20:52:18 RRSAgent has joined #indie-ui 20:52:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2014/07/23-indie-ui-irc 20:52:20 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:52:20 Zakim has joined #indie-ui 20:52:22 Zakim, this will be INDIE 20:52:22 ok, trackbot; I see WAI_Indie()5:00PM scheduled to start in 8 minutes 20:52:23 Meeting: Independent User Interface Task Force Teleconference 20:52:23 Date: 23 July 2014 20:52:28 agenda? 20:52:41 Meeting: IndieUI Task Force Teleconference 20:52:42 Chair: Janina_Sajka 20:52:42 agenda+ preview agenda with items from two minutes 20:52:42 agenda+ TPAC 2014 http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/ 20:52:42 agenda+ Editor's Report 20:52:44 agenda+ Prospects with Web Apps' Editing TF [See below] 20:52:46 agenda+ Testing Conversation 20:52:49 agenda+ User Context Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/3 20:52:52 agenda+ Events Issues & Actions https://www.w3.org/WAI/IndieUI/track/products/2 20:52:55 agenda+ Other Business 20:52:58 agenda+ Be Done 20:54:01 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has now started 20:54:08 +??P0 20:54:13 zakim, ??P0 is me 20:54:13 +janina; got it 20:56:19 jasonjgw has joined #indie-ui 20:56:42 +??P1 20:57:07 zakim, ??p1 is jasonjgw 20:57:07 +jasonjgw; got it 20:59:15 kurosawa has joined #indie-ui 21:00:17 +??P2 21:00:49 Zakim, ??P2 is me 21:00:49 +kurosawa; got it 21:04:03 +??P3 21:05:05 regrets: Andy_Heath, Rich_Schwerdtfeger 21:05:18 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-indie-ui/2014Jul/0004.html 21:09:22 +Katie_Haritos-Shea 21:10:08 jcraig has joined #indie-ui 21:10:24 +[Apple] 21:10:47 Zakim, Apple has jcraig 21:10:47 +jcraig; got it 21:11:14 Zakim, Apple is jcraig 21:11:14 +jcraig; got it 21:11:21 Ryladog has joined #indie-ui 21:11:49 scribeNick: Ryladog 21:12:03 next item 21:12:24 zakim, next item 21:12:24 agendum 1 was just opened, Ryladog 21:12:36 zakim, take up item 1 21:12:36 agendum 1. "preview agenda with items from two minutes" taken up [from janina] 21:13:03 rrsagent, list attendee 21:13:03 I'm logging. I don't understand 'list attendee', Ryladog. Try /msg RRSAgent help 21:14:30 Katie notes significant interest in IndieUI at Open Web Camp 6, a development-oriented conference. 21:15:35 zakim, next item 21:15:35 agendum 2. "TPAC 2014 http://www.w3.org/2014/11/TPAC/" taken up [from janina] 21:16:10 JS: Please book rooms at the conference hotel 21:16:23 JS: we should think about agenda for 21:16:40 zakim, next item 21:16:40 agendum 3. "Editor's Report" taken up [from janina] 21:16:59 Scribe: Katie Haritos-Shea 21:17:09 rrsagent, set logs world-visible 21:17:25 JW: Git 21:17:31 MC: Done 21:17:40 JS: User Context is published 21:17:46 -> https://github.com/w3c/indie-ui IndieUI Sources on GitHub 21:18:21 MC: sources dont have a redirect, only James and I have commit access at the moment 21:18:44 MC: You can fork to suggest edits wiout being an editor 21:19:14 JS: We intend to publish 21:19:26 JS: We have a first public working daft 21:19:32 zakim, next item 21:19:32 agendum 4. "Prospects with Web Apps' Editing TF" taken up [from See below] 21:20:07 JS: New TF in WebApps, with new people to the W3C 21:20:28 JS: W3C is planning another one like the San Fran meeting in Germany 21:20:47 JS: Chrome,a dn IE though they hated Content-editable 21:21:21 JS: Cynthia got into a conversation with them. And we joined a few weeks ago. Their document is called an Explainer 21:21:22 link? 21:21:45 JS: They are want to get accessibility right, they would like to work with us directly 21:22:01 q+ 21:22:19 JS: Not clear is perhaps this is a way tp put relationships back together with WebApps without having to recharter 21:22:55 JS: Simi;ar to where we started when we first started. Web event folkd pulled out at that time. This group want to explore this further with us 21:23:03 -kurosawa 21:23:21 +??P2 21:23:26 Zakim, ??P2 is me 21:23:26 +kurosawa; got it 21:23:32 JS: James have you been able to llok at their documents yet? 21:23:42 JC: Not yet 21:23:55 JS: see links below 21:24:18 rrsagent, make minutes 21:24:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/07/23-indie-ui-minutes.html Ryladog 21:24:34 JS: I cc'd their facilitator 21:25:09 JC: We have been thinking about this too, Google Docs and iCloud and Outlook could use this 21:26:01 JC: I am not sure this is the best approach for IndieUI, but for an API for IndieUI would be good - becasue it is not specific