19:41:12 RRSAgent has joined #sdw 19:41:12 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/28-sdw-irc 19:46:51 DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdw 19:47:19 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:48:14 eparsons has joined #sdw 19:48:30 evening.. 19:51:27 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:51:44 zakim, this will be sdwwg 19:51:44 ok, eparsons, I see DATA_SDWWG()3:00PM already started 19:52:09 zakim, who is here? 19:52:09 On the phone I see eparsons 19:52:11 On IRC I see eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, trackbot 19:52:27 Chair: Ed 19:52:53 NP 19:53:59 zakim, this will be sdw 19:53:59 ok, phila, I see DATA_SDWWG()3:00PM already started 19:54:02 Clemens has joined #sdw 19:54:33 +[IPcaller] 19:54:35 zakim, [ is me 19:54:35 +phila; got it 19:54:49 RaulGarciaCastro has joined #sdw 19:56:09 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 19:56:15 agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20150128 19:56:21 regrets+ Kerry 19:56:32 regrets+ Alejandro 19:56:36 Payam has joined #sdw 19:57:17 MattPerry has joined #sdw 19:57:44 ocorcho has joined #sdw 19:58:04 Simon has joined #sdw 19:58:10 +[IPcaller] 19:58:11 +Christine_Perey 19:58:16 IanH has joined #sdw 19:58:26 Linda has joined #sdw 19:58:37 ahaller2 has joined #sdw 19:58:47 zakim Ipcaller is me 19:58:56 +armin 19:58:59 cperey has joined #sdw 19:59:05 + +1.412.390.aaaa 19:59:08 zakim, IPcaller is me 19:59:08 +Payam; got it 19:59:29 cory_henson has joined #sdw 19:59:34 + +1.603.521.aabb 19:59:49 +linda 19:59:50 zakim, aaaa is Cory 19:59:50 zakim, aabb is me 19:59:50 +Cory; got it 19:59:50 +MattPerry; got it 19:59:52 ChrisLittle has joined #sdw 19:59:58 JoshLieberman has joined #SDW 19:59:58 + +34.65.631.aacc 19:59:58 +[IPcaller] 20:00:01 zakim, aaaa is Cory 20:00:01 sorry, cory_henson, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 20:00:16 zakim, who is here? 20:00:16 On the phone I see eparsons, phila, Payam, Christine_Perey, armin, Cory, MattPerry, linda, +34.65.631.aacc, [IPcaller] 20:00:16 zakim, who is here? 20:00:18 aharth has joined #sdw 20:00:19 On IRC I see JoshLieberman, ChrisLittle, cory_henson, cperey, ahaller2, Linda, IanH, Simon, ocorcho, MattPerry, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, Clemens, eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, 20:00:19 ... Zakim, phila, trackbot 20:00:19 On the phone I see eparsons, phila, Payam, Christine_Perey, armin, Cory, MattPerry, linda, +34.65.631.aacc, [IPcaller] 20:00:23 On IRC I see JoshLieberman, ChrisLittle, cory_henson, cperey, ahaller2, Linda, IanH, Simon, ocorcho, MattPerry, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, Clemens, eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, 20:00:23 ... Zakim, phila, trackbot 20:00:34 + + 20:00:34 zakim, +34.65.631.aacc is me 20:00:35 + +61.3.925.2.aaee 20:00:35 +ocorcho; got it 20:00:36 Ashok_Malhotra has joined #sdw 20:00:37 +JoshLieberman 20:00:45 +chrislittle 20:00:49 Manolis_Koubarakis has joined #sdw 20:00:56 zakim, aaaa is Cory/cory_henson 20:00:56 sorry, Payam, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 20:00:56 zakim, [ is Ingo 20:00:57 +Ingo; got it 20:01:02 +[IPcaller] 20:01:08 ramon-alcarria has joined #sdw 20:01:16 Ingo__ has joined #sdw 20:01:22 jtandy has joined #sdw 20:01:25 KJano has joined #sdw 20:01:31 zakim, i'm [IPcaller] 20:01:31 I don't understand 'i'm [IPcaller]', aharth 20:01:35 zakim, [IPcaller] 20:01:35 I don't understand '[IPcaller]', aharth 20:01:37 +Ashok_Malhotra 20:01:37 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:01:38 +aharth; got it 20:01:47 + +1.301.560.aaff 20:01:55 