Tracker summary for Rob Frost

Semantic Web Health Care and Life Sciences Interest Group Tracker

Open Actions

There are 12 open actions.

ID State Title Person Due Date Associated with
ACTION-11 (edit) open Get the document on the web Rob Frost 2014-12-16
ACTION-20 (edit) open Hausam to send example of multi-axial hierarchy in loinc Rob Frost 2015-03-24
ACTION-27 (edit) open Start drafting submission, and distribute for comment Rob Frost 2015-07-21
ACTION-28 (edit) open Check with lloyd about whether someone can define a code, specifying a new coding system uri in Rob Frost 2015-07-21
ACTION-30 (edit) open Look at address / addresspart to figure out if nesting will cause problems representing nesting as subclassing Rob Frost 2015-10-20
ACTION-45 (edit) open Hausam to translate section 4 to xhtml Rob Frost 2016-02-09
ACTION-48 (edit) open Hausam to translate section 4 to xhtml Rob Frost 2016-02-09
ACTION-50 (edit) open Edit section 3 (terminology) Rob Frost 2016-03-29
ACTION-81 (edit) open Check on the resolution of final/amended codes (whether amended is an end state) Rob Frost 2017-04-11
ACTION-82 (edit) open Work with harold on implementing mini-ont generation Rob Frost 2017-04-11
ACTION-88 (edit) open Fork and enhance harold's demo as a tutorial. Rob Frost 2017-06-20
ACTION-90 (edit) open Hausam to discuss with term group about publishing owl vocabularies for codesystems Rob Frost 2017-08-08

Open Issues

There are 0 open issues listed in the system.

Tracker: documentation, , originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 43072.html,v 1.1 2018/03/01 14:14:16 jean-gui Exp $