04:36:10 RRSAgent has joined #aria 04:36:10 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-aria-irc 04:36:14 scribe: MichaelC 04:41:41 jamesn has joined #aria 04:41:57 meeting: Breakout Session: WAI-ARIA - Speculating on the Future of ARIA in the Context of Emerging Requirements 04:42:04 topic: Framing questions from MichaelC 04:42:06 Questions for ARIA engineering 04:42:06 Is, or should be, ARIA: 04:42:06 * a technology to fill a11y gaps in new technologies 04:42:06 * a replication on the Web of platform AAPIs 04:42:06 * a complete accessible user interface description language 04:42:09 Where a11y semantics exist in other languages, does ARIA need to replicate them? 04:42:11 * Pro: 1 language may have the semantic but others do not 04:42:13 * Pro: Lower learning curve on AAPI with ARIA alone 04:42:15 * Con: There are more ways to do things, confusing for authors and harder for 04:42:17 implementers 04:42:19 Does ARIA have a role beyond providing semantics that map to AAPIs? Or should non- 04:42:23 AAPI accessibility features be provided another way? 04:42:25 Do we expect all ARIA features to be mapped by mainstream user agent, or might some 04:42:27 of them be mainly for scripts etc.? Does that help define what might be an ARIA 04:42:29 feature vs a "something else" feature? 04:42:31 A given feature could be met in many different ways: 04:42:33 * ARIA role 04:42:35 * ARIA state or property 04:42:37 * HTML/SVG/etc. element 04:42:39 * HTML/SVG/etc. attribute 04:42:41 * CSS property 04:42:43 Zakim has joined #aria 04:42:44 q+ Chaals 04:42:45 * Media query 04:42:47 * RDFa 04:42:49 * Web Annotations 04:42:53 * JSON 04:42:55 * Web API feature 04:42:57 * Another metadata taxonomy hooked in in some way 04:42:59 * others? 04:43:01 How do we decide which is the optimal solution for a given feature? 04:43:03 There is a lot of interest in de-ghettoizing a11y, both from the process of how we 04:43:05 work with WGs and from the engineering of where features land. How does the future of 04:43:07 ARIA impact that? 04:43:09 Do we have an interest in having a11y reasonably completely defined in one technology 04:43:11 How can we discuss accessibility feature requests, with straw engineering proposals, 04:43:13 without getting lost in engineering weeds before the feature itself is fully vetted? 04:43:15 How can we work now on a vision for the future, without being distracted from the 04:43:17 task of completing ARIA 1.1? 04:43:19 What groups do we need to discuss a new a11y engineering model with? 04:43:23 * Web Platform 04:43:25 * SVG 04:43:27 * CSS 04:43:27 ack chaals 04:43:29 * TAG 04:43:31 topic: Discussion 04:43:33 jf: worried about author fatigue 04:43:35 rrsagent, make log world 04:43:37 chair: ad hoc 04:43:39 jf: how do we teach authors all these things 04:43:41 ack c 04:43:42 LJWatson has joined #aria 04:43:50 q+ 04:43:54 Q+ 04:44:12 present: Joanie, Markku, JasonJGW, MichaelC, MarkS, Cynthia, Léonie, John, JamesN, Shane, Janina, Hober, @@*4 04:44:34 cn: authors implement via copy paste 04:44:44 with no understanding 04:44:54 we need the ARIA functionality to migrate into mainstream browser 04:45:02 rather than via scripts and hacks 04:45:38 one barrier to this is the way scripting works right now, things would break in some circumstances 04:46:20 jgw: +1 04:46:39 need to balance author desire to create new components, and allow them to do so fully accessibly 04:46:51 with need to standardize stuff as much as possible 04:47:15 q? 04:47:20 Present+ Charles_LaPierre 04:47:55 when creating new features, need way that doesn´t involve going through a WG and all that stuff to be able to provide the a11y 04:48:08 AAPIs provide this to some extent, but rely on AT implementation 04:48:32 Yamane has joined #aria 04:48:32 q+ JF 