zakim, who is here? 20:01:55 On the phone I see eparsons, phila, Payam, Christine_Perey, armin, Cory, MattPerry, linda, ocorcho, Ingo, +, +61.3.925.2.aaee, JoshLieberman, chrislittle, aharth, 20:01:58 ... Ashok_Malhotra, +1.301.560.aaff 20:01:58 On IRC I see KJano, jtandy, Ingo__, ramon-alcarria, Manolis_Koubarakis, Ashok_Malhotra, aharth, JoshLieberman, ChrisLittle, cory_henson, cperey, armin, Linda, IanH, Simon, ocorcho, 20:01:58 ... MattPerry, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, Clemens, eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, trackbot 20:02:12 +??P20 20:02:13 +??P19 20:02:15 BartvanLeeuwen has joined #sdw 20:02:18 JoshLieberman is me 20:02:26 zakim, ??P19 is me 20:02:26 +jtandy; got it 20:02:33 zakim, Cory is me 20:02:33 +cory_henson; got it 20:02:34 chaals has joined #sdw 20:02:43 zakim, aaee is me 20:02:43 +Simon; got it 20:02:43 zakim, s/Cory/cory_henson 20:02:44 I don't understand 's/Cory/cory_henson', Payam 20:02:45 zakim, who is here? 20:02:45 On the phone I see eparsons, phila, Payam, Christine_Perey, armin, cory_henson, MattPerry, linda, ocorcho, Ingo, +, Simon, JoshLieberman, chrislittle, aharth, 20:02:48 ... Ashok_Malhotra, +1.301.560.aaff, ??P20, jtandy 20:02:48 On IRC I see chaals, BartvanLeeuwen, KJano, jtandy, Ingo__, ramon-alcarria, Manolis_Koubarakis, Ashok_Malhotra, aharth, JoshLieberman, ChrisLittle, cory_henson, cperey, armin, 20:02:48 ... Linda, IanH, Simon, ocorcho, MattPerry, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, Clemens, eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, trackbot 20:02:50 LarsG has joined #sdw 20:02:55 zakim, aadd is Clemens 20:02:55 +Clemens; got it 20:02:56 zakim, mute me 20:02:57 jtandy should now be muted 20:03:03 zakim, unmute me 20:03:06 jtandy should no longer be muted 20:03:08 +??P21 20:03:11 zakim, code? 20:03:11 the conference code is 73994 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), chaals 20:03:17 Zakim, ??p21 is me 20:03:17 +BartvanLeeuwen; got it 20:03:39 zakim, aaff is George Percival 20:03:39 I don't understand 'aaff is George Percival', phila 20:03:42 +[IPcaller] 20:03:43 zakim, aaff is George_Percival 20:03:43 +George_Percival; got it 20:03:53 zakim, [ip is chaals 20:03:53 +chaals; got it 20:03:57 zakim, mute me 20:03:57 sorry, cperey, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 20:04:03 +[IPcaller] 20:04:04 scribe: chaals 20:04:05 percivall has joined #sdw 20:04:11 +jtandy 20:04:21 zakim, 8159 is me 20:04:21 sorry, cperey, I do not recognize a party named '8159' 20:04:21 zakim, Christine_Perey is cperey 20:04:22 +cperey; got it 20:04:23 zakim, Cory is cory_henson 20:04:24 +cory_henson; got it 20:04:37 agenda? 20:04:51 Agenda: https://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20150128 20:04:51 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20150128 20:04:54 ioannis has joined #sdw 20:05:16 +??P25 20:05:24 EP: Minutes have been published. 20:05:34 -> http://www.w3.org/2015/01/22-sdw-minutes.html Last week's minutes 20:05:40 Topic: More introductions 20:05:42 zakim, who is noisy? 20:05:47 zakim, unmute 20:05:47 I don't understand 'unmute', cperey 20:05:48 zakim, p25 is me 20:05:48 sorry, LarsG, I do not recognize a party named 'p25' 20:05:52 q+ 20:05:53 phila, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: eparsons (16%), chrislittle (15%), ??P25 (78%) 20:05:55 q+ 20:05:57 zakim, unmute me 20:05:57 cperey was not muted, cperey 20:06:01 +q 20:06:01 EP: If you didn't introduce yourself last eek, please queue up now 20:06:03 zakim, please mute me 20:06:03 sorry, LarsG, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 20:06:09 zakim, ??P25 is LarsG 20:06:09 +LarsG; got it 20:06:15 zakim, mute LarsG 20:06:15 LarsG should now be muted 20:06:19 q+ 20:06:21 GeorgePercivall: OGC staff, joining for the first time 20:06:35 ChristinePeret: Joining from Switzerland 20:06:45 q? 20:06:53 MattP: On SPARQL group 20:07:07 q? 20:07:12 + +1.805.722.aagg 20:07:14 Kevin: Sent email introduction to the list. 20:07:14 q? 20:07:14 s/ChristinePeret/Christine Perey/ 20:07:24 ack next 20:07:47 AH: Question on minutes. Attendee list may not be complete -is that a problem? 