16:23:51 RRSAgent has joined #css 16:23:51 logging to http://www.w3.org/2015/01/07-css-irc 16:23:57 Zakim has joined #css 16:25:44 Zakim, this will be Style 16:25:44 ok, glazou; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 35 minutes 16:25:52 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:26:49 glazou has changed the topic to: logs: https://log.csswg.org/irc.w3.org/css/today - 2015-01-07 telcon ; no agenda this week, see w3c-css-wg for explanation 16:35:41 kwkbtr has joined #css 16:48:55 bcampbell has joined #css 16:55:09 dael has joined #css 16:56:49 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 16:56:56 +dael 16:57:17 + +1.479.764.aaaa 16:57:23 Zakim, I am aaaa 16:57:23 +Florian; got it 16:57:42 +dauwhe 16:58:00 +Lea 16:58:02 + +1.206.675.aabb 16:58:09 zakim, aabb is adobe-seattle 16:58:09 +adobe-seattle; got it 16:58:22 zakim, adobe-seattle has astearns, fantasai 16:58:22 +astearns, fantasai; got it 16:58:47 andreyr has joined #css 16:58:48 SteveZ has joined #css 16:58:55 +[IPcaller] 16:59:13 IPCaller is me 16:59:15 glazou_ has joined #css 16:59:35 zakim, IPCaller is bcampbell 16:59:35 +bcampbell; got it 16:59:43 zakim, adobe-seattle has sylvaing, cabanier 16:59:43 +sylvaing, cabanier; got it 16:59:56 + + 17:00:02 Zakim, aacc is me 17:00:02 +glazou_; got it 17:00:15 +krit 17:00:16 zcorpan has joined #css 17:00:25 BradK has joined #CSS 17:00:26 +??P18 17:00:33 Zakim, ??P18 is me 17:00:33 +antonp; got it 17:00:51 +Plh 17:01:09 +BradK 17:01:18 +dbaron 17:02:12 +vivien 17:02:15 +??P22 17:02:31 +SteveZ 17:02:33 antenna has joined #css 17:02:34 Zakim: p22 is zcorpan 17:02:38 + +1.519.513.aadd 17:02:40 Zakim, p22 is zcorpan 17:02:40 sorry, zcorpan, I do not recognize a party named 'p22' 17:02:50 Zakim, ??P22 is zcorpan 17:02:50 +zcorpan; got it 17:03:26 smfr has joined #css 17:03:43 vollick has joined #css 17:04:06 +smfr 17:04:48 glazou: Let's start. 17:05:14 glazou: I'm sorry about the agenda today. As I said, the events in Paris disrupted the work day. The emotion in tremendous. 17:05:54 glazou: Back to the message, there were two things to discuss. The date of the May meeting, we need to resolve on that. As I said from the outline, the number of seats on planes is declining in Europe because it's vacation. 17:06:24 glazou: WE resolved to have it in NYC between 18-22 May hosted by Bloomburg, but we don't have exact days. andrey are you on the call? 17:06:42 glazou: Let's wait on him, but we can say if we have blockers or pref on days. I prefer the first three days of the week. 17:06:51 glazou: Other people? 17:06:55 no preference 17:06:56 dauwhe: First 3 days is fine. 17:07:02 glazou: People flying from CA? 17:07:05 andrey_r has joined #css 17:07:13 dbaron: I'm happy with beginning b/c it's closer to the AC meeting 17:07:33 +[IPcaller] 17:07:36 glazou: No obj if we resolve on first three days? Andrey said he was booking a room for the whole week 17:07:54 +1 for first 3 days 17:07:54 +??P32 17:07:57 Zakim, ??P32 is me 17:07:57 +SimonSapin; got it 17:07:59 RESOLVED: Meet 18, 19, 20 of May in NYC hosted by bloomberg 17:08:03 +[Bloomberg] 17:08:13 glazou: The 2nd item...oh bloomberg. 17:08:27 glazou: We suggested to have the main meeting 18, 19 20. Is that okay? 17:08:32 andrey: Yes. 17:08:42 glazou: Wonderful. Let's consider it closed. 17:08:48 (Not sure I can come: Also WWW2015 the same week...) 17:08:54 andrey: I'll have room for 30 people. Is that enough? 17:09:03 glazou: I think so. It might limit observers. 17:09:06 +??P35 17:09:15 glazou: Let's set up the wiki ASAP and we'll see how it goes with number. 17:09:21 glazou: We'll need hotel rec from you. 17:09:23 BradK has joined #CSS 17:09:25 andrey: sure. 17:09:49 glazou: Second thing is an action on everyone, we need agenda items for Sydney for CSS and Houdini. Please go to the wiki and add items. 17:10:02 glazou: Now I'm ready for whatever people want to disucss. 17:10:08 tantek has joined #css 17:10:14 glazou: I think fantasai wanted something and Florian said something about CSS3 UI. 17:10:21 https://wiki.csswg.org/planning/sydney-2015 17:10:31 Florian: I have a bunch on that and one on Selectors, I have a lot so I don't want to take all the time. 17:10:38 Topic: Psuedo Elements 17:10:50 + +1.631.398.aaee 17:11:03 good morning 17:11:03 called in a few minutes ago 17:11:13 fantasai: There's a couple of things. One is the OM section, do we want FPWD with that and do we want an issue or note about the status of that and we're not sure if it's right. I'd like to know what to do with the OM section. 