13:54:20 RRSAgent has joined #tt 13:54:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-irc 13:54:22 RRSAgent, make logs public 13:54:22 Zakim has joined #tt 13:54:24 Zakim, this will be TTML 13:54:24 ok, trackbot; I see SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 6 minutes 13:54:25 Meeting: Timed Text Working Group Teleconference 13:54:25 Date: 16 October 2014 13:57:35 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has now started 13:57:40 jdsmith has joined #tt 13:57:42 +jdsmith 13:58:52 Nice to get an early start... 13:59:06 s/Nice to get an early start.../ 14:00:21 +nigel 14:00:45 + +1.720.897.aaaa 14:01:01 +pal 14:01:05 mike has joined #tt 14:01:08 zakim, aaaa is me 14:01:08 +glenn; got it 14:01:16 chair: nigel 14:01:34 Present: jdsmith, nigel, glenn, pal 14:01:40 +Mike 14:01:46 Present+ Mike 14:01:59 +[Apple] 14:02:08 courtney has joined #tt 14:02:10 + +41.22.717.aabb 14:02:30 zakim, [Apple] is courtney 14:02:30 +courtney; got it 14:02:33 Frans has joined #tt 14:02:54 zakim, aabb is Frans 14:02:54 +Frans; got it 14:03:03 Present+ courtney, Frans 14:03:43 scribeNick: nigel 14:03:52 Topic: This meeting 14:05:33 Topic: Santa Clara F2F October (TPAC) 14:05:43 http://www.w3.org/wiki/TimedText/tpac2014 14:07:49 nigel: goes through agenda as currently drafted. 14:08:26 glenn: I may need to leave slightly early on the Monday to attend another event. 14:10:27 courtney: Maybe we should reserve a short period for WebVTT publication discussions 14:13:21 nigel: Lists the applicants to be observers. 14:14:24 ... I intend to accept all the observer applications. 14:14:35 ... I'll send the emails tomorrow 14:17:14 nigel: It turns out that advanced registration is now closed, but I believe that registration is available on the day in person. 14:18:21 Topic: Action items 14:18:42 action-338? 14:18:42 action-338 -- Glenn Adams to Update change proposal 1 to reflect new approach and move to closed-implemented. -- due 2014-10-16 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:18:42 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/338 14:19:03 glenn: That's done. 14:19:22 close action-338 14:19:22 Closed action-338. 14:19:33 action-339? 14:19:33 action-339 -- Glenn Adams to Fill in the relevant sections of change proposal 12 and move it to closed-implemented. -- due 2014-10-16 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:19:33 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/339 14:19:54 glenn: That's done. 14:19:58 close action-339 14:19:59 Closed action-339. 14:20:04 action-340? 14:20:04 action-340 -- Glenn Adams to Update change proposal 24 and move to closed-implemented -- due 2014-10-16 -- PENDINGREVIEW 14:20:04 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/actions/340 14:20:29 glenn: That's done. 14:20:39 close action-340 14:20:39 Closed action-340. 14:21:46 Topic: Issues 14:21:48 issue-335? 14:21:48 issue-335 -- In order to handle offsets between start time in TTML docs and start time in video, allow negative times to be used in fragment begin times. -- pending review 14:21:48 http://www.w3.org/AudioVideo/TT/tracker/issues/335 14:22:42 nigel: We've had quite a bit of debate about this and decided to defer this until TPAC 14:22:56 glenn: I'll prepare a short presentation on this for TPAC. 14:23:48 Topic: Change Proposals 14:24:03 glenn: The only ones that require a significant amount of conceptual work and editing is the HTML5 mapping. 14:24:18 ... The raw content is outlined already, so I hope not to have to do much conceptual work there. 14:24:36 ... Before we go too far in the Rec process though we need some implementation support 14:24:47 ... for the HTML mapping, so I need to do some work on that. I've already outlined some 14:25:02 ... tasks on TTV to allow me to do some experiments with HTML mapping, which would be very useful. 14:25:13 ... I'm also refining the ISD mapping process, which is the other area I need to spend 14:25:26 ... some time on: the semantics and creation procedure. There's some material there 14:25:45 ... already derived from TTML1. Implementation work is progressing on that, and it 14:25:53 ... will help document the algorithm. 14:26:12 nigel: Is that for a Change Proposal? 14:26:25 glenn: It may come under Distribution and is also a pre-requisite for the HTML5 mapping too. 14:26:44 nigel: Do we need to liaise with the HTML WG on that? 14:26:48 glenn: I hope not! 14:27:11 glenn: The only reason we might want to is if there's a specific issue we may want to 14:27:22 ... discuss with them. I'm not aware of any. I'm not making any normative use of, e.g. 14:27:35 ... the TextTrackCue APIs. THere's an open issue on HTML5 regarding the DataCue 14:27:54 ... interface but that won't impede us here. 14:28:06 nigel: I was wondering if we were headed towards an HTMLCue. 