14:20:04 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:20:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/08/12-annotation-irc 14:20:06 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:20:08 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:20:08 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:20:09 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:20:09 Date: 12 August 2015 14:26:55 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Aug/0084.html 14:27:04 fjh has changed the topic to: agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Aug/0084.html (webex) 14:44:46 fjh has joined #annotation 14:45:29 azaroth has joined #annotation 14:46:32 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:46:42 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 14:47:01 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements 14:47:38 Regrets+ Davis_Salisbury 14:59:05 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 14:59:07 Present+ Ivan 15:00:33 Jacob has joined #annotation 15:01:18 TimCole has joined #annotation 15:01:19 Present+ TB_Dinesh 15:01:22 RayD has joined #annotation 15:01:37 present+ Ray_Denenberg 15:01:38 Present+ Jacob_Jett 15:02:39 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:04:46 i cant hear anyone 15:05:37 ScribeNick: Jacob 15:05:50 bjdmeest has joined #annotation 15:06:00 Kyrce has joined #annotation 15:06:36 Topic: Minutes Approval 15:06:38 Present+ Ben_De_Meester 15:06:42 proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 5 August approved, http://www.w3.org/2015/08/05-annotation-minutes.html 15:07:03 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 5 August approved, http://www.w3.org/2015/08/05-annotation-minutes.html 15:07:09 Topic: Planning updates 15:07:11 fjh: need to think about the deliverables 15:07:17 do we have them? 15:07:17 Deliverable review and status - Rangefinder, HTML Serialization, Client API 15:07:36 ... plan for tpac 15:07:39 TPAC planning 15:08:33 q+ 15:08:37 ack TimCole 15:08:42 ... need to register, answer questionnaire (will be very helpful), decide on workplan, ensure that enough people are present 15:09:15 TimCole: interested in connecting to tpac morning sessions if there are topics where additional participation is needed 15:09:30 TPAC registration - required - https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2015/ 15:09:32 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:09:41 WG questionnare https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/73180/annotation-tpac_2015/ 15:10:06 fjh: questionnaire is to help us determine who needs to call in, calling in will be difficult 15:10:10 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/73180/annotation-tpac_2015/results 15:10:45 Topic: Protocol 15:10:46 ... client api, reminder that it needs to be figured out 15:11:00 container clarification resolved? - https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Jul/0238.html 15:11:50 ... 1) container issue, 2) other issues, 3) [something, something] 15:12:29 s/[something, something]/clarify web architecture issue as note in draft, 4) publish updated WD using lightweight publishing, 5) share with TAG/ 15:12:51 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:12:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/12-annotation-minutes.html fjh 15:13:02 q+ 15:13:18 bigbluehat: rdf representation, encodings should not be labeled as non-rdf but other than that everything looks fine 15:13:22 ... shouldm 15:13:41 <_Janina> _Janina has joined #annotation 15:13:50 shouldn't matter if we call out non-rdf resources, essentially optional, client shouldn't make additional assumptions 15:14:04 s/shouldm// 15:14:09 s/shouldn't/... shouldn't/ 15:14:14 ack TimCole 15:14:38 q? 15:14:45 TimCole: bringing up another protocol issue, but want to make sure there are no other container issues 15:15:08 Group agrees to close container issue 15:15:13 ... looking at 4.1 of the model document, needs to move to the protocol document 15:15:35 azaroth: for derefencing things, 6th paragraph of 4.1 making protocol requirements in the model 15:15:47 TimCole: don't forget to move that to the protocol doc 15:16:12 q+ 15:16:24 ack fjh 15:17:00 fjh: need to put a note in the document to indicate what is being looked for 15:17:11 s/looked for/looked for in review/ 15:17:22 PaoloCiccarese has joined #annotation 15:17:30 azaroth: note that we inherit additional requirements in the doc 15:17:41 Present+ Paolo_Ciccarese 15:17:57 q+ 15:18:10 fjh: to-edit based on Tim's suggestion, then update of working draft, then can share it 15:18:11 ack ivan 15:18:35 ivan: does this mean that edit[?] view is off the table? 