17:11:13 Zakim, ??P35 is me 17:11:13 +tantek; got it 17:11:18 Link? 17:11:19 fantasai: There's one or two more issues. 17:11:29 zakim, mute me 17:11:29 tantek should now be muted 17:11:34 +hober 17:11:36 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-pseudo/#cssom 17:11:49 glazou: The OM section, the OM od CSS I think we're going to discuss during houdini meeting. It seems there's a concern about the state of what we have now and we want to revamp it. 17:12:00 Thanks 17:12:05 ??: There's already an issue in the section. 17:12:11 gregwhitworth has joined #css 17:12:21 glazou: and it's a FPWD anyway, so it's harmless to put it there. 17:12:26 s/??/astearns 17:12:39 fantasai: So put in the OM section and make it clear it may be changed 17:12:52 fantasai: Usually with a WD we think we're going in a direction, but we're not sure at all. 17:13:00 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-pseudo/#highlight-pseudos 17:13:22 zakim, unmute me 17:13:22 tantek should no longer be muted 17:13:29 fantasai: So the ::spelling-error/::grammar-error, did we want it in the draft, or not? There was no resolution at TPAC. 17:13:49 tantek: I think selection should be in the draft, absolutely. There's been a lot of demand for it. 17:14:00 -Lea 17:14:02 fantasai: selection will be. Do i include ::spelling-erron 17:14:30 I was asking for these to be included 17:14:39 glazou: In the words of the MOzilla editor there have been a lot of requests to style spelling different. grammar I don't remmeber as much, it's a lot harder to do, but I think putting it in the WD will make people think about it. 17:14:43 astearns: I agree. 17:14:46 +Lea 17:14:56 tantek: I think I'm in favor, I think it's important in an early version of the draft. 17:14:57 s/astearns/tantek/ 17:15:05 s/selection will be/::selection will be for sure; it's the main reason we're publishing this draft/ 17:15:11 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-pseudo/#highlight-security 17:15:16 astearns: What's the security concern? 17:15:25 tantek: It's based on what's in the dictionary. 17:15:28 s/astearns/tantek/ 17:15:48 fantasai: There's a section on the security issues that I added at TPAC 17:15:59 fantasai: [reads from spec] 17:16:18 SimonSapin: I'm happy to have that in 17:16:30 s/simonsapin/florian/ 17:16:30 s/SimonSapin/Florian/ 17:16:40 glazou: So any obj against keeping these two pseudo elements in the spec? 17:17:00 RESOLVED: keep ::grammar-error and ::spelling-error in the draft 17:17:30 Zakim, mute me 17:17:30 zcorpan should now be muted 17:18:07 fantasai: The wording in selectors is problimating b/c it's in a note. It also is...the wording is slightly different and we should figure that out on ww-style. I'm not sure the same wording would make sense. 17:18:29 tantek: It sounds like there's a general concern about user info leakage and that might merit it's own section. 17:18:32 fantasai: They're in two different specs. 17:18:40 tantek: Up to you, than. Your choice. 17:18:53 fantasai: I'll note they should align. 17:19:03 fantasai: Right now I'm suing must, for visited it's may. 17:19:12 dbaron: For visit it was backwards compats. 17:19:17 tantek: I'm happy with must. 17:19:24 fantasai: And it's more of a security problem. 17:19:33 glazou: Not jsut the address book, but words specific to your work. 17:19:43 fantasai: Or even some confidential information. 17:19:58 glazou: Anything else on this? 17:20:07 fantasai: I'd like to pub FPWD. 17:20:09 glazou: Fine by me. 17:20:13 tantek: Yes, absolutely. 17:20:24 RESOLVED: Publish FPWD of CSS-Pseudos 17:20:36 glazou: Anything else fantasai? 17:20:48 fantasai: I think that was the only thing. There's another issue on pseudo elements. 17:20:55 fantasai: Let me pull the e-mail. 17:20:57 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2015Jan/0053.html 17:21:36 data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%0D%0A