Data Activity Coordination Group

16 Jul 2014


See also: IRC log


Tom_Baker, phila, Sandro, deirdrelee, Sören
Dan, Jeni, Stefan, Ivan, Arnaud



phila: Welcomed Sören and gave quick intro
... talking about new WGs as we have been talking for a while

RDF Data Shapes

tbaker: Talked about Application profiles - longish history
... revival of interest at Sem Web and Libraries in Hamburg last November
... started current series of telcons
... now a WG on RDF profiles
... looking to W3C and what's happening with data Shapes
... Session at DC Austin coming up
... session on Application profiles, metadata validation
... Mark ??? is chairing the session. Incl Kevin Ford from LoC, Eric Miller, Dave Wood etc.
... Dave W volunteered to represent ShEx at that event. Thursday 9 Oct.
... day before there's a tutorial focussed on App profiles
... expecting that to include an update on ShEx etc.
... Meetings for that WG are regular and anyone can join
... I'm also writing a paper with Karen Coyle that will include a section updating what's happening with ShEx/data Shapes
... may be pinging this group for input
... hoping to put some examples in the paper
... so I'll be asking (ERIC P) for quality check
... seems to be a critical mass of pewople in GLAM looking for solutions like this
... I guess we see some discussion about the roles of W3C cf. DCMI
... I see it that W3C sets up the tech spec rather than DCMI
... Issues, test suites etc.
... but there's a lot of interest on DCMI side that the back end will give a nice way ti help people author data shapes on the front end
... so that's something I think is most interesting

phila: Is that going to be useful for LOD stack, Soeren

Sören: So this is a schema?

tbaker: So what's the status of the name ShEx/data Shapes?

deirdrelee: I'm trying to distinguish between app profiles and data shapes?

phila: They're same

tbaker: Anyone used the word template?

deirdrelee: You mentioned to bridge the gap |-| LD and non-LD approaches
... Data on the Web can be non-LD. We're coming across these issues
... the RDF data Shapes language, will that include non-LD data?
... So if data Shapes decribe the sctructure, can it describe other aspects of the data
... say an application for a... statitstcial data. That might be in Data Cube, or is SAS or other languages. Can that be in other formats?

sandro: I don't think so. I think it's only going to be for RDF data (unless the data can be trivially converted to RDF)

tbaker: We have the same discussion in DCMI - there's a push to generalise beyond RDF. That's not what we did, we kept it focussed on RDF
... back in 2008 that was pretty controversioal, less so now
... No compliants yet

Spatial Data


The Next WG

Phila: Talked a bit about LD Fragments

Sören: It's a bit controversial. There's a paper in for ISWC. Evaluation suggested it didn't quite meet the claims. I'm still a little sceptical

sandro: +1
... It's an important problem. Not convinced it's the right solution. I think it can be used without any standardisation
... I guess you could haev servers that only accept LDF queries, ie. trivial queries that any endpoint should be able to handle

phila: I'm looking for the magic to link LD and non-LD

sandro: What about Linked API? (discussion)
... we need people who have been sold on RDF whose customers are not sold on it

Sören: So a Q on LD/Non-LD world connection... vocabularies are important
... was there an idea to do more on that?

sandro: I floated a proposal about a year ago. First thing we said was that we can host your vocabs
... We haven't been as loud as arguably we could. If people really wanted us to do this I think we'd have had more than 1 response

Sören: A couple of weeks ago I was with some transport folks. They want to start an initiative to build a vocab around transport - NUTS, transport etc.

<deirdrelee> How about Linked Open Vocabularies? http://lov.okfn.org/dataset/lov/

Sören: looking for something like schema.org for mobility
... so we're discussing how we could do that

sandro: We'd be very happy to host those vocabs. And we can provide the usual Comm Group support. If they want to pay they can have staff support

Sören: So I know the options. It's very German focussed for now. There's an asociation for these people


<sandro> http://www.w3.org/2013/04/vocabs/ W3C Vocabulary Services

Success stories

deirdrelee: We've gopt lots of examples from different domains

Sören: We have some commercial deployment of the LOD2 stack which is helpful. Our ambition is that it is used more widely
... the DNB and Europeana - lots of data.
... DNB ingests 2K+ RDF data sources
... that shows the power of Sem Web technologies