04:48:52 well defined way to extend things 04:49:03 q+ cynthia 04:49:04 q? 04:49:11 ack james 04:49:33 JF has joined #aria 04:49:42 dcooney has joined #aria 04:49:43 jn: there are ARIA attributes for lots of web authors 04:49:50 Present+ JF 04:49:52 present+ dcooney 04:50:01 and other attributes used only by specialized component developers 04:50:10 the first set needs a full equivalent in host languages 04:50:14 +q 04:50:41 kokabe has joined #aria 04:50:50 ack ljwatson 04:50:53 the ARIA version should be available for those who want it, but the host language version should be preferred by the masses 04:51:25 lw: right now can´t access DOM in some browsers 04:51:34 which means we need full built-in implementation of ARIA 04:51:44 cs: could provide access to DOM 04:51:58 lw: would like a testing effort to identify gaps in host languages 04:52:04 and where things could be fixed with existing features 04:52:11 ack next 04:52:39 jf: the I in ARIA is for Interaction 04:52:59 the Web isn´t a document medium anymore, it´s a platform for sharing and posting 04:53:29 q+ Chaals 04:53:32 do we want to sequester ARIA to interaction, and solve other problems in other ways? 04:53:37 or use ARIA to solve other problems 04:53:46 s/problems/problems?/ 04:54:03 right now there are lots of user groups not well addressed by ARIA 04:54:13 s/which means we need full built-in implementation of ARIA/Which means right now unless ARIA is mapped to the acc APIs it isn't possible to access it in that browser./ 04:54:20 concerned that browsers see ARIA as something that is handed off to AAPI 04:54:23 and that´s that 04:54:28 think we need more than that 04:54:56 q+ 04:55:03 q+ 04:55:11 how do browser vendors see ARIA? 04:55:28 q+ janina 04:55:32 ack next 04:56:02 cs: we see ARIA as a way to expose AAPI to developers 04:56:34 with complex applications, I´ve heard developers would rather do all one thing 04:56:41 all ARIA, or all native, rather than a mix 04:56:54 re implementing other stuff, if it works with the AAPI, yes 04:57:18 chair: Markku 04:57:27 scribeOptions: -final 04:58:14 complicated to answer from other scenarios 04:58:21 the COGA proposal doesn´t feel like a natural fit to ARIA 04:58:23 Q+ to point to track element as a more mainstream solution 04:58:28 I had viewed it as a peer to ARIA 04:58:42 present+ Kenny 04:59:06 we´re talking about more robust extensibility mechanisms for ARIA 2.0 04:59:16 to describe behavior not just identity 05:00:18 cn: the options are div soup + ARIA, or HTML 5 05:00:33 if you do div soup, ARIA has to address all the needs 05:00:38 clapierre1 has joined #aria 05:01:24 then you have developers copying lots of script just to implement e.g., a button 05:01:42 why not just a native feature with all the AAPI and interaction features built in? 05:02:39 q+ to say I always thought of ARIA as a bridging technology; I hear some expressing that; but know others have come to see ARIA as a content tech in its own right 05:03:00 circle back to existing content would break 05:03:14 if UAs started providing native support for ARIA features 05:03:38 such as adding native interaction to an ARIA button, which also has script attached to it 05:03:45 and browser can´t reliably turn the script on and off 05:03:49 ack next 05:04:25 mh: for assessment, there are a lot of innovations taking place 05:04:38 that are well understood in that space e.g. by teachers 05:04:53 have HTML 5 implementations, good keyboard support, etc. 05:05:03 but struggling with how to describe the visual affordances non-visually 05:05:26 there is noise from the GUI lens of looking at things 05:05:55 the descriptions of objects are the noise 05:06:05 cs: using name doens´t work? 05:06:11 mh: role description gets us part way there 05:06:15 also want state description 05:06:27 and have it ubiquitous in AT implementation 05:06:50 q+ to ask about naming and multiple languages 05:06:51 cs: this is a choice the AT makes? 