12:28:35 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 12:28:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/06/24-sdw-irc 12:28:37 RRSAgent, make logs world 12:28:37 Zakim has joined #sdw 12:28:39 Zakim, this will be SDW 12:28:39 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 12:28:40 Meeting: Spatial Data on the Web Working Group Teleconference 12:28:40 Date: 24 June 2015 12:28:50 Chair: Kerry 12:29:08 regrets+ Andreas H., Rachel Heaven, Clemens Portele, Bill Roberts, Jeremy Tandy, Philippe Thiran, Chaals, Simon Cox, Cory Henson 12:33:03 I'll find it. And I'll add it to the wiki - no reason to keep it secret 12:34:13 I think the host key is 870267 12:36:28 regrets+ Chaals 12:37:22 yes, saw that, thks 12:37:35 chaals regret just arrived in email now 12:50:58 regrets+ Josh 12:53:10 present+ kerry 12:55:49 eparsons has joined #sdw 12:56:39 Frans has joined #sdw 12:58:06 Linda has joined #sdw 12:58:19 present+ PhilA (IRC only) 12:58:22 Having probs with webex will get there 12:58:24 LarsG has joined #sdw 12:58:33 present+ LarsG 12:59:20 present+ Frans 12:59:40 present+ 12:59:44 present+ Linda 13:01:06 Alejandro_Llaves has joined #sdw 13:01:34 MattPerry has joined #sdw 13:01:48 present+ Alejandro_Llaves 13:02:23 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 13:02:53 lets begin 13:03:30 present+ MattPerry 13:04:44 eparsons has joined #sdw 13:04:58 scribe+ mattperry 13:05:20 ChrisLittle has joined #sdw 13:05:24 scribe: mattperry 13:05:29 scribenick MattPerry 13:06:10 topic: approve last week's minutes 13:06:20 +1 13:06:28 +1 13:06:29 http://www.w3.org/2015/06/17-sdw-minutes.html 13:06:35 +1 13:06:37 +1 13:06:40 +1 13:06:42 proposed: approve last week's minutes 13:06:43 +1 13:06:44 +1 13:06:45 +1 13:06:53 resolved: approve last week's minutes 13:07:03 topic: patent call 13:08:17 topic: use case issues 13:08:26 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/10 13:08:40 Frans: Issue was mentioned in the agenda 13:08:46 q? 13:08:50 ... about CRS requirements 13:08:59 q? 13:09:04 ... CRS needs to have a URI 13:09:35 q+ 13:09:56 ... there should be a standard about CRS, which includes non-geographic CRS too 13:09:56 current CRS req proposal: "There should be a standard for publishing data about coordinate reference systems (CRS). It should be applicable to any 2D or 3D CRS, not only geographical reference systems. CRS descriptions should be referencable by HTTP URIs." 13:10:09 Does CRS Description mean machinable? 13:10:15 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #sdw 13:10:25 Frans: there has been plenty of disucssion on the email list 13:10:41 q? 13:11:01 ChrisLittle: did you intend human readable or machine processable 13:11:05 Frans: both 13:11:16 present+ AndreaPerego 13:11:39 Frans: if we are talking about data on the web, the intended consumer is both humans and machines. Maybe this should be clearer 13:11:41 ack kerry 13:12:07 Kerry: I like the way the requirement is phrased and I would support it as is 13:12:13 q+ 13:12:45 present+ BartvanLeeuwen 13:12:55 Kerry: I think it would be a mistake to rush to machine processable. 13:13:09 ... I think CRS should be explicit not depend on a default 13:13:33 Kerry: I would reject a requirement for a default 13:13:40 q+ 13:14:00 Frans: a default CRS is a separate requirement. We should raise an issue for this requirement 13:14:02 q? 13:14:03 Kerry: agreed 13:14:20 ack alej 13:14:47 Sorry.. took a while to get online 13:14:55 present+ eparsons 13:15:17 Alejandro_Llaves: Frans mentioned different requirements related to this issue. We may need to modify those requirements 13:15:46 ack chris 13:16:12 ChrisLittle: I agree with the wording of the CRS requirement, and I would support a default CRS 13:16:24 +1 to default CRS 13:16:26 q+ 13:16:30 +1 13:16:39 +1 to default CRS 13:16:53 WGS84 is de facto default ? 13:17:13 Kerry: default CRS is a separate issue 13:17:30 q? 13:17:43 Frans: this is a separate requirement at the moment 13:17:51 ack mattperry 13:18:24 I was also asking about the phrasing of the requirement. When a requirement ask for a "standard for publishing data...", does it mean a standard way of publishing data or a standard specification for publishing data? 13:18:28 Issue: that a default crs is a requirement 13:18:28 Created ISSUE-28 - That a default crs is a requirement. Please complete additional details at . 