16:57:38 RRSAgent has joined #apa 16:57:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/20-apa-irc 16:57:40 RRSAgent, make logs world 16:57:42 Zakim, this will be 16:57:42 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 16:57:43 Meeting: Accessible Platform Architectures Working Group Teleconference 16:57:43 Date: 20 January 2016 16:58:09 agenda? 16:58:15 zakim, clear agenda 16:58:15 agenda cleared 16:58:18 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 16:58:18 agenda+ To rel, or not to rel -- Discussion with ARIA-Dpub TF [See Below] 16:58:18 agenda+ Actions Review (Specs) http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/actions/open 16:58:18 agenda+ new on TR http://www.w3.org/TR/tr-status-drafts.html 16:58:20 agenda+ Interim APA Process Review -- Spec Tracking Wikis [See Below] 16:58:21 agenda+ Other Business 16:58:23 agenda+ next and future meetings http://www.w3.org/Guide/1998/08/teleconference-calendar#s_273 16:58:26 agenda+ be done 16:58:39 zakim, next item 16:58:39 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, janina 16:58:45 q? 16:58:49 ack jn 16:58:54 zakim, next item 16:58:54 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 16:59:03 present+ janina 16:59:13 present+ Tzviya 17:00:38 fesch has joined #apa 17:00:53 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #apa 17:01:20 present+ LJWatson 17:02:02 present+ fesch 17:02:18 Present+ mgylling 17:03:24 no code 17:03:29 for webex 17:03:59 https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=m6e3f82ceee1b44268fd496d928c40001 17:04:25 s/no code// 17:04:31 s/for webex// 17:05:01 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 17:09:10 zakim, pick a victim 17:09:10 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose matt_king 17:09:44 zakim, pick a victim 17:09:44 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose MichaelC 17:10:06 scribenick: Tzviya 17:11:46 MichaelC has changed the topic to: APA Teleconference; Wednesday 20 January at 17:00Z WebEx https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mf439584d181075a804580b9894ce6c1d PW apa Num 647 857 439 17:12:06 JF: any news items? 17:12:50 RS: On tech AB for Samsung US. They are shifting to all EPUB 17:13:20 ...for internal documentation 17:13:47 MichielBijl has joined #apa 17:14:20 regrets+ MichielBijl 17:14:44 LW: Web Platforms WG announced that copy of HTML 5 spec is available in GitHub. All are invited to fix bugs, add issues, comments 17:14:49 HTML plan http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2016Jan/0008.html 17:15:04 ...in advance of next iteration of next iteration of HTML5 17:15:19 ...Also looking for editors 17:15:58 zakim, next item 17:15:58 agendum 2. "To rel, or not to rel -- Discussion with ARIA-Dpub TF" taken up [from See Below] 17:17:17 MG: In ongoing EPUB 3.1 revision, we have encapsulated transition of @role. Within one year, we will have outlined transitioned to @role. 17:17:45 ...This means that we have to have a method to capture all things that are currently in EPUB using @role 17:17:57 ...One area that is still a little unclear is the matter of links. 17:18:20 ...Several options were put forward. Link natures in ebooks are twofold. 17:19:13 ...One is inline, to trigger behavior. For example link to a footnote might trigger a pop up functionality, and this will also trigger certain behavior footnote 17:19:24 rschwer has joined #apa 17:19:31 richardschwerdtfeger has left #apa 17:19:36 q? 17:19:45 ...It is also important for a user to know what is at the other end of a link before activating a link. 17:20:36 q+ 17:20:53 ...The other use case is for global navigation. An EPUB is made up of multiple documents bound together, and the user needs to be able to navigate to the components 17:21:41 ...One of the things that we have in EPUB is what is unfortunately called landmarks, a list of "hotspots" in a book, example where a book starts, the index, the glossary. 17:22:09 ...These are not a set pre-defined terms, but author defined hot spots 17:22:41 ...In DPUB-ARIA we have *ref to point to particular elements (e.g. noteref) 17:22:44 q+ 17:23:13 ack l 17:23:33 ...We are looking for one stable mechanism. It could be @rel. It could be a new attribute. We are neutral, but we want to stick with it once we have it. 17:24:16 LW: What is the visual equivalent of knowing where the link goes? What are providing to AT? 17:26:16 MG: There is not always an equivalent. Sometimes it's a popup. It may have to do with the horrific experience of using the back button for a non-sighted reader. We should not ignore if it's just an enhancement for AT 17:26:17 ack me 17:26:27 ack r 17:26:30 TS: As a reader, I use the tool tip that is supplied 17:26:53 MattG: Often the links are styled in different ways. This gets lost to AT 17:27:13 Rich: are you considering using @rel for other things? e.g. DC metadata? 17:27:39 MarkusG: We do have one other use case - using SMIL 17:28:01 RS: @rel is not currently mapped to AT 17:28:20 ...and it is not in SVG 17:28:44 It is not a small undertaking to expose this to AT. 17:29:25 MG: This is our problem with *ref. We don't see how this will scale. In extreme case, we will end up duplicating our work. 17:29:33 RS: This is almost like a sub-roles. 17:30:04 ...We could have role descriptions, which can be any string. Nothing will prevent people from colliding with them. 17:30:41 MG: Pretty compelling reasons not to use @rel, but what are the alternatives 17:31:04 RS: We can add attributes to the DPUB-ARIA spec 17:31:29 ...some people are concerned about scope creep for ARIA 1.1 17:31:47 IH: That would mean having a solution that is DPUB-specific 17:32:09 s /creep/creap/ 17:32:35 q+ to ask whether we're proposing a sub-role or another new attribute? 