t an Accessibility API 21:26:32 JC; It is a metter of getting the people who make Contenteditable to agree that they need to change their approach and that is hard 21:26:55 JC: The people who run the IE 21:27:06 JS: Her name is Julie, it is in the minutes 21:27:39 JC: Internally and exteranlly - there has been a lot of time and resources spent on it - and those people want it to be implemented 21:27:58 JC: Word does not use the same rebdering engine as WordPad 21:28:35 JC: There is evidence to show that the standrd approach is behind - and API to allow ths programmmaticall y is absolutely necessary 21:28:58 JS: They talk about it the way we ytalk about and particular action that you want to envoke 21:29:13 JC; But what abour set value for range - that is npt possiblle now 21:29:44 JC: We have a special control character - other aspects of rich text editing is not possibe with ContentEditable 21:30:02 JS: it os a new Task Force that has started up in Web Apps just a month aho 21:30:15 JW: We have a synergy with them 21:30:30 JSL Star twith there Explainer Document 21:30:46 JS: Their meeting are not weekly 21:31:09 JS: There is common cause here 21:31:28 CJ: They have valis issues 21:31:43 JC: I am reviewing their issues 21:32:00 JS: Here were people sitting down to do this out of the community we need 21:32:24 JC: We may not even ned to approach it is ARIA 2,0 which i thought we might have to do 21:32:41 zakim, next item 21:32:41 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, Ryladog 21:32:50 q? 21:32:51 q? 21:32:53 ack j 21:33:09 zakim, next item 21:33:09 agendum 5. "Testing Conversation" taken up [from janina] 21:33:58 JS: Has anyone heard from Hans recently - he was going to send us some polyfills? 21:34:12 JS: Did he just move back to NZ? 21:34:28 JC: Does he work for Paciello Group? 21:34:31 MC; Yes 21:34:43 MC: I will see if he is active 21:35:29 JW: I am looking at their document called HTML editing APIs 21:35:52 JW: It was out of one of the HTML specs, it is an editors draft 21:35:52 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/editing/raw-file/tip/editing.html 21:37:13 JC: Take this range stuff - it is an expansion of the existing API 21:37:23 JC: It is not new 21:38:55 JC: There are feature in the new document that Janina linked to - there are some poeple who are willing to admit that the current ContentEditatble is not sufficient 21:39:18 MC: Latest Github for him Hans was last Spril 21:39:31 JS: James will be pinging him 21:39:39 JC: I just sent that email 21:40:04 JS: What is the IMplementation status? 21:40:28 JC: We have been implementing ypu check for UI request evet - you cant do anything with them yet 21:41:06 JC: Yes there is partial implenetation but it i mre like BETA - there is no resistant - we are just t busy with other tasks 21:41:27 JS: So this is new in WebKit - would they fork or copy? 21:41:53 JC: Becasue the implementations have forked now - it has beenmore than a year 21:42:25 JC: There is not all that much to copy anyway - and this happened after their fork 21:43:11 MC; the most important part is that two different implemebter took the spec and implemented it in an interoperable manner 21:43:53 MC: If they used two seprate code paths then we would have to convince the W3C Director that it was the same - and if they copied the code - that will NOT be good for us 21:44:09 MC: We should look for 2 more implemenations 21:44:20 JC: We can look at the code base 21:44:48 MC: That sound reasobale but we would need to convinve the diredtor of that - and Judy 21:45:18 JC: If we could show that it works on Android and iOS that would be sugnificant 21:45:22 MC; Yes 21:45:45 MC: I am not saying we caannot convinve him but we need to be thing about it 21:45:47 s/sugnificant/sufficient/ 21:46:31 JC; It is almost liek the ARIA implememnations 21:46:46 JC: platfrom mapping to the API is very different 21:47:03 MC: It might depend on how the OS hands it over to the API 21:47:34 s/platfrom mapping to the API is very different/though the Firefox core is identical on Windows and Linux, the platform accessibility mapping to the API is very different/ 21:47:36 s/thing/think 21:47:54 JC: We dont have useable implementations yet 21:48:13 MC: We are just setting expectation for what we need to plan for 21:48:37 JS: I need to find out if FF is moving forward with IndieUI 21:48:53 JC: If we get one of them to do it the other one may follow 21:49:05 MC: If we can make that true then we should 21:49:53 s/If we get one of them to do it the other one may follow/If there is a WebKit implementation, and we get either Blink or Firefox to do it, the other one will follow/ 21:50:01 JS: That is why I was excited about Chrome being part of the WebApps ContentEditable effort 21:50:20 JW: We havent heard any comments on our documents? 