15:18:57 s/edit[?] view/Eric's issue/ 15:19:31 s/Eric/Erik/ 15:19:32 azaroth: may have complaints about json-ld with context but majority of Eric's issue has been shifted from us over to LDP 15:19:37 no, we think we have simplified impact of his issue on our spec by framing it 15:20:08 suggest we try to recast issue in specific edit terms rather than general terms. 15:20:26 ... can ping Erik to have him look at the working draft again (to verify that his issue has been sufficiently addressed) 15:20:32 q? 15:20:52 getting view from TAG is valuable, if only to get buy-in 15:21:10 shepazu: still want to hear what TAG has to say about what we have earlier rather than later 15:21:42 Topic: JSON-LD Context 15:21:46 q? 15:21:53 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Aug/0050.html 15:21:53 a) make change proposed by Tim https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Aug/0064.html 15:21:54 b) by Ivan https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Aug/0075.html 15:22:00 azaroth: seems like a good idea, actions on Rob to ping Erik and get the edits done 15:22:25 ... moving onto the json-ld context, relationships were identifiers but not such that they resolve against the context 15:22:47 ... e.g., if one sends a ns'd query that works but just bookmarking doesn't 15:23:15 ... classes seem to be magic in the playground, so can get @type 15:23:34 "motivation": {"@type":"@vocab", "@id" : "oa:motivatedBy"} 15:23:38 ... Tim found a workaround '@type: @context' that does get @context 15:23:45 q+ 15:23:58 ack TimCole 15:24:22 TimCole: need to think about whether or not this makes it harder for communities to extend the list of motivations, might be easier for those who understand rdf 15:24:36 ... but harder for those who don't, but might not be able to help them anyway 15:25:08 ... can use @vocab to pick up vocab terms with @type 15:25:35 azaroth: won't work across communities, but not a solvable problem 15:26:06 TimCole: json-ld spec (sec. 6.5) talks about type coercion -- @id and @type are specially defined 15:26:59 ... when using @id then the subject is assumed to be an IRI whereas the subject of @type assumes a term that may appear in @context 15:27:56 q 15:27:57 q? 15:28:01 s/q// 15:28:03 Ivan: can forget about all of the namespacing with this solution (i.e., relying on the json-ld parser) 15:28:42 azaroth: Ivan's question about changing @type & @id to something without '@' 15:29:28 q+ to ask about whether url is best label 15:29:39 Ivan: it's hacking the json-ld but it works, if we add it to the context then we can use simpler strings for serializing, which is simpler 15:30:01 q+ to note @value 15:30:05 ... can use a good string for the id, e.g., changing @id to id: or url: 15:30:47 [I like this] 15:30:53 @id's will still show up throughout the document, yes? if we're not using (or not preferring) blank nodes for body, etc. 15:30:54 ... in practice, only place in our json-ld that '@' would be used is in the '@context' and even that can be subsumed[?] into the header 15:31:07 ack TimCole 15:31:07 TimCole, you wanted to ask about whether url is best label 15:31:59 +1 to not url 15:32:05 TimCole: concern about 'url', times when blank nodes need to be referenced from other places in the graph, so don't want folks to think that 'url:' must be filled with a url rather than a blank node 15:32:08 +1 to id :) 15:32:33 Ivan: fine with using id, don't want to prevent people from using urns, etc. 15:32:36 +1 from me 15:32:39 q? 15:32:43 ack azaroth 15:32:43 azaroth, you wanted to note @value 15:33:32 azaroth: one other '@' not being used in the current context, but might want to sub a string for '@value' 15:34:03 ... not sure that we can get rid of '@value:string ; @type:string' 15:34:11 Ivan: is an edge case? 15:34:51 q? 15:34:55 azaroth: yes, should treat it as a string in [most cases?], just wanted to point out that it could come up 15:36:22 bigbluehat: only concern is name collision with ids from databases, in practice json dbs will already use id and type internally, don't mind '@' but some people are wierded out by it, is an edge case, seems fine either way 15:36:32 ... do we have many other types? 