Tracking Protection Working Group Teleconference

30 Jul 2014

See also: IRC log


Jack_Hobaugh, hefferjr, Fielding, Carl_Cargill, Wendy, eberkower, WaltMichel, npdoty, justin, Chris_Pedigo, RichardWeaver, vinay, kulick, WileyS, +1.323.253.aaaa, adrianba, moneill2, robsherman, [FTC], vincent, Brooks, walter, Chapell
johnsimpson, sidstamm, chris_m, dsinger, schunter


<trackbot> Date: 30 July 2014

<scribe> scribenick: npdoty

justin: short call
... next week we want to take up the market research / audience measurement
... authors comfortable with their existing proposal, take up that discussion starting next week
... the week of August 10th, no call as at least all the chairs are on vacation
... only a handful of issues still to deal with. will send around another potential batch closing email
... will send around, just let us know if you don't want any of those closed

"tracking" in compliance


<trackbot> issue-203 -- Use of "tracking" in third-party compliance -- open

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/2011/tracking-protection/track/issues/203

justin: discussed previously. fielding working on a proposal for restructuring
... should have that for us next week

<wseltzer> npdoty: I made the changes to the compliance document

<wseltzer> ... when you are tracking/not tracking, qualifiers, examples

<justin> npdoty: I've updated the spec to include TSVs along with examples in the different subsections.

justin: look at what npdoty has done, though expect it doesn't address fielding's issue

issue-97 link shorteners

<justin> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Privacy/TPWG/Change_Proposals_on_link_shorteners_and_ID_providers

justin: have a consolidated proposal from walter, mike and nick
... document is currently silent
... less specific to url shorteners exactly
... any questions or concerns about that language?
... unless there are any friendly amendments
... would go to a Call for Objections on that tonight
... feel free to send comments to the list, if any adjustments should be made


<justin> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Privacy/TPWG/Change_Proposal_Deidentification

justin: sadly, we don't have dsinger on the call today. not sure yet about how to merge with roy's
... two seem firm. article 29 proposal from vincent; expert review/safe harbor from jack
... not sure yet about merging david and roy
... maybe that would also satisfy proposers from EFF (heard from Lee)

<fielding> maybe definitions for identified, de-identified, re-identified, and anonymous?

<moneill2> +q

<vincent> is it similar to the green/yellow/red states?

npdoty: suggestion of having two terms, "deidentified" and "aggregate", where deidentified requires the three-step contract requirement but aggregate doesn't because it's so far from being identifiable, like "50%"

<WileyS> "Linked" is debatable in the Yellow State

justin: is there a similarity to previous red/yellow/green proposals about which can be released and which wouldn't
... test for "deidentified" (in dsinger proposal or current text) already. even aggregate numbers can enable reidentification

moneill2: if you delete the data and only return the count of scottish people, then there should be no reidentification concern

justin: just saying "aggregate" doesn't solve the problem (like small groups)
... would be interested in the exact terms of the text proposal for this super-de-identified state

<WileyS> We could have an entire working group on deidentification - we're going too deep here. Not that its not needed, but too large an issue to solve here.

justin: encourage people to talk more on the list and develop one or two more consolidated proposals

<WileyS> I would recommend we stay high-level (like Roy's proposal) and drill down into the details in another forum/pass/working group.

<fielding> I have not seen any example given where the data could be re-identified after it meets my proposed definition, since that would imply it does not meet my definition. ;-)

<justin> https://www.w3.org/wiki/Privacy/TPWG/Change_Proposal_Remove_personalization_prohibition

justin: per Shane, this can be a very complicated area. argument might be for a simpler description in our text


justin: personalization proposals last summer, perhaps related to lack of confidence in the signal issue, to imply that some personalization is allowed even when a DNT signal is present
... is there a proposal to include a "trackless advertising" term in the document?
... if that's the intent, it would be good to clarify these proposals
... there was a lot of discussion about that last summer [issue-215]

npdoty: is the intent to just clarify editorially where restrictions are present? or a change from what the current text currently prohibits?

justin: it might be that 236 is that sort of editorial thing, and that 234 is the intent for removing personalization prohibition

JackHobaugh: yeah, that sounds right

justin: will send email, don't need edits yet


justin: decision about data append was announced, but text needs to be sent around before next week
... quick call. anything else to discuss?

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.138 (CVS log)
$Date: 2014-07-30 16:28:14 $

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Found ScribeNick: npdoty
Inferring Scribes: npdoty
Default Present: Jack_Hobaugh, hefferjr, Fielding, Carl_Cargill, Wendy, eberkower, WaltMichel, npdoty, justin, Chris_Pedigo, RichardWeaver, vinay, kulick, WileyS, +1.323.253.aaaa, adrianba, moneill2, robsherman, [FTC], vincent, Brooks, walter, Chapell
Present: Jack_Hobaugh hefferjr Fielding Carl_Cargill Wendy eberkower WaltMichel npdoty justin Chris_Pedigo RichardWeaver vinay kulick WileyS +1.323.253.aaaa adrianba moneill2 robsherman [FTC] vincent Brooks walter Chapell
Regrets: johnsimpson sidstamm chris_m dsinger schunter
Found Date: 30 Jul 2014
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2014/07/30-dnt-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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