14:44:18 RRSAgent has joined #dpub-loc 14:44:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-dpub-loc-irc 14:44:24 rrsagent, set log public 14:44:35 Meeting: DPUB IG Locator Task Force Call 14:44:46 Chair: Ben De Meester 14:44:47 Regrets: Tzviya 14:45:11 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/CAJ-O9TvxOh3bRDYSrfCnmOovMixqDeJU14D=aVZOEUYLwHuvHQ@mail.gmail.com 14:58:31 Bill_Kasdorf has joined #dpub-loc 14:58:47 present+ Bill_Kasdorf 14:59:18 Present+ Ivan 14:59:22 bjdmeest has joined #dpub-loc 15:01:23 mgylling has joined #dpub-loc 15:01:35 I didn't realize I needed to be on Webex. I join via call-in and IRC. I'll do that now. 15:02:39 It keeps telling me I have the wrong password. This is why I skip the WebEx. 15:04:30 laudrain has joined #dpub-loc 15:04:44 Present+ Luc 15:04:45 only took five tries to get it to work. . . . 15:04:58 scribenick laudrain 15:05:05 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 15:05:05 scribenick: laudrain 15:05:27 Present+ Markus, Matt, Leonard 15:05:51 Regrets+ Romain 15:06:07 Ben uopdates on use cases? 15:06:25 s/uopdates/updates/ 15:06:25 https://github.com/w3c/dpub-pwp-loc/commit/87a6e229c948806ed0e0f973e9ee0aba090249e3 15:06:39 document on github repo 15:07:31 canonical URL independant of the PWP state 15:08:03 LR : protocol? 15:08:41 LR document line 11 15:09:33 LR : protocol is irrelevant in relative URL 15:10:40 Ivan add the comment he made 15:11:15 definition of locator : ok 15:12:12 Ivan : a PWP is also always in a certain state 15:12:38 LR : what does the locator returns? 15:12:45 Ivan : content-type 15:13:26 LR : state isn’t a rest request 15:14:07 LR : what is return is independant of state 15:14:50 BEn : change may by is 15:15:26 LR resource or relative locator? 15:16:04 Ivan : resource could be added in () 15:16:43 LR : a PWP contains a second PWP , what is the locator 15:17:16 Ivan : leave as is for now 15:17:52 Ovan : put a note on precse terminology points to ressource 15:18:45 Ivan : a canonical locator is an absolute and state independant locator 15:20:16 LR : a canonical locator is to a PWP and to its resources 15:21:43 Ben: Reading system 15:22:11 LR: what does the RS do with locators? 15:22:19 BEn text as its? 15:22:29 Consensus 15:22:59 Ben : PWP assumed to be published unacked 15:23:28 Ivan: why? locator independnat from the state 15:23:59 LR: « unpacked folder strucure » 15:24:43 When managing glocator, conceptually PWP is looked as if it was uunpacked 15:25:15 Ben ; PWP doesn’t physically need to be unpacked 15:25:33 Bill : necessarily online? 15:26:49 Ivan: packed or unpacked, the locator looks at the resource conceptually 15:28:01 q? 15:28:06 LR: canonical locator : who is the distributor of the content? 15:28:32 Ivan: this is addressed later in the docment 15:29:37 Ivan: the canonical loc change when the PWP is copied 15:31:36 Ivan : book on the local file, the original loc is a question of implementation choice 15:32:50 LR: section 47-50 shuold be placed somewhere else 15:33:40 Ben questions 15:34:24 Ben Q1 15:34:56 Ivan : example fetching in the file isn’t a good example 15:35:51 Ivan: moving from the canonical to the actual locator is a question 15:36:44 LR: the URL has to go through the metadata to the internal resource 15:38:02 Ivan: mapping has to hapenn from th Can Url to the particuar state on my disk 15:38:09 LR: Where? 15:39:09 iIvan: ideally, typing in my browser the Can Url, it goes the the server and get the resource 15:39:53 LR case where the server has to map the packed to the unpacked resource 15:40:16 LR: how does one find the resources? 15:41:06 Ivan: we don’t have the problem of external resources, but is more upsream 15:42:49 LR:: the RS reads the publication. Do we need to define a PWP processor? 15:43:30 LR: a RS is not in the server 15:43:58 ivan: dispalying and other processes are in the same black box 15:44:48 Ben : adding an extra definiiton for pwp processor 15:45:03 Ben : the user interacts with the RS 15:46:13 Ben: PWP paked and unacked on the server, the can loc has to get one of the 2 resources 15:46:24 Ben Q4 15:48:13 Ivan: question Q4bis : locator to a specific state? 15:48:48 LR: it is the responsibilty of teh PWP proc 15:48:55 Ivan : right 15:49:31 LR: the PWP proc knows how to map to the data 15:49:41 Ivan: this is content negociation 15:50:46 Ivan: from a zip and a folder, what does the PWP Proc do? 15:51:45 LR: for a single resource, the URL returns the resource data, we have no choice 15:52:12 Ivan: any server will throug a non existent error 15:52:36 s/throug/throw/ 15:54:22 Ivan: the server decides today even without any extension (html ot xhtml) 15:55:02 Ivan: extra processing on th PWP proc side : to replace the Can Loc to the State URL 15:55:58 LR: « properly configured server » : a specific configuration 15:56:28 LR: apache server all have addons 15:56:57 LR: we never said that we should not have addons 15:57:14 Ivan: we shoud avoid extensions 15:58:37 LR: the server has always to be configured some way 15:59:07 Ben: put separately this issue? 15:59:58 Ben: processing / content negociaiton. Agreed on those functionalities? 16:00:30 Ben to make document revision 16:00:43 Ivan: setup is a fundamental question 16:02:24 Luc: it reminds of service workers 16:03:03 Ivan: SW may be an issue to not server extensions 16:03:53 laudrain has left #dpub-loc 16:55:11 ivan has joined #dpub-loc 16:55:33 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:55:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/10-dpub-loc-minutes.html ivan