14:54:18 RRSAgent has joined #annotation 14:54:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/07/15-annotation-irc 14:54:20 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:54:20 Zakim has joined #annotation 14:54:22 Zakim, this will be 2666 14:54:22 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:54:23 Meeting: Web Annotation Working Group Teleconference 14:54:23 Date: 15 July 2015 14:57:52 TimCole has joined #annotation 14:59:21 Jacob has joined #annotation 14:59:55 azaroth has joined #annotation 15:00:44 Matt_Haas has joined #annotation 15:01:15 fjh has changed the topic to: agenda https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Jul/0105.html webex 15:01:18 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Jul/0105.html 15:01:35 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 15:01:38 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch, Rob_Sanderson 15:02:11 Regrets+ Ray_Denenberg, Ivan_Herman 15:02:13 Present+ Benjamin_Young 15:02:17 Present+ Matt_Haas 15:02:25 Present+ Jacob_Jett 15:02:30 Regrets+ Paolo_Ciccarese 15:02:32 Present+ Tim_Cole 15:03:01 Present+ shepazu 15:03:45 takeshi has joined #annotation 15:05:21 Janina_ has joined #annotation 15:05:39 Present+ Janina_Sarol 15:05:46 tbdinesh has joined #annotation 15:06:47 davis_salisbury has joined #annotation 15:07:02 How many are needed for quorum? 15:07:09 present+ 15:07:26 scribenick: chrisbirk 15:07:31 scribe: Chris Birk 15:07:36 Topic: Agenda Review, Scribe Selection, Announcements 15:07:41 present+ davis_salisbury 15:08:12 Present+ TB_Dinesh 15:08:18 fjh... who can chair on July 29 15:08:32 shepazu... I can chair 15:08:39 Regrets from Rob and Frederick 29 July 15:08:41 Present+ Takeshi_Kanai 15:09:32 ok, thanks azaroth 15:09:37 Topic: Minutes Approval 15:09:50 proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 8 July approved, http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-annotation-minutes.html 15:10:04 fjh: RESOLUTION: Minutes from 8 July approved, http://www.w3.org/2015/07/08-annotation-minutes.html 15:10:08 Topic: Protocol - Aspects 15:10:19 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Jul/0082.html 15:10:55 Regrets+ Ben_DeMeester 15:12:06 bigbluehat: I think it might be saner to come at smaller deliverables 15:12:09 +1 15:13:04 w3.org/annotation 15:13:15 ... social call reaction had a tough time digesting entire chart 15:13:47 http://www.w3.org/annotation/diagrams/annotation-architecture.svg 15:13:48 This? http://www.w3.org/annotation/diagrams/annotation-architecture.svg 15:13:56 q? 15:13:57 q+ 15:13:57 q+ 15:14:08 q+ 15:14:14 ack shepazu 15:14:40 shepazu: never intended SVG to represent protocol or any part of the spec. is a conceptual overview 15:16:05 bigbluehat: address other parts of the chart and break out other deliverables 15:16:17 action: fjh to work on roadmap 15:16:18 Created ACTION-22 - Work on roadmap [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2015-07-22]. 15:16:25 q? 15:16:26 q+ 15:16:59 fjh: we have some of these separated on the list. Need to be more explicit 15:17:21 ack fjh 15:17:27 ack azaroth 15:18:07 would ilke to see us discuss containers on today's call, believe Tim Cole had some thoughts on that 15:18:53 azaroth: containers / musts triangle need some clarity on requirements 15:19:23 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Jul/0141.html 15:19:50 ... would like to add query search mechanism on top of "follow your nose" discovery 15:21:05 q? 15:21:12 ack shepazu 15:21:22 ... replying to list in deeper detail 15:22:06 shepazu: is the architecture diagram causing problems? 15:23:15 q? 15:23:27 bigbluehat: it's not causing any problems, but need to be more clear on what we're covering. 15:24:42 need to annotate the architecture diagram 15:24:59 +1 to non-normative overview doc 15:25:12 +1 to architecture note 15:26:08 q+ to ask re read/write separation 15:26:11 bigbluehat: HTTP API and client-side api broken out into sub-deliverables 15:26:22 ack azaroth 15:26:22 azaroth, you wanted to ask re read/write separation 15:26:51 q+ azaroth to ask read/write separation 15:27:32 azaroth: a web resource would have a link header to discover a feed of annotations. Not the only method of discovery 15:27:58 q? 15:28:44 azaroth: I separate discovery from search. If it's not linked to from somewhere it's search instead of discovery 15:29:24 bigbluehat: need to make sure we are explicit about vocabulary 15:29:36 +1 15:29:46 So separating browsing ([serendipitous] discovery) from search ([investigative] discovery)? 