14:59:35 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 14:59:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/07-webfonts-irc 14:59:37 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:59:37 Zakim has joined #webfonts 14:59:39 Zakim, this will be 3668 14:59:40 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 14:59:40 Date: 07 January 2015 14:59:41 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 15:00:16 zakim, this is 3668 15:00:16 ok, Vlad; that matches IA_Fonts()10:00AM 15:00:24 zakim, who is here? 15:00:24 On the phone I see sergeym, ??P16, Vlad 15:00:26 On IRC I see RRSAgent, RSheeter, sergeym, Vlad, trackbot 15:00:56 Regrets: John Hudson 15:01:04 kuettel has joined #webfonts 15:02:32 zakim, ??P16 is RSheeter 15:02:33 +RSheeter; got it 15:04:53 ChrisL has joined #webfonts 15:05:29 The Zakim incantor enters! 15:06:28 Chris, are you going to call in? 15:07:25 scribenick RSheeter 15:08:10 Topic: Table order 15:08:14 scribe: rsheeter 15:08:50 I don't think I set myself as scribe successfully? 15:11:42 scribenick: RSheeter 15:14:22 (discussion of table directory ordering) 15:14:31 -sergeym 15:15:00 +sergeym 15:15:35 -sergeym 15:16:43 +sergeym 15:17:18 reconfirmed that table directory MUST be sorted alphabetically 15:17:34 zakim, who is noisy? 15:17:46 Vlad, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: sergeym (99%) 15:18:03 that's an awesome feature 15:18:11 -sergeym 15:18:44 Sergei, Are you calling in ? 15:19:02 I have problems iwth my phone. I am trying 15:19:49 +sergeym 15:21:01 discussion of changing SHOULD arrange the table order per OTSpec to MAY 15:24:06 agreed to leave it SHOULD 15:25:53 Vlad: wonders whether reordering tables/data prior to sending to brotli might improve compression? 15:27:14 (spec currently doesn't make any assertions about encoder ordering so it is free to do as it sees fit) 15:28:59 Vlad: reorder might have saved ~5% with LZ compression; possible we'd see gains with brotli as well? 15:31:26 action vlad to Find out what table ordering MTX applies prior to compression 15:31:26 Created ACTION-157 - Find out what table ordering mtx applies prior to compression [on Vladimir Levantovsky - due 2015-01-14]. 15:32:03 action rsheeter to Inquire with Brotli crew about whether re-ordering input is likely to help or not 15:32:03 Created ACTION-158 - Inquire with brotli crew about whether re-ordering input is likely to help or not [on Roderick Sheeter - due 2015-01-14]. 15:33:08 action kuettel to Harras Raph :D 15:33:08 Created ACTION-159 - Harras raph :d [on David Kuettel - due 2015-01-14]. 15:33:43 ACTION-159=Harass Raph 15:33:57 We wouldn't want to harass anyone... 15:35:18 Vlad: asking about test suite 15:35:40 Google: expecting to proceed soon 15:37:22 Revised harass to friendlier "motivate" 15:38:55 Regrets: John Hudson, Jonathan Kew 15:39:52 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:39:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/07-webfonts-minutes.html RSheeter 15:41:02 zakim, list attendees 15:41:02 As of this point the attendees have been sergeym, Vlad, RSheeter 15:41:53 rrsagent, make minutes 15:41:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2015/01/07-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad 15:42:50 -sergeym 15:42:56 -RSheeter 15:42:58 -Vlad 15:42:58 IA_Fonts()10:00AM has ended 15:42:58 Attendees were sergeym, Vlad, RSheeter 17:59:06 Zakim has left #webfonts 20:05:28 jdaggett has joined #webfonts