15:36:56 ... if we map 'type' to '@type', it carries through 15:37:23 {"@id": "http://example.org/...uuid...", "_id": "...uuid..."} 15:37:24 azaroth: yes, should see what happens, but it is an edge case 15:37:57 q+ 15:38:03 And that it enables annotation.id in javascript, rather than requiring annotation['@id'] 15:38:16 ack ivan 15:38:24 bigbluehat: collision scenario might be with the couch db example [above in the transcript], might not be resolvable 15:38:57 in CouchDB, MongoDB, Vue.js, etc, it's not a problem as they use "_id" so...no issues there. 15:39:21 q? 15:39:23 but others may lay claim to "id" and "type"...but...who knows... 15:39:29 ivan: found a nice trick for getting rid of '@' but, can come back and choose symbols different from 'type' and 'id' if we find that there are collisions with dbs 15:40:09 I might be wrong but both mongo and elastic use _id 15:40:12 not id 15:40:31 RESOLUTION: Use id and type in the annotation context in place of @id and @type to make the serialization more friendly to javascript developers 15:40:50 fjh: will also capture the previous agreement as well 15:41:28 q+ 15:41:34 azaroth: further note, if json-ld serializer sees '@id' and '@type' it won't be wrong 15:41:36 ack PaoloCiccarese 15:41:36 ack PaoloCiccarese 15:41:46 RESOLUTION: Use id and type in the annotation context in place of @id and @type to make the serialization more friendly to javascript developers 15:42:15 +1 to PaoloCiccarese's concern 15:42:22 PaoloCiccarese: if reading json-ld by hand without using a parser, would need to map all of these variances 15:43:26 ivan: yes, that's technically right, but in practice, is it best to describe all of our documents with all of the heaviest [something], understand that its an issue, but is it a major issue 15:44:06 PaoloCiccarese: think we might have to mention the issue 15:44:09 s/heaviest [something]/examples using id and type/ 15:45:04 ... if the client is a strict javascript client, doesn't use json-ld libraries, uses framing, so it doesn't do much parsing, the problem is 15:45:31 ... if it gets annos from another client, it will need to internally translate it to conform with the no '@id', etc. 15:45:41 q+ 15:45:43 q+ 15:46:00 ... not sure if hiding it is the right thing to do, will become undocumented 15:46:17 q+ to suggest noting in the context appendix 15:46:24 ack azaroth 15:46:24 azaroth, you wanted to suggest noting in the context appendix 15:46:24 ... if everyone agrees then isn't an issue but someone might use it in the future and the parser may be unaware 15:47:10 azaroth: suggest that we might (because agree with Paolo), remove the context from the appendix and reference it so that we don't have to change the model doc if we find bugs in the context 15:47:13 +1 15:47:17 ack TimCole 15:47:29 ... so it will be documented but only in a place where people who care about context can see it 15:48:02 TimCole: suggest that applications SHOULD use 'id' and 'type' so that it is less of a problem 15:48:18 q? 15:48:25 azaroth: will make an issue in github that the change should be made to the model 15:48:55 Topic: Data Model 15:48:57 Multiple body 15:48:58 solution : https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Aug/0048.html (Tim, Paolo) 15:48:58 and https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Aug/0062.html (Tim) 15:49:19 azaroth: solution for roles, have a set of little objects linking resources to roles 15:50:11 ... upshot is, all of the bodies need to have at least a blank node id if they are to have a role, makes the change very contained 15:50:11 q+ 15:50:15 ack TimCole 15:50:56 wiki link from Tim - https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Expressing_Role_in_Multi-Body_Annotations 15:51:00 TimCole: in working through the issues, one thing is if you have a text body, then you must move to embedded content 15:51:41 q+ 15:51:43 ...right now we have a 'SHOULD' to add a dctype to the embedded content, might want to move to 'MAY' so that it won't be so verbose 15:52:15 +1 to using role to describe tags 15:52:53 ... alternately we've been using tag / semantic tag to link the roles to tag bodies, could replicate this pattern for other bodies 15:53:04 +1 to the semantic tags 15:53:05 q+ to +1 roles and remove tags 15:53:18 q+ 15:53:24 ... or do we want to remove the tag / semantic tag typing in favor of having roles? 