13:18:39 +1 13:18:40 For the record, +1 for default CRS as WGS84 long-lat 13:19:16 q? 13:19:23 +q 13:19:34 ack allejandro 13:19:53 http://w3c.github.io/sdw/UseCases/SDWUseCasesAndRequirements.html#SpatialMetadata 13:20:08 Alejandro_Llaves: Frans proposes to add new requirement to best practices deliverable on Spatial Metadata 13:20:36 Frans: I think we should link these requirements 13:21:00 q? 13:21:02 ... Spatial Metadata requirement says we should include CRS info, CRS requirement says how to do it 13:21:43 q+ 13:22:01 Frans: we can add a note to the Spatial Metadata requirement to other relevant requirements 13:22:17 Alejandro_Llaves: sounds good to me 13:22:51 q+ to ask what we mean with "standard" - e.g., is it format-related? 13:22:56 Frans: maybe we should move discussion to the email list 13:23:28 Kerry: It would be nice to conclude this discussion today 13:23:48 regrets+ Antoine Zimmermann 13:24:01 Frans: the word standard appears in many requirements, this is a broader issue 13:24:16 +1 13:24:18 ack andrea 13:24:18 AndreaPerego, you wanted to ask what we mean with "standard" - e.g., is it format-related? 13:24:20 +1 13:24:42 Alejandro_Llaves: what I see in the tracker is best "phrasing" for CRS requirements 13:25:35 AndreaPerego: My question is general. Are we saying we need an RDF standard way to represent information. We already have many standard ways to represent CRS info 13:25:43 q+ 13:26:03 q+ 13:26:10 Kerry: I agree about that confusion. My take is to say "a way" to publish info on CRS 13:26:19 +1 13:26:36 ... and this should include HTTP URIs, RDF is not critical 13:27:19 ... We need to indentify the CRS, but not really how to describe it 13:28:18 AndreaPerego: I think that HTTP URI is key. The thing that is important is ability to retrieve the CRS description in the format you want. 13:28:46 ... what is missing is that some applications may need an RDF representation 13:28:56 ... if there is not one, maybe we should define it 13:29:40 q? 13:29:55 Frans: the current phrasing doesn't say exactly what needs to be expressed 13:30:12 ... want to get back to the use of the word standard 13:30:23 ... how about there should be a "best practice"? 13:30:49 +1 to best practice 13:30:51 Frans: best practice implies one preferred way 13:31:01 +1 to best practice 13:31:03 Just to note that we have already examples of CRS description in multiple formats - e.g., see http://spatialreference.org/ref/epsg/wgs-84/ and http://epsg.io/4326 13:31:13 +1 to best practice 13:31:21 +1 13:31:22 +1 to BP 13:31:31 q? 13:31:33 +1 to best practice 13:32:05 eparsons: I agree with Frans' point. Requirements are just identifying the problems, not providing a solution. That is for best practice deliverable. 13:32:11 ack alle 13:32:20 q- 13:32:45 Alejandro_Llaves: I totally agree with Ed 13:32:55 Agree with Ed: we need so separate requirements and possible solutions 13:33:02 ... solution does not belong in the requirement 13:33:24 ack frans 13:33:37 ... I would avoid mentioning "standard" or "Best practice" in the requirement 13:34:13 "Data should be published ..." 13:34:50 Kerry: I like Chris' wording 13:35:00 +1 to Chris 13:35:43 Frans: this changes the meaning of the requirement: you are wrong if you do not publish it 13:35:46 s/should/must/ 13:36:04 q? 13:36:28 eparsons: maybe we're saying it should be a default or point to a definition? 13:37:00 eparsons: I'm strongly behind it should be default or something else 13:37:03 q? 13:37:07 q? 13:37:14 q+ 13:37:21 ack allejando 13:37:29 ack frans 13:37:38 q+ 13:37:39 Frans: I can live with "a way" 13:37:46 ack Alejandro_Llaves 13:38:05 Kerry: that suits me 13:38:06 ack linda 13:38:22 Linda: I don't really like "a way" 13:38:35 q+ 13:39:06 MattPerry: I agree with Linda 13:39:11 "a recommended way"? 