20:07:48 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 20:07:53 -LarsG 20:07:56 (agreed - it seemed incomplete) 20:08:02 EP: Don't think so... 20:08:12 PA: If people are not listed please tell me and I will correct that. 20:08:24 … Please check and let me know. 20:08:27 ack next 20:08:35 phila: please add me :) 20:08:47 +??P28 20:08:48 [In IRC you can type "Present+ MyName" (no spaces!) and you will be added] 20:08:49 ThiagoA has joined #sdw 20:08:56 phila: please add me too 20:08:59 zakim, ??P28 is me 20:08:59 +AndreaPerego; got it 20:09:02 ack next 20:09:04 zakim, mute me 20:09:04 AndreaPerego should now be muted 20:09:09 Present+ Chaals 20:09:14 Present+ AndreasHarth 20:09:19 q+ 20:09:26 (jtandy not listed in last week's minutes) 20:09:27 chaals - I attended last week's call 20:09:28 ack next 20:09:32 SimonCox: Introduced mysefl by email yesterday. Last week I was slacking on the beach. 20:09:40 zakim, +1.805.722.aagg is me 20:09:40 + +35385740aahh 20:09:40 +KJano; got it 20:09:49 ChrisLittle: Chair of MetOcean domain group, Met office in UK. 20:09:50 ack next 20:09:51 Good Afternoon 20:09:56 +35385740aahh is me, DanhLePhuoc 20:10:02 s/Good Afternoon// 20:10:16 BVL: Been a W3C member for linked data work. 20:10:21 q? 20:10:24 … will send intro to the mailing list. 20:10:32 + +30210756aaii 20:10:37 Topic: Review the charter 20:10:42 +??P29 20:10:56 zakim, ??P29 is me 20:10:56 +LarsG; got it 20:11:03 test, disregard 20:11:03 zakim, who is noisy? 20:11:04 -> http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/charter Our charter. 20:11:04 zakim, please mute me 20:11:04 LarsG should now be muted 20:11:15 phila, listening for 11 seconds I heard sound from the following: +35385740aahh (4%), +30210756aaii (35%) 20:11:41 EP: The charter identifies what we are trying to do. I don't propose changing it now, but want to focus on the deliverables - especially use cases and requirements. 20:11:52 s/test, disregard// 20:12:13 … It is important to focus on solving real problems. The best approach is to work on use cases, and find teh requirements that come from them. 20:12:15 q+ 20:12:25 q+ 20:12:28 … Is there a view on the scope and size of successful use case work? 20:12:29 q+ 20:12:29 s/teh/the 20:12:32 ack me 20:12:33 ack next 20:12:35 + +44.790.122.aajj 20:12:39 q? 20:12:44 ack next 20:13:22 chaals: You start by laying out all the UCs that people can think of 20:13:38 ... then you review the, REquirements then drop out almost by magic 20:13:52 ed: Any idea of the right number? A coupe of dozen? 20:14:22 chaals: That's a good number. It's about tnalking about problems that people actually have rather than invent UCs that never actually arise. There is not ideal number 20:14:35 i/chaals: you/scribe: phila 20:14:35 http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Use_Cases_%26_Requirements 20:14:40 s/review the,/review the UCs,/ 20:14:41 scribe: chaals 20:14:57 yes, will contribute 20:14:59 s/REquirements/requirements/ 20:15:07 Yes, will contribute 20:15:08 q+ 20:15:11 EP: We have a couple of use cases already, I plan to add a few from the perspective of a mas-market search provider. Are there others expecting to add use cases? 