13:59:27 RRSAgent has joined #tt 13:59:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/05/14-tt-irc 13:59:29 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:59:29 Zakim has joined #tt 13:59:31 atai has joined #tt 13:59:31 Zakim, this will be TTML 13:59:32 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 13:59:32 Date: 14 May 2015 13:59:32 ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 13:59:55 plh has joined #tt 14:00:23 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started 14:00:29 +Andreas 14:00:30 + +1.720.897.aaaa 14:01:41 zakim, aaaa is me 14:01:41 +glenn; got it 14:02:05 +nigel 14:02:36 Present: glenn, Andreas, nigel 14:02:39 chair: nigel 14:02:40 scribe: nigel 14:02:55 +Plh 14:03:08 Present+ plh 14:03:17 Regrets: Frans 14:04:01 courtney has joined #tt 14:04:46 + +1.408.771.aabb 14:05:09 Present+ courtney 14:05:15 zakim, aabb is Courtney 14:05:15 +Courtney; got it 14:05:33 Topic: This meeting 14:06:15 nigel: Runs through the agenda. AOB? 14:06:21 group: No AOB 14:06:59 plh: We'll be pushed onto Webex at the end of June. I recommend you don't worry about it for now. 14:07:11 ... In June I'll get the groups to move slowly across. There is no need to move earlier. 14:07:21 ... Once you move you can't move back! 14:08:10 nigel: We have no chair yet for June 18 and June 25 so we could make the move in the first meeting of 14:08:14 ... July. 14:08:38 +pal 14:08:59 pal has joined #tt 14:09:03 plh: I recommend waiting until July. 14:09:07 Present+ pal 14:10:39 nigel: Does anyone want to chair on 18th and 15th June? 14:10:56 pal: If we have work to do then I recommend planning to hold the meetings and then we'll find someone 14:11:02 nigel: Okay, works for me! 14:11:15 Topic: Action Items 14:11:24 action-385? 14:11:24 action-385 -- Glenn Adams to Remove stereoleft and stereoright from -- due 2015-04-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:11:24 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/385 14:11:52 nigel: Glenn has done this - stereoLeft and stereoRight are removed. 14:11:56 glenn: They're gone! 14:12:15 close action-385 14:12:15 Closed action-385. 14:12:20 action-402? 14:12:20 action-402 -- Nigel Megitt to Trim dotted lines out of pngs and edit test text -- due 2015-05-14 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:12:20 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/402 14:13:17 close action-402 14:13:17 Closed action-402. 14:13:44 action-397? 14:13:44 action-397 -- Pierre-Anthony Lemieux to Prepare cr2 transition version (after closing one remaining issue on imsc 1) -- due 2015-04-17 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:13:44 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/397 14:14:21 pal: I've just updated that and pointed to the CR2 branch on Mercurial 14:14:41 close action-397 14:14:41 Closed action-397. 14:16:50 Topic: Issues 14:16:57 issue-265? 14:16:57 issue-265 -- Some bad tests -- open 14:16:57 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/265 14:18:15 nigel: This week someone asked on stackoverflow about a timing test that seems to indicate that the 14:18:42 ... default dur for a content element in a seq container is zero, whereas in fact it's indefinite, so I've 14:18:49 ... added the affected tests to this issue. 14:19:41 nigel: I answered the question on stackoverflow - the link is in the issue. I really hope I got it right! 14:20:09 Topic: IMSC CR2 14:20:36 nigel: The status of IMSC CR2 is that it has been prepared, with the same SOTD but a later 'do not exit before' date. 14:20:58 ... I think the next step is to request a meeting for transition with the Director? 14:21:16 plh: No! I'd rather not talk to the Director on this one. It's supposed to be lightweight. We do need a 14:21:26 ... transition request to be sent to chairs. That hasn't happened? 14:21:29 nigel: No, nobody has done that. 14:21:46 plh: I'm willing to send the transition request but I need the proper links and text. I will need the links 14:22:02 ... to where comments are addressed and the list of changes, and I guess that's it. The rest I can take 14:22:12 ... from the previous CR. 14:22:24 nigel: We have all that. 14:22:34 plh: Point me to it and I'll generate the transition request. 