15:53:31 ... need to consider these things 15:53:32 ack shepazu 15:53:55 and -1 to reducing SHOULD to MAY 15:54:12 shepazu: the syntax is even obtuse than other syntax that felt that other people would find hard to use 15:54:43 ... hardcoding in a semantic web thing, no one will understand this (unless they are a semantic web person) 15:55:03 q? 15:55:14 ack azaroth 15:55:14 azaroth, you wanted to +1 roles and remove tags 15:55:14 ... increasingly disturbed by the hoops that must be jumped through to accomplish this, wanted to make things simpler but things are only getting more complex 15:56:40 azaroth: either way, if its a specific resource with a role or a specific role, +1 to using roles to express this rather than separate types and -1 to reducing should to may 15:56:43 ack PaoloCiccarese 15:57:16 PaoloCiccarese: agree on using roles 15:57:39 ...looks like there is a constant pressure between json method and json-ld method 15:57:54 ... the json people would just use comment rather than role 15:58:13 ... wondering if we can have a json format, distinct from json-ld 15:58:33 q+ 15:58:42 q+ 15:58:42 ... can we have a process for moving from json-ld to json so that the developer doesn't have to deal with it 15:58:49 q+ to -1 two json serializations 15:59:05 ack shepazu 15:59:10 ... constraints, etc. are not a natural part of json, so it makes json implementations more difficult 15:59:56 Paolo thanks for intelligent question based on end-user communities 16:00:02 ... downside, would need a complex bit to do this walk between them 16:00:47 shepazu: thought that we should have a data model that describes the parts of the annotation and separate serializations 16:00:54 q? 16:01:29 ... but would make the data model something that non-semweb folks something that they can easily adopt 16:01:58 ... also believe we need an html serialization, which will look different from either of the json serializations 16:02:02 ack ivan 16:02:11 question regarding serialization round-tripping as requirement - no data loss... 16:02:50 +1 to fjh's concern 16:02:53 ivan: we need to explore this issue, not sure about best forward, would need to give a very precise description of a processor, 16:03:01 dare I say, direction sounds like InfoSet ? 16:03:13 q+ 16:03:16 For reference, the JSON-LD mapping: http://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld-api/ 16:03:23 s/InfoSet/XML InfoSet/ 16:03:23 q- 16:03:23 along with an ever widening list of serializations for "comment", "highlight", etc... 16:03:27 tantek has joined #annotation 16:03:39 q? 16:03:41 ack azaroth 16:03:41 azaroth, you wanted to -1 two json serializations 16:03:47 ... worried about the complications that will be required, worried that the complication of the processor will be significant but we should try 16:04:12 azaroth: having non-interoperable json serializations balkanizes the community 16:04:29 can we invite James Snell to fill us in on Social's work with this same issue? 16:04:31 azaroth: ^^ 16:04:39 ...out of time, agenda item for next week, continue discussion on mailing list 16:05:07 http://jasnell.github.io/w3c-socialwg-activitystreams/activitystreams-core/index.html 16:05:22 ... social web group ran into a similar problem of semweb vs web developer communities 16:05:24 +1 to list first 16:05:42 Topic: Adjourn 16:05:52 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:05:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/12-annotation-minutes.html ivan 16:06:02 trackbot, end telcon 16:06:02 Zakim, list attendees 16:06:02 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 16:06:10 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:06:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/08/12-annotation-minutes.html trackbot 16:06:11 RRSAgent, bye 16:06:11 I see no action items