15:30:01 Jacob: Yep 15:30:32 bigbluehat: I'll add some user stories. 15:30:44 Makes sense to me. We do this in dig libs all the time. +1 15:30:53 Jacob: Right :) 15:30:56 q+ to ask if we should separate annotation service from annotation repo 15:31:09 action: shepazu to write use case about feed for discovery 15:31:09 Created ACTION-23 - Write use case about feed for discovery [on Doug Schepers - due 2015-07-22]. 15:31:24 action: bigbluehat to write user story about discovery 15:31:25 Created ACTION-24 - Write user story about discovery [on Benjamin Young - due 2015-07-22]. 15:31:49 need a use case focusing on discovery by relation of a SpecificTarget to a Resourcd -- happy to do this use case if no one else is covering 15:31:55 action: azaroth to write user story about discovery 15:31:56 Created ACTION-25 - Write user story about discovery [on Robert Sanderson - due 2015-07-22]. 15:31:58 +1 to fjh writing down all the things 15:32:11 these actions are all from different perspectives even though same actions 15:32:27 bigbluehat: I can get mine writting in a week 15:32:35 s/writting/writing/ 15:32:42 all have plan to complete in week 15:32:46 q? 15:32:57 ack azaroth 15:32:57 azaroth, you wanted to ask read/write separation 15:33:32 s/complete/complete actions/ 15:33:50 another item to be clear about 15:33:55 +1 for distinguishing between reading and writing 15:34:03 ack trackbot 15:34:06 fjh: saving reading / writing for next discussion 15:34:10 ack tbdinesh 15:34:10 tbdinesh, you wanted to ask if we should separate annotation service from annotation repo 15:34:15 q+ 15:34:41 tbdinesh: would it make sense to separate annotation repositories from services? 15:34:52 shepazu: what's the distinction between the two? 15:34:52 API vs database? 15:35:35 rssagent, generate minutes 15:35:45 Service as automated user agent? 15:36:30 aggregation service? 15:36:46 q? 15:37:25 tbdinesh: hypothes.is example of a service. How do I allow access to my annotations? 15:37:48 q? 15:37:53 tbdinesh: service - enables annotations, then publishes somewhere 15:38:14 ack TimCole 15:38:32 s/dbdinish: service/bigbluehat: service/ 15:38:32 +1 to tbdinesh's desire for clarity around service (enabler of annotation) and repository (storage of annotation) 15:38:43 +1 to clarity around service etc 15:38:55 +1 to clarity 15:39:07 q+ 15:39:41 q+ to note fragments as well 15:39:54 uskudarli has joined #annotation 15:40:33 ack azaroth 15:40:33 azaroth, you wanted to note fragments as well 15:40:36 TimCole: how to find annotations on a region of an image vs. the image in general 15:41:11 azaroth: if you want to find annotations on a uri, get all annotations on resource and annotations on part of the resource 15:41:19 agree 15:42:20 concern is that use cases cover different paths to finding annotations, e.g. url of image vs url of section of image etc 15:42:30 TimCole: azaroth: earlier work on discovery: https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Resource_Annotation_Discovery 15:42:55 q? 15:43:04 davis_salisbury_ has joined #annotation 15:43:05 bigbluehat: let's not optimize away redundancy just yet 15:43:30 +1 http 15:43:50 Topic: Rangefinder 15:43:52 shepazu: bring up rangefinder next week 15:44:00 not ready to publish, need to complete algorithm 15:44:17 Topic: Protocol - constraining HTTP 15:44:42 benjamin email https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-annotation/2015Jul/0083.html 15:45:43 Present+ chris_birk 15:46:04 uskudarli_ has joined #annotation 15:46:50 azaroth: essentially, we'd be using "just" HTTP with only calling out the required Link headers, media types, etc. 15:47:09 azaroth: vs. more tightly defining what must be done in various cases. 