17:32:44 ...This problem seems fairly general. @rel has all kinds of problem, but it would provide many solutions 17:32:49 q+ To say if the new attribute is a link type, I can make a case for it being more general 17:32:57 s/creap/creep/ 17:33:20 ...If we do something DPUB specific, it is not tragic, but it seems to put the issue in a corner 17:33:43 RS: I will post the issue to the list and see how people respond 17:33:52 q? 17:34:18 ...All EPUB readers are web-based, so this doesn't really restrict to DPUB 17:34:40 LW: Is Rich suggesting looking at subroles or a new attribute? 17:35:05 RS: I think subroles was pushed to ARIA 2 because of ramifications 17:35:21 Rich’s email to dpub-aria re @rel: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-dpub-aria/2016Jan/0003.html 17:35:28 ...The value of the subrole is that we still know it's a link, which is important 17:35:34 ack lj 17:35:34 LJWatson, you wanted to ask whether we're proposing a sub-role or another new attribute? 17:36:09 rs: We could definitely do a link sub-role 17:36:34 ...UI Automation does not have a concept of sub-role, but it does have object attributes 17:37:12 LW: Is there more of a challenge introducing new attribute or connecting @rel to APIs? 17:37:46 RS: @rel is harder because there are all the other taxonomies 17:38:08 ...we can add sub-role but limit scope for 1.1 17:38:37 RS: what is timeframe for HTML 5? 17:38:44 LW: no official time line 17:39:15 q? 17:39:18 q+ 17:39:26 ack jo 17:39:26 joanie, you wanted to say if the new attribute is a link type, I can make a case for it being more general 17:39:47 q- 17:40:06 JD: sub-roles are awesome 17:40:55 ...there will likely be from objections from some people 17:41:21 ... the link type attribute might be easier to swallow 17:42:13 ... link type is already a thing. There are samepage, mailto, etc links 17:42:42 ...The use case exists already 17:42:50 ack j 17:42:55 CS: sub-roles is a non-starter for us 17:43:08 ...We have been thinking of doing a hyperlink pattern 17:43:38 ...a hyperlink pattern could have a link type 17:43:45 q? 17:43:49 q+ 17:44:05 ack r 17:44:12 ...The ARIA property is there for UIA, but I would rather add 17:44:46 RS: I'm not a big fan of sub-roles 17:44:53 ShaneM has joined #apa 17:45:35 ...We could introduce link type attributes in DPUB with assigned values 17:45:51 ...When ARIA 2.0 comes out, we could move it from DPUB to 2.0 17:45:54 q+ To ask why Rich would not put it into 1.1. Is it feature-freeze pressures or something else? 17:46:11 ...I recommend against prefixing 17:46:21 ...Keep it lightweight 17:48:07 LJWatson has joined #apa 17:48:26 JF: Don't we want to keep it lightweight anyway? We want to make sure that this works before rolling this out all over 17:48:59 q- 17:49:22 RS: Cynthia, would you support putting this in 1.1? 17:49:49 q+ To volunteer to draft something non-dpuby for the group to review as a general feature 17:49:52 CS: if it's really limited and it will shift to a pattern in 2.0, maybe (need to see samples) 17:52:03 JF: We will have a discussion with the ARIA WG and update HTML TF 17:52:22 ...@rel is not something to address at this point 17:52:23 ack j 17:52:23 joanie, you wanted to volunteer to draft something non-dpuby for the group to review as a general feature 17:52:48 q+ 17:53:00 JD: I am willing to draft out core ARIA for link types 17:53:28 RS: Willing to take on proposal 17:53:31 q? 17:53:55 TS: Reach out to me for DPUB perspective 17:54:32 JD: I'm envisioning writing up something that is not DPUB-specific, and DPUB adds some additional types 17:54:39 MG: That sounds ideal for us 17:54:40 q? 17:55:00 q+ to ask about HTML TF meeting tomorrow - needed? 17:55:06 ack fesch 17:55:14 ACTION joanie write link type proposal for ARIA 1.1 17:55:15 Created ACTION-2004 - Write link type proposal for aria 1.1 [on Joanmarie Diggs - due 2016-01-27]. 17:56:08 q+ 17:56:13 FE: if there is a link type for someplace that seemed safe, and it takes the user to someplace dangerous, isn't it a security concern? 17:56:17 ack me 17:56:24 q- 17:57:04 q+ 17:57:06 JS: We do have to trust the security of the provider to some extent 17:57:49 IH: Doesn't the answer to security question depend on the specific values of the attribute? 17:58:30 ...I don't see a security issue arising if the value is footnote. If we had something like interactive-widget, we would need to be more careful. 17:59:28 FE: If someone put the footnote type, but it leads to a dangerous website. Isn't this a security issue? 17:59:44 present+ MichaelC 17:59:56 TS: How is this different from the link to the footnote without the link type? 18:00:30 JS: There is always an abuse vector, and people have to assess what they trust 18:00:51 q? 18:00:55 ack iv 18:00:56 q- 18:01:06 q+ To ask about moving the action 18:01:34 JS: We do not need to meet with HTML TF tomorrow 18:01:51 rrsagent, make minutes 18:01:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/20-apa-minutes.html tzviya 18:03:46 tzviya has joined #apa 18:06:06 jamesn has joined #apa 18:06:45 jnurthen has joined #apa 18:07:07 fesch has left #apa 18:16:27 MichielBijl has joined #apa 18:31:50 halindrome has joined #apa 18:51:16 ShaneM has joined #apa 19:00:31 rschwer has joined #apa 19:07:14 tzviya has joined #apa