05:06:59 mh: would be great if the AT didn´t have to do anything 05:07:13 jn: if you say this is a pizza, how does the user know what they can do to it? 05:07:33 mh: in an assessment exercise, an available action might be ¨take slice¨ 05:07:44 jn: but that´s no a known operation 05:07:53 mh: right; we want that in the description 05:08:18 jf: what do we mean by AT? 05:08:21 screen readers? 05:08:26 or inclusive of other 05:08:31 mh: also readaloud tools 05:08:34 q- 05:08:59 cs: people with different disabilities have different needs 05:09:07 mh: which is part of the learner profile 05:09:13 that impact how it´s customized 05:09:19 which matches with the COGA model 05:09:41 ms: we have to consider localization factors 05:09:53 cs: UIA has a localized control type 05:10:14 ms: in assessment context, there is tight control 05:10:26 q- ShaneM 05:10:43 cs: are standardized tests available in other languages? 05:10:45 mh: most are 05:10:52 ack next 05:11:11 cn: if ARIA is a patch language rather than a holistic one 05:11:20 it doesn´t try to compete with other languages 05:11:20 q+ 05:11:31 if it competes with some piece of HTML or SVG 05:11:40 there could be different ways to do the same thing with different outcomes 05:12:03 e.g., the ARIA way works in AT but doesn´t have interaction built in; HTML way has interaction but not AT 05:12:13 then somebody gets screwed either way 05:12:25 so replicating functionality is a big architectural ail 05:12:29 s/ail/fail/ 05:12:35 q+ cyns 05:12:37 q? 05:12:38 ack next 05:13:09 q+ 05:13:11 jd: ARIA is out there in the wild 05:13:17 sometimes being used in unexpected ways 05:13:22 but gotta support those uses 05:13:28 once they take hold 05:14:05 example of Google Docs that pumps info to screen readers via live regions 05:14:28 jf: for screen reader, I understand this 05:14:53 but want to question ¨ARIA is great for screen readers therefore ARIA is the way forward¨ 05:14:57 it might not address all user needs 05:15:19 jd: clarify that ARIA isn´t just for interactive any more 05:15:38 I´m not advocating a direction, but need to be aware of what is happening 05:15:41 ack next 05:16:06 js: initially ARIA was a patch 05:16:35 we intended it to have a limited life 05:16:49 MarkS has joined #aria 05:16:51 ack jf 05:16:51 JF, you wanted to point to track element as a more mainstream solution 05:16:56 but it became evident that it was a useful way to fix bad pages 05:16:57 q- 05:17:41 so now we want to use it as a way to push things into AAPI 05:17:48 such as current efforts with DPub 05:18:19 DPub expects the ARIA roles to be mainstream in the Epub context 05:18:51 we don´t know how to do all of that yet 05:19:00 jf: have we have a robust discussion with browser vendors 05:19:08 that this is a direction that will work for them? 05:19:31 solving for EPub readers is great 05:19:42 but will it fragment if the web browsers don´t take it up? 05:20:10 js: are you saying if it doesn´t go in mainstream browser, we shouldn´t do it? 05:20:12 various: no 05:20:15 lw: @@ 05:20:52 js: it will help for us to explore the concepts outside of the final engineering proposal 05:21:01 some of the solutions may come from here and some from there 05:21:09 jf: so let´s clearly define our problem statements 05:21:15 and discuss solutions with others 05:21:28 +q 05:21:29 worried about trying to engineer aria-supersolution 05:21:51 js: think we´ll be able to shift the engineering proposal from COGA 05:21:52 ack next 05:22:15 dc: Dominic from Blink 05:22:23 present+ Dominic 05:22:56 there are ways to engage with browser developers without being a supplicant 05:23:39 