15:55:08 RRSAgent has joined #alreq 15:55:08 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-irc 15:58:05 agenda+ Status review of action items from previous meeting 15:58:15 agenda+ Recruiting status 15:58:26 agenda+ Glossary progress and plan to finalize it 15:58:35 agenda+ Drafting status 15:58:45 present? 15:58:55 present+ Shervin 15:58:57 present? 15:59:06 Zakim, who is here? 15:59:06 Present: Shervin 15:59:08 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Shervin, mostafa, Behnam, trackbot 15:59:24 present+ 16:00:28 present+ Waseem(phone) 16:00:48 Zakim, who is here? 16:00:48 Present: Shervin, mostafa, Waseem(phone) 16:00:50 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Shervin, mostafa, Behnam, trackbot 16:01:03 present+ 16:02:38 r12a has joined #alreq 16:04:44 agenda? 16:05:22 Zakim, who is here? 16:05:22 Present: Shervin, mostafa, Waseem(phone), Behnam 16:05:24 On IRC I see r12a, RRSAgent, Zakim, Shervin, mostafa, Behnam, trackbot 16:05:29 present+ r12a 16:05:30 Zakim, who is here? 16:05:30 Present: Shervin, mostafa, Waseem(phone), Behnam, r12a 16:05:32 On IRC I see r12a, RRSAgent, Zakim, Shervin, mostafa, Behnam, trackbot 16:05:43 Khaled has joined #alreq 16:05:53 ScribeNick: Shervin 16:06:05 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:06:11 najib has joined #alreq 16:06:11 RRSAgent, publish 16:06:11 I'm logging. I don't understand 'publish', Behnam. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:06:18 RRSAgent, draft 16:06:18 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft', Behnam. Try /msg RRSAgent help 16:06:27 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:06:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html Behnam 16:06:32 Hi all 16:06:38 Hello 16:06:53 Chair: Behnam 16:07:19 Zakim, this is ALReq Weekly Meeting 2015-11-17 16:07:19 got it, Behnam 16:07:27 agenda? 16:07:35 Hi najib 16:07:38 Okay, we can start 16:07:46 Topic: Status review of action items from previous meeting 16:08:12 agenda? 16:08:30 hi Khaled 16:08:40 http://www.w3.org/International/groups/arabic-layout/track/actions/open 16:08:53 Khaled, we're having the conf-call on WebEx 16:09:00 Khaled, can you join us there? 16:09:13 Khaled, I may be able to get you a dial-out, as well 16:10:02 close action-10 16:10:02 Closed action-10. 16:10:24 ScribeNick: Behnam 16:10:48 List of references: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/137j59fPt1nkl0h6O72SR50SX3MHk0lWzmqcEaAmo1zM/edit#gid=0 16:10:53 Khaled_ has joined #alreq 16:11:21 Did I miss the meeting? 16:11:22 Shervin: I added new references and populate the ID column for all the refs 16:11:24 rssagent, ACTION- 10 16:11:43 Khaled_, we are just starting. We are going over the action items 16:11:52 Khaled_, can you join us on the WebEx call? 16:12:03 Khaled_, I can also get you a dial-out, as well 16:12:29 Having trouble with WebEx, trying again now 16:13:06 Khaled_, want me to get you a direct call on your phone, while you're working on webex 16:14:25 Behnam: Going through action items. Other people have issues with Webex. 16:15:50 Richard: Action18, re ellipsis for minute taking. RSSAgent might not take note of this. 16:16:49 Shervin: I'm going to test this 16:16:52 …like this. 16:17:00 … or like this. 16:17:06 ... or this. 16:17:22 q+ 16:17:48 Richard: Re: Action 20. We can change when needed. 16:17:51 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:17:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html r12a 16:18:28 https://github.com/w3c/alreq/issues/12 16:18:32 close action-26 16:18:32 Closed action-26. 16:18:40 ScribeNick: Shervin 16:19:35 Behnam: Updated list of editors. Adding references. 