16:57:36 RRSAgent has joined #css 16:57:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/14-css-irc 16:57:54 zakim, this will be style 16:57:54 ok, plinss, I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM already started 16:58:00 -??P16 16:58:04 rrsagent, make logs public 16:58:10 +BradK 16:58:15 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:58:15 On the phone I see ??P21, BradK 16:58:25 +plinss 16:58:26 Zakim, ??P21 is me 16:58:26 +glazou; got it 16:58:35 murakami has joined #css 16:59:01 zcorpan has joined #css 16:59:07 +Florian 16:59:33 +SylvaIng 16:59:41 +??P26 16:59:49 +??P38 16:59:51 zakim, ??P26 is me 16:59:51 gregwhitworth has joined #css 16:59:51 +murakami; got it 17:00:03 Zakim, ??P38 is me. 17:00:04 +adenilson; got it 17:00:32 +??P40 17:00:40 Zakim, ??P40 is me 17:00:40 +kwkbtr; got it 17:00:59 +??P10 17:00:59 +[IPcaller] 17:01:12 +[Microsoft] 17:01:18 Zakim, mute ??P10 17:01:18 ??P10 should now be muted 17:01:21 +[Microsoft.a] 17:01:23 + +1.206.675.aaaa 17:01:26 Zakim, ??P10 is me 17:01:26 +zcorpan; got it 17:01:27 + +1.907.315.aabb 17:01:31 zakim, microsoft has me 17:01:32 +Rossen_; got it 17:01:33 zakim, aaaa is me 17:01:34 +astearns; got it 17:01:45 KeshavP has joined #css 17:01:56 Zakim, +1.907.315.aabb is me 17:01:56 +gregwhitworth; got it 17:02:44 +fantasai 17:04:14 + +1.281.305.aacc 17:04:29 Zakim, aacc is me 17:04:29 +TabAtkins; got it 17:04:33 Zakim, mute me 17:04:33 glazou should now be muted 17:04:42 +??P55 17:04:44 Zakim, ??P55 is me 17:04:44 +SimonSapin; got it 17:05:20 ScribeNick: fantasai 17:05:36 andreyr has joined #css 17:05:42 plinss: Anything to add to agenda? 17:05:47 fantasai: Tamil list numbering? 17:05:52 plinss: no 17:06:00 fantasai: K, let's do that one first. Should be quick 17:06:19 plinss: Please suggest items for CSSWG / Project Houdini agendas 17:06:24 Topic: Counter Styles 17:06:47 TabAtkins: Recently pointed out that when we added counter styles for Indian langs, added 8/9 Indian numbering 17:06:59 TabAtkins: Seems like an unintentional slight 17:07:08 TabAtkins: Tamil is the missing one, impl by only one browser, Firefox, 17:07:09 +SteveZ 17:07:17 TabAtkins: which is why we left it out 17:07:32 vollick has joined #css 17:07:41 TabAtkins: But I think we should add it in for completeness, and not unintentionally slighting anyone 17:07:53 Florian: I'm usually in favor of trimming specs down, but this seems perfectly valid reason to add it 17:08:00 ?: Exit criteria 17:08:08 +dbaron 17:08:16 TabAtkins: Not yet impl by two, but adding a new counter style is very quick 17:08:20 s/?/bradk/ 17:08:25 ??: In that case, I have no objection 17:08:31 s/??/bradk/ 17:08:32 plinss: Any objections? 17:08:42 RESOLVED: Add Tamil back to Counter Styles spec 17:09:06 +??P2 17:09:19 ChrisL has joined #css 17:09:34 Zakim, +??P2 is me 17:09:35 sorry, vollick, I do not recognize a party named '+??P2' 17:09:43 we also have a resolution to go to CR from about a year before 17:10:01 Zakim, ??P2 is vollick 17:10:01 +vollick; got it 17:10:01 yeah, but that one kindof got overtaken by xidorn's long list of issues 17:10:14 +ChrisL 17:10:19 ... which were the result of implementation experience... 17:10:19 fantasai: Hang on, for counter styles, we have a resolution from last month to go to CR 17:10:27 fantasai: Is that in progress, or fell off of the to-do list? 17:10:46 ChrisL: No idea 17:10:50 ChrisL: Will look at it 17:10:55 will look into it 17:10:56 Topic: Flexbox 17:11:11 Florian: Request raised again about 'order' affecting tab order and speech order 17:11:27 antenna has joined #css 17:11:27 Florian: It was pointed out that there was a reason for this difference. 17:11:34 Florian: And pushed back to ML/wiki 17:12:02 http://www.w3.org/mid/CAAWBYDAoGDQGZ9J42nA2zHNWMjJ5WfxDQ=XbuvqBSyM-P4geog@mail.gmail.com 17:12:03 alex_antennahouse has joined #css 17:12:06 Florian: There was an answer there, but doesn't really address the reasoning presented for how it currently works 17:12:15 Florian: So, not really making progress... 