20:15:17 q- 20:15:17 yes, probably 20:15:17 yes, will contribute 20:15:23 s/tnalkin/talking 20:15:27 yes, I will contribute a use case 20:15:29 UPM (OEG) will contribute 20:15:36 +1 to work toward f2f 20:15:41 s/coupe of/couple of/ 20:15:42 +1 20:15:44 EP: What about timelines. Should we ask for them to be done before the face to face? 20:15:45 +1 20:15:46 +1 20:15:49 +1 20:15:50 +1 20:15:50 good for me 20:15:50 +1 20:15:52 s/talkingg/talking 20:15:52 +1 20:15:58 There will be use cases to contribute from the OGC Testbed 11 activity and they will have to be done by March 20:15:58 s|http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Use_Cases_%26_Requirements|-> http://www.w3.org/2015/spatial/wiki/Use_Cases_%26_Requirements Use cases wiki| 20:15:58 +1 20:16:01 not sure I can make f2f 20:16:05 +1 20:16:23 EP: Will talk about the face to face, but think it is a good timline for getting use cases together. 20:16:27 can't make the f2f :-( 20:16:33 +1 20:16:35 s/timline/timeline/ 20:16:37 I would propose that each use case includes an example 20:16:46 … I think it makes sense to create use cases that are not related to you but that you can consider through discussions with other organisations. 20:16:50 I also won't make f2f but plan to dial-in 20:16:58 q? 20:17:02 … There may well be a task required to boil down the use cases somewhat. 20:17:02 +1 to KJano 20:17:07 q+ 20:17:07 same, here will dial-in for the f2f 20:17:18 q- 20:17:31 (lost audio ... will dial back in) 20:17:34 -jtandy 20:17:37 … If use cases don't appear we might try to give action items. 20:17:44 … Is it useful to do other work in parallel? 20:17:46 - +30210756aaii 20:17:49 … any views? 20:17:52 q? 20:17:53 I prefer getting first the use cases 20:17:56 q+ 20:17:58 q+ 20:18:02 ack next 20:18:02 in the w3c ssn-xg we collected related and relevant work in the wiki and that turned out to be very useful 20:18:36 +??P19 20:18:40 q? 20:18:42 JL: My experience is that statistical approach to use cases isn't very effective. It works better to let each @@@ inform the other. 20:18:52 zakim, ??P19 is me 20:18:52 +jtandy; got it 20:18:54 … The most valuable use cases connect a real activity with a reasonable scope. 20:18:56 q+ to talk about BPs 20:19:15 EP: Suggesting more qualitative than statistical approach. But is there work to do before we get use cases together? 20:19:30 -jtandy 20:19:32 JL: Yes, think there is some in the charter. 20:19:33 ack next 20:19:46 s/each @@@/deliverables and use cases/ 20:20:18 SC: Don't think we should postpone the discussion. Should get use cases from real backgrounds for the discussion 20:20:37 … but we can run the discussions in parallel. But should have a set of use cases before we make decisions. 20:20:43 EP: Support that. 20:20:48 ack next 20:20:49 phila, you wanted to talk about BPs 20:21:02 +??P19 20:21:03 zakim, ??P19 is me 20:21:03 +jtandy; got it 20:21:14 -> http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#bp-template DWBP 20:21:17 PhilA: I think use cases are going to be slightly ahead, but when writing a use case it is useful to have a clear idea of wher we are heading. 20:21:34 s/wher/where/ 20:21:45 s/DWBP/Template for Best Practises group use cases. 20:22:07 … The work we do has influenced the use case, helping to write them in a way that helps do the work. 20:22:14 … These documents can be iterated over time. 20:22:25 q+ to suggest that use cases would be good to include real data within their examples (we can use these for test cases later) 20:22:29 q+ 20:22:29 ack next 20:22:30 jtandy, you wanted to suggest that use cases would be good to include real data within their examples (we can use these for test cases later) 20:22:32 q 20:22:32 … But having some idea of where you are heading enables you to write use cases well. 20:22:44 q? 20:22:55 JT: When writing use cases, focus on tangible things and using real data is helpful. 