16:19:37 close action-25 16:19:37 Closed action-25. 16:20:10 Waseem: Will have some update on Action-21 next week. 16:20:46 Mostafa: Hopes to be able to have something for Action-24. 16:20:57 Behnam: Welcoming Khaled. 16:21:03 agenda? 16:21:35 Khaled: Type designer from Egypt. 16:22:06 Behnam: Khaled has been active in FriBidi and Harfbuzz. He released open source Arabic fonts. 16:22:35 Behnam: Khaled released Amiri font. 16:22:46 Khaled: Currently working on Arabic fonts. 16:23:13 Behnam: Recruiting update. 16:23:14 q+ 16:23:21 Topic: Recruiting status 16:23:26 ack Shervin 16:24:03 scribe? 16:24:17 s/scribe?// 16:24:41 agenda? 16:24:41 najib has joined #alreq 16:24:58 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:24:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html Behnam 16:25:03 Shervin: Mahamed Mohie Edin from IBM Egypt. Shervin to get in touch and introduce the task force to see if they can contribute. 16:25:40 action: Shervin to get in touch and introduce the task force to see if they can contribute 16:25:40 Created ACTION-27 - Get in touch and introduce the task force to see if they can contribute [on Shervin Afshar - due 2015-11-24]. 16:25:54 … like this. 16:25:57 …or this. 16:26:02 agenda? 16:26:09 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:26:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html r12a 16:26:11 ... this is three periods. 16:26:20 ...and this, roo. 16:26:21 Topic: Glossary progress and plan to finalize it 16:26:35 q+ 16:26:38 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:26:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html r12a 16:26:49 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nSxYKQm_mKroCmxU4fyJ-g70Eo1_mF89yHZg8YNOuzc/edit 16:27:00 q+ Waseem 16:29:27 q? 16:31:37 Shervin: We need to finish the glossary work as fast as we can, focusing on level 1 and 2 priorities 16:31:50 ack Waseem 16:32:17 Waseem: Will try this weekend to work on glossary. 16:32:19 action: Shervin to give Waseem access to glossary draft 16:32:19 Created ACTION-28 - Give waseem access to glossary draft [on Shervin Afshar - due 2015-11-24]. 16:33:00 Mostaga: Agrees regarding glossary work to be finalized earlier. Did the first round of work on the terms. 16:33:12 ... will continue to do this. 16:33:42 ... question about glossary? Missing the definition part. . 16:34:37 q+ 16:35:00 q+ 16:36:00 ack mostafa 16:37:00 Richard: It's okay to have draft definition for terms, but it's also good to have good definitions. 16:39:36 q? 16:39:44 ack r 16:40:10 Richard: Comment regarding confusion about Arabic numerals. 16:40:11 r12a: Based on my experience, we better avoid using the term "Arabic numerals" 16:40:26 najib: please go ahead 16:40:31 Hi 16:40:39 Working on the glossary. 16:40:45 Will focus on it this week. 16:40:47 Khaled has joined #alreq 16:40:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:40:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html r12a 16:40:56 Has updates my action on 16:40:57 Font and Typographical Considerations 16:41:05 http://www.w3c.org.ma/Tests/Alreq/Font-and-Typographical-considerations.html 16:41:10 http://www.w3c.org.ma/Tests/Alreq/Font-and-Typographical-considerations.pdf 16:41:21 Please see the plan 16:41:31 Still under writing 16:41:39 New text. 16:41:45 Try to talk about General type of style and scripts 16:41:50 Then on computer fonts and style 16:41:55 And then on some good practices if any. 16:42:07 That's it 16:42:13 q+ 16:42:50 q? 16:42:53 ack najib 16:42:55 q- 16:42:56 Thanks Najib 16:43:17 Really sorry to not beeing on the call 16:44:07 Najib, is it possible to get this draft so others can provide comments on your text? 16:44:22 It is online 16:44:33 For example either on Github repository or an online document? 