16:37:23 RRSAgent has joined #coga 16:37:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/12/07-coga-irc 16:38:33 regrets: Mike P, Mary Jo Mueller, Kurt Mattes 16:38:53 agenda: this 16:38:55 agenda+ review actions, and timelines 16:38:56 agenda+ updates Gap analysis and COGA for WCAG 16:38:58 agenda+ Issue papers - GA 16:38:59 agenda+ Techniques - GA 16:39:01 agenda+ Next ftf ideas (TPAC and Katie suggestion)agenda+ Other issue papers 16:39:02 agenda+ be done 16:53:08 JohnRochford has joined #coga 16:56:51 Chaohai_Ding has joined #coga 16:59:01 JohnRochford_ has joined #coga 17:03:11 ddahl_ has joined #coga 17:04:39 EA has joined #coga 17:05:50 Tony_Doan has joined #coga 17:07:19 scribe: JohnRochford 17:07:48 next item 17:08:33 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page#Current_schedules 17:09:14 Lisa: 28th of January, the first-working draft of the gap analysis is due 17:10:14 Lisa: 3 subgroups are active 17:10:33 Lisa: Neil, Mike, and Lisa are reviewing WCAG content 17:10:48 Lisa: That's one subgroup. 17:11:49 Lisa: Other 2 subgroups are 2) making the table for the gap analysis; and 3) writing the summary for the gap analysis 17:12:05 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/track/actions/open 17:13:46 Tony: Has some suggestions for gap analysis for numbers / Discalculia 17:15:33 EA: Chaohai: Has API for symbols 17:16:38 EA: Should be a symbol set available to prove system can work 17:19:33 ddahl: Will integrate, hopefully this week, points about Voice ML made during a call, to the Voice ML issue paper 17:19:39 https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/cognitive-a11y-tf/wiki/Main_Page#What_are_we_working_on_now.3F 17:21:50 Lisa: Are the related techniques we are recommending are right for EA's and Chaohai's work on the symbol-set integration system 17:21:52 present+ Janina 17:22:32 Chaohai: Will publish documentation to GitHub about how to use API 17:23:38 Lisa: What we need is an answer to what a web developer needs to do to make the API work properly 17:23:43 present+ MichaelC 17:24:44 Chaohai: API provides a way to search for symbols via a lexical query 17:24:58 present+ Debbie_Dahl 17:25:30 EA: Commercial symbol sets don't reveal their meta data 17:26:37 EA: We can release our framework, but until we get access to symbol sets, we can't show it can work 17:28:11 Lisa: What steps can we take to move this forward, such as a demo? 17:29:11 EA: Next step is to share documentation 17:31:03 EA: We are working in Arabic and English 17:31:29 Lisa: Watson may be able to help with lexical 17:32:08 EA: We are working before Christmas to get as many symbols added as possible 17:33:07 ddahl: There are a lot of parts-of-speech tagging tools available 17:33:43 ddahl: Watson works only with English. Perhaps there is an open-source possibility for Arabic. 17:34:42 Lisa: There has been a lot of work with Hebrew, which is quite similar to Arabic, on parts-of-speech tagging 17:35:16 EA: We have double-checked our entries with an Arabic/English dictionary 17:35:32 Lisa: Ready to move on to next topic? 17:35:33 next item 17:37:17 topic: tony's evaluation of numbers for GA 17:38:02 https://rawgit.com/w3c/coga/master/issue-papers/math.html 17:38:59 Tony: There's something about memory impairments (Gives examples) 17:40:24 Tony: A combination of sequence and memory with numbers on the web is problematic. 17:41:47 Tony: With 2-factor authentication, recalling 6 digits, and in sequence, may be a problem 17:42:54 Tony: If I think a specific example needs to be added to the security issue paper, I will ping John 17:44:34 Tony: Would it be beneficial to say that multi-modal delivery of numbers, for people with Discalculia, could be beneficial? 17:44:50 Tony: Audio delivery, for example, could be. 17:45:38 STEMreader http://www.stemreader.org.uk/ 17:47:30 Lisa: People with Dyslexia may prefer numbers as words, e.g., "one" rather than "1". 17:48:32 EA: TTS may require numbers rather than words representing numbers 17:49:04 Tony: Multiple presentation options should be available. 17:50:47 EA: Says "yes" to Lisa's question about whether or not Math ML has such problems. 17:53:38 Tony: There are significant regional distinctions, within the same language, that causes problems with Math ML 17:55:38 scribe: Lisa_Seeman 17:56:22 most important thing is to add all the diffrent aspects and considerations into the issue paper 17:56:35 and issues with diffrent proposed solution 17:57:13 Tony: decomposing number- the process of braking up a number 17:57:31 always need to add each step 17:57:38 Lisa: it bellongs in the issue paper 17:58:09 it might belong as a techneqe in the wacag proposal 17:58:41 tony to update the issue paper 17:58:52 ddahl_ has left #coga 17:58:57 ea: how far do we go with this topic 17:59:11 of decomposing - were it is resanble adjustment 18:00:42 lisa: in the wcag extention we need to add ecspetions 18:00:59 janina : the wider w3 need to be in n this conversation 18:01:20 I need to drop off - sorry 18:01:27 at what point do we say we crossed the barrier of what we can do 18:02:18 michael: if you are targeting an audence you may go beyond, but wcag has the the concept that the guidlines apply to the audence 18:04:27 EA: it is situation specific 18:05:08 Lisa: sometimes though someone with adhymers can understand astrophisics if that was what thye have been doing for years. 18:05:19 it is the new interface mught though them 18:05:56 michael: guidlines might not handle this well, 18:06:38 auther needs to consider who they care about 18:07:16 lisa: not sure we will need to solve this and it is very grey 18:07:47 michael: user interfaces fetures need x level of support and content need y level support 18:08:29 rrsagent, make logs public 18:08:38 rrsagent, create minutes 18:08:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/12/07-coga-minutes.html Lisa_Seeman 18:08:52 zakim, please part 18:08:52 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Janina, MichaelC, Debbie_Dahl 18:08:52 Zakim has left #coga 18:10:54 rrsagent, please part 18:10:54 I see no action items