20:23:16 ack next 20:23:21 EP: It is good having a link to a real customer. 20:23:54 I´m back 20:24:07 CL: My use cases reflect different aspects - more of a scenario you can break down into use cases. Sometimes scenarios give some framework to contextualise several use cases, which help define something of a roadmap as you shake it down to concrete requirements. 20:24:46 EP: Sometimes we come to use cases from our own perspective, and need to get the different views included. With a breadth of use cases we might be able to mitigate the biases. 20:24:54 q? 20:24:55 zakim, who is making noise? 20:25:06 chaals, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: eparsons (93%), Simon (18%), chrislittle (14%), +35385740aahh (9%) 20:25:20 EP: Suggest we work toward the deadline of the first face to face. 20:25:26 Topic: First F2F meeting 20:25:47 -> http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/1503tc OGC TC details 20:26:00 q? 20:26:02 EP: WIll be helld joiuntly with the OGC meeting in Barcelona in March. HAs everyone been able to see the details needed to register? If you are not an OGC member everything should be publicly avialable. 20:26:09 s/avia/avai/ 20:26:16 s/helld/held/ 20:26:20 q+ 20:26:29 ack next 20:26:33 … Our meeting will be all day on Wednesday. We'll work on the agenda over the next few weeks. 20:26:35 s/HAs/has/ 20:26:36 s/joiuntly/jointly/ 20:26:43 sorry - was typing 20:26:46 … It is good to get people to see each other. 20:26:53 s/HAs/Has/ 20:27:05 Simon, thought it was castanets... 20:27:06 s/WIll/Will/ 20:27:13 CL: OGC is very busy, and there are several things going on in parallel. So it will be difficult to make it. We should pin down the agenda to help. 20:27:23 EP: Think it will be a learning experience. 20:27:37 Possibility of F2F on the Friday, after TC activities? 20:27:49 q? 20:27:50 … There is a different tempo of meetings between OGC and W3C. Latter has whole-day [NdelT or multi-day] meetings. 20:27:53 In support of ChrisLittle statement - OGC TC not good for more than 1/2 day meeting 20:28:13 CL: GML and JP? are scheduled so far, 3D working group, … 20:28:36 For real work, other timings should be considered. 20:28:54 EP: There isn't much we can do about it. There is an ideal of running joint meetings, but this will be a learning experience. Maybe we will end up holding meetings at the end of the week... 20:28:58 q? 20:29:03 … are there issues with getting registered? 20:29:22 zakim, who is here? 20:29:22 On the phone I see eparsons, phila, Payam, cperey, armin, cory_henson.a, MattPerry, linda, ocorcho, Ingo, Clemens, Simon, JoshLieberman, chrislittle, aharth, Ashok_Malhotra, 20:29:25 ... George_Percival, ??P20, BartvanLeeuwen, chaals, [IPcaller], KJano, AndreaPerego (muted), +35385740aahh, LarsG (muted), +44.790.122.aajj, jtandy 20:29:25 On IRC I see ThiagoA, AndreaPerego, ioannis, percivall, LarsG, chaals, BartvanLeeuwen, KJano, jtandy, Ingo__, Ramon_Alcarria, Manolis_Koubarakis, Ashok_Malhotra, aharth, 20:29:26 Tentative OGC TC agenda, including SDW WG f2f: http://www.opengeospatial.org/event/1503tcagenda 20:29:29 ... JoshLieberman, ChrisLittle, cory_henson, cperey, armin, Linda, IanH, Simon, ocorcho, MattPerry, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, Clemens, eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, 20:29:29 ... trackbot 20:29:35 q+ to ask what level of