17:16:41 RRSAgent has joined #ua 17:16:41 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/23-ua-irc 17:16:43 RRSAgent, make logs public 17:16:43 Zakim has joined #ua 17:16:45 Zakim, this will be WAI_UAWG 17:16:45 ok, trackbot, I see WAI_UAWG()1:00PM already started 17:16:46 Meeting: User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group Teleconference 17:16:46 Date: 23 October 2014 17:17:22 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:17:22 On the phone I see [Microsoft], Greg_Lowney, Kim_Patch, Jeanne 17:17:30 zakim, Microsoft is Kelly 17:17:30 +Kelly; got it 17:17:50 agenda+ MS comments 17:17:56 agenda+ Test writing 17:18:06 agenda+ Agenda for TPAC 17:18:28 zakim, take up item 2 17:18:28 agendum 2. "Test writing" taken up [from jeanne] 17:18:42 JS: Let's take up test writing. 17:18:52 rrsagent, make minutes 17:18:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/23-ua-minutes.html kford 17:19:03 https://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/work/wiki/Tests_for_CR 17:19:32 zakim, code? 17:19:32 the conference code is 82941 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 sip:zakim@voip.w3.org), jeanne 17:20:06 JS goes over tests that have been written. 17:20:28 See the referneced link for details. 17:21:11 JS: Take note of the items marked as at risk. 17:21:49 JS: Those are items we thought might be difficult to test or otherwise had issues. 17:22:30 JS: At TPAC we'd do a mixture of testing and discussing items that are at risk. 17:24:07 KP goes over tests she's working on. 17:25:29 agenda+ removing the note in 1.4.3 17:28:42 zakim, agenda? 17:28:42 I see 4 items remaining on the agenda: 17:28:43 1. MS comments [from jeanne] 17:28:43 2. Test writing [from jeanne] 17:28:43 3. Agenda for TPAC [from jeanne] 17:28:43 4. removing the note in 1.4.3 [from jeanne] 17:28:52 zakim, take up item 3 17:28:52 agendum 3. "Agenda for TPAC" taken up [from jeanne] 17:29:32 JS: Plan is that someone will project screen showing tests and spreadsheet. 17:30:05 JS We will then do some of these tests and be able to show what's currently available. 17:30:43 JS: This way we'll know where we are and showing progress and gives us the advantage of having something interesting for observers. 17:31:45 JS: We will also look at at risk items, comments and such. 17:32:24 JS: We can do an intor to uaag, start some testing, look at comments. 17:32:48 JS: Sort of repeat the theme for each session i.e. morning and afternoon of each day. 17:32:55 JS: I'll turhn this into an agenda. 17:36:06 JS: There is a note in 1.4.3 that refers to somethng that's been removed. 17:37:14 Resolution: Remove the note in 1.4.3. 17:37:27 action: jeanne to remove the note in 1.4.3 17:37:27 Created ACTION-1037 - Remove the note in 1.4.3 [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-10-30]. 17:37:41 zakim, close item 3 17:37:41 agendum 3, Agenda for TPAC, closed 17:37:42 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:37:42 1. MS comments [from jeanne] 17:37:55 zakim, agenda? 17:37:55 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda: 17:37:56 1. MS comments [from jeanne] 17:37:56 2. Test writing [from jeanne] 17:37:56 4. removing the note in 1.4.3 [from jeanne] 17:38:08 zakim, take up item 4 17:38:08 agendum 4. "removing the note in 1.4.3" taken up [from jeanne] 17:38:11 action: jeanne to renumber 1.6 to reorder the AAA in the middle of the guideline. 17:38:11 Created ACTION-1038 - Renumber 1.6 to reorder the aaa in the middle of the guideline. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-10-30]. 17:38:23 See previous resolution, this item was covered. 17:38:28 zakim, close item 4 17:38:28 agendum 4, removing the note in 1.4.3, closed 17:38:29 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:38:29 1. MS comments [from jeanne] 17:38:37 zakim, take up item 2 17:38:37 agendum 2. "Test writing" taken up [from jeanne] 17:38:56 See initial meeting comments. Jeanne talked about her experiences writing tests and plans. 17:39:08 zakim, close item 2 17:39:08 agendum 2, Test writing, closed 17:39:09 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 17:39:09 1. MS comments [from jeanne] 17:39:53 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-uaag2-comments/2014Oct/0002.html 17:42:55 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-uaag2-comments/2014Oct/0001.html 17:43:12 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-uaag2-comments/2014Sep/0013.html 17:44:47 The group will discuss comments at the TPAC meeting. 17:48:01 zakim, close item 2 17:48:01 agendum 2, Test writing, closed 17:48:02 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 17:48:02 1. MS comments [from jeanne] 17:48:20 zakim, close item 1 17:48:20 agendum 1, MS comments, closed 17:48:21 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 17:48:28 zakim, take up item 2 17:48:28 agendum 2. "Test writing" taken up [from jeanne] 17:48:31 https://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/work/wiki/1.4.1 17:48:39 The group goes back to discussing test writing. 17:50:37 JS: Jan and I agreed that expected results should say that check item x is true. 17:51:01 https://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/work/wiki/1.4.1 17:52:58 https://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/work/wiki/Sample_pages_for_testing 17:53:06 JS: We made a list of what samples pages we needed and sample materials we need for testing. 17:57:06 action: Jeanne to post agenda for TPAC and include lists of links to current. Also update home page with these links. 17:57:07 Created ACTION-1039 - Post agenda for tpac and include lists of links to current. also update home page with these links. [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2014-10-30]. 17:58:26 JS: can we talk about the sample pages we need once. 17:58:56 https://www.w3.org/WAI/UA/work/wiki/Sample_pages_for_testing 18:00:13 Group talking more logistics of what is needed in test pages. 18:00:32 Like to use u.s. fed government becuase it is public domain. 18:03:07 Here is the press announcement talking about the FCC support using ASL. http://www.fcc.gov/document/fcc-adds-american-sign-language-consumer-support-line-videophone 18:04:26 rrsagent, make minutes 18:04:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/23-ua-minutes.html kford 18:16:19 -Kelly 18:16:21 -Greg_Lowney 18:35:52 -Jeanne 18:35:54 -Kim_Patch 18:35:54 WAI_UAWG()1:00PM has ended 18:35:54 Attendees were Jeanne, Greg_Lowney, Kim_Patch, Kelly 18:35:57 zakim, bye 18:35:57 Zakim has left #ua 18:36:05 rrsagent, make minutes 18:36:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/23-ua-minutes.html jeanne 18:48:10 regrets+ Jim 18:48:21 Chair: Jeanne, Kelly 18:48:28 rrsagent, make minutes 18:48:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/23-ua-minutes.html jeanne 18:49:06 Kenny has left #ua 18:49:11 regrets+ Jan 18:49:31 rrsagent, make minutes 18:49:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/23-ua-minutes.html jeanne 20:03:24 jeanne has joined #ua