14:28:29 glenn: I'm hoping we don't need to add that into TTML2. We have some pre-draft specs, for TTML1 and TTML2 APIs 14:28:40 ... which will probably make reference to those. When we make further progress with 14:28:48 ... those specs that issue will come up more. 14:28:55 nigel: We don't have those in our charter at the moment. 14:29:14 glenn: They're generally under TTML2 but not specifically marked as Rec Track deliverables. 14:29:29 jdsmith: TextTrackCue isn't really in a position now to be used for TTML now. 14:29:36 ... Should we have a TTMLCue or something like that? 14:29:40 +dsinger 14:29:54 glenn: That's the question, it may not be the right time to discuss it now. 14:30:09 jdsmith: Should we track that as an issue in the TTWG? It's not in any of our specs now. 14:30:24 glenn: It's implicitly under the TTML API level 1 and 2 because they make use of TextTrackCue 14:30:35 ... and define a TTMLCue interface. That's part of that discussion if we're going to 14:30:41 +Thierry 14:30:42 ... move forward to Rec on that area. 14:30:48 Present+ dsinger, Thierry 14:31:09 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/default/ttml1-api/Overview.html 14:31:12 Thierry: Apologies for joining late 14:31:14 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ttml/raw-file/default/ttml2-api/Overview.html 14:32:06 Topic: MIME type processor profiles short codes parameter 14:32:26 nigel: We need to get to a message that we can send to MPEG. 14:33:06 dsinger: We have that: TTWG will define one or more parameters to indicate the dialect or sub-brand of TTML. 14:33:20 ... We don't need to declare the format for that right now. 14:33:32 ... For example application/ttml+xml;[subparameter] 14:33:44 ... and the TTWG is responsible for defining [subparameter] 14:34:06 mike: We've agreed the syntax too, we just need to agree on the name of the parameter. 14:34:38 Mike: I'll draft a message to send to MPEG. 14:35:41 nigel: We've already got time set aside at TPAC to look at the registry page. Are there any other actions? 14:36:17 Mike: We should go ahead and post the response. 14:36:44 dsinger: Let's write a contribution from me and Mike to submit at MPEG rather than a liaison that might take a while to get through. 14:37:10 dsinger: On the profile name, there are some proposals: procprofs, rprofiles, what else? 14:37:16 glenn: I vote for codecs 14:37:55 dsinger: That's used elsewhere for H-264 etc. 14:38:02 glenn: In this case it's codecs related to TTML. 14:38:11 dsinger: It's not a formal problem, just one of being informative. 14:38:41 nigel: We need to conclude that we're not re-using "profile". 14:38:55 dsinger: I'd rather not redefine it. 14:39:03 glenn: We shouldn't touch that. 14:39:31 nigel: Presumably a new parameter should have a reasonably short name. 14:39:45 dsinger: That's why I suggested procprofs. 14:39:48 nigel: Me too. 14:40:03 Mike: In TTML2 do we have processor profiles or content profiles? 14:40:27 ... For interpreting the "profiles" parameter. 14:40:33 glenn: It is a processor profile. 14:40:42 mike: I would offer that procprofile is more confusing. 14:40:56 dsinger: What's the equivalent name inside the document? 14:41:11 glenn: It's ttp:processorProfiles but it doesn't take short codes. 14:41:36 Mike: profile has effectively been redefined already to be processor profile. We need a new label for the new syntax. 14:41:51 glenn: The original profile parameter in TTML1 referred to a single profile only, not multiple. 14:42:05 ... It was a little vague on whether it meant content or processor profile. We've 14:42:18 ... deprecated it in TTML2 and added processorProfiles and contentProfiles to 14:42:24 ... distinguish those two uses. 14:42:33 Mike: How about short-profile? 14:43:17 nigel: How about short-profiles? 14:43:32 dsinger: Would "profiles" in addition to the original "profile" be too confusing. 14:43:34 nigel: I think so. 14:43:57 dsinger: I'm back to "procprofs" to allow room for "contprofs" later. 14:44:07 glenn: If you're doing that, then "processor-profiles" would be better. 14:44:17 dsinger: The length isn't going to be a problem. 14:44:29 glenn: It's less likely to be confused, and is a semantic equivalent. 14:44:51 dsinger: We need to call out that the codes are short names not full ones in the documentation. 14:46:46 RESOLUTION: We will adopt the parameter named processorProfiles 14:48:22 RESOLUTION: We will host a registry page for this parameter including the long name that goes in the TTML2 document and the short name for the MIME type and a pointer to the ttp:processorProfiles parameter definition 14:48:51 Topic: WebVTT publication 14:49:13 dsinger: Thierry pointed out that we haven't published a formal FPWD for WebVTT even though it's implemented in various places. 