17:12:32 +[IPcaller.a] 17:12:48 I think im ipcaller 17:12:51 + +1.631.398.aadd 17:12:53 TabAtkins: I'm still of the same opinion of the WG, that the spec is right as-is 17:13:02 Florian: I agree. They may have a point, but not really making it. 17:13:03 I see https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Nov/0511.html where tab says "Yeah, I'm supposed to publish it as CR. Just haven't gotten around to it yet." 17:13:07 Rossen: I'm on the same page as well 17:13:25 plinss: Come back to it when Bo Campell is around 17:13:39 Rossen: Will this hold the spec back? We're trying to get the spec back to CR soon 17:13:50 + + - is perhaps Jerome 17:14:34 fantasai: I think it's important to get all the other fixes published 17:14:58 fantasai: I'd prefer to publish and take this up as an issue against the new CR 17:15:22 Rossen_: Don't want to hold publication hostage to this issue 17:15:23 ScribeNick: TabAtkins 17:15:31 Topic: Grid Layout issues 17:15:33 plinss: How close to publication? 17:15:36 -TabAtkins 17:15:40 lolwut 17:15:40 fantasai: Just need to finish up DoC and cross-check 17:15:55 plinss: Ok. We'll come back to this issue with Bo on the call 17:16:13 +TabAtkins 17:16:39 ChrisL, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Dec/0298.html 17:17:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Jan/0168.html 17:17:20 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Jan/0168.html 17:17:29 +[Bloomberg] 17:17:47 fantasai: Tab and I went through all the issues and made a bunch of fixes and such, need to get WG approval. 17:17:52 fantasai: First is about clamping overlarge grids. 17:18:09 fantasai: We needed to add a section for what to do if you can't handle a gigantic grid. 17:18:36 fantasai: The rule we came up with is that the start and end edges, whichever is outside the bounds, gets shoved back into the grid in the last possible position, while maintaining a span of at least one. 17:19:03 fantasai: So if you're totally outside the grid, your span gets truncated to 1 and you're shoved inside. If you're just partially outside, the dangling side gets shoved inside (shrinking your span). 17:19:44 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-grid/#overlarge-grids 17:19:52 fantasai: One wrinkle, if you have a huge grid due to a huge repeat(), should you stop the repetition on a whole number of repeats, or just let it stop when you hit the limit, even if it means only a partially-completed repetition at the end. 17:20:16 bradk has joined #css 17:20:51 plinss: The text seems fine. It looks like there's no recommended min? 17:21:08 ChrisL, http://www.w3.org/mid/CAAWBYDBaGNm+OK+6Rzf7Ko64k+V2jp_qWzt8Vzr+jUOVibXbZw@mail.gmail.com 17:21:16 TabAtkins: I previously had text giving a recommended minimum of 1million tracks. Looks like that was removed. 17:22:06 fantasai, and the disposition of comments is where? was a transition request ever sent? 17:22:11 fantasai: Don't think it was really intentional. 17:22:20 Rossen_: Let's just add it back; it'll make the feature more testable. 17:22:59 (wrong number of nines) 17:23:00 ChrisL, http://www.w3.org/mid/CAAWBYDB4DcJJqnCTNZOPCkZQdjK2Hi1=iO_Ed-Rc4jtrd68AUw@mail.gmail.com http://www.w3.org/mid/CAAWBYDA858yqtdFFDdMQ=Gcg5WTyyQK=GnHMwPUVvi2Y0XA0vA@mail.gmail.com 17:23:13 tantek has joined #css 17:23:34 Rossen_: I think I remember something in Flexbox limiting something to two bytes? 17:23:56 ChrisL, no idea about transition requests. The editor sent a request to transition (disguised as a request to publish, but still) 17:24:04 ChrisL, at that point it's up to the staff contacts 17:24:10 afaik 17:24:17 RESOLVED: Re-add the mandatory minimum of 1million tracks. 17:24:37 fantasai: Next issue is dropping the "stack" value. 17:25:00 estellevw has joined #css 17:25:19 fantasai: It's not a great value. We think we should just drop it. MS will need a value that puts things in slot 1,1 anyway (which doen't match "stack" behavior), so they can just keep an MS-specific value for that in their UA stylesheet. 17:25:52 +??P17 17:25:55 RESOLVED: Drop the "stack" value from Grid. 17:25:55 zakim, ??p17 is me 17:25:55 +tantek; got it 17:26:03 zakim, mute me 17:26:03 tantek should now be muted 17:26:12 fantasai: Next is about minimum size of grid tracks. 