21:18:44 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 21:18:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/11/19-indie-ui-irc 21:18:46 RRSAgent, make logs public 21:18:46 Zakim has joined #indie-ui 21:18:48 Zakim, this will be INDIE 21:18:48 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM scheduled to start in 42 minutes 21:18:49 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 21:18:49 Date: 19 November 2014 21:19:08 agenda? 21:20:00 Chair: Janina_Sajka 21:20:00 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 21:20:00 agenda+ Telecon Rescheduling Conversation 21:20:00 agenda+ Checkin with Web Apps' Editing TF [See below] 21:20:00 agenda+ Editor's Report 21:20:02 agenda+ Requirements & Use Cases Progress 21:20:05 agenda+ Testing Conversation; Polyfills 21:20:07 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 21:20:10 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 21:20:13 agenda+ Other Business 21:20:16 agenda+ Be Done 21:51:36 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has now started 21:51:43 +??P0 21:51:48 zakim, ??P0 is me 21:51:48 +janina; got it 21:51:56 zakim, take up item 1 21:51:56 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 21:56:07 kurosawa has joined #indie-ui 21:57:58 OK, Takashi, thanks! 21:59:05 +Joanmarie_Diggs 22:00:26 Zakim, I am Joanmarie_Diggs 22:00:26 ok, joanie, I now associate you with Joanmarie_Diggs 22:02:47 +??P2 22:03:17 ??P2 is me 22:03:24 zakim, ??P2 is me 22:03:24 +kurosawa; got it 22:07:16 kurosawa has joined #indie-ui 22:08:13 + +1.609.906.aaaa 22:17:09 Ryladog has joined #indie-ui 22:17:49 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:18:53 regrets: Rich, Michael 22:18:58 scribenick: joanie 22:19:13 JS: Items for the good of the order? 22:19:22 Ryladog_ has joined #indie-ui 22:19:24 JS: I have one item which is our next meetings. 22:19:55 JS: I propose that we meet again on 3 December, then 17 December. 22:20:06 JS: Then it's Christmas and New Years. 22:20:11 Next meetings on December 3 & 17 22:20:11 No meeting December 31 22:20:11 Resume January 7 22:20:15 22:20:24 JS: We resume 7 January. 22:20:44 JW: Unless someone on list has an issue, I think we should go with that. 22:20:51 TK: Agreed 22:21:03 JS: Done 22:21:09 Zakim, next item 22:21:09 agendum 2. "Telecon Rescheduling Conversation" taken up [from janina] 22:21:24 Zakim, close item 2 22:21:24 agendum 2, Telecon Rescheduling Conversation, closed 22:21:25 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 22:21:25 3. Checkin with Web Apps' Editing TF [from See below via janina] 22:21:27 Zakim, next item 22:21:27 agendum 3. "Checkin with Web Apps' Editing TF" taken up [from See below] 22:21:33 JS: Ben is not here. 22:21:43 JS: However, I'd like to hilight 2 things from the list: 22:21:56 JS: Ben started a discussion and there were some responses, but not fully resolved. 22:22:01 Naming conversation ended at: 22:22:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2014Nov/0028.html 22:22:09 JS: Naming.... (see above link) 22:22:20 JS: It would be good if we could draw some conclusion. 22:22:30 JS: It's easier to get it right. 22:22:40 JW: It's going to appear in multiple specifications. 22:22:54 JW: Agreement is more important(ish) than what the decision is. 22:23:08 JW: Ben also posted a useful note about the various related threads: 22:23:14 Related group work pointers are provided in: 22:23:15 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2014Nov/0035.html 22:23:24 s/JW: Ben/JS: Ben/ 22:23:40 JS: I just put the URI for the various discussions in (above) 22:23:53 JS: In talking with Michael, maybe we don't want a combined list. 22:24:03 JS: For instance, there's the Editing discussions. 22:25:07 JS: We have no disagreements over who owns what. 22:25:29 JS: Maybe IndieUI will launch ideas that gets picked up in other specs. There's nothing wrong with that. 22:25:34 Zakim, next item 22:25:34 agendum 4. "Editor's Report" taken up [from janina] 22:25:47 JS: James is not here so we don't have a report. 22:26:01 JW: It doesn't show anything interesting. 