detail you need for the f2f 20:29:38 EP: That's the agenda. I cannot make call next week, but my co-chair will. 20:30:04 q+ to be boring about zakim names etc. 20:30:09 ack jtandy 20:30:09 jtandy, you wanted to ask what level of detail you need for the f2f 20:30:28 JT: Is the level of detail enough to triage what I have added to use cases, or should I add more? 20:31:04 EP: Not sure. Think they may be a little light, but don't want to ask for massive amounts of effort. It might help if people add detail to them as we go - perhaps for now we should aim for depth, and flesh them out later. 20:31:11 … What is your sense? 20:31:48 JT: For requirements to magically be clear we are going to have to add some more detail to what we have. But recommend we start aiming for breadth, and look at what appears to have common issues, then elaborate. 20:31:52 +??P26 20:31:55 … rather than elaborating everything in parallel. 20:31:59 EP: Agree 20:32:05 +1 to Jeremy 20:32:15 q? 20:32:20 +q use the why how what principle for UC 20:32:28 ack next 20:32:29 phila, you wanted to be boring about zakim names etc. 20:32:29 +q to use the why how what principle for UC 20:32:31 zakim, ocorcho is OscarCorcho 20:32:31 +OscarCorcho; got it 20:32:37 -??P26 20:32:40 q? 20:32:44 ack next 20:32:45 BartvanLeeuwen, you wanted to use the why how what principle for UC 20:33:18 Percivall has joined #sdw 20:33:27 BVL: Wanted to add the idea of using the How Why What. Use cases can get technical. We need to know what needs to be solved and why, rather than How... 20:34:09 … and we need to make sure the use cases are actually in scope. 20:34:13 q? 20:34:17 ack next 20:34:21 TOpic: administrivia 20:34:29 s/TOp/Top/ 20:34:45 PhilA: Useful approach is to have specific questions we want to ask. 20:34:45 are specifically relevant to data published on the Web; 20:34:46 encourage publication or re-use of data on the Web; 20:34:46 can be tested by machines, humans or a combination of the two. 20:35:07 … would need to be amended for this group, but the approach is really helpful. 20:35:36 EP: Sounds great. Can you append that to the Wiki page? 20:35:48 PhilA: If we agree on what the questions need to be for this group… 20:35:52 -jtandy 20:36:18 +??P19 20:36:24 First question - for this group we want… 20:36:46 PROPOSAL: That the first scope question be ... Is the use case specifically about Spatial data on the Web? 20:36:48 +??P26 20:36:52 zakim, ??P26 is me 20:36:52 +jtandy; got it 20:36:56 +1 20:36:57 +1 20:36:59 -??P19 20:37:01 +1 20:37:03 +1 20:37:04 +1 20:37:06 +1 20:37:10 what about temporal data? 20:37:10 +1 20:37:11 +1 20:37:14 +1 20:37:18 +1 20:37:23 +1 20:37:25 spatial always includes spatiotemporal 20:37:33 +1 20:37:40 +1 20:37:44 EP: There is a danger that we get tied up in the nuances of wording... 20:37:49 Located temporal 20:37:49 +1 20:37:49 temporal data on the web ? 20:37:59 we do need use cases for the time ontology 20:37:59 q? 20:38:01 +1, just wanted to know... 20:38:10 +! 20:38:16 +1 20:38:27 resolved for me 20:38:30 RESOLVED: That the first scope question be ... Is the use case specifically about Spatial data on the Web? 20:38:52 2nd q is encourage publication or re-use of data on the Web; 20:38:56 so does the resolution include spatiotemporal or not? 20:38:58 [Phila uses this as a teaching moment] 20:39:19 [Spatial includes spatiotemporal since all spatial data includes spatiotemporal data] 20:39:24 q+ 20:39:26 yes, thanks 20:39:30 ack next 20:39:36 PA: What's the equivalent question for this group? 20:39:38 q+ 20:40:04 JT: This question was specific to the data on the web group. For spatial data you get a very amorphous requirement... 