17:26:43 fantasai: In the Grid spec, if you have an auto or flex-sized track, you use the largest of the min-contents of the things in the track as the "minimum size" of the track, and then grow it or flex it from there. 17:27:05 fantasai: This doesn't work well for items that have a specified minimum size. 17:27:21 fantasai: We ahve a min-*:auto value from Flexbox. The idea is to have Grid behave the same way. 17:27:37 fantasai: Default behavior would stay the same, due to "auto", but let people override. 17:28:24 fantasai: This allows "auto" in minmax() - minmax(auto, foo) means "use the specified min-* property value", and that "auto" on its own expands to "minmax(auto, auto)". 17:28:59 plinss: Seems fine, but it look like there's a few subtleties I haven't wrapped my head around. 17:29:22 fantasai: I had Peter Salas look over the algorithm, and made some fixes. I think the algo ends up fine. 17:29:44 plinss: Any impls have any opinions? 17:29:52 Rossen_: We were part of the discussion, and were fine with it. 17:30:16 -adenilson 17:30:35 RESOLVED: Allow "auto" in minmax(), have it look at min-width/height for value, using same "auto" behavior as flexbox. 17:30:41 +??P18 17:30:48 Zakim, ??P18 is me. 17:30:48 +adenilson; got it 17:30:49 fantasai: One issue in many grid systems is to allow as many columns as there is space. 17:31:02 fantasai: But right now repeat() only allows a fixed number of repetitions. 17:31:09 -zcorpan 17:31:14 fantasai: We propose adding repeat(auto, ...) to solve this case. 17:31:29 +??P10 17:31:33 zakim, mute ??P10 17:31:33 ??P10 should now be muted 17:31:39 zakim, ??P10 is me 17:31:39 +zcorpan; got it 17:32:37 TabAtkins: For example, a catalog display that auto-flows things into a grid; each item is 200px, but you don't know how many columns that would end up using. 17:32:51 fantasai: And it's easy to calculate, because things are fixed-size. 17:32:54 plinss: Makes sense. 17:33:34 plinss: One thing that might make sense is [I don't understand what he's saying]. 17:34:01 TabAtkins: Send an email with an example? 17:34:05 *I like whiteboards for these types of discussions 17:34:07 plinss: Having one auto-sized track, and then filling the rest of the grid with auto-counted track 17:34:19 yeah and email would be nice 17:34:22 plinss: Number of auto-counted tracks would depend on width of first track 17:34:28 plinss: but maybe too complex for now 17:34:33 RESOLVED: Accept repeat(auto, ...) syntax. 17:34:51 fantasai: Next is justifying grid tracks. 17:35:08 fantasai: An impl brought up application of 'stretch' and 'space-between'/etc in Flexbox, and whether they apply to Grid. 17:35:28 fantasai: In Grid we originally treated the entire grid as a fixed box that got centered or whatever, but it was pointed out that it's useful to be able to justify the tracks. 17:35:46 fantasai: So if you have X tracks taking up *almost* the container's width, it's useful to fill the leftover space between the tracks. 17:35:59 fantasai: So we changed the spec to make the individual tracks be the alignment subjects. 17:36:15 fantasai: The "line" separating tracks can have "thickness", sorta, with the distribution values. 17:36:35 fantasai: For "stretch", you add a little bit more space to all the tracks at the end, similar to Flexbox. 17:37:20 plinss: I'm okay as long as this isn't the default behavior. 17:37:29 fantasai: It's not. 17:37:38 plinss: Also, how does this interact with gutters? 17:37:41 Actually, we might need to clarify that point :) 17:37:51 fantasai: Specified gutters would end up being a minimum separation between tracks. 17:38:26 Rossen_: Can we defer resolving this? I'd like more time to think about it. 17:38:37 fantasai: You were on the call when we discussed it in December, but sure, if you need more time. 17:38:55 fantasai^: You run the grid sizing algorithm to find the size of the grid tracks, then increase the size of the tracks to handle stretch. This gives you the final grid areas into which you lay out the grid items 17:39:12 -SteveZ 17:39:23 Topic: unprefixing min/max-content keywords 17:40:02 fantasai: We've got this Sizing spec which needs a good bit of work yet to get fully stable; there's a lot of complicated sizing stuff that's not very well-reviewed, with some parts missing, etc. 17:40:10 fantasai: It'll take a while to get a lot of the definitions stable and correct. 