raise the conformance issue 16:31:51 nickstenn: we did discuss, but I think drop the idea of conformance levels 16:32:00 +1 16:32:17 ...if the only conforming implementation is one that does all the things, then we're limiting the likelihood of implementations 16:32:37 +1 16:32:46 PROPOSAL: Use the current 0-1 strings for bodyText, and disallow arrays of strings 16:32:55 ...realistically, as client-side in the browser, implementing a full RDF stack, supporting multiple body types is not realistic for an initial implementation 16:33:01 +1 16:33:03 +1 16:33:03 +1 16:33:04 +1 16:33:05 +1 16:33:06 -1 16:33:12 +1 16:33:14 +0 16:33:16 +0 16:33:21 +0 16:33:40 for the records: my -1 is not an objection 16:34:02 scribenick: dwhly 16:34:50 RESOLUTION: Use the current 0-1 strings for bodyText, and disallow arrays of strings 16:34:51 rrsagent, pointer? 16:34:51 See http://www.w3.org/2016/02/19-annotation-irc#T16-34-51 16:35:02 TOPIC: https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/93: Multiple Selectors 16:35:29 azaroth: 135 was exactly same issue 16:35:42 ... there's a lot of discussion on this one 16:36:19 ... selectors should be able to be chained, for instance fragment + xpath selectors 16:36:37 ... there are implementations, hypothesis, queensland, etc. this is not a new thing 16:37:02 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/93#issuecomment-173398909 16:37:18 ... there are three use cases 16:37:33 ... 1) refine fragment selector w/ text selector 16:37:53 ... 2) two alternative selectors 16:38:00 ... 3) mixing the two 16:38:37 ... there was discussion around whether it was valuable or not 16:39:23 ivan: initially there was a proposal by rob 16:39:46 ... within a selector you can have subselectors and so on, which encode the series of things you want to do 16:39:59 ... sounded straightforward, but there was annother proposal 16:40:07 ... to encode the same information by hugo 16:40:14 ... don't know how to characterize it 16:40:30 ... was coined as the "inverse model", started w/ selectors, ended w/ resource 16:40:39 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/93#issuecomment-173962602 16:40:44 ... origins in functional programming 16:40:52 ... debate ensued, matter of taste 16:40:56 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/93#issuecomment-174291171 16:41:26 ... jacob supplied some examples, i formatted them, seemed unrealistic 16:41:47 ... debate ended by discussion around practicality, intuitive 16:41:52 https://github.com/w3c/web-annotation/issues/93#issuecomment-175080258 16:42:03 ... one thing may tip the balance, related to discussion we may have today 16:42:22 ... based on my desire to have selectors expressed as a fragment identifier 16:42:32 ... for usages that require a URL 16:42:54 ... that can be done simply w/ proposal of rob, impossible w/ hugos 16:42:58 q? 16:43:03 ... balance tips in favor of original proposal 16:43:19 ... about 3 weeks ago the discussion died out 16:43:29 ... we need to decide between rob's original or hugos 16:44:04 azaroth: the distinction is that the original to take broadest first and refine, hugos is to start /w most specific and broaden 16:44:15 ivan: becomes more complex w/ more specific examples 16:44:37 q? 16:44:37 azaroth: the comment from ivan, formatted made it much easier to see 16:44:47 ... what do people think? 16:45:34 q+ 16:45:40 ack PaoloCiccarese 16:46:13 PaoloCiccarese: question ... [missed it] 16:46:52 ... in the case that i do a text quote 16:47:01 ... and now I want to have references in the document 16:47:10 ... that could be a ref to the position or the occurrence 16:47:18 ... where would we expect that information to go 16:47:33 ... the 2nd proposal is combining position and text quote 16:47:44 ... and they are supposed to be alternative 16:47:55 ... doesn't stop me from using them in combination 16:48:05 ... use case 1 in combination 16:48:10 q+ 16:48:11 ... use case 2 is one or the other 16:48:16 ack nickstenn 16:48:20 ... use case 3 is a combo 16:48:46 nickstenn: are we trying to combine the algorithm into the data model 16:49:01 q+ 16:49:12 ... when hypothesis fails to use a selector, that we can check such as a text selector 16:49:35 ... that selector doesn't become discarded, may become the start point for a fuzzy search 16:49:57 ... any hierarchy is perhaps too much. 16:50:12 PaoloCiccarese: when are two selector really alternatives 16:50:16 q+ 16:50:26 q+ 16:50:30 ... i might still have two completely different selectors 16:50:44 ... for exactly thes same reason that nick said 16:50:55 ... if i have a number even if its fuzzy its still what it is 16:51:06 ... doesn't imply i can't still look at them and make sense 16:51:32 ... in between the two approaches, i like this one 16:51:35 ack shepazu 16:51:52 shepazu: i'm sympathetic to nick 16:52:10 ... on one hand we need to balance notion of interoperability w/ innovation tricky in standards 16:52:21 ... don't think there's a prob data model having an order 16:52:37 ... but perhaps it shouldn't dictate 16:53:00 ... it's a set of data and the UA treats it as appropriate 16:53:04 ack ivan 16:53:07 does anyone have a concrete example of where more selector structure is necessary? 