20:40:21 zakim, who is making noise? 20:40:35 chaals, listening for 12 seconds I heard sound from the following: eparsons (54%), linda (3%), chrislittle (15%) 20:40:41 … don't think this question gets tight enough for our purposes. 20:40:47 -Ingo 20:40:58 q? 20:41:00 EP: THis is for data you are trying to share. No? 20:41:08 JT: On a higher level, yes. 20:41:39 ok 20:41:42 … OK with the question in its broader sense, but not sure it is specific enough to help. 20:41:46 ack next 20:41:50 (sorry - poor network connection I think) 20:41:56 [+1 to parking this question for now] 20:42:12 BVL: Question with scope - the *public* web? 20:42:14 q+ 20:42:27 q+ 20:42:35 q+ to suggest that the private web is still the web. 20:42:35 q? 20:42:37 Is the use case specifcally about how spatial information is linked with other data on the Web? 20:42:38 q+ to talk about open/closed Web (hint - they're the same) 20:42:59 f+1 to Percivall 20:43:11 ack next 20:43:16 BVL: I think DWBP group is specific to publc web, I want to use web technology that may not be public. 20:43:22 +1 to remark ed made 20:43:31 KJ: We shouldn't be overly specific on this call. 20:43:32 this is not about public web 20:43:33 s/publc/public/ 20:43:48 … Should be driven by use cases. 20:43:59 … if we have great use cases for something we should do it… 20:44:04 q? 20:44:06 q- 20:44:08 ack next 20:44:29 q- 20:44:34 breathers please mute 20:44:44 CL: Don't see distinction between public web and others. But the issue is tightening the scope. We want things published, but we want them to be interoperable. 20:44:48 q? 20:44:54 ack next 20:44:55 chaals, you wanted to suggest that the private web is still the web. 20:45:07 CMN +1 to Chris 20:45:10 q+ to talk about spatial/Geospatial 20:45:18 q+ 20:45:18 +1 to consistent use of Web technologes 20:45:21 q? 20:45:27 s/CMN/CMN: 20:45:27 ack me 20:45:27 phila, you wanted to talk about spatial/Geospatial 20:45:41 +1 as well ;) 20:45:44 PhilA: No difference between public and closed web. 20:45:47 q? 20:46:20 just to make my point more clear: lets not use this call so sort out whether spatial also includes geospatial, or even geo-data on the web as such or whether by web we only mean the public web,etc. Lets be driven by the uses cases and derive requirements from them. 20:46:20 … Someone mentioned spatial and geospatial - the point is that we were talking about non-geo use cases. 20:46:33 [+1 to non-geospatial use cases being in scope] 20:46:39 +1 20:46:44 +1 20:46:46 -??P20 20:46:46 +1 20:46:51 +1 20:46:56 q+ 20:46:56 … we cannot tackle things we don't have someone working on. Decisions are made by people who turn up… 20:47:05 ack next 20:47:10 s/so sort/to sort 20:47:29 GP: Use case about spatial information linked to other information on the web 20:47:36 +1 Percivall 20:47:37 q- 20:47:51 +10 Percivall 20:48:03 EP: How about not trying to be too prescriptiive up front - work on them first, then check them. 20:48:07 Linking is distinguishing feature of 'the web' 20:48:13 +1 for use cases first 20:48:19 +1 to Ed 20:48:21 ack next 20:48:27 (phila's point that "can be tested by machines, humans or a combination of the two." is good) 20:48:44 zakim, who is here? 20:48:44 On the phone I see eparsons, phila, Payam, cperey, armin, cory_henson.a, MattPerry, linda, OscarCorcho, Clemens, Simon, JoshLieberman, chrislittle, aharth, Ashok_Malhotra, 20:48:47 ... George_Percival, BartvanLeeuwen, chaals, [IPcaller], KJano, AndreaPerego (muted), +35385740aahh, LarsG (muted), +44.790.122.aajj, jtandy 20:48:47 On IRC I see Percivall, ThiagoA, AndreaPerego, ioannis, LarsG, chaals, BartvanLeeuwen, KJano, jtandy, Ramon_Alcarria, Manolis_Koubarakis, Ashok_Malhotra, aharth, JoshLieberman, 20:48:49 EP: OK. Let's go do work on use cases. 