17:40:23 fantasai: But the syntax of min/max-content keywords and what they mean is stable. 17:40:47 fantasai: The Grid Layout spec is also using these keywords in grid-template-rows/columns, so once Grid advances a bit we can't change them anyway. 17:41:07 fantasai: And min/max-content concepts show up in the engines already (despite some occasional inconsistencies). 17:41:48 fantasai: So the keywords are super-useful. It would be nice if people coudl use them. So since we know roughly what they mean, and we're already exposing their potential incompatibilities through layout, we should go ahead and unprefix them now. 17:41:57 fantasai: Or possibly wait until Grid goes to CR to unprefix them. 17:42:25 dbaron: I'm not sure the definitions in the block direction work in all contexts. 17:42:48 fantasai: Yeah, I'm unsure what the correct answers always are in the block dimension. In the inline dimensions it's very clear what they mean. 17:43:16 dbaron: I think they depend on layout, and I think there are some things that depend on them not depending on layout. 17:44:19 TabAtkins: height:min-content is basically just "the height after layout". 17:44:35 Rossen_: Yeah, height always depends on width in block layout. That shouldn't be anything new. 17:45:10 Rossen_: I think we had this discussion in the past, and it was mostly related to orthogonal flows, and what min/max-content mean in that context. 17:45:49 Rossen_: We can't get around having some layout dependency for the cross dimension, in logical terms, but the main dimension should always be independnet of layout. 17:46:25 Rossen_: So are you currently concerned with them being unprefixed? 17:46:33 TabAtkins: Well, FF doesn't implement the keywords for 'height' right now. 17:47:19 dbaron: I'm a little worried about them ending up as something that makes sense in Flexbox and Grid and doesn't make sense in Block, in the height dimension, but I guess I'm okay with unprefixing them. Though I don't think the block dimension will be very interoperable for a while. 17:47:56 fantasai: Yeah, if we could unprefix them for just the inline dimension, we would, but that's effectively impossible. We could put a warning in the spec that says that using it in the block axis might be unstable. Most people will use it in the inline dimension anyway. 17:48:28 plinss: I'm a little concerned about having them defined in a spec that wont' be ready for years. 17:48:45 fantasai: Well, the entire point of this spec is to define these keywords, moving it around won't help. 17:49:04 fantasai: The issue is the complexity in intrinsic sizing in a bunch of edge cases. Table layout is mostly complicated due to intrinsic sizing. 17:49:12 RESOLVED: Unprefix min/max-content keywords. 17:49:14 thinkxl_ has joined #css 17:50:13 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2014Dec/0177.html 17:52:24 indeed 17:52:29 zakim, unmute me 17:52:29 tantek should no longer be muted 17:54:20 TabAtkins: Previously we resolved to allow asterisks in :lang(), but per my email (above) I think we shouldn't. The legacy lang behavior for ident-ish things can stay, but as soon as you need an asterisk, which breaks ident parsing, we should require use of strings. 17:54:35 TabAtkins: In general, terms defined from outside CSS are represented with strings, as it avoids parsing confusion. 17:54:37 mini-grammars not inside quotes tend to get painful eventually (see recent issues with unicode range), so I'm with tab 17:54:44 -adenilson 17:54:45 fantasai: I think this is something that will be very rare for authors to run into. 17:54:54 Florian: mini-grammars not inside quotes tend to get painful eventually (see recent issues with unicode range), so I'm with tab 17:55:03 plinss: So, any objections to requiring string? 