14:23:27 nigel: List of changes: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/3e1440f7f545/ttml-ww-profiles/substantive-changes-summary.txt 14:23:58 plh: I can generate the diff. 14:24:42 ... [looks at the list of changes] Okay, I have enough! 14:25:44 nigel: So even though we have assessed the changes and decided that several of them are substantive, 14:25:48 ... we don't need a Director call? 14:25:51 http://www.w3.org/2014/Process-20140801/#revised-cr 14:25:59 "Note that approval is expected to be fairly simple compared to getting approval for a transition from Working Draft to Candidate Recommendation." 14:26:03 plh: No, you don't need it. 14:26:38 s/"Note/plh: Quote from the process: "Note 14:27:08 plh: Hopefully I can go through these changes tomorrow, and if it's okay, the latest publication date 14:27:13 ... will be Thursday next week. 14:27:38 plh: I can take care of fixing the date up in the CR2 draft. 14:28:09 nigel: Our view on the earliest exit date is date of publication + 4 weeks. 14:28:13 plh: Thanks for letting me know. 14:28:24 Nigel: publishing date + 4 weeks for review 14:29:23 Action-403: [Meeting 2015-05-14] plh informs the group that a Director call is not needed. 14:29:23 Notes added to Action-403 Arrange director call for imsc 1 cr2 transition request. 14:29:27 close action-403 14:29:27 Closed action-403. 14:30:12 Topic: IMSC Test Suite and Implementation Report 14:30:40 nigel: We've already covered action-402. Anything else to report here? 14:30:49 pal: Nothing to report 14:31:04 Topic: WebVTT comments 14:31:42 courtney: No update 14:31:50 Topic: TTML2 Editorial actions 14:32:44 nigel: Glenn, do you have a plan date for next working on the spec? 14:32:55 glenn: Nothing definite, probably a week or so between now and the end of June. 14:33:54 nigel: It'd be helpful to set a deadline for delivering editorial actions so that folk who have taken them on can know when they're due by. 14:34:32 glenn: I'd say end of June, but I can process examples sooner since they don't require too much effort. 14:35:15 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/file/tip/ttml2/spec/ednotes.xlsx 14:35:26 nigel: I know from previous weeks when we've looked at this that it's quite sparse - anyone else want to 14:35:31 ... take any of the editorial actions? 14:38:12 Topic: TTML Versions note 14:38:33 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/5ee90ec0d897/ttml-status/index.html 14:38:59 nigel: How does everyone feel about this document - is it useful? 14:39:32 atai: It does make sense to have such a document but it needs more work to explain the contents 14:39:48 ... of the document and the relationships of the spec. The question is what kind of TTML profiles 14:39:50 q+ to ask questions IMSC CR2 transition 14:40:04 ... should go in there - just for W3C profiles or also those from other groups? What is the aim? 14:40:58 nigel: It can be what we want it to be. There's no problem referencing non-W3C specs in a WG note. 14:41:25 atai: It's definitely helpful but I have no resources to work on it at the moment! 14:41:36 nigel: Okay, well we can keep working on it then and keep this open. 14:42:22 Topic: IMSC CR2 continued 14:42:28 ack plh 14:42:28 plh, you wanted to ask questions IMSC CR2 transition 14:42:45 plh: I need more on the story here. Where did the changes originate - members or external organisations? 14:43:03 ... Also, for the changes that have been made, what kind of review did we get on those changes? 14:43:31 ... Even if they're substantive, do they affect the previous review feedback? 14:43:42 ... Firstly, where did the changes come from? 14:43:51 pal: They came from the issues filed on the document. 14:43:59 plh: Who filed them - anyone from inside the WG? 14:44:09 pal: I'll have to go back to the issues. Most of them were from within the WG. 14:44:34 plh: Okay. My second question is, what kind of review can we claim on those changes or are we confident 14:44:40 ... that the changes are good enough. 