15:00:24 RRSAgent has joined #html-a11y 15:00:24 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-html-a11y-irc 15:00:26 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:00:28 Zakim, this will be 2119 15:00:28 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 15:00:29 Meeting: HTML Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 15:00:29 Date: 10 September 2015 15:01:00 agenda? 15:01:06 zakim, clear agenda 15:01:06 agenda cleared 15:01:09 agenda+ Identify Scribe http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/index.php?title=Scribe_List 15:01:12 agenda+ Agenda Edits & Additions 15:01:15 agenda+ Canvas 2D Level 1 Progress -- Rich, Mark, Janina, Paul, PLH 15:01:17 agenda+ Transcript Support Update -- John 15:01:20 agenda+ Alt Doc Update -- Shane, Liam 15:01:22 agenda+ Web Payments Accessibility Followup 15:01:25 agenda+ AccessKey & Related -- Charles 15:01:27 agenda+ Tab Panels Update -- Leonie, Et Al 15:01:30 agenda+ Bug Triage -- Leonie 15:01:32 agenda+ TF Open Actions http://w3.org/wai/pf/html/track 15:01:35 agenda+ Other Business 15:01:37 agenda+ be done 15:01:59 LJWatson has joined #html-a11y 15:03:30 LJWatson has joined #html-a11y 15:04:33 Present+ ShaneM 15:04:42 present+ LJWatson 15:05:02 Present+ Judy 15:05:25 present+ Liam 15:05:27 present+ janina 15:05:41 zakim, who's here? 15:05:41 Present: janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, JF, Liam, LJWatson, Plh, Judy, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, ShaneM 15:05:43 On IRC I see LJWatson, RRSAgent, Joshue, Judy, ShaneM, janina, liam, Zakim, joanie, sivoais_, cabanier, trackbot 15:06:20 scribe: liam 15:06:23 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 15:06:27 chair: JS 15:07:24 JF has joined #html-a11y 15:07:35 [no changes to agenda] 15:08:14 JS: I believe we have a cfc that needs attention 15:08:18 Present+ JF 15:09:18 [plh not here to talk to cfc] 15:09:57 JS: I think we have sufficient conformance in testing to move to PR, but that's the cfc question 15:10:07 so this wg should look at the cfc and respond 15:10:46 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-a11y/2015Sep/0018.html 15:10:50 richardschwerdtfeger has joined #html-a11y 15:11:56 JS: on my read of the minutes it wasn't clear to me how we proposed to deal with this spec 15:12:10 Q+ 15:12:17 Publishing a FPWD where the HTML WG would publish is problematic 'cos the HTML WG is about to close 15:12:27 Web Platform is the emerging new WG 15:12:42 Transcript seems a really good fit for the new Timed Media WG 15:12:57 Present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 15:13:17 and in scope for APA WG 15:13:44 so suggestion is to publish transcript as an HTML WG Note, to get enough status to go to timed media and say, why don't you take this up to rec track 15:13:52 q? 15:13:56 ack jf 15:14:06 JF: My recollection is that I asked for time to take a look at [the spec] 15:14:20 The original document from Charles left multiple options, and we need to narrow it down 15:14:34 big question is naming - got broad acceptance on the pattern 15:15:00 q? 15:15:05 I think the political issues are a distraction; can we put this on pause & take it up at TPAC? 15:15:13 q? 15:15:28 ack l 15:15:28 liam, you wanted to respond on process 15:15:41 +! to what Liam said 15:15:46 JF: how hard is it to take up a note on to rec track? 15:15:57 Liam: very easy, and much harder to take up something that hasn't been published 15:16:16 JF: let's get it into something more formal 15:16:54 JS: I think it's clear & we have agreement that the document needs more work 15:17:08 question is, what to do with it at the moment to best shepherd it forward 15:17:14 we should do something before HTML WG closes 15:17:19 q+ 15:17:39 Note seems to make sense 15:17:44 ack le 15:17:49 ack lj 15:17:50 LJWatson: I disagree with John's assessment. 