16:44:37 q- 16:44:42 Oh yes! OK. 16:45:06 q? 16:45:20 Will put it on online document. 16:45:34 Thanks, Najib. 16:46:06 agenda? 16:46:20 Behnam: Back to glossary. 16:46:37 Topic: Drafting status 16:47:00 Zakim, pick up agendum 4 16:47:00 I don't understand 'pick up agendum 4', Shervin 16:47:47 Mostafa: Scripting the table content from CLDR. 16:48:05 ... The section can be improved. 16:48:07 q+ 16:49:04 http://w3c.github.io/alreq/ 16:49:44 http://w3c.github.io/alreq/#h_characters 16:50:16 Mostafa: Add to topics. 16:50:38 Shervin: Send pull requests to the list of topics. 16:50:43 q? 16:50:46 ack Shervin 16:50:53 ... work on parallel on Characters section draft. 16:51:09 agenda? 16:51:41 q+ 16:53:13 q- 16:53:28 Shervin: Khaled has any questions or comments for us? 16:53:28 q+ 16:53:35 Khaled: Can help with glossary. 16:54:06 Richard: Should we add more people to the list of editors? 16:54:23 Behnam: We can add folks as we merge content. 16:54:26 https://github.com/orgs/w3c/teams/alreq-editors 16:54:45 Richard: Write access to the repo. 16:54:47 q+ 16:54:56 ack r12a 16:55:23 Khaled has joined #alreq 16:56:10 Shervin: We can give them access to the repo if they like. 16:56:24 q+ 16:56:28 Richard: Things finally should be in the repo. 16:56:55 q+ 16:57:12 Behnam: They can send pull requests. 16:57:27 Mostafa: +1 to Behnam. 16:57:33 +1 16:57:33 q- 16:57:40 +1 too 16:58:04 q+ 16:58:07 q- 16:58:31 Behnam: We haven't had any content pull requests. 16:59:24 Shervin: Contribution history can be preserved with pull requests, as well, regardless of write access to main repo 16:59:30 q- 16:59:55 Richard: Sounds like there is a plan for to send pull requests. 17:00:45 ScribeNick: Shervin 17:00:58 Shervin: Let's try the test again 17:01:06 Behnam: Thanks everyone for joining 17:01:19 Shervin: Let's do it again 17:01:23 … testing ellipsis 17:01:26 …or this 17:01:35 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:01:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html r12a 17:01:41 ...this is usual way 17:01:44 ... or this. 17:02:49 zakim, who's here? 17:02:49 Present: Shervin, mostafa, Waseem(phone), Behnam, r12a 17:02:51 On IRC I see Khaled, najib, r12a, RRSAgent, Zakim, Shervin, mostafa, Behnam, trackbot 17:02:56 present+ Khaled 17:02:59 zakim, who's here? 17:03:00 Present: Shervin, mostafa, Waseem(phone), Behnam, r12a, Khaled 17:03:01 On IRC I see Khaled, najib, r12a, RRSAgent, Zakim, Shervin, mostafa, Behnam, trackbot 17:03:17 present+ Najib (IRC) 17:03:31 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:03:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html r12a 17:04:16 Zakim, please excuse us. 17:04:17 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Shervin, mostafa, Waseem(phone), Behnam, r12a, Khaled, Najib, (IRC) 17:04:17 Zakim has left #alreq 17:06:30 najib has left #alreq 17:19:19 Shervin has left #alreq 17:31:20 rrsagent, draft minutes 17:31:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-minutes.html r12a 17:31:26 rrsagent, bye 17:31:26 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-actions.rdf : 17:31:26 ACTION: Shervin to get in touch and introduce the task force to see if they can contribute [1] 17:31:26 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-irc#T16-25-40 17:31:26 ACTION: Shervin to give Waseem access to glossary draft [2] 17:31:26 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2015/11/17-alreq-irc#T16-32-19