17:55:07 +??P18 17:55:09 -??P18 17:55:09 fantasai: s/this/problems with asterisks/ 17:55:23 s/run into/run into, but I don't have objections if y'all have a strong opinion/ 17:55:30 +??P18 17:55:32 RESOLVED: Require quoting :lang() values as a string if they have asterisks. 17:55:37 Zakim, ??P18 is me. 17:55:37 +adenilson; got it 17:55:47 zakim, unmute me 17:55:47 zcorpan should no longer be muted 17:55:49 Topic: 'direction' propagation from 17:56:12 TabAtkins, so :lang() syntax is still ` | `? 17:56:14 zcorpan: It seems that browsers are propagating 'direction' and 'writing-mode' always from , even if it's set on root element as well. 17:56:24 https://codereview.chromium.org/758073003 17:56:25 zcorpan: So we should just specify the implemented reality. 17:56:34 Zakim: mute me 17:56:37 Zakim, mute me 17:56:37 zcorpan should now be muted 17:56:49 fantasai: I wonder what happens when you make the visible? 17:56:57 probably 17:57:00 fantasai: Does it use the direction/writing-mode? 17:57:21 dbaron: Gecko does different things in different places. There are 2 or 3 palces in our code where we carea bout the direction on the root, and they're inconsistent with each other. 17:57:38 tantek: touché 17:57:40 Florian: In general I think we should avoid making special unless there's compat. 17:57:50 http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/saved/3366 - visible head, dir on body 17:58:10 fantasai: I want to keep writing-mode consistent with direction. 17:58:20 fantasai: I don't *mind* making them inconsistent, but... 17:58:28 fantasai: I think the important one to consider here is direction. 17:58:59 in blink direction and writing-mode are consistent with each other i think 17:59:27 for Gecko doing different things, see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1071098#c16 17:59:53 tantek: Does it affect the title element? 18:00:05 TabAtkins: Yes, th eone on the page. I'm unsure what happens in the browser tab. 18:00:13 -[Bloomberg] 18:00:15 -vollick 18:01:08 TabAtkins: In Chrome, in the tab doesn't pay attention to rtl. 18:01:17 <Zakim> -[Microsoft] 18:01:24 <TabAtkins> fantasai: What is the percentage of pages that have dir=rtl on the body and not on html tag? 18:01:39 <Zakim> -glazou 18:01:42 <TabAtkins> Rossen_: You can have the same thing specified with properties. 18:01:49 <TabAtkins> fantasai: Yeah, but it's rare and bad practice. 18:01:53 <Zakim> -zcorpan 18:02:01 <Zakim> -SylvaIng 18:02:03 <Zakim> -[Microsoft.a] 18:02:05 <Zakim> -gregwhitworth 18:02:05 <Zakim> -tantek 18:02:05 <Zakim> -BradK 18:02:05 <Zakim> -dbaron 18:02:06 <Zakim> -fantasai 18:02:07 <Zakim> -[IPcaller.a] 18:02:07 <Zakim> -adenilson 18:02:09 <Zakim> -plinss 18:02:09 <Zakim> - +1.631.398.aadd 18:02:11 <Zakim> -TabAtkins 18:02:12 <Zakim> -Bert 18:02:12 <Zakim> -kwkbtr 18:02:14 <Zakim> -ChrisL 18:02:16 <Zakim> -[IPcaller] 18:02:18 <Zakim> -SimonSapin 18:02:18 <Zakim> -murakami 18:02:22 <bradk> bradk has left #css 18:02:44 <Zakim> -astearns 18:02:48 <Zakim> -Florian 18:02:49 <Zakim> Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 18:02:49 <Zakim> Attendees were BradK, plinss, glazou, Florian, SylvaIng, murakami, adenilson, kwkbtr, [IPcaller], +1.206.675.aaaa, zcorpan, Rossen_, astearns, gregwhitworth, fantasai, 18:02:49 <Zakim> ... +1.281.305.aacc, TabAtkins, SimonSapin, SteveZ, dbaron, vollick, ChrisL, +1.631.398.aadd, +, Bert, [Bloomberg], tantek 18:02:56 <tgraham> tgraham has left #css 18:26:34 <zcorpan> zcorpan has joined #css 18:47:21 <lajava> lajava has joined #css 18:49:01 <plh> plh has joined #css 19:02:33 <lajava> lajava has joined #css 19:08:29 <tommyjtl> tommyjtl has joined #css 19:37:30 <zcorpan> zcorpan has joined #css 20:03:01 <Florian> Florian has joined #css 20:22:59 <Florian> Florian has joined #css 20:24:52 <Zakim> Zakim has left #css 20:24:55 <Florian> Florian has joined #css 20:39:07 <Florian> Florian has joined #css 21:16:10 <dbaron> dbaron has joined #css 21:36:39 <dbaron_> dbaron_ has joined #css 22:11:08 <dbaron> dbaron has joined #css 22:59:19 <dbaron> dbaron has joined #css 23:08:46 <Florian> Florian has joined #css 23:55:47 <jdaggett> jdaggett has joined #css