15:18:15 Given the timetable, this has been an ED for 4 or 5 months; waiting a few weeks isn't going to make much difference but might as well pause briefly 15:18:19 looks like TMWG 15:18:20 ack l 15:18:20 liam, you wanted to note we only have a few days to do a cfc 15:19:11 s/I disagree with John's assessment/I agree with John's assessment/ 15:19:14 Liam: we should issue a cfc this week if possible, if we are intending a note 15:19:51 q? 15:20:02 JF: [asks about PF vs APA ownership and FPWD vs Note] 15:20:16 JS: there's no APA yet 15:20:27 LJWatson: can't it just stay as an ED? 15:21:27 Shane: we went through this withanother WG and had to transition everything to a Note we wanted to work on later 15:21:40 HTML WG is going away 15:21:46 I hate wasting time on process stuff 15:21:58 JB: I wish it were more straightfoward 15:23:04 ack l 15:23:39 JS: meeting preference: leave as ED 15:24:49 https://w3c.github.io/alt-techniques/ 15:24:52 Shane: I made a pass through the latest draft 15:25:04 [mostly editorial] 15:25:05 SM: Made a pass through of the doc, fixed grammatical things, references etc. 15:26:10 LQ: I'm ok with this doc going forward. 15:26:30 ... Would still like to see fewer examples, but that's a personal preference. Review from more people would be welcome. 15:26:50 JS: From the URI Shane just posted? 15:26:53 SM: Yes. 15:27:03 Q+ 15:27:23 ... This is a live doc. We're making edits. Do we want a review of a snapshot, or just note in the review request that it's a live doc? 15:27:31 ack jf 15:27:34 JF: A snapshot review makes sense. 15:28:05 ... Reducing the number of examples concerns me. One of the strengths of the original was that it considered the different contexts for alt text. Removing examples makes it less useful. 15:28:42 LQ: The idea is to have a shorter doc in the HTML spec, but not lose the examples completely. Also, there are multiple examples for the same issue. 15:29:10 ... The spec is for developers not content authors. 15:29:22 JF: The target audience for this isn't coders, it's content authors. 15:30:00 ... There are hybrid dev/authors out there, but the power of Steve's original doc was it's usefulness to content authors. 15:30:18 rrsagent, make minutes 15:30:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-html-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 15:30:42 LQ: Please take a look at what's there and comment. 15:31:15 ... The HTML spec is for coders. There is a tension there. 15:31:19 JF: Agreed. 15:31:46 LQ: The HTML spec needs to answer questions from coders, like "I'm writing code and need to know what the alt attribute does". 15:32:11 ... Developers are the primary audience for the HTML spec, that's why this doc is changing. 15:32:33 ... Have been saving all examples I've removed, so we can recreate the author guidance. 15:32:52 q+ 15:33:01 Q+ 15:33:18 ack lj 15:33:41 LJWatson: in terms of what we do with content no longer part of this doc, is that something we should hand over to EO? 15:34:05 JB: I think it'd be great to give them that opportunity 15:34:09 LW: Perhaps the content authoring info that doesn't go into the HTML spec is something EO could work on? 15:34:32 ... With PF and HTML WGs wrapping up at the end of this month, it would be good to have a caretaker for this authoring advice. 15:34:59 ack jf 15:35:00 JB: Moving it to EO but with a "hello" to WCAG would be ideal. 15:35:25 JF: Agree with Judy's assessment. 15:35:45 ... It is a long document. I understand the need to edit it down, but don't want to lose it. 15:35:58 ... +1 to Léonie, let's ask EO to take ownership of it. 15:36:28 JS: We should review the spec rewrite and comment, then make sure we don't lose the supplementary content. 15:37:03 ... We can ask EO with a copy to WCAG, to suggest that the non HTML spec content could do with further development. 15:37:14 [the longer version is available at https://w3c.github.io/alt-techniques/with-pictures.html ] 15:37:17 JB: I'll give them a heads up. 15:37:46 JS: When this comes up on the agenda next, can we focus on comments on the spec text and not what happens to the other content. Thanks. 