13:39:14 ChrisLittle: "a way" is a bit too sloppy 13:39:25 q? 13:39:42 ChrisLittle: "best practice" or "should be published" 13:39:51 ack me 13:40:09 "Spatial metadata shall include CRS metadata" 13:40:19 I think the should is not being questioned 13:40:37 + 13:40:40 1 alej 13:40:43 +1 should 13:40:48 q+ 13:40:50 q? 13:41:04 ChrisLittle: lets stick with "should" 13:41:15 "shall" is too strong (equal to "must") -> "should" 13:41:32 BartvanLeeuwen: can we have a written out proposal so we can see the whould thing 13:41:44 s/whould/whole 13:41:49 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/track/issues/10 13:42:23 I would propose: "There should be a best practice for publishing data about coordinate reference systems (CRS). It should be applicable to any 2D or 3D CRS, not only geographical reference systems. CRS descriptions should be referencable by HTTP URIs." 13:43:50 Alejandro_Llaves: "best practice" could be considered a solution. This is about requirements. 13:44:19 ... I can live with "best practice" though 13:44:41 eparsons: I agree. Can we just change the "shall" to "should"? 13:46:38 q+ 13:46:41 eparsons: my concern is that Frans' propsal is already solving the problem 13:46:46 ack me 13:47:00 q+ 13:47:00 q? 13:47:08 bacak to "Data should be published about ..." 13:47:09 ac lars 13:47:20 ack lars 13:47:36 +1 Ed, i.e. the requirement is to be able to reference a CRS with a URI, and to get useful information about the CRS when you dereference that URI. 13:47:54 LarsG: I see Ed's point. If we have coordinates, we need to know what they mean, so we need to link to the CRS. 13:48:08 +1 to Ed also from me 13:48:41 Kerry: I don't think Frans' proposal is a solution 13:48:54 ack frans 13:49:05 Proposal: "Spatial metadata should include coordinate reference system (CRS) metadata. It should be applicable to any 2D or 3D CRS, not only geographical reference systems. CRS descriptions should be referencable by HTTP URIs." 13:49:08 eparsons: one solution could be a default. Frans' proposal implies too much of a solution 13:49:55 ack frans 13:50:08 Kerry: whether or not we have a default, we need to refer to a CRS 13:50:56 Spatial data*, sorry! 13:50:58 Kerry: I'm happy with Alejandro_Llaves' propsal as well 13:51:16 Kerry: does anyone disagree with that one? 13:51:33 eparsons: it sill sounds like a solution 13:51:45 q? 13:51:48 s/it sill/it still/ 13:51:57 Kerry: I disagree ed 13:52:19 ... implicit or explicit is a separate point 13:53:28 eparsons: We do need to solve the implicit / explicit issue 13:53:57 Kerry: we do, but that is a separate issue 13:54:16 Proposal (piggybacking on Alejandro): "Spatial data must contain a reference to the CRS used. [...]" 13:54:17 Kerry: let's put this to a vote 13:54:57 LarsG: This one doesn't say if it's implicit or explicit 13:55:18 I'm happy with Lars' proposal 13:56:04 +1 Frans 13:56:20 "There should be a best practice for publishing data about coordinate reference systems (CRS). It should be applicable to any 2D or 3D CRS, not only geographical reference systems. CRS descriptions should be referencable by HTTP URIs." 13:56:26 +1 13:57:00 q? 13:57:05 How can we improve recording? 13:57:12 BartvanLeeuwen: I have an issue that this doesn't refer to the data 13:57:16 Thanks Bart 13:57:24 PROPOSED: "There should be a best practice for publishing data about coordinate reference systems (CRS). It should be applicable to any 2D or 3D CRS, not only geographical reference systems. CRS descriptions should be referencable by HTTP URIs." 13:57:35 +1 13:58:24 Kerry: I think we're going to have to give up on this one 13:58:33 open issue 13:58:39 Issue 10 is not RESOLVED 13:58:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:58:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/24-sdw-minutes.html phila 13:59:19 trackbot, open issue-10 13:59:19 Sorry, phila, I don't understand 'trackbot, open issue-10'. Please refer to for help. 13:59:35 https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Notes_for_Context 14:00:10 Kerry: please have a look at this link, which shows info about best practices document 14:00:22 bye and thanks 14:00:24 Thanks Kerry 14:00:25 thx kerry 14:00:27 thanks, bye! 14:00:29 Thanks, bye! 14:00:29 ChrisLittle has left #sdw 14:00:29 and frans 14:00:31 bye 14:00:36 bye ! 14:01:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:01:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/24-sdw-minutes.html phila 14:01:10 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:01:10 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/06/24-sdw-minutes.html Kerry 15:58:26 zakim, bye 15:58:26 Zakim has left #sdw 15:58:32 RRSAgent, bye 15:58:32 I see no action items