16:53:11 ... don't think we should dictate what the UA does 16:53:25 ivan: i'm completely lost by this line of argument 16:53:33 ... we have selectors which are refinements 16:53:38 q+ 16:53:39 ... not an algorithm 16:53:48 ... not a choice between xml or html 16:54:11 ... simply a refinement of selectors 16:54:11 q? 16:54:24 shepazu: when you're making a list you're doing for a reason 16:54:49 ivan: there yes, we can say if its a list or a set, but that's not what we're talking about... it's a series of refinements 16:54:57 ack azaroth 16:55:01 ... i select something w/ a selector and then subselect 16:55:04 q+ 16:55:30 azaroth: so i'm sympathic w/ nick, it is an algorithm a simple one 16:55:40 ... we have already accepted the use case for this 16:55:53 ... the issue is whether we stick with what we have or make it simpler 16:56:16 ... i have listed to doug's argument about innovation 16:56:28 ... doesn't say you have to implement the algorithm. 16:56:37 ... if you can interpret differently, do so 16:56:45 ... new selectors are ok too 16:56:52 ... no impact on innovation 16:57:07 (I think we're saying mostly the same thing on that point, actually) 16:57:07 q? 16:57:09 ack nickstenn 16:57:27 nickstenn: you'll be shocked to know that i vote for the simplest thing 16:57:53 ... i'm not sure i understand the use case, annotations have targets, selectors identify them 16:58:00 ... what do subselectors do? 16:58:19 azaroth: let me quickly try to illustrate, epub is a zip file 16:58:28 ... has a URI, html docusments 16:58:53 ... in order to accurately select ... need to say, here is a URI, then an HTML file, then a selector 16:59:18 so, either we have an epub specific selector, or we have more generic general purpose ones 16:59:24 or you have two selectors next to one another? 17:00:04 q+ 17:00:05 scribenick: azaroth 17:00:17 nickstenn: Needs more discussion 17:00:20 ivan: Yes 17:00:23 ack PaoloCiccarese 17:00:41 PaoloCiccarese: Okay with subselector, I see the epub use case. Wondering how it compares to scope 17:00:53 ... Was using that to say this image in this html document 17:00:58 ... slightly different but similar 17:00:59 q? 17:01:01 ack shepazu 17:01:17 q+ 17:01:45 shepazu: Saying contradictory things. This is how we selected this thing in the document. Describing an algorithm that you first do one thing, then the next. 17:02:13 ... If not prescribing UA behavior, that's fine. If describing the order in which the selections were made, okay. But need to be clear what restrictions we're putting on UAs 17:02:27 ... sounds increasingly like a set of instructions 17:02:44 ... UA that makes the selection and the one that interprets it 17:02:57 why is it bad to define a method for selection refinement that is easy to express, like a unix pipe 17:03:10 what is the summary of the concern with the proposal? 17:03:19 ... restriction on the one that makes it 17:03:23 q? 17:03:39 ack fjh 17:04:18 fjh: Don't understand the concern, as to whether its wrong to include at all, or whether there's a more generic way 17:04:59 TOPIC: Adjourn 17:05:03 if we express the concern clearly it may resolve easily 17:05:11 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:05:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/19-annotation-minutes.html ivan 17:05:15 fjh++ 17:18:12 trackbot, end telcon 17:18:12 Zakim, list attendees 17:18:12 As of this point the attendees have been Ivan, Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sandersion, Rob_Sanderson, Tim_Cole, Benjamin_Young, Jacob_Jett, shepazu, davis_salisbury, Paolo_Ciccarese, 17:18:15 ... Ben_De_Meester, Chris_Birk, TB_Dinesh, Takeshi_Kanai, Randall_Leeds, Dan_Whaley, Susan, Uskudarli, !, Nick_Stenning, Suzan_Uskudarli 17:18:20 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:18:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/19-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 17:18:21 RRSAgent, bye 17:18:21 I see no action items