15:38:29 q? 15:38:47 scribenick: liam 15:39:20 JS: we're looking to organize a subteam from this TF or its successor 15:39:40 we're looking for facilitators 15:39:45 and workers on the document 15:39:54 I'm going to suggest two things now 15:40:12 1. we can ask - and I thin PF will follow through - setting up time at TPAC to discuss moving this forward 15:40:23 we know this work will continue & we have a model document 15:40:35 2. I will take on an action to strip the mower down 15:40:43 to make a power document 15:41:26 Took a while to get the document into its current status; other groups have said it was [useful] 15:41:37 q? 15:41:56 ShaneM: I'm active in web payments and would like to work on it 15:42:12 JF: I'm working at finding someone 15:42:23 s/someone/someone from Dq/ 15:42:57 s/Dq/Deque 15:43:03 JS: we need Charles here for Access Key etc 15:43:48 JF: Charles, LJWatson and I did have a conversation with Dominic in July 15:44:05 and my understanding was that Dominic was going to implement it 15:44:17 JF: a commitment to do something, but don't know the statu 15:44:22 s/statu/status 15:45:21 LW: Chaals was going to write up a provisional spec text, and Dominic was going to implement it in Chrome behind the flag. 15:46:18 LJWatson: no real progress, but this week we're starting quiet conversation with different browser companies 15:46:31 to get a sense of their impressions before going more broadly public 15:46:38 JS: any TPAC-related thoughts? 15:47:05 LJWatson: have not yet considered it; Charles, Steve and I will be there, don't know about Brian yet 15:47:49 LJWatson: nothing to report, it's in limbo 15:48:03 Topic: open actions 15:49:16 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/open 15:52:11 plh has joined #html-a11y 15:52:18 cynthia - action 318 - Work with léonie on describing the extensions requested to web driver, and the motivation… 15:52:39 [agree coordination] 15:53:56 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/track/actions/330 JF to get the matrix to Shane 15:54:07 JS: I haven't done my part yet 15:54:14 but we need to close this soon 15:54:19 present+ plh 15:54:37 at some point if that matrix isn't updated it comes out of the draft 15:54:51 ShaneM: if it's more than 10 minutes you're doing it wrong 15:55:01 JF: there's more than 10 minutes, but i'll put it on my todo list 15:56:03 close action-331 15:56:03 Closed action-331. 15:56:19 [no more actions to discuss in this meeting] 15:56:30 [plh arrived] 15:56:42 Back to transcript 15:57:16 plh: my opinion is in order to increase the chances you'll get implementors' eyes on the doc publish as a WG Note 15:57:28 it can show up on WG home page, twitter, etc 15:57:33 as an ED it's just another doc on github 15:57:33 q? 15:58:02 JF: what I'm hearing is publish it as a note 15:58:29 let's do that for now with clear understanding that it's a parking function until chartering & WGs settle down and we'll pick it up again in November 15:58:38 plh: you can put that in the Status of the doc too 15:58:43 JS: +1 15:59:10 Say it's our intent to go towards Rec but is a note temporarily, expecit it to be picked up by... etc 15:59:20 plh: not publishing would be a missed opportunity 15:59:30 JS: we should update the status so we have a static doc ready for a cfc 15:59:39 then I can come up with a cfc 16:00:06 http://chaals.github.io/html-transcript/html-transcript-src.html 16:00:54 decsion: issue cfc to publish that as a note; Liam will prepare the document 16:00:58 [adjourned] 16:01:08 As of this point the attendees have been janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, JF, Liam, LJWatson, Plh, Judy, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, ShaneM 16:01:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-html-a11y-minutes.html liam 16:02:42 present- PLH 16:02:51 regrets: Chaals 16:02:58 rrsagent, make minutes 16:02:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-html-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 16:03:45 present- Plh 16:04:00 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/09/10-html-a11y-minutes.html LJWatson 16:05:42 LJWatson has left #html-a11y 16:21:48 janina has joined #html-a11y 17:34:12 SteveF has joined #html-a11y