14:49:43 ... To publish a FPWD, so we can call for wide review. We need a resolution from this WG to do that. 14:50:27 ... nigel and I and Silvia have been working on this. We need a resolution to publish a FPWD. I was hoping to have a final 14:51:07 ... draft of this to look at today. We're asking for formal feedback to come back to the TTWG and bugs to go to the CG tracker. 14:51:09 http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/webvtt-staged-snapshot.html 14:51:28 Dsinger_ has joined #tt 14:52:14 http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/webvtt-staged-snapshot.html 14:52:46 pal has joined #tt 14:53:19 nigel: This doc has a SOTD saying comments should go to public-tt and bugs go to the CG's bugzilla with some 14:53:34 ... distinguishing information to show that it originated on the FPWD. 14:54:02 pal: So the document proposed to be moved to FPWD needs to be offered for review to the WG. Has that been done? 14:54:23 dsinger: That's what we're doing now. It's the same as the editor's draft that has been around for a while, with some 14:54:28 ... boiler plate changes. 14:54:45 pal: I'd like some time to review this before we agree to move to FPWD. 14:55:02 dsinger: The FPWD doesn't imply any endorsement, but of course you can have some time to review it. 14:55:10 pal: I recommend this group gives itself at least a week to review it. 14:55:16 dsinger: OK, that's fine. 14:55:58 dsinger: regrets for next week from me. I'd like to have this resolved before TPAC so we can socialise it there. 14:57:04 nigel: Okay I'll put that on the agenda for next week and we'll resolve to publish if there are no objections. 14:57:38 nigel: What about the short codes? The proposals are webvtt and webvtt1 14:57:52 glenn: I'd suggest going for webvtt1 because there's likely to be a webvtt2 14:58:11 dsinger: If the team can alias webvtt to the latest version that's fine too. 14:58:57 RESOLUTION: At the time we resolve to publish as an FPWD we will use the short name webvtt1 14:59:33 dsinger: My intention for demonstrating wide review to get to CR is to contact the W3C groups HTML, CSS etc, and at 15:00:33 ... least MPEG and so on, and that it will get out in public lists etc. 15:00:54 nigel: You could use the same list as we used for IMSC1 as a basis, which was trawled from the Charter and the W3C liaisons page. 15:01:05 dsinger: I'll draft that email in anticipation of the resolution. 15:01:28 Apologies for running over 15:01:32 Topic: AOB 15:01:42 Ow 15:01:44 -Thierry 15:01:46 glenn: Quick announcement: I'm officially representing Skynav in this group now. 15:02:14 s/Ow/ 15:02:35 -dsinger 15:02:36 -courtney 15:02:36 -pal 15:02:37 -Frans 15:02:38 -glenn 15:02:40 -jdsmith 15:02:46 -Mike 15:02:49 nigel: Thanks everyone, for a very productive meeting. [adjourns meeting] 15:02:49 Dsinger_ has left #tt 15:02:54 rrsagent, make logs public 15:02:59 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:02:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:03:09 -nigel 15:03:09 SYMM_TTWG()10:00AM has ended 15:03:09 Attendees were jdsmith, nigel, +1.720.897.aaaa, pal, glenn, Mike, +41.22.717.aabb, courtney, Frans, dsinger, Thierry 15:04:40 i/Topic: WebVTT publication/chair: dsinger 15:05:02 i/Topic: AOB/chair: nigel 15:05:08 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:05:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:10:02 s|http://dev.w3.org/html5/webvtt/webvtt-staged-snapshot.html| 15:10:04 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:10:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:12:21 ScribeOptions: -noEmbedDiagnostics -final 15:12:23 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:12:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:16:49 s/chair: nigel/chair: nigel, dsinger (for WebVTT agendum) 15:16:50 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:16:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:18:11 ScribeOptions: -embedDiagnostics 15:18:13 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:18:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:19:05 s/chair: nigel/chair: nigel, dsinger (for WebVTT agendum)/g 15:19:07 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:19:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:19:38 s/chair: nigel, dsinger (for WebVTT agendum), dsinger (for WebVTT agendum)/chair: nigel 15:19:40 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:19:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:20:06 ScribeOptions: -noEmbedDiagnostics 15:20:08 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:20:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/10/16-tt-minutes.html nigel 15:39:56 nigel_ has joined #tt 15:41:21 nigel__ has joined #tt 16:17:32 Zakim has left #tt