22:26:16 JW: I'm still setting up my Linux environment. Then I'll have all my tools set up. 22:26:51 Zakim, next item 22:26:51 agendum 5. "Requirements & Use Cases Progress" taken up [from janina] 22:27:10 JS: I think this is the overall topic we were on when informally chatting. 22:27:28 JS: The question about how far we want to take this in 1.0 versus 1.1 versus X.next 22:27:48 JS: My guess is, most of the people here at least would like to see extensibility supported. 22:27:57 JS: And agree to a fairly limited 1.0. 22:28:02 Katie: Yes 22:28:12 JS: I think I heard that from Jason. 22:28:24 JS: If we can find out how that extensibility works.... 22:28:42 JW: I have some concerns about criteria for what's included in 1.0. 22:29:00 JW: There's variation in systems (OS and platforms). 22:29:20 JS: Let's talk about this because I don't think we'd say it would need to be things that are uniformly supported. 22:29:31 JS: Example: Desktops support high contrast modes. 22:29:47 JS: But at least in Android, there doesn't seem to be such a thing as a plain background. 22:30:08 JS: Seems to me we'd draw the line in the sand. You have to provide a plain background. 22:30:30 JS: So there's a 2nd criteria that informs the most. 22:30:46 JS: Some variety in how it's implemented is ok, as long as it's easy to add. 22:31:11 JW: So what were concerned with at the very early stage is having it work it's way into the user agent. 22:31:40 JW: You could then add to the common attributes in subseqeuent versions. 22:32:13 s/what were/what we're/ 22:32:29 JS: I don't know what other difficult points we have for getting 1.0 out. 22:32:36 JS: But I think that principle should help. 22:32:45 JS: Even as we figure out how to support extensibility. 22:33:00 JW: I've been talking to people about it, and that does become a common concern. 22:33:12 JS: I don't have any more specifically for today. 22:33:37 JS: We should probably ask on list regarding this summary that we just articulated if this is general agreement. 22:34:23 JW: Thinking about the Events, is it still true that the big outstanding issue is the one related to slider controls 22:35:05 JW: Is this what everyone thinks needs to be sorted out, or was that resolved at TPAC? 22:35:14 JS: I don't think it was. 22:35:25 JS: I'd like to hear some proposals from the engineers. 22:35:38 JW: I could work on it, but I don't know what the issues are. 22:35:49 JS: If you want to throw out a straw proposal.... 22:36:05 JW: We need to get on top of what the issues with it were. Then maybe we can come up with something. 22:36:19 JW: Should we do something, maybe on the agenda for next time? 22:36:33 JS: I'll add it to the agenda for next time. 22:36:44 JW: Checking to see what the state of it is would help. 22:36:57 JS: It seems to me we need to tackle that. 22:37:06 JS: It's certainly an issue on mobile devices right now. 22:37:44 JW: I think it's fairly similar between Android and iOS. 22:37:56 JW: The issue is always going to be how do you define the generic events for this. 22:38:05 JW: It's not just sliders. It could be a circular control. 22:38:15 JW: Example: An imaginary clock hand. 22:38:24 JS: As Android has. 22:38:32 JW: You want generic events to describe the action. 22:38:51 JW: You have the component that the person is manipulating, along with the bigger control that contains it. 22:39:06 JW: The generic/intentional event needs to be generated. 22:39:18 JS: Based on who's here, I think we've done what we can today. 22:39:39 Zakim, aaaa is Jason_White 22:39:39 +Jason_White; got it 22:39:56 JS: Happy Turkey Day. 22:40:10 Katie: And welcome to Jason to your first one in the U.S. 22:40:51 RRSAgent, make minutes 22:40:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/11/19-indie-ui-minutes.html joanie 22:41:39 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:42:04 -Jason_White 22:42:44 Zakim, part 22:42:44 leaving. As of this point the attendees were janina, Joanmarie_Diggs, kurosawa, +1.609.906.aaaa, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Jason_White 22:42:44 Zakim has left #indie-ui 22:42:47 RRSAgent, stop