Blink is developed by a lot of different developers 05:23:44 with various background knowledge 05:23:55 with screen reader bias because it´s something they can get their heads around 05:24:09 a11y engineers have to work within larger project plans 05:24:19 so would help to bubble things up there 05:25:02 sam_ has joined #aria 05:25:05 jf: it´s common that people without deep a11y expertise focus on screen readers 05:25:14 I do want to communicate that there is a deeper picture 05:25:44 and question whether ARIA is the solution in all cases 05:26:30 mc: interesting parallel between defaulting to screen readers, and defaulting to ARIA 05:27:18 dc: there isn´t a concern per se of HTML native vs ARIA 05:27:38 but whether there is a single clear place that it´s spec´ed 05:28:07 would be good if there was layering where accessibility features of HTML were expressed in terms of an accessibility spec 05:28:25 so there is no duplication 05:28:42 right now ARIA isn´t expressive enough to play that role 05:28:49 jf: do we want it to be? 05:28:59 or do we want it for other things 05:29:53 dc: with web components coming, having a way to do that extensibility would be really valuable 05:29:55 q? 05:30:09 ack me 05:30:22 ack c 05:30:55 cs: not sure it´s bad for there to be differnt ways to solve a11y problems 05:31:02 cn: is bad if they conflict 05:31:18 rrsagent, make minutes 05:31:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-aria-minutes.html MichaelC 05:31:23 clapierre has joined #aria 05:31:27 clapierre has joined #aria 05:31:45 rrsagent, bye 05:31:45 I see no action items 05:45:54 RRSAgent has joined #aria 05:45:54 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/10/28-aria-irc 05:45:56 shinya has joined #aria 05:46:23 Zakim has joined #aria 05:46:35 q? 05:46:57 dominic: Isn't the Javascript a11y api just another api? 05:47:06 q+ 05:47:28 cyns: I wasn't thinking about text. I was thinking about the accessibility tree (e.g. ranges). Maybe they are the same thing. 05:47:33 oops. sorry 05:47:51 q+ 05:48:25 q- 05:48:31 present- dominicc 05:48:36 present- dcooney 05:48:54 clapierre has left #aria 06:22:53 janina has joined #aria 06:40:41 ShaneM has joined #aria 06:50:40 MichaelC_ has joined #aria 06:52:16 ShaneM has joined #aria 07:01:22 mhakkinen has joined #aria 07:02:41 sam has joined #aria 07:07:29 LJWatson has joined #aria 07:07:56 kurosawa has joined #aria 07:12:40 ShaneM has joined #aria 07:16:12 MichaelC has joined #aria 07:19:15 kokabe has joined #aria 07:53:37 Zakim has left #aria 08:05:22 sam has joined #aria 08:22:41 ShaneM has joined #aria 08:31:44 mhakkinen has joined #aria 08:44:53 mhakkinen has joined #aria 11:13:10 MichaelC has joined #aria 11:54:56 sam has joined #aria 12:03:14 asurkov has joined #aria 12:30:49 mhakkinen has joined #aria 12:36:50 ShaneM has joined #aria 12:40:56 kurosawa has joined #aria 12:55:09 MichaelC_ has joined #aria 13:04:45 asurkov has joined #aria 13:34:58 kurosawa_ has joined #aria 13:37:37 Michael__ has joined #aria 13:51:58 sam has joined #aria 13:58:30 MichaelC_ has joined #aria 14:44:12 Michael__ has joined #aria 14:46:21 clown has joined #aria 15:02:18 Michael__ has joined #aria 15:08:37 MichaelC has joined #aria 15:36:18 mhakkinen has left #aria 15:37:43 clown has joined #aria 15:45:02 MichaelC_ has joined #aria 19:53:50 clown has joined #aria 21:11:24 MarkS has joined #aria 21:48:57 sam has joined #aria 22:30:58 asurkov has joined #aria 22:31:09 asurkov has joined #aria 22:31:19 asurkov has joined #aria 22:45:16 mgylling has joined #aria 23:18:53 sam has joined #aria 23:21:34 LJWatson has joined #aria 23:24:23 ShaneM has joined #aria 23:29:04 MarkS has joined #aria 23:30:58 MichaelC has joined #aria 23:51:38 LJWatson has left #aria 23:56:11 kurosawa has joined #aria