21:50:31 JS: Dominic 21:51:24 JC: Yes, we had a discussion - he has some incites into other technologies that I dont have. I think that now it is in an implememntatble state. At the very least for feedback 21:51:55 JCL: The main thing that I was waiting on was the UItrigger and UImanipulator 21:52:01 JW; for slider 21:52:19 JC: Yes that will ahve to wait for my conversation 21:52:46 JW: I think folks want it for 1.0 21:53:10 JC: Yes I think that is critical for 1.0 - that is why I need this conversation with those folks 21:53:24 JC: I have some TBD in there 21:54:07 JS: I cannot think of any next steps, we should talk about Andy's request 21:54:27 JC: Andy's promary concern is about User Contexts 21:54:40 JC: I have seen any feedback from him recently 21:54:56 JS: I think that is correcct 21:55:30 JC: I would like to get his feedback on that and how GPII and other would fit into this API 21:55:38 JC: Maybe we can split the time 21:56:13 JC: the alternating time didnt really workout. I would liek to see feedback form him if he even thinks this will work 21:56:31 JS: I think the answer is going to be this hour of the day - but which day? 21:56:32 / example of taxonomy- or vendor-prefixed settings proposals, intended for standardization. 21:56:32 navigator.userSetting('-webkit-foo'); 21:56:33 navigator.userSetting('-moz-foo'); 21:56:42 navigator.userSetting('-moz-foo'); 21:56:55 JC: My schedule is getting tighter and tighter 21:57:07 / Andy, we could use the same approach for gpii 21:57:07 navigator.userSetting('-gpii-foo'); 21:57:28 or the other taxonomies 21:58:02 JW: Is goingto be makinga major move - I would need to get acclimated to US and the new job 21:58:24 JC: make a nice adding to WebKit this week 21:58:32 TK: yes 21:58:44 JS: We need to stick with this hour 21:58:58 s/make a nice adding to WebKit this week/Takashi made an ARIA edit to WebKit this week. Thanks for that./ 21:59:22 JS: so we do have some flexibility. We have these seperate events. I would only like us to chneg it once. Maybe some one off sof rnow 21:59:40 JW: I will try to make the temp meetings 22:00:10 JCl When is your move Jason? 22:00:26 JW: Early September or October 22:03:21 zakim, make minutes 22:03:21 I don't understand 'make minutes', Ryladog 22:03:35 rrsagent, make minutes 22:03:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/07/23-indie-ui-minutes.html jcraig 22:03:46 rrsagent, make minutes 22:03:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/07/23-indie-ui-minutes.html Ryladog 22:06:20 -jcraig 22:07:11 -Michael_Cooper 22:07:12 -jasonjgw 22:07:12 -janina 22:07:14 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:07:15 -kurosawa 22:07:16 WAI_Indie()5:00PM has ended 22:07:16 Attendees were janina, jasonjgw, kurosawa, Michael_Cooper, Katie_Haritos-Shea, jcraig 22:07:47 s/wiout/without 22:08:32 rrsagent, make minutes 22:08:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/07/23-indie-ui-minutes.html Ryladog 22:09:10 s/ypu/you 22:09:50 s/t/to 22:10:08 s/programmmaticall y/programmatically 22:10:36 s/implememnations/implemenations 22:10:52 s/reasobale/reasonable 22:11:14 s/chneg/change 22:11:20 rrsagent, make minutes 22:11:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/07/23-indie-ui-minutes.html Ryladog 22:12:23 s/implememntatble/implmentable 22:12:50 s/goingto/going to 22:13:35 trackbot, status? 22:13:56 rrsagent, stop log 22:13:56 I'm logging. I don't understand 'stop log', Ryladog. Try /msg RRSAgent help 22:14:15 zakim, please part 22:14:15 Zakim has left #indie-ui 22:14:28 zakim, bye 22:14:43 s/ypu/you 22:14:54 s/t/to 22:15:02 s/programmmaticall y/programmatically 22:15:10 s/implememnations/implemenations 22:15:18 s/reasobale/reasonable 22:15:25 s/chneg/change 22:15:35 s/implememntatble/implmentable 22:15:46 s/goingto/going to 22:16:17 rrsagent, draft minutes 22:16:17 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2014/07/23-indie-ui-minutes.html Ryladog 22:17:39 + James Craig 22:17:50 + Janina Sajka 22:17:57 + Michael Cooper 22:18:04 + Jason White 22:18:37 + Takeshi Kurosawa 22:19:19 rrsagent, please part 22:19:19 I see no action items