20:48:51 ... ChrisLittle, cory_henson, cperey, armin, Linda, IanH, Simon, ocorcho, MattPerry, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, Clemens, eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, trackbot 20:49:01 +??P9 20:49:07 … Any other business? 20:49:30 [Adjourned until next week] 20:49:32 thanks chaals for scribing; thanks ed for chairing 20:49:45 zakim, who is here? 20:49:45 On the phone I see eparsons, phila, Payam, cperey, armin, cory_henson.a, MattPerry, linda, OscarCorcho, Clemens, Simon, JoshLieberman, chrislittle, aharth, Ashok_Malhotra, 20:49:49 ... George_Percival, BartvanLeeuwen, chaals, [IPcaller], KJano, AndreaPerego (muted), +35385740aahh, LarsG (muted), +44.790.122.aajj, jtandy, ??P9 20:49:49 On IRC I see Percivall, ThiagoA, AndreaPerego, ioannis, LarsG, chaals, BartvanLeeuwen, KJano, jtandy, Ramon_Alcarria, Manolis_Koubarakis, Ashok_Malhotra, aharth, JoshLieberman, 20:49:52 ... ChrisLittle, cory_henson, cperey, armin, Linda, IanH, Simon, ocorcho, MattPerry, Payam, RaulGarciaCastro, Clemens, eparsons, DanhLePhuoc, RRSAgent, Zakim, phila, trackbot 20:50:19 thanks chaals 20:50:35 +35385740aahh is me 20:50:43 bye bye everyone 20:50:46 zakim, aahh is DanhLePhuoc 20:50:46 +DanhLePhuoc; got it 20:51:40 Zakim, +35385740aahh is me 20:51:41 sorry, DanhLePhuoc, I do not recognize a party named '+35385740aahh' 20:51:55 [IPCaller] is me 20:51:56 -1 20:52:03 -1 20:52:05 +1 20:52:05 +1 20:52:06 +1 to later 20:52:07 -1 20:52:07 +1 20:52:10 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 20:52:10 +Ramon_Alcarria; got it 20:52:11 +1 1/2 hour later 20:52:12 -1 20:52:14 -1 late enough 20:52:15 -1 20:52:17 +1 20:52:19 +1 20:52:20 0 20:52:23 0 20:52:23 0 20:52:24 also late enough for me 20:52:27 0 20:52:27 why ? 20:52:27 +0 20:52:42 ;) 20:52:52 i/[ipcaller is me]/Phil, can we move the call half an hour later? 20:52:58 Good *morning* everyone 20:52:59 thx bye 20:53:00 bye 20:53:02 Bye bye 20:53:04 -BartvanLeeuwen 20:53:04 bye 20:53:05 bye! 20:53:06 bye 20:53:08 thx bye bye 20:53:08 bye 20:53:08 bye 20:53:09 - +44.790.122.aajj 20:53:09 bye 20:53:09 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:53:09 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/28-sdw-minutes.html phila 20:53:10 -aharth 20:53:10 -chrislittle 20:53:10 good *night* 20:53:10 bye 20:53:11 -Ashok_Malhotra 20:53:12 -cory_henson.a 20:53:13 -OscarCorcho 20:53:13 bye 20:53:14 -KJano 20:53:15 -armin 20:53:16 -George_Percival 20:53:16 -Simon 20:53:17 -Payam 20:53:17 -jtandy 20:53:17 goodbye everybody! 20:53:18 -Ramon_Alcarria 20:53:18 -MattPerry 20:53:18 -phila 20:53:19 -linda 20:53:20 -DanhLePhuoc 20:53:21 -chaals 20:53:22 By all 20:53:23 -Clemens 20:53:29 -AndreaPerego 20:53:36 -LarsG 20:53:36 -JoshLieberman 20:53:41 -cperey 20:53:49 meeting: SDW WG Weekly 20:53:54 JoshLieberman has left #sdw 20:53:55 -eparsons 20:53:58 Ramon_Alcarria has left #sdw 20:54:06 AndreaPerego has joined #sdw 20:54:19 -??P9 20:54:21 DATA_SDWWG()3:00PM has ended 20:54:21 Attendees were eparsons, phila, armin, +1.412.390.aaaa, Payam, +1.603.521.aabb, linda, MattPerry, +, +61.3.925.2.aaee, JoshLieberman, chrislittle, Ingo, 20:54:21 ... Ashok_Malhotra, aharth, +1.301.560.aaff, jtandy, cory_henson, Simon, Clemens, BartvanLeeuwen, George_Percival, chaals, cperey, LarsG, AndreaPerego, +35385740aahh, KJano, 20:54:22 ... +30210756aaii, +44.790.122.aajj, OscarCorcho, DanhLePhuoc, Ramon_Alcarria 20:54:30 eparsons has left #sdw 20:54:34 RRSAgent, draft minutes 20:54:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/28-sdw-minutes.html phila