14:44:58 pal: The resolution to those issues has not been widely distributed. My personal opinion is that the 14:45:16 ... changes are substantive by the process, but they're extremely limited in scope so I don't feel that the 14:45:29 ... document has changed sufficiently to warrant the sort of wide review that the document already 14:45:37 ... has undergone to reach CR. 14:45:44 plh: Okay. 14:46:02 pal: FYI one of the issues was in response to a late comment received during the CR transition and the 14:46:09 ... commenter was happy with it. 14:46:25 plh: Are you aware of any other changes where the commenter wasn't happy with the resolution? 14:46:28 pal: No 14:46:33 plh: Thanks, now I have my story. 14:47:20 nigel: I second pal's judgment there on the changes being substantive but not needing further review. 14:47:32 ... They are worthwhile however. 14:48:44 Topic: Change Proposals 14:48:57 transition request for IMSC: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2015AprJun/0095.html 14:49:19 nigel: I just want to check if there's been any update on HTMLCue and Opera? 14:49:44 Andreas: I had an action to kick off a gathering to discuss this issue. There's no progress to report right now. 14:50:44 nigel: Glenn, has any of your work resulted in areas of spec change to TTML? 14:51:00 glenn: Possibly - I've been spending time on Ruby and text emphasis and how they're formatted in the 14:51:21 ... context of what we've implemented in order to handle the multiRowAlign requirement by treating 14:51:36 ... a span as an inline block with a different text align. There are some subtleties of formatting that are 14:51:53 ... not particularly well addressed in CSS that I'll probably end up needing to articulate in the TTML2 14:52:07 ... spec in order to make it more clear. For example the line separation behaviour of lines that contain 14:52:23 ... Ruby that potentially overlap, for example a Ruby below line followed by a Ruby above line. Does the 14:52:39 ... addition of the Ruby cause the line height to be changed? Is that accomplished by adding leading or 14:52:57 ... by changing lineHeight. In the process of implementing formatting support I've found those. You can 14:53:07 ... track that activity by going to the repository and see what's happening. 14:53:09 https://github.com/skynav/ttt/commits/master 14:53:38 glenn: We recently changed the location of that repository - you can follow it if you're interested. 14:53:58 ... One side effect of this activity is we're generating a lot of TTML2 test files that include these features 14:54:06 ... here's a link... 14:54:37 -glenn 14:54:45 glenn: Those test files will be very useful when it comes to creating a test suite for TTML2 I think. 14:56:00 glenn_ has joined #tt 14:56:25 sorry, dropped the line, will post link... 14:56:34 s/Topic: Change Proposals/ 14:56:38 https://github.com/skynav/ttt/tree/master/ttt-ttpe/src/test/resources/com/skynav/ttpe/app 14:56:46 i/nigel: I just/Topic: Change Proposals 14:56:58 nigel: Thanks glenn! 14:57:32 -Andreas 14:57:33 -Courtney 14:57:33 -Plh 14:57:35 -pal 14:57:36 nigel: Thanks everyone, we'll meet again same time next week. [adjourns meeting] 14:57:47 -nigel 14:57:48 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has ended 14:57:48 Attendees were Andreas, +1.720.897.aaaa, glenn, nigel, Plh, +1.408.771.aabb, Courtney, pal 14:57:55 rrsagent, make logs public 14:57:58 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:57:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/14-tt-minutes.html nigel 14:58:21 glenn__ has joined #tt 14:59:32 fyi, in the *.expected.zip files in this directory are rendered forms of the TTML in SVG 15:21:50 s/Nigel: publishing date + 4 weeks for review/ 15:24:27 s/changing lineHeight./changing lineHeight? 15:24:45 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:24:45 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/14-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:28:06 ScribeOptions: -final -noEmbedDiagnostics 15:28:08 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:28:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/05/14-tt-minutes.html nigel 16:58:18 Zakim has left #tt