Tracker summary for Frans Knibbe

Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 4 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-24 (edit) pending review Put some of these principles, nfrs etc into glossary Frans Knibbe 2015-05-13
ACTION-44 (edit) pending review Review in terms of requirements Frans Knibbe 2015-05-20
ACTION-135 (edit) pending review "to write meta requirement that the bp will provide guidance to spatial data publishing" Frans Knibbe 2016-02-15
ACTION-223 (edit) open Do dutch annotations for ssn inc sosa, qb4st, time Frans Knibbe 2016-11-23

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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