00:20:35 darobin has joined #tagmem 01:22:39 timbl has joined #tagmem 01:51:27 noah has joined #tagmem 02:18:35 dka has joined #tagmem 05:42:33 darobin has joined #tagmem 07:33:48 darobin has joined #tagmem 07:38:03 darobin has joined #tagmem 09:29:26 darobin_ has joined #tagmem 10:40:28 dka has joined #tagmem 11:09:08 JeniT has joined #tagmem 11:17:54 timbl has joined #tagmem 11:52:46 timbl has joined #tagmem 12:15:16 JeniT has joined #tagmem 12:41:58 dka has joined #tagmem 13:08:25 http://oksoclap.com/p/tag-july-22 13:24:42 twirl has joined #tagmem 14:07:09 plh has joined #tagmem 14:07:55 plh: minutes at http://oksoclap.com/p/tag-july-22 14:26:55 twirl: yeah 14:27:34 it's behavior browsers already have but don't express control over 14:28:51 looks like SW is much better method to control such things 14:58:06 http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-appsawg-uri-scheme-reg-01 15:03:14 Yves: the original thread is: https://twitter.com/slightlylate/status/486572197092552704 15:03:35 twirl: SW's aren't available on first-load 15:03:42 (sorry for the delayed response) 15:07:00 slightlyoff: yeah, I saw it, and the looooong thread came from overreactionon an out-of-context citation... pretty common :) 15:25:17 helluvah +1 to the RICG 15:37:18 darobin has joined #tagmem 16:34:51 twirl has joined #tagmem 17:12:46 dka has joined #tagmem 17:19:00 bkardell_ has joined #tagmem 17:50:06 http://tabatkins.github.io/specs/css-aliases/ 17:50:16 https://rawgit.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/master/css-extensions/Overview.html#custom-property 17:50:22 plh has joined #tagmem 17:51:03 strike the hash from that :) 18:25:22 darobin has joined #tagmem 18:47:36 plh has joined #tagmem 18:56:15 bkardell: proper url for above: http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-extensions/ 19:18:44 JeniT has joined #tagmem 19:23:48 OH HAI JeniT 19:24:19 hi and bye: time for my dinner! 19:25:19 wycats: http://gs.statcounter.com/#browser_version_partially_combined-ww-monthly-201306-201406 19:25:26 http://www.netmarketshare.com/browser-market-share.aspx?qprid=2&qpcustomd=0 19:25:32 20% of desktop 19:25:33 5.4% 19:25:44 you know why those numbers are wrong, right? 19:26:19 http://gs.statcounter.com/press/open-letter-ms 19:27:06 see also: http://gs.statcounter.com/factsheet 19:29:31 8% is still high 19:29:47 ah lies 19:29:48 5% 19:29:51 good call 19:29:52 anyway 19:30:02 we're likely going to drop IE8 support in 2015 19:30:13 believe me we do not want to support it 19:32:12 hm so one problem with the critique re: users vs. pages 19:32:14 is apps 19:32:17 apps have a single unique page 19:32:20 but many conceptual pages 19:32:32 so the statcounter approach is going to undercount htem 19:32:33 them* 19:35:22 IE8 should already be dead for new work at any place that's not doulbling your money to support it 19:36:40 like, gut-check time: how do you imagine that NetApp thinks IE is 53% of desktop market share? 19:40:07 to be clear, I'm not talking about spec-level decoupling 19:40:10 just marketing decoupligng 19:40:40 slightlyoff: it's worth asking yourself whether "everyone knows Chrome has X%" is actually empirical evidence 19:40:44 but I agree with you 19:40:53 my critique above would likely tend to undercount Chrome users 19:41:00 because oldIE users are not using a lot of apps 19:58:15 http://specifiction.org/ 20:13:30 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/SVGAnimatedLengthList 20:14:04 https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/single-page.html#types-InterfaceSVGAnimatedLengthList 20:15:37 I basically just want [0] => { baseVal: x, animVal: y } 20:21:13 wycats: I'm trying to understand if you'd like them to subclass Array or if an indexed getter and array-like-ness is good enough for you in this case? 20:21:23 the latter is acceptable 20:21:31 and matches the rest of DOM sadness 20:21:35 heh 20:21:41 this is worse than DOMNodeList 20:21:48 or whatever it's called :P 20:22:10 if you want to get the info at position 1, you need to do: list.baseVal(1) & list.animVal(1) 20:22:13 it's just silly 20:31:32 where is the draft? 20:32:12 wycats http://dev.w3.org/fxtf/geometry/#DOMRect 20:46:42 http://www.technologyreview.com/news/528121/a-contraceptive-implant-with-remote-control/ 20:51:51 http://www.w3.org/2012/webcrypto/webcrypto-next-workshop/Overview.html 21:26:16 JeniT has joined #tagmem 21:37:28 darobin has joined #tagmem 21:38:15 darobin has joined #tagmem 21:46:40 darobin has joined #tagmem 21:58:07 dka has joined #tagmem 22:17:05 darobin has joined #tagmem