Details on Product EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage)

All Issues

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There are 7 issues listed in the system.

ID State Title Raised on Product Open Actions
ISSUE-95 (edit)
serving coverage
CLOSED Serving coverage via query rewriting 2016-11-29 EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage) 0
ISSUE-96 (edit)
CLOSED Explain how DGGS is used 2016-11-29 EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage) 0
ISSUE-97 (edit)
query processing implementation
CLOSED more detail on implementing/storing the observational data 2016-11-29 EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage) 0
ISSUE-98 (edit)
CLOSED sh9ow a working client in concert with the middleware 2016-11-29 EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage) 0
ISSUE-99 (edit)
CLOSED References to related work 2016-11-29 EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage) 0
ISSUE-100 (edit)
eo-qb meets the other deliverables
CLOSED References to SSN, Latitude/Longitude, QB4ST, OWL-Time, and GeoSPARQL should be updated to reflect the outputs of the working group. 2016-11-29 EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage) 0
ISSUE-107 (edit)
eoqb bp
CLOSED link eoqb to best practices e.g. bp 10 2016-12-15 EO-QB (rdf datacube for coverage) 0

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: all.html,v 1.2 2018/10/13 17:58:03 vivien Exp $