15:47:28 q+ to ask about constraining 15:47:40 q+ 15:47:45 azaroth: need to make a decision about exactly where on the spectrum of "use existing" to "completely defining everything" we want to be 15:47:50 ack fjh 15:47:50 fjh, you wanted to ask about constraining 15:48:26 fjh: I think that's right 15:48:31 fjh: core issue is that if we constrain it more, it's breaking interop 15:48:49 ack bigbluehat 15:49:07 q+ to assert it's not entirely true :) 15:49:37 q+ 15:50:22 bigbluehat: erik saying adding MUSTs constrains HTTP and puts more work on developers. 15:50:41 q? 15:51:40 ack azaroth 15:51:40 azaroth, you wanted to assert it's not entirely true :) 15:53:06 azaroth: if we want to specify a system for creating annotation systems, and you say POST is optional, you cannot create annotations within spec 15:53:50 q+ 15:54:00 ack shepazu 15:54:02 ... tradeoff between what the standard says and what implementers are going to do. 15:54:37 shepazu: may not be able to resolve this within this group 15:54:39 we have previously discussed asking the TAG, after updating the draft so it is as clear as possible 15:54:48 q+ 15:55:05 ack fjh 15:55:07 shepazu: get Mark Nottingham involved 15:55:13 sp? 15:55:29 ack TimCole 15:56:04 bigbluehat: I'll try to characterize the two positions with help from azaroth 15:56:33 action: bigbluehat to characterize issue related to HTTP profiling and options to go forward 15:56:33 Created ACTION-26 - Characterize issue related to http profiling and options to go forward [on Benjamin Young - due 2015-07-22]. 15:57:14 TimCole: would we require implementers to understand all specs involved? 15:57:48 q+ 15:58:17 ack bigbluehat 15:59:29 bigbluehat: entire spec just for publishing own annotations is probably too much overhead. 15:59:36 q+ 16:00:22 ack azaroth 16:00:23 bigbluehat: should be a place to point people who have annotations and want to publish that don't want to implement writeability 16:00:47 tantek has joined #annotation 16:01:27 +1 16:01:30 +1 16:01:34 +1 16:01:51 +1 16:01:55 +1 16:03:11 Janina_ has left #annotation 16:07:33 https://github.com/uq-eresearch/lorestore/blob/master/src/main/resources/OAConstraintsSPARQL.json 16:38:27 tilgovi has joined #annotation 17:02:03 Topic: Adjoiurn 17:02:18 s/Adjoiurn/Adjourn/ 17:02:27 thanks Chris Birk for scribing 17:02:31 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:02:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/15-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:03:46 s/who can chair on July 29/we have regrets from Rob, Frederick and Ivan on 29 July, Doug are you able to chair that call or should we cancel now?/ 17:03:56 s/Regrets from Rob and Frederick 29 July// 17:04:18 s/fjh: RESOLUTION/RESOLUTION/ 17:04:50 s/mine writing/mine written/ 17:05:27 sfjh: not ready to publish/shepazu: not ready to publish/ 17:05:41 s/sp?// 17:06:04 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:06:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/15-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:06:29 s/How many are needed for quorum?// 17:06:57 s/ok, thanks azaroth/azaroth: ok, thanks/ 17:07:00 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:07:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/15-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:07:20 s/fjh... we/fjh: we/ 17:07:28 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:07:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/15-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:07:52 s/shepazu... I/shepazu: I/ 17:08:13 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:08:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/15-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:08:47 s/fjh: not ready to publish/shepazu: not ready to publish/ 17:08:52 rrsagent, generate minutes 17:08:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/07/15-annotation-minutes.html fjh 17:50:56 azaroth has joined #annotation 17:50:59 azaroth_ has joined #annotation 18:05:16 azaroth has joined #annotation 18:06:25 Zakim has left #annotation 18:38:00 azaroth has joined #annotation 18:38:04 azaroth_ has joined #annotation 19:01:17 tilgovi has joined #annotation 20:13:19 tilgovi has joined #annotation 20:38:36 KevinMarks has joined #annotation 21:11:33 KevinMarks has joined #annotation 22:11:25 Guest has joined #annotation 22:20:46 azaroth has joined #annotation 22:26:03 azaroth has joined #annotation 23:14:40 Guest has joined #annotation