13:26:04 RRSAgent has joined #css 13:26:04 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/18-css-irc 13:26:41 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:28:41 or smog 13:28:48 SteveZ has joined #css 13:32:52 Florian has joined #css 13:33:26 murakami has joined #css 13:37:13 smfr has joined #css 13:37:16 dbaron has joined #css 13:37:54 jet has joined #css 13:39:16 trackbot, start meeting 13:39:18 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:39:18 Zakim has joined #css 13:39:20 Zakim, this will be Style_CSS FP 13:39:20 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 13:39:21 Meeting: Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group Teleconference 13:39:21 Date: 18 May 2015 13:39:27 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:39:39 csswgproj has joined #css 13:39:45 Zakim, remind us in 9 hours to go home 13:39:45 ok, dbaron 13:40:33 https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/new-york-2015#proposed-agenda-topics 13:44:01 bcampbell has joined #css 13:44:06 [glazou edits agenda to schedule things] 13:47:32 glazou: At AC meeting I got feedback that we need a document describing the current state of CSS 13:47:37 various: not the snapshot? 13:48:15 SteveZ: One thing people want with tools is to automate some things so you can have a crawler that updates page. When editor or chair updates it it always gets out of date. 13:48:29 glazou: It's not the topic right now; that's the agenda. 13:51:52 Zakim-bot restarting in 1 minute to recover bridge connection 13:55:52 Zakim has joined #css 13:55:56 ScribeNick: TabAtkins 13:56:17 tantek has joined #css 13:56:26 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-break-3/issues-lc-2015 13:56:33 dauwhe has joined #css 13:57:34 fantasai: There's a few issues for the WG. 13:57:44 fantasai: First is replaced content 13:58:00 fantasai: We ahve an issue from howcome. We currently say you can slice an image if it doesn't fit, but you should try to move it first. 13:58:14 fantasai: He suggested we should be able to control it, to make it slice immediately. 13:58:36 fantasai: One way to do it is to say that replaced content has "break-inside:avoid" in the UA stylesheet. 13:58:46 fantasai: So the author can change that. 13:58:53 fantasai: On ,